(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

ya i did. Then he said as long as is not spotting sld not worried lor. But before preggy i take prune juice to avoid such problem now preggy worst think is really becos of the supplements.

Eat more fruits for fibre. It'll help!
Happened to me a couple of times so far.

are u referring to the aching pain in the abdomen? I'll feel that if I walk or stand too much. I find that I've to sit down more often nowadays. Tummy not so huge already like that... can't imagine when i'm bigger!! haha...

btw, i searched for prune juice at Cold Storage n NTUC... cannot find leh... where is it sold?
Bjiou, maybe you can avoid eating iron pills if you are currently taking? Iron will cause constipation right? My gynae says as long as eat red meat, no need to take iron pills..
bjiou, i also have similar problem a few days ago. Think i ate too little veg and fruits for the past few days...but mine is not as bad...it's just a drop or 2 only. My gynae say must drink more water and more veg and fruits to increase fibre so won get constipation. Those vitamins we are taking are very heaty...so we'll have this prob.
hi puppylove

ya the aching pain .. but sometimes sharp pain .. like those ligament pain we had in first tri ....

ya I cant walk much now ... cant shop for too long super tired leh ...
puppylove, prune juice should be able to get from cold storage and ntuc...i think is the del monte brand or something like that...try looking under the juice section, not the fresh juice section.

I drink SunSweet Prune Juice also. Ya dun get it from the cold section, it shld be place together with those packet drinks.
bena & ilovebabies,
hmm... thot i hunted in both the cold/fresh juice section and the packet drinks/non-cold drinks section at Cold Storage... only saw plum juice, cranberry juice, etc... Will try again or ask the staff there. Thanks!

i just bought it last Sat from cold storage leh .. but be careful dun drink too much, it may cause diarrhoea if consume in large amts.
morning gals

last evening, I had this sharp pain below my abdomen leh ... so pain that I have to walk real slow .... what happen ah ? was so scared .. lucky bb kicked and moved after the pain was gone ...
hmm... i'm not sure watz the cause, but i had this sharp pain b4 too. Itz the lower part of the abdomen right? Happened to me a few times, particularly when i get up in the middle of the night to go toilet. Made me suspect it was 'cos of my poor sleeping posture or lack of proper bed support.

Had wanted to ask gynae, but my last appt was so rush, i forgot! But since i don't hv the pain anymore and the detailed scan went well, i also didn't call to ask. When's ur next visit? If u're concerned, do u want to call ur clinic to enquire?
littlepony, puppylove

dunno leh,.. this is the most painful one as far as I can remember ... ya it is at the lower part of the abdomen ...

i also suspect because I have been sitting down for too long .. i rem my last visit to gynae, he advised me to walk abt after sitting down after 30mins or more ...

ya I will definitely ask him on my next visit and will update u gals ... still feel scared ...

but bb is fine ... playing this morning
don't worry too much. I am sure you and bb will be fine!

I just feel my stomach has been stretched 10x. So sometimes, i feel very uncomfortable. Apply stretchmark cream.. but still at times, think baby is growing .. so stomach got the 'stretchy' feeling.
bena, think I can wait till next visit ... as long as bb is well and kicking ..

littlepony i also feel as if my ballooon gonna burst ... so sometimes cant do stretching or have fast movements hor ?
exactly that kind of feeling ' gonna burst' .. I am used to moving around very quickly. Now i am as slow as a tortoise. And fast movements became a No-no. I have to support my tummy first before i get up.
ahhah same here .. i have to always put my hands below my tummy .. so awful right ?? sometimes I ask my hubby to hold it for me haha

btw I saw this waist band stripe or watever u call that that supports the big tummy at the OIO maternity shop @KKH. Think it serves this purpose.
yap. i know about those waist band stripe. They help to support the tummy so we don't have to supprt the tummy with our hands. Haaa. i muz say, damn awful.. now i know how come preggy women always have to hold their tummy! haaa!
But i think if we put it on, then our tummy becomes bigger, isn't it? Gosh, and wrapping it round our tummy.. very hot leh! haaa!
yup, same here! had to support my tummy sometimes, esp. when itz aching n I've to climb stairs or walk far. Can't imagine when we get bigger! We'll be waddling like ducks! *faint!*
ya man ! now oredi so hot ! so I din bother to buy lah ... dun see much use for it leh .. but my legs are getting v tired also ... guess the weight is coming on me ...
then... we will wait for the govt to upgrade our lifts to stop at every floor so that we don't have to climb the stairs anymore haha ...
Gals, are your tummy getting very big? Mine like kind of stagnant leh...my tummy now around 37-38inch...is it normal? Bb still moving, so i am not too worried.

In the middle of the night when i wake up to pee, i will also hold my tummy before climing up, cos my room is platform...so the mattress sits on the floor...very low...gotto to hold else sometimes will feel some pain.
mine is 35.5 .. still smaller than urs eheh ... think we cannot use tummy size as a gauge cos it differs for individual .. some commented mine v big leh .. which I tot i looks normal ...
ilovebabies...okies...thanks...probably cos my tummy had been big all along...so now see already like not much diff. My friends say mine not very big...maybe also cos i put on so much weight so in comparison, tummy looks small :p
WAH! 1.5inch per week is quite fast hor...heheh. I still cannot imagine my waist at 37inch...sob sob...i look more like a barrel :p
my tummy was oso originally v big. so now like not much diff. the last time i measured and recorded was like in july last yr. today i measured again, only 0.5 inch difference.
same here - i feel my tummy is 'stagnant', haven't been expanding much since around 3wks back... some colleagues who learn tat i'm pregnant will say "is it? cannot tell leh..." Sometimes dunno whether to be happy to hear that or not...

Am just afraid tummy will suddenly balloon in the 3rd tri. Not good cos that'll mean worse stretch marks cos of the sudden stretching of skin.
puppylove, yah lor...for me, i used to be very fat then i lost weight...so already got the stretch marks there liao...guess whatever miracle stretch mark cream i put now also no use liao...heheh

Anyway, i still put moisturizers before i go to bed, so won feel so stretchy and tight.

Getting so excited. Going to see gynae tmr...can see bb again liao

envy envy .. my next visit is on 23rd May ... now trying to guess my bb's weight by then ... heeh ...

ya I also put moisturizer cos it has been getting itchy nowadays due to the stretching...
ilovebabies...i also waited very long...went gynae on a monthly basis...but dunno why from my last visit to this visit like VERY long...keep counting down...finally the day is here
previous visits like very fast get to go liao...
eheh becos u more kan cheong now ? or got more free time to think abt it ? u know lah, sometimes when we gets real busy, time flies very fast ....

rem to put down all the qns u have for gynae tmr to avoid disappointment !!
heheh...i think getting more and more kan cheong...last time doesn't feel anything, so maybe doesn't feel as attached and probably this time round will know gender of bb..even more exciting :p

True lor...sometimes when we are more free, the time seems to crawl forever and not pass...but once gets bz, take bullet train also not fast enough to catch up with the time.
Hi LittlePony

You mentioned abt the baby cot you saw in OG. I saw that too and interested in getting that. Any idea when the promo will end? I think the usual price is $399.. also, is this a good cot? How to choose a good cot?

hi emoments,
I did ask the sales assistant when the promotion ending. She said by 20th May but also while stock lasts. Free delivery too.

Yes, the usual price is $399. I personally think it's quite a good deal if you r getting it. First of all, i think the mattress not too bad leh. Quite hard. I don't like mattress that is too soft. And it has so many other features like it's able to rock and convert to a bed. It seems that the wood quite sturdy as well. To me, i think it's quite worth it. But whether it's a really good cot, I am not quite certain as well.

I am also thinking whether i should get. My sister in law is planning to pass me a cot. The most, i just get a mattress. So, i have to spend some time to consider this deal
Hi gals,

Talking about baby's cot. Do you buy those tiny nice cupboard/ chest of drawers to place baby's clothes or are you just going to put the baby's clothes in your wardrobe for now? My hubby and I don't know whether to get a proper wardrobe to put in baby's room so that when the baby grows up, she can still use the wardrobe. Or whether we should get those small drawer-kind English style cupboard/ chest of drawers now..
What do you think?
Hi Smiley,
If you have a baby room with a nice baby cot, then it will be nice to get those English style drawers. I think that will be very sweet!

I don't have a baby room and thus, unable to have these nice stuff. I will allocate a shelf in my current wardrobe to put the baby clothings.

I will be getting a wardrobe or maybe nice cupboard for my baby's room. Dont think I want to mix them with my clothes .. cos I myself is running out of space too ! haha
For me, my sister will be passing me her baby cot, and I have a single bed in the baby's room already. So, I am thinking whether I should throw or give away the single bed and decorate the room into a baby's room (coz the single bed looks really out now lah).. but it's a waste of money lah..

If I don't throw the bed away, next time when the baby is older, she can use the bed. But now, with a bed, a cot, I am wondering whether I should get a proper wardrobe that last till she's much older or just a nice chest of drawers for now loh... My sister bought a chest of plastic drawers from Toyogo, practical and cheap, but I find it very ugly. Heehee...

Mothercare Promotion Again!

We are pleased to inform you that from Friday 12th May 2006 to Tuesday 14th May 2006, there will be a discount of 15% on Mothercare children fashions, and up to 70% on Mothercare maternity fashions, also buy 2 get 1 free for our toiletries.

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