(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Good Morning girls,

I found this article about squatting during pregnancy from PregnancyToday. I squat when I have to keep my clothes in the bottom drawer. Boh pian. But I think, short while, no harm lah.

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I have been told it is dangerous to squat while pregnant, I find this hard to believe and am now 7 months pregnant and squatting all the time. What are the risks if any? - Kerry, Vancouver


I believe you are referring to squatting as sitting, not as weight lifting. If so, be aware that the ligaments surrounding your knees soften and loosen from the hormones elastin and relaxin. Once stretched, ligaments do not have the elastisity of muscle and could remain stretched. This might compromise the integrity of the joint stability - in other words, put you at risk for injury.

I am aware of the benefits of squatting during labor. Each woman needs to decide how much she wants to squat to practice for this athletic event. I would certainly not recommend squatting as a sitting or resting position, but rather as a practice position for labor and delivery.


hi to all,
i think it's still not advisable to squat or kneel too much. whatever it is, sometimes, we tend to forget and do the squatting position. If for a while, i think it should be fine... but if for long, i suggest you have a stool to sit on.. that will be better!

i also got the same thinking as Littlepony, esp after what I encountered in my first tri.. i only squat a while daily to wash undies leh ... err better not ....
Morning gals...

My mom also told me not to squat too much. If need to wash anything, sit on the stool. Squatting too much is not good for the joints and the bb.

Don be too bothered about getting fat and flabby for the time being...i think most impt now is the bb. After delivery, then we can work hard/doubly hard to get rid of all the fatty areas.
for those of u who're delivering in tmc, any idea what's the diff between normal single bedded and deluxe single bedded?
hi gals

saw this pic in another thread.. tot someone was asking for the correct mittens to buy right ?

here it is :

Morning Melissa,

Thanks for the information. I will refrain from squatting :p

edksd, i will be delivering in TMC, but I am afraid I don't know what's the difference between the two. I haven't joined the hospital tour yet...

I get to know from somewhere that we sld get mini socks for bb instead of booties. Cos it will not drop easily.

As for the mittens, that is fine oso..but I tink it only suitable for day time cos got holes leh..bb will be cold at nite.
Who went to the Seiyu sales? Heee.. i did over the weekend.. and bought the baby rompers which are selling 3 for $9.90. Tot they are quite good quality but then, my mil say after a couple of washes, it may expand. haa! Luckily, it's only for $9.90. But the rompers are very cute!!!! Haa! Can't resist!
what is a romper ?

bijou, the mitten I post her is not abt the hole, more of the non elastic band type.

tot some bb's legs are fat and wearing socks has the same effect as bb wearing mittens with elastic band ?
littlepony, i think can start to do some talking, light reading now right? I heard from friends that if start early, bb will react/respond...

Actually hor, do u think bb will know/can 'hear' if we did not talk out loud, but rather think in our mind?
Find it weird to actually talk out loud to bb...heheh.
hi bena

i think they do respond.

yest I was playing with my baby. I tap on the part where her legs was. she responded to every tap and I can see my tummy moved. ahah .. i always play this with her and she seems to know how to play the game liao .. so start early !!
hi smiley, i called up tmc to check. no diff, only deluxe is bigger. the rate is $138 more ex than normal single.
I am asking that reading question becos i went to buy a storybook yesterday. And I was reading to baby. After finish reading, he kicked me a couple of times. I think it's so amazed!
Bena, what are we supposed to read to the baby? Simple books that repeat the same words over and over again e.g. A for Apple, B for Boy...? Nursery rhythms or can be anything like newspaper articles?
eehh!! So interesting!! So cute! Tonight i go back also try...heheh...eerr...BTW, how do u know where are the legs and where's the head?
i always gets bums on my right side of the tummy, but i dunno if that's the hands of the legs that are sticking out..

my hubby tried to wake bb up last evening, but failed...think bb too tired cos we were out the whole day...then in the middle of the night, bb woke up and started fidgetting a lot and as a result of that, i was woken up...then i 'talked' to bb (brain power, not out loud) that i need to work and ask bb to go back to sleep...a while later, bb went back to sleep liao...that's why i am thinking if bb can actually know or hear us even when we are just thinking...and not talking out loud.

Hhmm...i must get hubby to talk to bb more often liao...
hi littlepony, what brand is the rompers. actually there're many bb clothing tt states 100% cotton but i can feel the difference in the material.

yday i found a brand called "luvable friends" in First Years at paragon which has 100% combed cotton bb clothing and it's really soft and nice. might get a few pieces for bb.
edksdid, thanks

I will just opt for the smaller room, and also include my hubby's stay plus meal. Not sure whether he just wants breakfast or every meal.
Hi Smiley,
I bought a book that comprises of a few fairytales such as Ugly Duckling, 3 little pigs... I think further down, i will get a book on nursery rhythms as well. Think for ABC flashcards, maybe can wait till they are a couple of months older... when they can see the flashcards themselves.

I am trying to gather a list of recommended books to buy for toodlers and kids.. once that list is done, i can share it with all of you. heee!
smiley, i also dunno wot kind of stuffs to read to bb. but friends told me that starting about 4.5mths, bb can respond already.

Littlepony, what kind of storybooks u read to ur bb? U read it out loud? Hhmm...i also wanted to read to bb, but dunno where to start. Hubby say he will read multiplication to bb...ha! i told him to better go polish up before he read the wrong stuffs to bb :p
Hi Edksd,
Sorry i can't remember the brand of the rompers i bought the other day. Will try checking and get back to you shortly. Heee!! Yes, go for 100% cotton although i must agree with you, some say 100% cotton but they don't feel like 100%.
today im in 19 wk 5 days. i still hv not really recognise bb movement yet. sometimes i do feel it but not sure is it really bb movement. so i shall just patiently wait for it to be more consistent then i determine.

but ive already started talking to bb since last mth.
tks littlepony !! waiting for ur lisst !

bena, i was feeling my tummy and I sort of felt the harder part of the baby, which is the head. cos I know the position of my bb based on last scan mah .. so i know where she is .... hehe bena try it out ... !

eh so u gals doing 3D scan ? any other benefits beside revealing the bb's features ?
littlepony...really? interesting leh...ur bb actually responded after u are done...is he expecting for more? Hhmm...guess i must go dig out all my kiddy story books or get from my cousin
hi smiley, do u noe is it a must to include all meal/breakfast? can we opt for no meal for hubby? coz i think he prefers to go out to get food instead of eating hospital food. esp breakfast, just go over to the coffeeshop opp. for roti prata. hehe...
I am not going for the 3D scan. I prefer to be kept in suspense if baby looks more like his dad or myself. I heard the 3D scan quite expensive. I rather save the money and buy other things for baby. Nowadays, i get very thrify leh... i don't dare to buy things for myself becos i think baby needs the cash more than i do.
ilovebabies...last night i also noticed a higher bulge on my tummy and when i kind of feeling that part, it's harder then the left...and i asked hubby to feel it...he too said it's harder...then after a while, the bulge is gone...and not so hard anymore liao...so i dunno if my bb just happen to stick out the hand or the legs...BTW, does the bb change position? Think the last month i went, bb head is still quite low below...so hopefuly my next scan will be more accurate and i can determine where's the head and the legs...and hopefully the gender too...else like so funny keep calling bb without knowing is he or she

cute cute!! really amazing!
edksd, is it? I thought we can either opt for breakfast only or all meals.. Oops, I better check.. I don't know whether my husband will park his car at TMC or not, else he can drive out to have his meals. The parking at TMC is very expensive! I wonder whether they have discount for mothers delivering there.. hahaha..

Thanks in advance Little Pony for the list, so sweet of you.

I am very tired too, couldn't get up this morning. It's because i stayed up to watch the result of SuperBand last night.. heehee.
hi littlepony, me too wont be doing any 3D scan. i think as long as bb is healthy, it doesnt really matter how he/she looks like.
littlepony, the 3D scan can show whom the bb looks like? Reckon it's going to be real expensive...anyway, don think it's absolutely necessary right? whoever the bb looks like is alright...still your own bb.

I also suddenly like became very thrifty...heheh...all for the bb.
im not sure abt the option of meal, tts why im asking, anyway, will know when time comes. we're not driving so parking is not an issue to us. otherwise every gynae visit going to complain coz my gynae clinic is in tmc.
bjiou, yah lor...i feel very weird leh...then when ppl ask me how's junior doing or something like that...i always dunno how to ans...just ans that junior's doing fine...also dunno to use he or she...hahah!

Actually, last night i suddenly have mixed feelings...dunno if i really want to know the gender of the bb or not leh...haiz...
I started reading to baby last night too. Took out my Enid Blyton book of Magic Faraway Tree stories and read the first chapter to her aloud. Somehow, there was a strange movement from her. Unlike the usual little bumps of hands and feet, this one felt more like the head moving. Maybe she is pushing her ear against the tummy to try to hear better? :)
Will try to read her a chapter every night before I go to bed.
yah hor..talking about carpark...really dunno if hospital will give complimentary carpark or not...else parking is going to be so expensive!
Hhahaha...Angeline! I like that! bb pushing her ears against the tummy to try and hear better...
the feeling is simply amazing hor...
Wah, Melissa, u super brave leh...i am the timid kind...i don't dare to read this kind of books even before preg. So did your bb kick you??

Over the weekends, mi went to watch MI-III, bb started moving when there were explosion scenes...think too loud...dunno whether the bb got a shocked or not...felt so guilty watching it
Actually my husband was very mischevious, he said that's baby turning the head away cos she wants to sleep. My reading aloud was keeping my husband up too. ;-P
Hi Bena,
I wanted to watch MI-3 as well but afraid the noise will be too loud for baby .. do you think so.... err.. having second tots about that already...
Angeline, ur hubby very cheeky! :p

Littlepony, i dunno leh...but after i kind of talked to bb, then bb settled down and went to sleep throughout the movie...guess i only told bb that we are going to watch movie...but did not warn bb about the noise level. Really regret leh...hope bb is fine lor
feeling really guilty!!
Bena, littlepony,
I think at this point, baby can hear everything in the surrounding. Once I was in JB in a centre of a lelong centre I was surrounded by noises from loudspeaker while I was sitting down eating my goreng pisang. I can feel baby kicking non-stop. That's the only day baby was active. I believe baby is definitely reacting to the noise. So I don't dare to go to noisy places anymore.

Oh btw Bena, baby didn't kick yet b'cos I'm reading silently hehe.

Melissa, yah lor...i think bb react to noise leh...i was watching american idol and bb kicked...then when watching chinese serial, no more kicks...

But i was telling my friend (already mother of 2)...she say it's ok...need to get bb used to noise...so that after birth, bb can sleep better anywhere...and thus will be easier for us to bring bb out...cos bb won be so affected by the durrounding noise...that's what she did and it's real easy for her...cos she need not rush home during bb's nap times...her bb can sleep even when we are having karaoke!
