(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

ilovebabies.. the bed can be dismantled, but storage is another problem. Where to store? I have a storeroom, but I don't think there's enough room to store the bed (coz there's the plank that supports the mattress that's still very big even after dismantle.

We are also looking at something like that in Ikea, but more on this : http://www.ikea.com.sg/products/product_display.asp?id=2641. It comes in white color also, very nice.. but the price is a bit high considering this can only be used for the first few years..
Are you going to get the chest of drawers (the link that you posted?)

wah this one more ex ah ? i oredi using the one I posted abv for my own clothes ...

may get two more I think ... to put bb clothes and other stuff
yah loh... that's why am considering whether to buy or not.. yours look nice too and value for money. For the design I am looking at, the top is more protruding than the drawers, so it looks like a table on top and I prefer the design to be like this loh... :p

But but but... may not be value for money lah
Initially we were considering putting wallpapers in the room and making it real nice, but in the end, we thought we better save.

i read on the web that it is not practical to waste money decorating baby's room. We should use the money to invest in other more practical stuff for baby.. that's why now in dilemma :p
btw do u gals snack between meals ?
nowadays i get hungry betw meals leh ... at nite at least I drink AnMum when I feel hungry so not so sinful...

I read from babycentre that we will feel hungry more often now ...
Hi Smiley,
Yes. my sis in law decorated her baby girl's room with wallpaper. In the end, her baby girl sleeps with her in the master room . Now, the supposed to be baby girl's room is a maid's room. So i think we should just spend our money on more practical stuff like MILK powder. Haa!

I agree .. dun bother to do all so much lor ... i think just paste some nice cartoon pics on the wall shld be good enough...

i just do the basic that fulfill my needs lor ..

I am also inheriting the bb cot cum playpen from my sis ...
ilovebabies...actually I thought Annum is very rich and fattening one?? I never dare to drink Anmum before I sleep.

And yes, I do snack between meals. BB is hungry lah.. Heehee... LittlePony, I am like you.. My desk is like a mini pantry now. haha..

bread is good

biscuits got many types... some are sinful also ahhaah

actually i stop snacking when I was warn by my gynae that I put on weight too fast in early 2nd tri .. but now really bo bian ... even babycentre says so mah ... hahaha excuse !
wah u all have special baby room with nice decorations ah.. mine will be very simple. i will buy a cot from kiddy palace and place it beside my bed. as for her clothes and diapers, hubby will sacrifice and give up half his wardrobe space to baby (he already sacrificed his favorite bolster for me haha). baby will be sleeping with us until she's big enough to stay in her own room. we have one plain wall that we plan to paste posters or whatever that's relevant but that will be after the birth when she grows up.

i know milk is fattening, but it recommended twice a day ... i scared I am losing calcium becos of pregnancy ... so I rather be fat and drink lor ... low in calcium is no joke leh ..
ilovebabies, u are following diligently on the 2 glasses per day rule of thumb? I am not taking calcium pill and sometimes I don't even drink a single glass a day.. :p Guess I am too figure conscious (I know that's very bad

melissa, my wardrobe has no place for baby's clothes anymore.. My hubby only using a tiny little potion of the wardrobe currently. Heehee...

ya me v good hor .. 1st bb mah .. dunno if I will still be so kuai with my 2nd little one

haha my wardrobe also no space for hubby's clothes too .. guess this is a common problem for women !

even my shoe rack is dominated by me !
gals, can i still take ginger tea now ? and how frequent ?

last week when i suffer from indigestion, i drank a cup of instant ginger tea and it really helps a lot.
ilovebabies...my last visit cannot see...so hopefully this visit can see better and determine the gender. U drinking special milk forumla for pregnant moms izzit?

I am just drinking normal low fat milk. At the same time i am taking calcium tablets...but always forget to eat

Me too, me too...my cupboard also totally filled already. going to get this drawer thingy just for bb stuffs
i think shouldn't be a problem taking ginger tea. But try to take it only if you feeling bloated, full of air.

Are you better now? Perhaps eating fruits is better than ginger tea?
helo! hehehe u talking about dressers ah, i like! i wanna join *raise hands*. hehehe i also going through my mind how i wanna do baby's room. ideal is to buy a white cot with white dresser cum changing table. will be so sweet loh! hehehe. but a friend gave us a hand me down cot liaoz, which is in beige, prob put that at my mum's plc. and we can't find a dresser cum changing table in white that is affordable! at least $700 one i think if i not wrong. initially thought of buying just a normal dresser like what ilovebabies and smiley posted above, then buy a changing mat to put on top. BUT realised that all the dressers thats nice (like the ikea ones above) is not the right height for changing. sigh....really headache. have a lot of friends telling me changing table not necc. just change on ur own bed laH! hehehe but dunno leh, like something missing? hehehe.

littlepony and emoments, any idea is the cot in OG solid wood? if so, that price very good leh. i am looking for solid wood cot, and i dun want rubber wood ones. and importantly, the cot standard shld be the US standard, not europe standard, coz US standard easier to find bedding sets. do you know the mattress size in OG? and do they sell mattress alone huh?

i did eat a lot of fruits but that day I wasnt feeling really well lor .. so I took ginger tea ... makes me burb and feels good. Cos I rem in our 1st tri, we are allow to take ginger tea to curb MS.

i am also avoiding all tea and coffee .. maybe ask gynae next time ..

bena, good luck tmr !! let us know the gender ok ?

daisybuttons, i also tot changing table is not nec leh .. just use the changing mat on the cot lor ?
i bought a plastic type PUREEN brand changing mat from kiddy palace last week... $6+ only cheaper than changing table ah ??
I believe it should be solid wood. as for the cot standards n mattress size, I am not very sure leh. Sorry.. perhaps emoments knows?
daisybuttons, I also think that changing table not required leh.. just buy the rubber mat and change on your bed lah.. I also wanted a white cot, white dresser (if that's wat it is called), small little white table and white stools.. BUT, my single bed is brown and the hand me down cot is beige also...
My hubby and I thought of painting the single bed and cot white, but we heard now cannot do painting, so this plan is shelved for now...
i am sure it will be fine. Don't worry too much. Actually, there are alot of things which we think we can't take but we can.. just don't take them too frequently, that's all.

Yesterday, i took ice-cream! and my bb seems to be very happy becoz he is kicking throughout the time when i am indulging in the most sinful thing. heeee!
there's two school of thoughts about ginger tea. one being that it's tea and it's caffeinated hence a no-no, another being that ginger is excellent for wind, a natural remedy, so it's good to have a cup. when i feel bloated, i ordered a teh sarabat and my bloat goes away too. i agree with you it does help.

don't feel so guilty lah. i'm not the kind who's too hard up. i went to a TCM doctor and she said i can have anything i want just in moderation then i went to a malay massage lady, she said the same thing too.
Heee. thanks for making me feel better! Hope that there is no medical proven that baby skin will be tan becoz mothers drink too much coffee and tea and if drink alot of soya bean, baby's skin will be very smooth and nice.
melissa tks ! felt better too

littlepony, talking abt bb skin, i drink AnMum chocalot everyday, does that mean my gal will be tan as well ? ohh noooo

btw I do indulge myself in ice cream sometimes too ! cos it is my fav prior to pregnancy leh ... aiyo i am sacrificing it for my bb now leh ...
haaa. i hope not! i am quite tan myself so i asked my mum if she drinks alot of tea or coffee when she had me. She say she drinks water! So well, since i am still visible (not transparent), i am sure it's not medical proven. It's the family genes that affect bb skin. Heee!!!

Ice-cream, my fav as well! I only beginning to drink and eat cold things like ice cream recently. So the satisfaction damn shiok! haaa!
ya I also tot so... dun think they are true hor !!

today my col say his wife is feeling engorgement and leaking the pre milk already ! she is abt 26 weeks now...
the thread here is sooo active!

Angeline, i was reading abt ur posting...u wanna cum back sg to deliver. But have u plan when to come back? coz when i went to travel agency to book for my bintan trip the ger was telling me if i'm more then 6 months preggie most likely i will not be able to take the ferry. Same for planes i suppose?

I'm one of Dr adrian 'patient'...my colleague just took up the package with him at her 2nd visit. Her first visit she had to pay full and surprisingly when she took up the package Dr Adrian actually deduct off the amount she paid in full during her first visit. But if u are coming back nearer to ur due date den no point talking about the package. Think you have to concentrate more on deliver package and skill loh
rainnie if u need to travel, think u need a letter or cert from gynae to certify that u r fit to travel. Not too sure abt ferry but I think this is the procedure when u take planes.
Hi all,
Just to update on my detailed scan: All is ok & normal wt baby. Having a girl so am quite pleased since was hoping for one. My gut feeling was accurate then
Baby's currently in breech though.

Also spoke to gynae abt VBAC, he seems quite ok wt it but did explain risks as well. So, am gonna play by ear and see what situation is during labor.

my last pregnancy, i started leaking badly at abt 28wks!
*sasha* (sasha4real), Congrats on having a baby girl.You are not in the Sept 06 table list. Can you update me your details. Thanks
here are my details:
nick: *sasha*
age: 24
EDD: 25 sept 2006
gynae: dr benjamin tham
hospital: KKH
lovenest: toa payoh
gender: female
baby name: -
preferred birth method: VBAC
baby#: 4
thanks a lot!

ilovebabies & puppylove,
VBAC is Vaginal Birth after C-sect. As for the leaking, I had to use breast pads. i didnt like it cuz it was very uncomfortable & looked ugly esp since i was wearing maternity bras which was not padded so created an awful shape

mine was so bad (probably because i was having twins) that i leaked even when i was asleep and when i go out, must bring cardi or jacket to cover the stains on my top!!

i hope this time not so bad...*fingers crossed*
Hi LittlePony
Thanks for the info... at least now I can bring hubby to go & check out the baby cot.

Hi Daisybuttons
Sorry, I"m not sure either... tt's y I dare not make the decision when I went to take a look last Sun... I dunno wat to look out for either... however if I do get to go down again this weekend, I'll check with the salesgirl the size and let you know.
Gals, yesterday saw the Robinson preview sale thingy...got maxicosi car seat...but quite ex leh...not too sure if can be used for infants tho...got other items like play pen, strollers too. The play pen is quite cheap...after member discount is only about $100
HI Rainnie,

I've check and Cathay accept preggie up to 36 weeks of pregnancy. But of course have to have doctor's cert.

I will make a trip home somtime in July to do the hospital tours and visit maybe 2 - 3 doctors to make enquiries and decide on which one.

How do we arrange hospital tours? Can I just show up and the reception and ask for one or have to make appointment first or have to follow a hospital schedule?
wow Sasha,
This is amazing. I am impressed and of course, admire you. It's not easy bringing up 4 kids. But i think you going to find all the hard work is worth it when they grow up.

Kudos to u ! Role model leh !
What am I doing at age 24 ? think in my 3rd yr of university only ... busy pat tor ahahha

btw sasha, why do u choose vaginal birth after c-sect ? sorry I still dun get what it means ..
ilovebabies...think what sasha meant is that she had a c-sect for her previous pregnancy...but for this one, she is going to try natural birth.

I have a friend also did that, but nearing delivery date, her gynae adviced her against natural, cos her bb getting too big.

tks !! I tot she was referring to her current pregnancy ahahha stupid me ...

ya sometimes baby too big cant help but to go for c-sect
ilovebabies...yah lor...i think for sasha is bcos her previous pregnancy was a twins.

BTW, any of you know if we opt for natural, then during delivery change to emergency c-sect, how is the hospital bill charged? is it normal delivery charge + c-sect charge? or just pay for c-sect? What about gynae fee?
Dear All,
As I have mentioned before, i am putting up a list of recommended books for toodlers and kids. Well, i managed to come up with a few. These are graded almost close to bestsellers in Amazon. And I think your kids will find them interesting. There are still alot of good books on the shelves. Therefore, if you happened to come across one, do share with the rest of us! Cheers! <center><table border=1><tr><td>
Suitable books for toodlers and kids
Suitable Books for Toolders.xls (16.9 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Thanks little pony!
Wow...none of the book in the list is what i have read before...heheh...times are different liao :p
Hi Bena,
Yes, I was expecting to pull out books that i am familar with.. but surprisingly, none of each i read before except 'The Hungry Caterpillar' . I must say, they are quite expensive for a small book like that. But for ' The Hungry Caterpillar', it has a gift set which comprises of the book and a stuff toy- which of course is the caterpillar. Another gift set comprises of the book and an audio cd with the author reading the book.

Yeah, kiddy books are actually quite ex...and it's really cute that they came with the soft toy as well. Sometimes when i walk past bookstores, i can't help but pick one up to flip through too...
