(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

here's a table on blood types. For my case, very easy 'cos both me & hubby are O, so bb will definitely be O.


ilovebabies, no lah i am not in the medical profession hehehehe how i wish. i always love such things, so i try to remember them when i come across something interesting. anyway, learnt about the blood group thingie when i borrowed my cousin's biology text book to read last time mu ha hahaha!

puppylove, your weblink, the part on rhesus + and -ve is very interesting.
thats why they test our blood types during the 12 weeks test. coz heard that if the baby happens to inherit both -ve genes from the parents, he or she will be rhesus -ve, which may have some problems coz diff rhesus types from the parents...
this is like a biology lesson! haha... this part i dun understand: parents who are not O can produce a bb who's O, eg. A + A = A or O. But how come AB + O = A or B only? Why can't bb follow one of the parents and be AB or O?
ilovebabies & daisybuttons

Wha..I tink what daisybuttons had explained is correct. Anyway, I do not know what is the medical term for that. As for rubbing the tummy, it will also trigger labour. As for changing the position of baby is very much of the way we stand and bent our body. Becuz the more we bent our body, the more space we have for our baby to move and if we keep straight they have very little room to move. Heeheee..but it only applys when we are in the later stage.
AB + O = A or B only

is becuz baby will take your A or B + your husband O. So baby will only have A or B but not AB.

Understand? Hope I'm correct
helo puppylove, hehe this is fun.

Coz if one parent is AB and the other O, then its

Mum => A + B antigens
Dad => O + O antigens

since the baby must take one from each parent, he can only take A+O (equals A) or B+O (equals B).

But for the parents with A and B blood groups:

Mum => A+A OR A+O
Dad => B+B or B+O (coz A and B blood grps can contain the antigen of the same type of one O inside).

so, baby, taking one from each, got slight possibility of taking both "O"s.
sorry, i still dun understand. Obviously i didn't take biology! haha... never mind, since my case is O + O.

i'm also sayang-ing tummy when applying stretch mark cream. I guess shld do it very lightly, esp. when in last tri.

Hehee!! you can be teacher already. Your explaination is so detailed.

At 1st im also blur when both my kids were following my husband's blood group which is A+. And mine is B+, so i tot they will defintely have AB so the doctor explain that im not a BB but B0 so they probably get the O from me and get the A from my husband. That is y they are getting just A+.

Very Cheam!!! haha!!
ahhaa same here ... i dun have the brains to process such complicated formulas now that I am pregnant ... oredi vexed with my technical work
hi ladies,
sorry to intrude here. i am fr the Oct MTBs.
as my EDD is early Oct, there is a possibility 4 my baby to arrive in Sept, so i often pop into this thread to see wat u ladies r discussing.

Realised tt wat daisybuttons posted tdy is v interesting! abt the iron supplements. hmmm, and as to when to take wat supplements, i think its wise to follow, else baby will end up not absorbing wat we think it is.

the blood grp one, i oso a bit confused. hehehe
hey there..

im wondering whether you hav any idea how many mths preg i am.. i noe.. i dun wan 2 freak u guys out.. i hav yet 2 go 2 d doc regarding my pregnancy.. i mean ive gone 2 d doc once.. but den i wuz so busy at home wif stuffs n taking care of my 2yr old daughter, dat ive stopped goin 4 my appt..

my last period came in late dec.. i tink maybe juz b4 new year.. i noe im a 2nd MTB.. but im still as blur as sotong.. so im guessing dat goin 2 hav diz baby diz cumin sep? or oct? can sumbody help mi out? i goin 2 d doc soon.. maybe nxt wk.. i hav 2 settle sum stuffs 1st..

im already beginning 2 feel my baby kicking mi.. but d feeling is light n faint.. isnt it a wee bit early 4 mi 2 feel d baby kicking? i noe its a gud ting.. maybe sum of u willing 2 enlighten mi? thnks alot~!
helo gembaby!
WELCOME to the Sept thread.
hehehee. yah i also quite confused about the supplements thingie, coz all along i was told not to mix obimin with milk or diary prdts. had tot its coz of the calcium, but i think now its the iron content? going to ask the nurse soon hehehee...

watie, if your last menses, arrived in end Dec, chances are you are around 16 weeks preggie IF your usual cycle length is 28 days. Do you remember your usual cycle length? if your cycle is longer, than your no. of weeks preggie shld slightly reduce. if cycle shorter, then increase.

Assuming a usual cycle length of 28 days hor, you can count how many weeks have elapsed from the day of your last menses, and thats the no. of weeks you are pregnant.
of course, this is just an initial guide, u will need the measurement of ur baby's length to be more accurate. but if you see a doc after your 16, 17 weeks, they dun measure baby length anymore, think they will measure legs and head instead.

if you are indeed 16 weeks preggie now (last menses in last few days of Dec, 28 days cycle), chances are you EDD will be early October.
But depending on growth of baby, and most of the time ppl give birth earlier right? so welcome to the Sept thread!

as for you feeling kicking, lucky you.
think coz you 2nd time mum, u can identify the feelings better, so usually will feel it earlier than 1st time mums. so its s good thing!

hey remember to take folic acid and supplments leh! faster go see doc to get the right ones...
welcome gameboy and watie

Hi Gameboy
How many weeks are you now? Sld be around 15weeks rite? Have u feel baby kicking? Understand y u are here anyway becuz sometimes i will also peek into Oct thread..cuz my edd is 29 sep.

Hi Watie
This is the 1st time I heard abt a MTB not kancheong to see a gynae. Everyone of us here wish to see our gynae as many times as possible. So you have yet to take any NT or Oscar Test rite? You sld be due for tripple test or even your detailed scanning ...quick go and see your gynae.
Ya ...remember to take your folic acide and supplements.
Hi Gembaby and Watie,
Welcome welcome!

Watie, please spare some time to go see a doctor. No matter how busy you r, i think you should have abit of time to go for checkup and get some supplements. I am sure u want the best for yourself and bb too! Take good care!
halo gemb@by and watie !

ya better see a doc soon to avoid the critical dates for the various tests ! yes as a 2nd MTB u shld be more sensitive to bb movements now ... so envy ...

btw I heard preggies usually deliver earlier than EDD ....
Welcome Gembaby and Watie!
Kindly provide me ur detail to update in the list

Watie, yah pls take some time to see the gynae soon. Must take supplement to provide ur bb with enough nutrition
hi ladies!

thks 4 welcoming me!

i read ur postings on the Fe & Ca repeatedly at least 3 times to digest the info. hahaha still too cheem
will find more info abt it later. anyway am visiting my gynae tmrw so will check wif her as well. but juz a thot. if the interference b/w these 2 vitamins is a big issue, the gynaes shld hv warned us alrdy rite?
and somemore my multivit contains BOTH Fe & Ca. v contradicting.

so funny! u so busy till no time to see doc. but being a 2nd time mummy, u shld b able to feel baby's movements as early as 16 wks. while the rest of us will feel it fr 20 wks, usually.

daisybuttons alrdy cal ur EDD 4 u!


i am gembaby, not gameboy. hehehe

i am in my 16 wks+ now. not yet, hv not felt baby's kicks yet. but i felt mild knocking sensation when i was 12 wks. tt was the one and only time i felt it. since then, no such sensations. but nvm in the later stages we will feel more obvious movements, and by then, the kicks will get pretty painful. so enjoy the peace while we still can.

oh u popped into Oct thread as well? hehe

i wld wan my bb to arrive in Oct. personally, i much preferred babies in the last quarter of the yr!
hi gembaby

hehe so cute .. why last qtr ?
as for me, i prefer bb to be born in the last few months cos by then our confinement period would be accompanied by cooler weather ... ahah no other reasons !
Hi gembaby,
I think babies born in Sept have good timing. Coz, there will be 3 months of maternity leave. So, if your r working and intend to take 3 months straight from your delivery date.. you won't return to work till next year 2007. Isn't that fantastic?! Haa! And with all the chinese new year holiday, i think i won't actually be able to seriously work till March! (don't let my boss hear this)... and we could spend more time with our babies. heeee. that's my reason.
helol littepony, hahaha same thinking too! my coll gave me the idea one, say i can clear my leave plus maternity leave all the way til 2007! hehehee.

gembaby, yah loh, i also dunno leh. i intend to ask my gynae when i next see her lah.
ilovebabies and daisybuttons,
haaaaaa!!!! we are just smart MTBs isn't it? and it's a good way to start the new year. When our colleagues look at us next year, they will say ' WOW, you gain back your original figure! ' ...provided I can get back to mine! :p
hahaa littlepony

i am just afraid I cant withstand the CNY goodies then gain weight again !

but...........bb is in time to get ANG BAOs !
ilovebabies & littlepony,
i juz prefer yr end babies lor. coz alot of holidays and everyone in a festive mood.
of coz during confinement its a cool period as well!

littlepony is right lah, can all the way dun work till nxt yr. but dun think i will take all the 3 mths. most prob gonna split it up. coz i still got my leave to clear mah. and since muz clear it by yr end, the 3rd mth maternity can wait till nxt yr.
nxt yr CNY is mid feb leh, hehehe! festive mood all the way lor! hohoho..
yes yes.. that's right... and bb should be about 4-5 months and can play with relatives n friends.. haa!

CNY goodies? ya hoh. i didn't think of that.. gosh! :p
ya .. haven think of how to slim down .. but I would love to have my 2nd asap as well ... so probably will just slim down naturally ... hopefully breastfeeding helps !
hey gals

Tink most of us will be back in start or mid Dec 05 leh. If im not wrong, they count by no. of weeks instead of 3 months leh.
helo hehehe yah loh, i didn't think of the new yr goodies. actually not the snacks that will tempt me, but the rounds of eating steamboat and nice dishes hahhaa. coz by then if my appetite come back, i will eat a lot! yah by then our babies 4-5 mths old, so cute!

gembaby, yah loh i also got leave to clear. but i think i will try to clear them bit by bit, coz i think in last tri i may be a bit tired and may wanna rest at home sometimes. so think can clear. also, if my maternity leave not enough to last me til Jan, then i may use my leave to fill up. anyone knows maternity leave is equal to 3-30days or just 3 calendar months?
haa. i haven't think of how to slim down. In the past, before preggy.. i say to myself if i can't slim down, i will go Marie Frances. Haaa! Now, with a hole in my pocket.. i think i will do my own exercises and maintain a healthy diet.
Perhaps playing with our babies could help slim down as well.
i am also planning to use my current leave to clear once and for all. I like to start the year afresh but of coz, if work is busy.. i think i will still have to come back to work.
Ya hoh.. now, i think they calculate in terms of weeks. Better double-check and so, can plan early.
I know for govt/stat boards, itz 84 days (i.e. 12 weeks), including weekends and public holidays. So it's not 3x30days but 3x28days.

So if ur maternity is over a period where there're lots of public holidays, u 'lugi'. For us Sept MTBs, there's only one PH - Hari Raya Puasa (24Oct), so not tat bad.
Hi watie & gembaby, welcome!

Wow, puppylove, you're right, I never thought about that! I think I will "lugi" Deepavali, Christmas & New Year though... coz I only plan to go back to work end-Jan, heehee.

Anyway, ladies, I'm thinking of changing my gynae for a few reasons. I know it's a little late, but my gynae didn't tell me about seperating my calcium, iron & multi-vits, so I was quite shocked when I finally found out (1 month later). Do you think I'm paranoid/too picky???

Another reason is, I've heard (from a friend) that my dr is not very open to requests when it comes to your birth plan. Do you think this is an important factor? Or should we let the dr decide for us?
how will u lugi those 3 holidays? cos u're due in early Sept, so u wld hv finished ur 12wks maternity by then right? unless u're taking 8wks first, then take the remaining 4wks in end-Dec/Jan? If u're extending ur maternity leave using annual leave, then public holidays not counted mah... right?

actually i'm also wondering why my gynae didn't tell me abt separating my pills. He also didn't tell me he's in the FBI scheme, which entitles me to discounts to my detailed scan n his delivery fees if i sign up. But I dun think i'll be switching gynae for these reasons cos i feel comfortable w him...

joon, when u say birth plan, r u referring to whether to induce, use epidural, etc?
Hi puppylove
I only read up about the birth plan last night after I spoke to my friend. birth plan refers to things like

1. natural/c-section
2. epidural or not
3. how they're monitoring your baby during the labour
4. use of water therapy or not
5. do they induce you artificially or naturally (walking around, hypnosis, exercises, massage) to quicken your labour
6. episiotomy or not

It even includes who's cutting the umbilical cord, who's going to be inside the delivery room, eye medication for your baby, vaccinations for your baby, do you want to hold your baby immediately, do you want to breast-feed immediately, and the list does go on.

I was shocked when I found out! I didn't know there were so many things for us to decide!

Oh! Your gynae didn't tell you too? Strange huh? I'm wondering why too myself...???

Geez, I think I'm just super-paranoid and kan cheong coz I've never done this before... :p
OH dear I think it's too early to talk about that right? Unless you're early in your 3rd trimester. Most of us 5 months only leh. 2 more months to go before 3rd tri! Anyway some gynae don't talk much unless you become proactive and take your own initiative to discuss. Sometimes my gynae is like that too so I make her discuss stuff that I want to know. She is obliged to answer b'cos I'm a paying customer and private gynaes are not that cheap.

Haa good for our muslim friends celebrating hari raya too! Most of us would've poppped well before hari raya so it's green bao for them! I think I might have to start work just before christimas if I did not combine my annual leave. Anyway I have over 20 days left so I'm trying not to take them unless necessary. Oh yeah I almost forgot about Deepavali holiday! Woohoo for our indian friends esp. 1st time MTB. Something to show about when visiting friends and family!

You sounded like my sister. Easy to get pregnant and complication-free but a bit kancheong when you get pregnant again. Anyway if your period is regular and around 28 days you can utilise most of the estimated due date calculator on the internet. More or less you should be around 15-16 weeks and yes you should feel your baby earlier b'cos your baby do remember what it's like to be pregnant. But had you gone for ultrasound earlier, you will get more accurate dating for your gestational age. I heard the accuracy is higher earlier on during 1st trimester.
hi joon

i agree that the most impt thing is that you shld feel comfortable and safe with ur gynae.

Like what melisssa mention, is it too early to discuss these options ? last mth I ask my gynae to book MAH for me, he say I am too kan cheong as well ....

rgd the delivery options, whether natural or c-section, i think it is wise to heed gynae's advice as they all meant well for us and our bb.

lastly, whether you trust his professional advice.
Helo joon, so you have thought about birth plans too. so have I.
well, the reason about not sharing info of splitting the vitamins may not be enough to justify u changing lah. coz actually for my case, my gynae is also not the one to tell me. such things she will leave to my nurse to say. and the nurses in the clinic told me such things. and i also find out from the internet myself lah.

as for whether gynae is the type that is resistant to birth plans, i think most older gynaes are. but then again, it depends on how much ur friend knows about this gynae? WHICH part of the birth plan is she resistant to? for mine, i know that my gynae is more for episiotomy and the traditional labouring position of lying down (instead of sitting or standing). as to epidural, i have asked her before and she says it depends on my pain threshold, so that one i not too concerned. have also heard she lets mothers bf immediately if no complications, and let father be a contributing part of labour if no complications. so thats fine with me. but i do intend to check with her her views on cutting umbilical cord, letting my walk around during contractions, monitoring my body during labour etc. but the way i feel is, i am not too resistant about monitoring of the body during labour, though some ppl nowadays feels they dun want to be strap down to machines. the reason why i have a birth plan is coz i want a personal birth experience, and i want the best for baby. so monitoring baby during labour is also good for baby, thus i am not too resistant to it. as for walking around during contractions, i will try to ask for that, as well as letting my be on my side during labour if i require it. will talk to her nicely and see her views on them. to say the truth, i trust my doctor very very much, and if i have to compromise on little things like being strapped down, giving birth on my back etc, i think i will still stay with her. coz i trust her and is comfortable with her.
so it all depends on how you feel about your doc....try to find out more about how he/she feels about your birth plan (think it through carefully), then decide. i know of someone who change gynae at about 28 weeks (around there), coz the ex gynae is firm on epidural, machines, birthing assistance (forceps or vacuum) and lying on back.
thanks littlepony for the link, but i can't open it leh. oh okie so its 3x28 days......and it includes public holidays...i see... thanks ladies!
oh and joon, which hospital u delivering at? i knwo that some hospitals have hot tubs so water therapy is not a problem. i tot of that before but not very sure if i will go for it.
think walking around and practising relaxtion techniques (i am going for hypnobirthing) may be good enough for me. i can also soak in my bath tub at home before coming hospital hehehe.

v lugi one... my company calculates by 28 days per mth... KNS... and if we do not take the 3rd mth consecutively as the 1st 2 mths, the 3rd mth hv to b consumed within 6 mths, and WORST thing is by then they cal it by 4 wks according to ur wkg days. so if u work 5 days, u r entitled to only 20 days 3rd mth maternity leave.
tts a short fall of 8 days!!!

Oct got hari raya and deepavali holiday rite?

i haven discuss birth plan wif my gynae yet. hmmm, perhaps can ask her when i visit her tmrw. i always wondered issit 2 early to discuss.

better find out fr ur HR abt the maternity leave policy wor...
