(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

oh no, haha, Trinity called the wrong 'Auntie'... itz Auntie Phoebe she's buying her Bumbo Play Tray from!! sorry, sorry!!

<font color="0000ff">dumpty, brenda,</font>
heheh, Trinity's wearing a headscarf. Some pp comment that she looks like 2 diff babies when she's with and without hat, cos she not much hair lah...
Brenda, sorry ah, give u extra work to inc. Trinity's pic into the Mambo Jumbo Bumbo Babies Club!! *phew!* wat a mouthful!! Can't wait to c the new montage!

<font color="0000ff">daisybuttons,</font>
i had visions of decking Trinity in a Santa suit!! but too bad the suit I ordered was OOS...

hmm... anyone dressing bb up in traditional chinese costume for CNY??

The gathering sounds more and more fun! hope I can make it! hmm... then hv to think of wat to bring too!! *ponder ponder* btw, any of u who're going r expert w the MIM sling ah? Can teach me?? I'm hopeless w it but dun want the sling to become white elephant... hai...

Super busy at work, esp this week. Am practically running around like a zombie due to lack of sleep too. Trinity had fever for past 2 nights after her 6-in-1 jab. So sayang... But today ok already!
Even smiling happily when we woke her up to carry her over to bbsitter in the rain!!

I am using the sling and have been using it since Sherilyn is one month till now, not truly an expert but can show you how lor.

I will be going for the gathering, will be using the sling to carry Sherilyn in it as well.
normally how long does the fever take to set in? Coz sophie had her jab on Mon and today her temp went up a bit higher. 37.2. Is that considered having a fever? Shd i give her infant paracetamol? She's been crying thru the nite the past 2 nights from 3-6 on and off. I'm wondering if it's because of the fever coz she was sleeping from 11pm-6am previously.
I was about to tell puppylove that Sha is the expert here!!! haaaa!!!

And yes, i am also thinking of chng's wife... i heard from cereal that she seldom come onto the forum becos very busy. let me go find out and see if i can get her back to the forum again. haaa!!!
<font color="aa00aa">| sha |</font> *scratch head* what's DIL?

<font color="aa00aa">| little pony |</font> That's good to hear. So it wasn't a difficult birth for u to go through.. =)

<font color="aa00aa">| puppylove |</font> I enjoy doing it cos all the bbs so cute.. But these few days a bit bz.. will do it soon, pls be patience with me ya..

<font color="aa00aa">| ling |</font> Yes, you can give the infant paracetamol but do check with your PD the dosage first. Use the syringe, easier to get it in..
<font color="119911">Screaming BBs</font>

Any bbs here like to scream? My Arianne has been screaming quite a bit, so embarassing to bring her out! Not crying, just screaming! She doesnt appear to be unhappy either.. How ahh
okie, but is 37.2 considered a fever?
Oh btw, Sophie screams when she's unhappy. But she's starting to reach the high pitch sounds when she not happy too so sometimes it sounds like a cry but actually she's fine. hmmm...
It wasn't a difficult birth because i had epidural and didn't feel a single pain. So i guess i was lucky although it was quite long....
Hi Yuna,

Sorry to hear that Clarice isn't well.... Try to avoid medication at this age though.
Is it because she is teething? One of the symptoms of teething is cough as well, which is not a cause for concern cos there will be excessive saliva. So the saliva tends to cause baby to gag and cough.

After both of them have teethed, maybe we can get the 2 babies together and have a nice pic of them with their 2 front teeth!
Hehehehehe. . . me no expert lah.

Ya miss Chngs wife leh. . .wonder what she has been cooking lately.

DIL = Daughter In-law.

Sherilyn do that sometime as well, per my observation she does when she is happy or saw something that catches her attention plus she is at the stage of making noise e.g. they are learning to talking, the vocal / voice is opening up, etc.

It is rather normal. Few months back Sherilyn laugh without sound but now she start to make some noise when she laugh and it will be get louder and louder, it is a good sign! Coz their vocal is clearing up.

LASTEST UPDATE : Bumbo Play Tray |

1. Brenda
2. Brenda x 2
3. Emma
4. Jasmine
5. Joon
6. ilovebabies
7. daisybuttons
8. puppylove
9. phoebe
10. pig2
11. E-Ling
12. Sha_987
13. Mae

Thank you very muchie.
wah a lot of mommies started their bb on semi solid oredi ah? tot shd try to do exclusive BF for 6 mths leh?

anyway i think someone mention they bot organic cereal right? where did u buy it fr? tot i can start preparing oredi. only 2 more mths till i hit my 6 mth target!
i've got a silly question that's totally unrelated to anything anyone is talking abt now, but...

what is DS and DD? i see alot of mommies use this when referring to their children.

Darling Son????

Darling Daughter????

my Rachel started on brown rice cereal just before she turns 5 mths old. She is on one full feed of cereal daily.

my mum wants to give her porridge when she turns 6 mths old. so we give her cereal now to let her learn to eat from spoon.

I agreed, we shd take pic of both babies showing off their 2 front teeth! That will be very cute!

Wow, so many of you got the bumbo seat for your babies. I din get one for my baby cos i tik she will outgrow the seat very fast. I worry her thundering thighs will get stuck to it. haha...
<font color="0000ff">sha, littlepony</font>,
okie okie, Sha, I 'book' u ah!
Do teach me if we meet at the gathering! When I watched the video, it looked so easy, but when i tried it myself, the ring part keeps slipping downwards, the cloth becomes messy, and i dunno how to 'keep' Trinity's legs!!! And there Trinity was, totally enjoying seeing her mummy fretting away, wondering why she was being wrapped and unwrapped! hahaha..

<font color="0000ff">ling</font>,
Trinity had fever after her 1st and 2nd 6-in-1 jabs. For her, her fever started the night of the jab on Tue and lasted thru'out Wed. She's ok this morning (Thur). hmm.. if I'm not wrong, the fever shldn't take so long to set in... cos it's supposed to be a reaction to the vaccine right? Babies' temp is usually higher than ours. Fever is anything higher than 37.5. If u think Sophie is warm, do keep her hydrated. Could her crying be due to something else? Like room temp too warm/cold? or she was over-stimulated just b4 sleep time? My Trinity sometimes has trouble falling asleep for these reasons.

<font color="0000ff">joon</font>,
i've also been wondering!!
I thought it could be Dear Son, Dear Daughter.. but yup, could be Darling too!!
DEAR! i didn't think of that! haha

from zucchini to jrt! i think i can guess what type of dog u have @ home
crystallised, ur new nick is the initials of your, ur baby and ur hubby's name right? heheeheh! but when i saw it it reminds me of my 2nd fav species of doggie leh! :p

<font color="0000ff">Gathering</font>
Hey guys, crystallised has suggested something to me. as most of you guys are bringing babies and some coming without hubby, would it be inconvenient for everyone to juggle baby and food containers on the way here? not sure how you guys think of catering a mini lunch instead of potluck? crystallised suggested that so i thought of kriston, from whom you can order those meals sets based on theme. its not buffet, it comes in microwaveable containers and each set is for 10-12 pax. we can order 2 sets then we share cost.

I am okie with either potluck or cater. it will depend on you guys coz we wonder if it will be inconvenient for you to bring food....so let's do a poll yar?

anyway, an example of what's available are:

Malaysia Set @ $118 per set
Nasi Goreng with Ikan Bilis and Shredded Egg.
Deep-Fried Prawn with Garlic Butter
Assam Fish Cutlet Brinjal
Chicken Curry with Potato

Northern Indian Set @ $118 per set
Grilled Chicken Tikka
Lamb stew Marsala
Curry Fish Fillet
Freshly baked Naan &amp; Vegetables Dalcha

Japanese Set @ $118 per set
Japanese Curry Chicken with Vegetable
Panfried Salmon with Teriyaki
Breaded Prawn with wasabi Mayo
Steamed Japanese rice with seaweed

D.I.Y Deli Platter @ $88 per set
Mini Crosisant &amp; Foccacia Bread
Served With Smoked Turkey,Chicken Ham,Mozzarella Slice,Tuna Mousse,Butterhead Lettuce,Cucumber &amp; Tomato Slice.

Italian Set @ $118 per set
Sauteed Vegetable Ratatouille
Baked Chicken Provencale
Fish Piccata
Buttered Spaghetti with Napolitaine Sauce &amp; Parmesan Cheese

Potluck is fun though, coz the food will have more variety hehehehe! so let's vote.

<font color="119911">Potluck</font>

<font color="119911">Cater</font>

<font color="119911">Any one</font>
in fact yesterday JW's sister baby is got stomach virus and now his mother so I might go home early today but my boss in town and is going for a meeting later so will let him know.

Tomorrow JW will take half day and send Sherilyn to my mum's place . . .YIPPY!!
when i thot of the nick, it reminded me of JR = japan rail! hahahaa... most mummies in my thread thot its jack russell leh! but i dunno how they look like lah. kekee

wow! the catered lunch looks yummy!
crystallised, hahahaha coz i know u, ur hubby and ur boy's name mah, so i guess right loh hehehee.

<font color="119911">Potluck</font>
jasmine lau

<font color="119911">Cater</font>

<font color="119911">Any one is fine with me</font>
daisybuttons and ilovebabies, enzo did not realli lose weight lahz.. but he's juz not gaining weight like before lohz..
last measured at 4 months, he's 7.51kg and 64cm... he's not light i know.. but his growth is not like the stipulated 1kg per month.. think he only grew abt 500g since the last visit at 3 months.. limbs are realli quite thin...

joon.. u're realli so farni.. haha... hopefully enzo is one faithful guy.. hehe... but am sure he would have like the attention.. lol...

puppylove... trinity looks so coy in the bumbo.. hehe.. unlike the boys when they are in the bumbo... all laffing away.. hehe...
Hi daisybuttons,

All the pics of food is making me very hungry!!!

By the way, any of you gals tried the donuts from Donut Factory yet??? It is downstairs from my office at Raffles City, and every day there will be this looong crazy queue outside the store. I have been waiting for this craze to die off, but after 3 months the queue seems to be getting longer and not shorter...

Very tempted to join the queue, but dunno whether it is worth the wait... None of my colleagues have tried either, so I thought I can ask u gals instead.
whooooops! sorry! i also thot it was jack russell terrier! here's a pic of a jrt btw... i love doggies


er... it's not my dog btw, got it from the internet... my dog is twice as big!!

the pics of the food made my mouth itchy! so i went to get a snack.

<font color="119911"><u>Potluck</u></font>
jasmine lau

<font color="119911"><u>Cater</u></font>

<font color="119911"><u>Any one is fine with me</u></font>
thats ok lah. no worries. the mummies guessing my new nick in oct thread too. kekeke
it was fun coz i din noe it can imply so many things! oooooo, the jack russell looks soooo cute! is tt the dog in the movie The Mask starring Jim Carrey? the magic dog.

i heard of this myth lah. dunno true anot. 2nd time mummies can verify this. go and look at the spiral circle at the back of ur baby's head (dunno wat this is called). if its clockwise direction, ur nxt baby will b a BOY, anti-clockwise, its a GIRL.

R's one is clockwise, meaning me gonna hv another son the nxt round. i wan a DAUGHTER!!!!
crystallized or jrt ? ehhe

is that true ? so fun .. i'll go take a look at my Rachel tonite.

btw some myths says that if u bb has a boyish look, ur next one will be a boy and vice versa.

hey a lot of ppl mistaken Rachel as a boy .. hehe i dun mind a son.
crystallized... i dinno there's such a saying.. i've only heard that if its clockwise, that baby will be a right-hander, if its anti, then left... but i find it true lehz.. lol
either one can. jRt faster to type though! keke

u wan a son while i wan a daughter!
yah agreed tt rachel looks like boy boy fr some angles. androgyous is the term rite? think sala spelling here.

I want a DAUGHTER!!! Should I have one, I will really doll her up big time, man. Too bad mine is a son and there really is a limit to what I can do.... I prefer little girls. Can bring her shopping next time.

Told my husband that my factory is closed for good, unless the next one can be 100% guaranteed to be a girl.... hehe...
haha u all talking abt next baby now huh.. tell me abt it man, my jo came only after 4 boys!!! my saliva drool until can fill up whole house heehe
H blessedmommy,

U are truly incredible! 5 kids!!! Wow, to wait for a girl after 4 boys will kill me...
Hehe, at least u've got your little girl!

Me too.. wants a girl badly but got some prediction from those fortune teller tt all my kids are sons... same prediction for hubby.. hmm...

Like tt, I also wanna close factory unless I can get a girl.. heehee

btw, the myth I heard is to look at the baby's breast - can't remember how thou. My mum loooked at my son's breasts and laughed, saying my next one is also a son *faint*
