(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Jazz Sam,
U know how it looks like having babies sitting in bumbo , in a circle......

If you have watched 'Star Wars', they will probably look like Jedis having meeting in one of the scene. I already feel that my son, Wayne looks like Yoda sitting in the jedi seat.... too bad he doesn't say ' May the force b with you'
Brenda, My girl will only shout and scream at home leh. Go out shopping then she would do that , maybe shopping, she has alot of thing to see, no time and nv think of screaming.

Jazz Sam, good idea, so all babies get the change to sit on a bumbo throne
Jazz Sam

Hahaha.... what a good and funny idea

I'm sure the babies will enjoy it too :p
Hi Brenda

My boy also tok/shout/scream very loudly at home.. so far he didn't do so at shopping ctrs(only cry loudly when he wants to be carried).

However, when we brought him visiting, he will do the same once he got 'familiar' with the surrouding and pp. Then everybody say he is very talkative and shd be able to tok earlier.
hi! coz i remember u! i also remember where u stay, hahahahhaaaa... u coming for the gathering?

superbbbbb idea! it'll be such a funny pic! but quite chaotic to arrange all the subjects. hmm. -_-
what is the latest update on the ordering of the bumbo tray?

Finally I got the bumbo!! . . . hehehehe. . So Sherilyn can join in the Bumbo gang. . hehehehe.. .

not really very Ma Lu lah. People will turn head and notice our baby and said "aiyo so cute hor". . .hahahahaha. . .
i was thinking of starting a california baby calendula cream spree for our sept mummies. i found a website that sells it cheap. (cheaper than the ones for the current BPs) need to ask u some qns abt shipping charges though, ok? u are the expert!

<font color="aa00aa">CALLING SEPT SHOPPER MOMMIES!!</font>
<font color="119911">I'm running out of calendula cream. anyone need some too? thinking of starting our own cali baby BP.</font>
You all r 'evil' leh!! Haaa! I am running out of cash because of these BP! Heee! But hey, i am enjoying it!!! Phoebe, I am still browsing thru Delias..like their dresses but still thinking.....
Doreen, Huijun, Crystallised

hehe, really hard time catching up on both thread cos yday too busy to access

yupz, me going for the gathering ! =) u gals go too lah..

so cute with all babies in bumbo seats..and thanks for letting K try out first..

I wnna order the tray, but would be quite dumb since i have not got the Bumbo yet hor ;)

No bulk purchase on Bumbo hor, if Kelicia like it, maybe huijun, Crystallised &amp; doreen, we have bulk purchase ? ;)

PS: daisybuttons, no choice i have to vote for potluck ;) cos yday bot the popiah skin at supermarket liao..

&amp; Brenda, my hubby will join us too =)

Blessed Mommy

hehe, u very cute, until ur saliva drool can fill up teh whole house...ur little princess have 4 prince to escort &amp; pamper her liao =)
Thanks for all . . . you are now the official September Mummies Purchaser Director. .

The colour : Aqua think it is blue in colour. Yes our babies ROCK!!!

One stupid question what is calendula cream use for???

For grownups:
Moms &amp; Dads - Calendula Cream is a great facial cream for you too!
Calendula Cream is highly recommended for eczema, perioral dermatitis, and other skin sensitives.

Benefits &amp; Features:
Contains organic and sustainably grown ingredients
Active ingredient: Calendula officinalis is the common pot marigold and is well known for its skin healing properties
Safe, gentle and effective for cuts, sores and general skin abrasions
May be used around the diaper area for simple rashes
Works very well on cradle cap and chapped skin
Light and fluffy consistency

I WANT THE CREAM!! I have been using up Jadelle's one for her rashes and eczema patches..keke.. on my face! cos it is really nice!

CAN PM me the site??
Hi Phoebe,

You are fantastic!!!


I am interested in the Calendula Cream, but what can you use it for huh? Clarence loves to scratch himself, can apply this or not to aid healing???

Hehe, me on half day off today... I have 5 days of annual leave b/f from 2005, plus 21 days (totally unsused) from 2006... Plus the 23 (2 days childcare) days this year, I can disappear for 49 days... But I guess if I try that my boss will sack me... hehe...

I have to clear the 5+21+2(childcare) by this year, so taking half days here and there... Thinking of going Taka sale, and maybe pop by Robinsons as well... You gals need me to check out anything? I can do the legwork and let u know the price and where got sell...
Haa. maybe we can arrange to go shopping one day.... since most of us are starting to clear leaves..

Me going for two weeks leave next month. Starting 12 Feb.. juz clearing leaves for CNY.
77 (peachie)

ur company allows u to carry forward 2005 leave to 2007 ? so good..any leave more than a year old will be forfeited for mine ..
thanks thanks!! do u know how to calculate whether it's cheaper to use their direct int'l shipping or vpost? i found 2 websites with gd prices.

1. www.luckyvitamin.com
(no more calendula cream
but it had the cheapest price. *sigh*)

2. www.outletnutrition.com
(now the cheapest at USD$7.39 per 2oz tub, if u get 3 or more)

u wanna organise this BP, or shld i do it? (coz i know u got a lot of BPs going on now!) i don't mind organising if it's just us Sept Mommies, at least the order won't be that big! Otherwise I surely gabra.

hahahaha! ME TOO! i think maybe that's why DN's cream is finishing so fast.
we both steal our bb's cream. hur hur... yah, very nice smelling hor? i stopped buying my regular night cream already... this one so much cheaper! hiak!

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Mommies, if u're keen on Cali BB products, click on the link below to check out their stuff!</font></font>
But i think better not order shampoo/body wash coz i read that those tend to leak during shipping. Anyway, if we all order the creams in the 2/4 oz tubs, easier to calculate and share the shipping...

Hi littlepony,

Yep yep, we can all go shopping together!!!
We can go and makan thereafter too.

Hi Jo,

Actually cannot. But last year was really busy, and there was no way I could clear leave in Dec as well. So my boss agreed to let me c/f the 5 days in 2005 to this year, provided that I can clear by 31 March 07. Robinsons sale starts today, so does John Little... Taka is having additional 10% off for all Taka cardholders. So I thought I could check all 3 out.
yup, u can use it for scratches and stuff. it's called a "Healing Cream". i use it on DN every night coz he's got eczema. and i use it on myself as a night cream. hopefully, i can look 18 again...


... but it's not happening. -_-
Hi Joon,

I laughed when I saw your post!!! It's alright, as long as we don't age faster than we should be!!! Am getting dark eye circles and puffy eye bags these days. Haiz....

Hey, count me in for the Calendula Cream BP! Will get 1 bottle to try it out.

On the eczema, my sis has pretty bad eczema since young (it is linked to the asthma gene, I think, which the gene runs in my whole family), and her eczema is so bad that she is totally exempted from PE lessons due to the flare-ups. It helps to keep the skin moisturised, avoid wool and synthetic fibres as much as possible (may cause flare ups), and keep him in a cool environment. The warmer it gets, the worse the itch and the flare-ups. When DN gets bigger, you may also want to bring him to the National Skin Centre for a skin patch test to assess what are the things he may be allergic to.

For my sis case, eczema is at its worst during her puberty years, after which it began to get better. I am praying that Clarence will not get the same gene as well... Hope this helps!
<font color="aa00aa">| Phoebe / Joon |</font> Wowowow! more shopping! My hub will be bankrupt soon! hee.. I'm browsing now.. any DEADLINES??

<font color="aa00aa">| Calendula |</font> Count me in too! What's the minimum order? Thanx! And u kidding me? U look 17!

<font color="aa00aa">| Jo |</font> Bumbos are like Ergos, high chairs, walkers and many other bbs 'investments'. I see these tools as investments for our bbs rather than expenditures for they contribute to her growth/development, so really depends on how a parent perceive these purchases la.. After trying out the Bumbo, hope it'll help you to decide if you want to make this purchase. =)

As what Phoebe has suggested before, perhaps you could post at the WTB thread and buy a 2nd one since Bumbos can be cleaned properly as it's made of PU plastic..

<font color="aa00aa">| Screaming bbs |</font>
<font color="aa00aa">|E-Ling / Emoments / Sha |</font> Ya, Arianne will be busy shopping too while I am at it.. but at restaurants/cafes.. aiyo.. 2 days ago we were having coffee at a cafe then she just started screaming and 2 aunties nearby were throwing disgusted looks at my hub and me as if we were trying to strangle her!

I don think I will associate screaming to talking la.. Cos I wouldn't want to encourage her to scream!

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Pumping Mummies</font></font>

Does any EBM Mummies here use something to strap on the pump from expressing? Meaning, the strap or whatever gadget helps u not to lean forward while expressing to prevent backache? Anyone heard of that gadget?

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">GymB Class this Sunday</font></font>

Any mummies interested to bring your bb to Gymboree class this coming Sunday @3pm? Including myself, the class has 5 attendance so far and they'll close the attendance at 10 bbs.

If you're interested, please PM me with your full name/bb name/HP no..
hey hey

are u talkg abt the strappy thing that u wear like a bra? if so, i think someone on this thread bought it, if i'm not wrong it's Melissa? anyways, i was too lazy to buy it. it's real funny looking though. the ones they sell in the states look nicer.

or are u talking abt a funnel that points down?

anyway, u can also check out the moms in mind blog. there's a post on how to use rubber bands on ur bra to secure the funnels to ur chest.

sounds weird right?! but apparently it works and it's free!
<font color="aa00aa">| Joon |</font> Thanx for the info! I guess as long as the gadget helps mummies to express without needing to bend forward then can alleviate backache. I'll go check out moms in mind.
Don't any of you suffer from backache while pumping?
Maybe i give the cream a try as well. I have eczema. It happens whenever i am stress! So nowadays, i steal wayne's cream prescribed by the doctor to use.
If you r ordering, count me in as well!!!
yes!! we can go jalan and makan.. let's see who else is taking half days.. we can organise a shopping trip during the weekdays!

i have a pumpng pal strap thingy..see www.pumpinpal.com

but, as i have to massage my breast when pumping.. i end up using a single pump more..

If you dun mind and really want this product, can take over from me.. iz cheap cheap.. i bought it for like 30sgd.. but u can have it for lesser lah..
<font size="+1"><font color="119911">Gathering</font></font>

Dear all mummies attending the gathering next Sat, please DO NOT buy any ingredients for the pot luck yet as we might migrate to food catering instead.

<font color="aa00aa">Jo, I'll PM u with regards to the Popiah skin u bought.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">| Jo |</font>Aiya, just realised you don't accept PM.. Anyhow, if we do opt for food catering, I don't mind just buying the popiah skin from u la..
dear mummies!

<font color="0000ff">Gathering</font>
Brenda called just now and wisely suggested we decide on the food now less more ppl buy ingredients!! Jo, brenda buy the skin from you can? anyone has also bought ingredients? If not, since catering has the majority votes, let's go for <font color="aa00aa">CATERING</font>. for the convenience of all the guests and babies hehehe.

jasmine, really paiseh, hope you dun mind. i have already asked for joon's "forgiveness" hehehee...

Venue : Daisybuttons' place @ Bukit Panjang
Date : 3 Feb Saturday
Time : Around 1pm for lunch
Food : <font color="ff0000">Cater from Kriston</font>

1) Joon + DN + PF
2) Daisybuttons + Jovann + Samuel
3) Brenda + Arianne + Shawn
4) Phoebe + Javier
5) Ling + Sophie + hubby
6) Jo + Kelicia +hubby
7} Orange + Cayden + hubby
8) E-Ling + Annabel + hubby
9) Sha + Sherilyn + maid
10) ilovebabies + Rachel
11) jasmine lay + Jadelle + hubby = <font color="119911">DVD of the bao bei yi bu yi bu as promised!</font>

Total headcount = 20 <font color="ff6000">did i count right??</font>

As for food, brenda helping me shortlist some sets now, will confirm soon yar!
really ah???! then i might get some for myself too! which site is it? luckyvitamin or outletnutrition?
jasmine, thanks for ur reply on the pigeon bottles. yes i did click it intact, but when i turn it upside down to check, water will bound to leak out slowly coz its not water tight wor. but yah i think i will start storing with teats from now on, like what joon is doing. to make it more convenient for my parents too....

brenda, are you talking about something like this 2?



if so, i have the bustier actually coz wanna do hands free pumping using ameda. i actually purchase it from a US webby and got it shipped here! then my ameda pump kinda give up on me, sometimes got suction sometimes dun have, and i got fed up now using avent pump. end up i only use the bustier twice.
Brenda &amp; daisybuttons

dun worry lah =) i can keep the skin inside freezer =) but since vote, i vote potluck cos i bot mah ;)

Catering is fine with me too =)

I want to let go of my bumbo baby seat (Green). It is in brand new condition with box. Self collection. Please PM me if interested. Thanks!

daisybutton, i have to bring my maid to the gathering as well. Cos we nv leave the maid at home alone at all.

Hehe, you spell wrongly my daughter name. Is Amabel.
