(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

joon.. he cute when he's unhappy? he even cuter when he is happy... hehe... see...hopefully enzo will grow up to be as cute as him lah.. lol...


hi ladies,
after Zhaohui started bottlefeeding he only drinks ard 30ml per feed 2hrly.... he used to drink 60ml during e 1st month but after tat i latch him totally only a few times bottle feeding with ard 60ml too.... is really difficult to know whether is it sufficient for him but we tried to prepare more milk but he still drinks only ard 30ml then start crying... n pushing e bottle away. maid try to pacific him then try again but he will start crying n spit e milk out
..... due to e low input his diapers seldom get wet.....
but when i latch him back at nite... with 2hr interval... he will drink n have ard 2 wet diaper at nite.....
do u all thk this is enough?? since he latch 2hrly almost throughout e nite, does tat means tat it can cover up those in e day.
helo elaine, have u tried changing the teats? my boy used to drink the same amount as urs, maybe sometimes 50ml. then he fuss and cry. when we changed from pigeon S to Y teats he starts to drink more. now he drinks up to 150ml every 3-4 hourly. diaper wet or dry is a good indication of whether he getting enough. maybe can try changing teat so he can drink more?
Talking abt changing teats, anyone still using Nuk Latex? I've changed from latex to silicone when Trinity was abt 3mths. She took to it easily. Shld hv changed earlier cos the latex gave me a lot of problems - sticky, out of shape, hard to screw in, had to replace frequently. Now so happy with the silicone!

Really want to thank all of you who assured me and gave me advice, especially peachie with such detailed list of things that I can look out for.
Thanx a lot!

I'm feeling like a zombie today as I had to wake up almost every hourly last night. Gabriel is not sleeping well. I'm beginning to wonder if he might be teething and he is feeling pain or itch at his gums.
This morning he even tried to bite my nose and lips!
Hi dumpty

Me too... a zombie today.

I used to take at least 1 day or 1/2 day off per week to rest ever since I came back to work... 'cos my son always dun sleep well at nite...

But this week I wanted to 'tong' all the way.... but really very tired and today is only WEDNESDAY!

Somemore today forum very quiet...
Harlo emoments,
So today only 2 zombies in the forum ah? What happened to the others?

No energy today. So tired... ...

*Jia You* ah emoments!
Hey Emma, your nephew is so handsome wor !!! he should go and participate in the Toddler contest
We sure vote for him !!

Dumpty and Emoments, both of you are not alone leh!! My bb also not sleeping well recently
he slept well in the afternoon though. He will have 2 naps of 2 hours each. But at night, he does not sleep well after 2-3am (not sure is it because he sleeps at 7+ everyday ?!?).. sigh.. As we swaddle him to sleep. Often, he will break out from the swaddle and if he wakes up from the sleep, he will have difficulty in getting back to sleep himself.. He will need me to pat him and reswaddle him so that he can go back to sleep. And best part is : He does not need night feed anymore !!! so is simply sleeping problem !! haiz ... * yawn *
Hi mummies, any of you still swaddle your baby to sleep ? How do you train them to sleep without swaddle.. i saw from the web that we have to start from one arm un-swaddle, followed by the other arm .... But I tried and Cayden cant sleep well leh.. so at the end, i gave up and back to swaddle him again !!! but how long can i swaddle him .... and i dont think i can find a BIG blanket to swaddle him as he grows right.. hahaha lol..

Any advise? Thanks

Child mc
if u gg to private (PD), they will give if you ask for it.
But if u gg to polyclinic, , they only give u excuse chit.
My company allows us to take flexi time off (half day or full day)to bring family members for medical appts, just need to provide original or copy of mc.

I used NUK latex for my 1st kid. Same case as u, always hav to change the teats.
When i switched to silicon, really afraid she will reject but luckily, she did not. Now she is 2 yrs+, still using silicon ones.

Now using pigeon latex teats for my 2nd one. She rejected the silicon teats leh.
Cham ah, i bought alot during pigeon sales.

**Jia you** Its mid of the week!!! Wkend is approaching!!
orange.. he v handsome hor.. i'll sign him up for next month one.. he is joining the motherhood mag cover baby also.. hehe.. hope he gets in lahz..
hi orange

My CL hardly swaddle my boy during his first month.. .initially still got one arm un-swaddle for the 1st 2 weeks, then subsequently no more.

Now my boy's hand like no control like tt... always flip up & down, esp the left hand... mum said it's due to un-swaddle too early and she dun understand why my CL does so. Now too late to do anything.
me another zombie here. buay tahan oredi so today take mc to stay home n rest. plus having flu oso so cant sleep properly at nite! ethan last few days wake up so early... on mon n tue at work i was dozing off at my PC! lucky boss didnt see :p i really wonder how FTWM can do it ... i only back to work for 1 mth n i hvnt work any full 5 day wk yet! i tot this will be the 1st full wk 4 me but today take mc liao hee hee

sigh... all i wanna do is sleep 8 hrs at a go :|
helo to all the zombie mummies, hang in there!

orange, i swaddled my boy till 2mths old exactly. i stopped in phases too, but i din know got webby teaching u how to ah? anyway, for us, we usually swaddle quite tight. so we started swaddling him a bit looser for a few days. i was prepared for him to wake up earlier when that happens but he didn't. then i start to swaddle his body only but leave his both arms above him. coz he always sleep like that anyway, with arms above him. then few weeks after we start i removed him totally from swaddle. very gradual change...

emoments, isit? i know there are some here who stop swaddling very early, but not sure if got hand flipping up and down prob leh. u wanna check with them? that may not be the cause.
Hi daisybuttons

oh izzit? hmm....

Sometime we find it amusing to see Dylan sitting down with the hand flipping up & down non-stop... sometimes when he sleeps also, his hand will move up & down. I will need to hold down his hand to cool him down and then pat him to sleep... else very diff for him to fall asleep.
aiyo... so many zombies out in broad daylight!

My CL also din try very hard to swaddle. Now same thing happened to my boy, hands move up and down when sleeping.

Finally 20 min more to 6 o'clock. But I'm still waiting for the dayend status update meeting to start. Then want to go *moo moo* also dun dare in case anytime the meeting starts.
Let's juz add some fun in our thread... We juz have a batch of BUMBO babies.. why not lets share pics of FIST EATERS! For eg, like this??...

i'm still using Nuk Latex lor.. but i already change to big hole one still cannot, hope he will take bottle feeding faster cos on last monday he reject bottle totally, then tuesday drinks only 10ml every 2 hrly then wed 20-30ml every 2hrly but my maid fall sick so i stop bottlefeeding my boy until this monday, so he start drinking 10ml then yesterday 20-30ml then today 30ml.... e last feed just now he manage to drink 50ml.... i think i should go buy silicone teat liao cos e latex one also giving me so so much problems especially leaking if never fix well.
alamak! u oso wan to noe how i sing, dance & latch? er, i hv done it so many times, it comes naturally to me liao.
ask daisybuttons! she saw me dance and latch at her plc b4! no joke leh, last nite my left wrist ached liao. but i got no choice coz my main concern is 4 my boy to latch, so i will do it at all costs.

yest i stayed over my mum's plc and took leave tdy juz to monitor situation & oso wan to latch him more. he still fussed when i latch but at least he did latch in the end and so far since last nite & tdy, i am successful each time. yah, still the same trick, sing, dance and latch same time. wrist aching liao. but i am so happy tt he latched.
i hope things r better 4 u soon.
happy to hear that ur boy is latching again! :D so far the last 3 nites i hv managed to latch ethan on as well. but all 3 times he will suckle until he fall asleep. i just hope i dun start creating a new bad habit! but its so nice to be able to latch him on again lor :p

here's rachel..



yes yes we got the same person ! such a coincidence. I know her in NTU, friend of a hostel friend. She's a nice gal ya ? I dont know her hubby though. Anyway glad that she found her happiness.
pretty ladies!! wait for me... i still wanna join in with the bumbo babies!!!! here;s me with my cousin in my new bumbo at ah-ma's place.. :p


here is my contribution to the bumbo babes/hunks. slightly late but better than never

btw, the bumbo is really small. my jo's thunder thighs always get caught whenever i try to lift her up from chair
So glad for u for managing to latch your boy. I'm improving too. Last night latch till he sleep but he still not sleeping well.
Sigh... zombie reporting in again today.
u r right, it feels so gd to latch again. i hope it stays this way.

thks 4 the valuable info on the carriers.
which supplier did u eventually get the Ergo fr?
My girl also like to both hands together inside her mouth but din capture it. Hehe! Even she got pacifier in her mouth, she still want to force her fist into the mouth with the pacifier.
today again my girl dont wanna sleep at night, now so sleepy. Luckily is my husband off day so midnight he help to take care her but is so irritating when i sleep, she is there geegee gaga (talking to herself). Flip here and flip there... My husband said he buay tahan her. My husband wonder is it because i drink chicken essence at night so she is so awake.
hey i ask you gals a question..
for those whose babies have started to sleep thru the nite, norm what time do they sleep until assuming if last feed is about 11pm?
Ling, yaya my girl use both her hands to pull both her feets into her mouth. Here the pic where she want to put the toy into her mouth.

Wait for Trinity to join the Bumbo babies. I'll try to upload her photo this evening. Can't figure out how to send from my HP to PC in the office.

She has yet to have a keen interest in her hands, only sucks a few fingers occasionally. Maybe we pull it out whenever we see her sucking. Should we let her suck her hands all she wants?

Got a question about exersaucer vs walker. Some comments that walker is not good for BBs, but I haven't had time to research the pros and cons. Any mummies here that have some input?
Wayne sleeps till about 6am or 630am assuming his last feed is 11pm. Sometimes, good days he can sleep till 7am.

Some did say walker not good for BB.. but I still put Wayne on walker. But he didn't like sitting in the walker. He prefers to be carried around.
haha so cute! aiyo mine also, everything goes into the mouth now. But she can't reach her toes yet. think coz she's not 4mths yet, either that or she's like me, not very flexible. hahah

oh.... i think shd let her suck all she wants. it's actually part of the developmental process. it'll pass coz it'll go onto sucking everything else, not just the fingers so no worries about it becoming a habit. haha...
Ling, last time when my girl sleep through the night. Eg if her last feed is 11pm and sleep after that, she will sleep until 6.30am for the next feed though she is still sleeping soundly (I am the one who wake her up for milk, if not she will still sleep)

I was just about to write about sleeping through the nite too. Ha.

Trinity has sort of settled in a routine now. For the past week, she has been going to sleep at about 10 - 11 pm and waking up at 6:30 for her morning feed. However, she last feed is kinda haywire. We don't schedule feed her every 3 hrs, we just wait for her to 'ask' for milk. She is now drinking 180ml every 3.5 - 5 hrs. Sometimes her last feed can be can range from 8 - 11pm, but regardless, she will still wake at 6:30. I try to avoid nursing her to sleep, so if she drank at 8, and falls asleep by 10:30 (only 2.5hrs) I'll let her be, cos she will refuse to drink if she is not hungry enough. I have also tried the trick to change her at 12 - 1 am and feed her another bottle, hoping she can sleep longer till 9am, but she still wakes at 6:30 to drink, so I stopped doing that. There has been a few days this week when she only drank 4 times a day, but since she is still peeing & pooing quite a bit I think she should be OK.

My apologies for being so long winded.

How's the arrangement for the gathering at DG's place going? I am planning to go back to SGP for the Easter holidays, anyone would like to plan a gathering for then so that I can finally have a chance to see all of you?
