(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Peachie | No worries!

Dumpty | You've tried so many 'soothing' methods and if there's a significant weight loss, I suggest you give your PD a call to check. Nursing strikes are consider normal but not when the bb loses weight or unhappy most of the time. You should try to note down how much of milk Gabriel is consuming per 24 hours so that you've some facts to quote when relating problem to PD.. Oh also the 'output' as in how many times he poo, urinate..

edksd | Happy to help =)
Yes, it's a complete separate area from the toilets. Has it's own door too then inside the nursing room there are 2 cubicles with lockable doors and 3 changing tables.
Hi Dumpty,

These are some other stuffs we tried while battling it out with Clarence over his milk fussing (he was fussing over EVERY feed for over a month!) My husband and I and my mom almost died....

1) Distract him while he fusses (eg carry him around to feed, feed him al fresco ie go downstairs to the garden to let him look at birds and flowers, sing to him, show him colourful pictures, turn on the TV, my dad even resorted to reading the newspapers to him and showing him the major captions)
-> This is the most effective cos he will start staring and drinking and STOP fussing

2)Split up the feeds (pretty effective cos the first 30ml is usually fuss-free. We fed him 60ml, then followed by another 60ml 30mins later)

3) Warm up his milk (Clarence is very fussy about his milk temperature. The cooler it is, the more he fusses)

4) Change teats (we changed to a faster flow teat, cos this worked for another friend... But this is not really effective for me)

5) Do all of the above and brave it out...

Hope it helps!
Brenda and peachie
Thanx for all the tips. I'll try them out on Gabriel. Hope he won't be taking 1 whole month! That's a really long time!

So far he urine ok but now poos very little. I used to worry he poos to much. Now I worry he poos so little. Haiz... ...

I think it's possible your baby is having indigestion. For my girl, I sometimes give her a chinese medicine call ma1 mi1 ai4. Actually it's not medicine, it's like a dietary supplements. usually my girl's appetite will back to normal after 2 days. But for you, I think it's better to consult PD, I think PD should have similar medicine.

here is the product link for your info.

i am just back in ofc and browsing the posts then I saw wayne's pic and i tot to myself .. hey who's bb gal is this !! then I saw ur nick and I had a good laugh !! ehhehe u notti mummy !

But But emma's nephew look more like a gal leh !!

anyway went to First Few years at KKH just now to get the Medela breastshield. I bought the largest size of 30mm leh .. wonder if it's too big ?


i was at SIA building this morning for a meeting too and I pumped in the exec toilet as well. It is very clean, just cover the toilet bowl with the lid and sit on it to pump. Oh I brought my Avent manual pump today. For FTG, ya it doesnt last very long. So disappointed. So i borrowed the ice pack for medela PIS from a colleague who has stopped BF, and put it inside my FTG.
when i read how ur dad distracted him by reading newspapers headlines, i almost blurt out laffing loudly. (cant do tt as i am in ofc)
but most of ur tips, my mum tried! like splitting up his feeds (u r right tt the 1st 30ml is usually fuss free) and singing, dancing to him while feeding. chgg teats oso din work for him.

when my frens asked me how come i lost weight, i will say coz my son demands me to dance & sing while latching him! burns alot of calories!

same like dumpty, i hope he wun take a mth. goodness!

does gabriel poo once a day? if so, dun need to worry. mine used to poo once every 3 days only. and now he is back to daily again. sometimes he dun poo alot oso. to me, as long as he poos, i think its fine. lets hope our boys stop the strike soon! its v worrying & depressing and i dun even feel like coming to work. all i wanna do is to latch him.
Hey Pig2, our son has same name! so cute to see so many of his funny picture. How old is he now?

Brenda, thank u for the info n photo illustratn of the Buffer. I will go get one to try.

Dumpty, I know how u feel....cos my Malcolm also go on milk strike from week 13 onwards(He 15week old liao). Until now he drink only 90ml 3hrly for 6 time a day in total. Sometime he drink only 60ml too...I feel very sad n frustrated...but he look ok leh(still quite active, can play n sleep n output as per normal) even though he drink so much less then he should at his age. Anyway I still worry n bring to PD n PD say Malcolm weight is within 50% percentile hence means no problem. If he drink so little then give him little qty but more freq like 2hrly instead of 3hrly etc.
I ask if its possible tat bb dont like the taste of the FM. He said it is possible hence can try to chg FM brand. Hence I brought a small can of similac(he drink Mamil gold previously) to let him try. He still fuss a bit when he drink until about 90ml but sometime when force about he wll finish 100ml. Last nite i make the teat hole slightly bigger (use sissors to cut a bit bit) n make 120ml FM for him n he finish all leh! wah i so happy!

My aunty(She has 3 sons, the youngest one 3yr old liao) told me nowsaday bb very smart they can be very picky in taste,etc n seem like new age bb is likely to drink much lesser as compare to bb of last time. Like her yougest son is so much smarter as compare to his 2 elder brother when they r young. And her youngest son drink only 150ml FM till now leh...

She said as long as ur bb still active, can play n sleep n poo poo n still grow well then ok liao. Dont worry ok!
Hmmm... indigestion? I never thot of that. I thot he doesn't like milk anymore!

Yah Yah. I also blurted out and tried to stiffle a loud laugh when I read the reading newspaper tatic. Haha... but your singing and dancing is also very hilarious. How to dance when you latch on your boy? I'm curious to see leh.

Gabriel poos once a day or every other day. Not very consistent but still poos.

Thanx for the reassurance! I need it so badly! First time he went on strike and is making me so worried!

Boys in Girls Disguise photos
Haha.. had a good laugh despite feeling miserable. Thanx babes!
ilovebabies, do u know where on the product itself can i find the code? cant seems to launch the fridge to go website, pic missing.
u cant imagine me dancing & singing while latching on? er, juz imagine cradle hold and instead of sitting down, i stand up and dance + sing at the same time. ever since he started fussing last sat, i hv been doing tt when i latch him in the day. nite time he dun fuss. thk goodness.
tt means ur gabriel quite guai all along lah. u dun need to "entertain" him while latching. i hv been doing tt for a few mths liao. whenever he fuss, i hv to do this.

mine oso this model. goodness! this one is alrdy 6 cooling panels and still not lasting? how long did u use?
You have not replied to my msg???

Sherilyn have been using Avent teat 3 about a month back and it has been alright until about two week ago.

Sherilyn will fuss alot during her feeding time, and then I notice that she is not hungry at all during her feeding time.

So we decided to wait till she call out for milk and it could be every 6 to 7 hours sometime it is even worst 8 hours!!!!

Last Sunday she had her milk at 1:45pm, so I tot that she would be hungry around 6pm but she did not ask for her milk so I got worry and decided to feed her at around 8:30pm but still she did not finish her milk as well.

Last night - she had her milk at 6pm+ and we did not feed her coz we did try to do the last feed at around 11 or 12 but she will refuse and spilt all the milk. We wait for her call for milk again at it is not until at 4:30am she drink 200ml and go back to sleep all the way till this morning.

I have asked around and some experience mummies told me that this usually happen after they have done the 2nd jab.

So now I am worry what will happen after her 3rd jab?
Hmmm... never fuss before means *guai* ah? I did try to talk and sing to him to let him be familiar with my voice and awful singing. And he always make a noise that sounds like he is protesting and telling me "Mummy I want to finish my milk in peace!"
so I no longer talk or sing when I latch him or feed him.

Gabriel had not have his 2nd jab yet. Is only due 2 weeks later. Sigh... does it mean his appetite will become worse after that? Oh No!!!!!
Sha | Aiyo! So weird my post disappeared! Did you get my PM? I PM you almost immediately when I saw your post =( hmm.. let me PM again..
hahaha, i alrdy let him get used to my horrible singing since he was in my womb. now tt he is outta womb, he wun b spared fr the misery oso! my son more kpo, he likes pple to talk and sing to him.

same here, R oso haven had his 2nd jab and he is alrdy like tt!
Dont worry.. sherilyn will still DRINK after her 3rd jab! You worry she don't drink at all??

Sherilyn save you alot of milk powder huh!! Sometimes, wayne delays his feedin time to 4-5hours as well... so i guess it's normal.

How's Sherilyn's weight? perhaps you can check with your PD.
I pity u leh...hv to dance+sing when latching n has been doing this for few mths liao. really peifu peifu ur endurance..when ur bb become heavier then how to continuse like tat?

2nd jab means the 4mth jab huh? My bb milk strike after his 1st jab lor...now i so scare tat he become worst after d 2nd jab which will be on next Sat!
There are of coz different case as well, my hubby sister's son after taking his 2nd jab increase in appetite and put on so much weight after that.

So I think it varies from individual as well. Dont worry too much. I was rather worry earlier on but she is still alert and active!

Why dont you try to drag his feeding time abit longer then feed him abit more and see how it go from there.
kai oso starts to fuss when drinking milk esp the morning feed.

initially tot it's becos he's still not used to me going back to work (im back to work in the 3rd wk already). quite worried.

then when we went to the PD, PD said it's normal for bb to start fussing at this stage.

sometimes i just go out in the afternoon during wkend, my husband bottle feed him, he oso doesnt want to drink.

my hb found out one way, instead of feeding him in cradle position, carry him facing out and let him drink in tt position.

but of course this way has only been tested once, duno whether will work the next time or not.

since PD reassured tt this's normal, then i try to think positive too loh. coz my supply now only manage to meet his demand daily. if his appetite suddenly increase then die liao... factory has to work OT.
Got the PM liao will msg you shortly.

Sherilyn weight about 6.18kg on 08 Jan '07. Wrong answer she did not save me any milk powder. Coz we did trail and error so we wasted even more milk power, as we got rather worry at the initial stage and wonder what went wrong.

Yes the 2nd jab is on her 4th month, I think it depends on varies individual as well.
Hi moms,

On fussing during feeds, these are some of the things which I learnt and can share (since I survived Clarence's fussing for a month):

1) Monitor his milk intake. Make sure he is drinking close to what he should be drinking for his age (eg 3 months baby should be around 700ml, 4 mths should be 800-900ml). If he is really fussing, he can drink half of his recommended milk intake and still go on like this for days.... so it is important to monitor and do something about it.

Should they fall short, try to make up for it either by spliting into smaller feeds or entertain him or whatever else that works.

2) Ensure that he is not dehydrated (see that he still wets his diapers regularly) or sick

3) Have loads of positive reinforcements whenever he can finish his milk, eg clap hands, do the thumbs up sign, tell him he is a good boy, give him lots of cuddles.

4) If you are at your wits end and really pulling out all your hair, can call the KKH hotline (manned by an experienced nurse). The nurses there are really very experienced and nice. The hotline is from 9am (I think) to 11pm daily. Calls are chargeable at $0.90 per minute. The number is 1900-5568773 (or 1900-KKNURSE). They will answer questions regarding your baby (eg how to know if he is sick, what is the milk intake for his age, how to BF properly, what to do if baby is colicky etc), and if they are not sure, they will refer you to a doctor. But so far I find the hotline pretty helpful.

Hope this helps!
tt time i need to sing & dance mayb once every few days only. but since last sat, i hv to sing + dance almost at each latch. i oso dunno how i do it. guess its not impossible coz all mummies juz wan their babies to drink milk. so i dun even think abt aching arms. hoping he can outgrow this habit when he grows bigger lor. take 1 step at each time lah. no choice.

my boy is funny. a few times i tried praising him by saying "good boy" when he suckles, he actually fussed more aft tt!
so wondering if i shld still say this when he drinks. sigh.
Ya lor as long as bb drink their milk n grow well we forget the hardship liao.

my boy look blurr blurr when i praise him. He dont know wats gg on...haha...
i think its not cause by the jab but more by the age they r in now. babies after 3 mths tend to fuss during feeding cos they r regulating their intake. my gal used to be such guai drinker finish until her last drop of bm now also getting naughty. she doesnt fuss during feeding but she bites the teats n refuse to suck n start singing to herself!!! she will only remember her hunger when she is sleepy! then she will suck v fast until she fall asleep. hai... babies r funny creatures arent they? latch on no prob though n worst is now she MUST always nurse to sleep. be it night time or nap time so nobody can carry her when she is sleepy she will get angry n cry so loudly! thats why v difficult to leave her at home with helper or mil. wherever i go, she goes. thats why i getting busier n busier!!!

Guess got to figure out what works and what do not for your boy...
Every baby is different.


The positive reinforcement bit got to do it over a long period of time, and the same thing must be done consistently (ie the family members and any other care-givers must communicate and agree on the consistent approach. Your baby is too young to understand if your mom do the thumbs up sign, your dad do the high-five, you do something else and so on). We have been telling Clarence that he is a good boy first, then do the thumbs up sign, and all caregivers (ie myself, my husband, my dad and my mom) all do the same thing for more than 6 weeks by now. These days he can recognise that we are praising him and will beam and squeal in delight whenever we do the thumbs up sign to whatever GREAT thing he does (eg finish his milk, stop fussing etc). We do the positive reinforcement after he has delivered the results, and not before.

To me, positive reinforcement is a powerful tool and it is never too young to start. Clarence will be turning 20 weeks the day after tomorrow.
Wayne does know how to shake hand and hi-five by raising his right hand to touch ours. Then, he start grabbing our fingers tightly and guess what's next, he will start putting his fingers and our finger (which he is still holding) into his mouth!!!!!

ur desc of wayne reminds me of my Rachel ! ahhaha yes she loves our fingers .. whenever I change her diapers, she would grab my fingers tightly... ahah how to chg her ?? so I tell her to touch her toes .. then i lift her legs up and she hold her toes high high eheh

haaa!! talking about changing diapers, wayne will do half flip when i want to change his diaper.. again, how to change!!!??? So i have to distract him by giving him his toy.

He hold his toy on one hand. On that same hand, he put the toy and his two fingers into his mouth!
fussing during feeding
it's so good to hear that it's pretty normal for at this stage to fuss during feeding. sophie's been like that and after i extended her feeding intervals from 3hrs to 3 1/2hrs, she's so much better. actually i find that a better strategy than feeding baby every once in a while to make them finish the feed. but it was a very stressful time coz i keep wondering if she's fed enough.

just to encourage mummies, babies keep changing and so will their feeding patterns so it won't last for too long. heh, i hope.. and pray...
sorry for the late reply!! was busy at work the whole day, so no time to skive and log on and chat!! abt the bottom, it's actually a waist band that goes ard ur waist. that pulls the carrier AND bb close to u. it's safe!
for the bp, i contacted 3 suppliers - mummysmilk, b.a.y.b (gotta do this coz the forum doesn't allow it - take away the fullstops) supplies and babysneed. and i also want to know... how do u sing, dance and latch bb on at the same time?? gabriel is very funny!

wah! jovann looks like such a big boy in his new clothes!! and in one of the pics u posted, he really looks like ur hb!!

hahahahaaa! so funny! but sorry ah, he looks really good with the headband!!! heh heh heh

ur nephew looks SO CUTE when he's SO UNHAPPY!! hahahaha!!!

i'm not organising the BP.

was reading ur blog then realised we may have a common friend ... Li'an. Her wedding was on 12 Dec 06 right ? I did not turn up for her wedding cos I had food poisoning. Not too sure whether it's the same person though

btw ur jovann look so handsome in the pics
wow, so many hunks n babes!!

My gal also fuss during feeding.
Seems that all babies are undergoing this phase hor. *headache*
What i do is to use toy (those with music)to distract her.
ming liew,
ya. someone ordered the bag and shoes.

rejected her shoe order as i'm concern that shoe will be placed in box. taking up too much space.

as for the bag, will be charging her x2 shipping rate lor.
Happy 4 months, Trinity!! Trinity's eyes r big and round leh!!!! So pretty!

I put alot of things on Wayne's head for disguise!! Err... like diaper, clip, handkerchief folded like ribbon... I think he will hate me when he grow up, looking at his own photo.
<font color="0000ff">little pony</font>, heehee, thanks!

<font color="0000ff">daisybuttons</font>, u've got mail!

Will be bringing Trinity for her 2nd 6-in-1 jab next Tue. Any idea if I can apply for child mc or childcare leave instead of my own annual leave? Will doc give mc?
daisybuttons... my nephew looks grumpy cos he was zzzpy when we put the clip on him.. hehe... how my sil wish he were a girl.. haha.. cos her older one is a boy alr..

ilovebabies, oh gosh, really? yes her wedding is on 12 dec and it was at park royal hotel at beach road. if ur friend one also there then can't be wrong! so ciao. she's a lovely girl, knew her since volleyball days in secondary 1! how did u know her??? she promised to send me her photos when she recieve it so i can post up. i meeting her again next next sunday, in fact the bbq i was talking about is by her loh, for her helpers at the wedding.
i am really happy for her that she found such a nice hubby.

sha and crystallised, actually the ergo not very bulky and kinda user friendly. very snug and Jovann is very happy in it. i posted some pics with hubby carrying him in my blog, can go and take a look.

and hor, i just found a comment from an unknown person below the posting of the ergo in my blog leh. the person said "Looks great! Check out theergolady.com for great tips and tricks! By SoBeBabies.com, Inc" hhhmmm... i think she prob searched for "Ergo" and came across my blog. anyone got the same kinda thing before? i visited her site, its all about baby stuff, she sells ergo too, but its not local.

blessedmommy, same here, my boy seems to need to nurse to sleep now, esp at night sleep.but i must say its me who created that habit in him lah. every night i will nurse him before his bedtime and if he falls asleep i wun wake up him, just clean his mouth then put in his cot. but in the day ones, he will close his eyes to suckle. but once he got his fill, his eyes will open and he will remove his mouth.

joon, hehehe yah he looks a bit grownup in those clothes, my MIL also said that.think all babies will. which pic looks like hubby? actually a lot of ppl said he looks like hubby too. hehehee, me quite happy lah. hubby beri proud of that. hhhmph. there is one distinct feature of him that is definitely from me though. His Big Ears. hahahaa. hubby has small ears.

puppylove, ur photos are as usual gorgeous.
about the mc, that is a question i wanted to ask the PD but forgot too.
hey u have a lot of bedsheets from kiddy palace in pink issit?
