(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

ming liew

start to "nag" at ur bb ahhaha

i keep doing that before i start work and my rachel get my cue and sleep thru out the nite on the 1st week I went back to work ehhehehe

<font color="0000ff">michelle</font>, will the milk leakout from the nuk bottles during transportation?

<font color="0000ff">ilovebabies</font>, my mom will scold me for taking up the space in her fridge. haha...
ask you girls ah, when you store EBM after each pump, how much u store for each feed? i can produce 360ml for 3 feeds (one feed per 3 hour interval) so each feed is around 120ml. I don't know if that's enough or too much? my girl seems to be a big eater! even if i give her 200ml she can just take it at one gulp. she's 3.5months and 6kg and 59cm tall.

that's what i did. i'm using NUK bottles too. i store one of her feed in a 4oz bottle complete with teat and cap and put it in the fridge. i'm not worried about contaminations. my girl is strong b'cos i believe so hehe.
hi melissa, gd qn, i'd like to know too.

normally when im going out and my mom is bb sitting for me, i'll just leave a 90ml for her to feed since day1 until now 3mths liao.

ive no idea how much shld i feed per feed, so agar-agar. i know 90ml sounds a bit pathetic but i just want him to be hungry when i get home so tt he can quickly suckle.

i think when i get back to work, i shld prepare 120ml per feed. but really scared wasted if he cannot finish. he seems to be a small but frequent eater to me.
i do know for a fact that babies are smart and when they know they can get plenty of supply from you at night or when you're available, they will adjust their feeding habit automatically. i also agar-agar and give my girl around 110ml per bottle and she finish it in no time. but i find that she will nurse often at night. however in the weekend when i'm available for her, she will adjust her schedule accordingly and nurse as much as she want during the day, sleeping through the night.

err.. did i answer my own previous question? heehee. i'm not scared of wastage, i'm just scared it's not enough for the baby. i know that my body can always provide as much milk as she wants. but of course, sometimes i get a little paranoid like u do too.

haizz.. just finished washing my pump parts with bottle detergent.. lucky my baby is already asleep..
reason why bb tend to eat less from 4th mth onwards is because their growth rate slows down as compared to first 3 months. First 3 months, they need to eat a lot to double their weight, hence the guideline of gaining 1kg a month in first 3 months.

but from 4th mth onwards, they don't need to gain as much, hence reduced appetite. So bb from 4th to 6th month is only expected to gain an average of 500g per month.
Anyone babies going thru a growth spurt during the 3rd mth going 4th mth? Mine gal jst keep asking for milk this 2 days. yesterday had been waking up every hour 3.30am 5.00am 6.00am
had a day off yesterday and had so much fun with my gal. We went for a stroll by the bay (she fell asleep very quickly in the breeze).
She helped me pick out diapers at the supermarket. They have Nepia on promotion here too, but still alot more expensive than in SGP. Averages to S$16.00/pk for M size.
Made a new baby friend at the supermarket. BB gal of 7 mths old. Wonder if we will meet her again this weekend.
Came back home and read some storybooks. The cutest part of it is after me reading a few pages, she actually starts to goo goo gaa gaa along as if she was trying to ready too.

Will try to get her more books to read. Any recommendations.

so glad to know trnity had a great time with u !!

sorry cant recommend u any books cos I have only 2 books for my Rachel. It's the Brainy Books for LEft and Right brain. Rachel loves to see the pics and colors on the books. She will retch out for the book when we read to her too !


hehe ya .. lucky for me. But realise nowadays she sleep a lot even in the daytime. she can sleep 3 hrs straight and forget abt milk leh ..
That's good. My eldest boy is like that when he baby, however he nt sleep thru the night until 2 yrs old. Very lucky you..
hands up, my boy still wakes up at least twice a nite 4 feeds. and if he not happy, he will wake up for hourly feeds. bbbrrrgggg.... my boy turns 3 mths tdy.
i am not one of those unlucky ones whose baby dun sleep thru the nite.

i alrdy felt i was playing masak masak since i started washing bottles, teats &amp; breast pump aft confinement. hv been playing tt for the longest time. haha
this is the new adult toy.

my boy is a small eater. day feeds i prepare 90ml and MOST times he cant even finish.
nite feeds, i prepare 120ml. at times he cant finish it too. its so hard to make him drink fr the btl!!!

if only my boy will finish watever is given to him, i happy alrdy lor.

same as u, i believe my baby is strong coz he drinks my milk and i am strong coz i eat well! hahahaha

how i wish my boy is like ur baby. cleverly adjusting herself during wkdays and wkends, day &amp; nite. i can juz keep hoping and hoping until he eventually falls into a pattern or when he grows up.
did u managed to go into eoutlet4u to check wat you want?
able to give me your order tonite or tomorrow?

anyone else want to participate in spree to buy?
wats gd? got a good range of clothes (carters, osh kosh, polo etc.)
pricing also reasonable cheap. plus in spree, can share shipping charges. more affordable
Dear mummies

Can recommend a dinner delivery service? Tried buffet paradize, the tasts not nice leh. Any better one ? Is Jia1 Le4 good? Thank you very much!
I'll not be having any internet access for the next few days!! Here's wishing everyone Happy New Year!! Enjoy e long weekend with our precious bebes!!
Joon and Daisybutton, can pass me your email address? send both of you the photos that my hubby took from the playgroup!!

To all the mummies and lovely babies, Happy New Year !!!
my bb had been pooing greenish for 2 days. I remember some mothers here mention thier baby the same too? Is it normal for baby turn 4 months?
hi phoebe, sending you the orders now!
so sorry and thanks so much for waiting for me...

mingliew, u still TBF? by right poo shldn't be green mah. maybe he getting too much fore milk?

orange! yeah! waiting till neck long long hehehe looking fwd to see the photos. my email is [email protected]


DG, that time u advised me which cereals and milk free huh? today went to recki at ntuc, only saw nestle and selected dumex is milk free. what others? thanks!

i also spend lots @ isetan sale.. spent 600 sgd..
bought fisher price toy for Jadelle, # in 1 rocking gym.. keke.. 30% discount! and i buy an exilim camera for hubby.. 10.1 megapixels..

phoebe, crystalized and the rest!
my girl also wake up for feed! and only via latch on, if i feed her bottle she drink 40ml- 60ml then will wake up and cry to be latched on instead.. she wake up 3am, 5am, 7am..sigh... how to make her sleep through the night? Feed her full full also no use!

I dunno how when i start to go on over night trips for work..
daisybuttons, some ntuc may not stock Heinz. try cold storage.

for organic brands like earth's best n HT, u hv to try organic shops like brp and eat organic or any other u can find.
dun mention abt lasilk, even hair cut or facial i oso did not go for coz i really cant bear to leave kai unneccessarily for tt few hrs. i'd rather spend time w him n latch him on. i know im abit crazy. but looks somehow doesnt matter to me anymore. maybe things will become better when i go back to wrk, or worse!
oh BF cannot do lasik ah? didnt know tat.. anyway i think even if i try too fix an apptmt now it will be a few mths down te road. by then, ethan shd be 6 mths old liao so can stop BF hee hee

wah u sound very 'obsessed' wif ur bb! ha ha. anyway once go back to work is very sian one cos cannot spend the whole day wif them anymore
i been working for 2 wks oredi now getting to accept this routine liao lor.
btw mommies who latch bb on, can i ask u if u still need to pump after u latch bb on? if they take only 1 breast, then the other will be very full by the time they next feed right? eg: i latch bb on at 12am for the last feed n he takes only the right boob. then next morning at 7am he will take the left only. then only at 11am he will take the right again. that means my right boob would hv gone 11hrs w/o being emptied?? like tat sure will engorge one rite?
hi michelle
my boy also latch on 1 breast per meal. i did not really pump after latch. only pump once or twice a day to source extra EBM. the rest of the feed, i dont pump. just wait till next meal to latch on the other breast.
during these time, don't really have an issue of engorgement coz the body is 'trained' to know the frequency of bb feeding.
unless bb sleep longer than usual, then will feel engorged.
i dun pump after EACH feed but rather, as and when required. like when u mention at times the breast becomes v full. dunno why most times i end up hvg to pump in the wee hrs of the morning aft my boy latches on.
its a struggle man!!! but i hv to do it else cant sleep!!!

i alrdy gave up trying to make my boy drink full full so tt he can sleep longer. i juz wait 4 him to fall into the cycle by himself. in the meantime juz bear wif it lor... there is nothing else i can do.
heee i oso spent close to $400 at isetan the other day.... until i cant lug the things back on my own and thankfully got delivery svc! hahaha
i think we juz go crazy at sales!
for those who're bac to wrk, do u oso pump every 3 hrs during wkend to prepare the feeds for monday?

in tt case cant really go out for whole day on sunday?
i think u dun need to pump every 3 hrs if u dun need to increase ur ss. when i first started pumping i did it every 3 hrs to establish the ss. but once its stable, u can pump every 4 or 5 hrs still ok one.

as u know, lately then i started to latch ethan on right. but i notice his poo is green colour now n i guess most likely its cos he is getting too much foremilk? but how to prevent this leh? cos when i let him suckle, it feels like the breast has been emptied oredi b4 i switch him to the other side leh. shd i use time as a gauge, ie make sure he suckle for at least 15 min then change side?
currently he suckle on one side for how long? y dont u try let him suckle till he 'release' the nipple himself. then u offer him the other breast. if he takes, then he's still hungry and let him suckle. if not, he's full then.
then u either pump or let him have the other breast for his next feed.
to determine by timing e.g 15mins not accurate (fast or slow drinker)

u mean at wrk u oso pump every 4-5 hrs? wkend too? so tt means cannot go out 1 whole day during wkend?

im desperately trying to establish ss so im dilligently pumping.

y not u let him suckle until he spits out the right nipple b4 changing him to the other side?
edksd, i pump the same number of times both on weekdays &amp; weekends....that is 3 times per day. if i'm @ home I will let my ger latch on when i'm free...
Anyone already do rebonding? Do u all throw away the expressed milk after rebond?
My hair start to drop in 4 mths. And is really alot lor. So scary
eling, me started to drop alot too. hope it's not dropping in 1 patch/area only.

when u all breastfeed, dun u find long hair irritating? i usually tie it up.
edksd, phoebe
he does release the nipple himself so that's y i change him to the other side lor. then when i put him on the other side, he will suckle a while more only then not interested liao n start moving/ wriggling alot n keep pushing the nipple out. haiz... really dunno wat to do now. wanna latch but scared he green poo leh. even my inlaws today ask me how come his poo green colour. they tot we fed him some medication! :p

yes i pump every 5 hrs in the office, so once at 12pm n the other at 5pm. wkends oso same routine lor. i even wake up at 2am to pump cos scared ss drop! u r rite.. i hvnt been out 1 whole day for the longest time cos my life is chained to the pump! but i tell myself its like this for another 2.5 more mths only. after tat i will pump less cos i dun care if my ss drops as he will be on solids already

i rebonded my hair but didnt throw away the ebm lah. still give as per normal.
michelle, how many ml do u get each pump. like tt v gd leh, lesser pump but yet enough for the feeds. ur ss must b v gd.
michelle, ilovebaies, melissa,

just to clarify one more time, when u transport the milk u only put on the teat w the teat ring n transparent cover. <font color="0000ff">w/o tt white plastic rounded thing tt's supposed to air-tight the bottle?</font>

i intend to bf till my gal turns 1 yr old.

why do u need the white plastic round thing when u have put the teats onto the teat ring ? anyway the bottle is covered tightly. that's how i transport my ebm to my mum hse daily.

dont worry too much !!!!
so long as u start pumpng diligently now i'm sure ur ss will be enuf for your gal too so dun worry so much ok? i would love to be able to latch my son on like u mommies instead n not just pump all the time. now tat he can latch, then his poo turn green. sigh... i guess every mommy has different set of challenges :p

i plan to TBF for 6 mths then after that see how long i can continue lor. if can go all the way till they r 1 or 2 yrs old even better lah! but i'm juz gonna take 1 step at a time n right now, im just trying to get past the 6 mth mark!

btw happy new year to all mommies n babies here! may the new yr bring u loads of happiness, success n fortune
i did rebonding when my baby was 2 mths old. i discarded my BM for 24 hrs while fed him in EBM.

if u r trying to establish supply, u pump every 3 hourly. now my supply is established, i pump every 6-7 hourly during wkdays when i am back at work. it works out to abt 4 pumps a day (24 hrs). during wkends, i pump abt 3 times in total on top of the latching on sessions. these 3 sessions r more than enuff to cover my baby's feed for 1 day, so to answer ur qns. my life is not chained to juz pumping on wkends.

same as michelle, i wish to tbf my baby till he is at least 6 mths old and thereafter, if my supply is still bountiful, i will continue till the time i am planning for the nxt pregnancy or he weans off himself.
i agree wif the mummies, take it easy.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all mummies and babies. hope the new year brings new hope &amp; to good health!
wat i pump for friday, is to be used on monday.. when weekend n holidays, i latch my girl 100%. cos this is the only way i get to tbf.. as my pumping in office only ~8oz, not enough for her.. and i run out of fbm liaoz.

i feel so irritated! my MIL look after my girl on weekdays.. so weekends is the only time i get to spend more time with her.. but when i go out during weekends with them, she insist to carry her and want to feed her FM, even though i am there and can latch her on.. now, she "kidnap" my daughter to go to a family gathering.. me and hubby at home now.. sigh.. think she meant well, but i feel like she thinks i dunno how to feed my daughter well..

Thks to her, everytime she bring my girl out for shopping during weekdays, she feed her FM (cos she say EBM very hard to heat up when they go out!). Now, my girl keep wanting people to carry and rock her to sleep and refuse to sit in stroller.. sigh..

How to manage diferent parenting styles from in laws? M FIL attempted to feed my girl carrot cake this morning IN FRONT OF ME! and they went out to buy HONEY intending to feed her in 2-3 weeks time! aiyoh, i insist they must wait until she loses her tongue reflex first.. And, I AM THE MOTHER. I WILL BE THERE TO INTRODUCE NEW FOODS to her, not my MIL!

feels so fed up, yet at the same time, at least my baby's not in the hands of maids/ strangers.. conflicting emotions..

it is tough to wake up and latch her 2-3 times at night and fall back to sleep, cos i feel it is a bad habit that will create problems when she is olderand refuses to move out of the bed.. and what will my hubby do when me not around and travelling for work? i REFUSED to let my MIL replace me as the mother figure..

Yet, last night, she woke up crying and refuse to latch and i tot i not enough milk for her and CRAWLED out of bed to make some FM for her... and it was tough manz being so sleepy! .. btw, she rejected drinking the FM and wants us to rock her back to sleep.
Latching my girl on is the only way i get to bond with her now which cannot be replace by my MIL and i am reluctant to let go of that..

wah your MIL really a bit overboard wif the way she looking after ur ger huh? think she loves her too much liao! yes it is gd that MIL is willing to look after her so dun need to put her at strangers' place which will be worse! mebbe u can tok nicely to her n tell her that whenever u r around, she shdnt give her FM cos u wanna latch her on? i agree the latching is 1 of the best ways to bond wif ur bb n if u can do that, continue for as long as u can!

as for rocking back to sleep, i think right now ur girl is used to it tats y she expect the same fr u too. its difficult to change their habits unless u can spend more time wif them. but ur MIL looks after her the whole wk cos u gotta work rite? so quite tough to break the bad habits lah cos u only got wkends to 'undo' the 'damage'! again, mebbe try telling MIL to not rock her to sleep?!?
