(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

I am going on my long weekend again!! Will be on leave tomorrow and b back on Thursday! hipeee!!

Will be revamping one of my rooms and also, spending abit of time with Wayne.. and on Wednesday, my niece starts school at nursery.. so have to get prepare to take photos of her in uniform! heeee!!!

HI Michelle,
my boy also latch on one side only, n i didnt pump e other side cos i'm too lazy :p
so wat i do is give him alternate breast during each feeds. Any babies still drinking 2 hrly??? My ZhaOhui is already 4 months n 8 days old but he is still drinking 2 hrly... especially at nite
*faint* lucky i havent go back to work if not i will be super tired!!
anyway like wat edksd had mention Dr Ong also says babies will start to drink less which Zhaohui did shows but is only during daytime which sometimes he can wait for 3 hrs then drink but nitetime he wakes up 2hrly sharp sharp... hai... tired tired...
sometimes due to the cold weather, babies tend to drink more often than before. this is becos cold mah, get hungry easily. just watch if they wet their diapers much more often as well. diapers are good indication of whether they are drinking well or not.

Yes, babies at 4 months and above will tend to drink lesser already. They can b fed at 4-5hours interval.
my javier still on 2hr interval feed. i dont expect too much for him to increase his interval.
coz his elder brother previously (on forumula milk) also 2hr interval till he is almost 2yrs old
i pump 4-5hrs after i latch my boy on but the output still lesser than b4 leh. aiyah anyway dun care liao. so long as he's full n happy can liao hor
aiyoh i've been eating anything n everything even tho i'm BFing!! after confinemt i buay tahan oredi. so long as can eat i eat! but i avoid alcohol n caffiene lah. my son still poo like 4-5 times a day... think i better check wif my PD next mth whether its normal cos i notice all ur bb poo less frequently now huh

wah ur girl still wakes up every 2 hrs at nite? u must be exhausted! luckily my boy can sleep thro the nite. last feed is ard 10-11pm n then he will wake up next morning ard 7am. we tried to wake him up ard 1am to feed but he only take 50ml then dun want to drink anymore.

i didnt know bb will drink less fr 4 mth onwards. no wonder he has not been finishing his milk n sometimes even after 3 hrs he still not crying for milk!
ya.. me too! i hate hot weathers as well!! today, was hoping to sleep in but have to come to work and only to find the internet still not able to get into access.

Btw, any mothers have gone to the Isetan Private sales??? So what's the damage report???
i really feel for you - regarding wayne "ignoring" you...

Although I am not a weekend mum and I dun really experience that, I can still empathise with you... bcoz as much as possible, i always want to be my bb's best companion and best choice of everything that she wants.

I dun mean to laugh, but I find your description of your MIL as "neurotic" is really hilarious... sorry....

LASIK is a eyesight correction. So after LASIK, one potentially achieve perfect eyesight, like me..hehe ..

I have my LASIK done at SNEC and eye surgeon is Dr Chan Wing Kong. He is good, popular but caring still... I also recommended my mum to Dr Chan when she needed to do eye surgery. Oh.. my SIL also did LASIK with this Dr.
Wah your bb still wake up at nite for feeding ar.. shiong man. Are you total breastfeeding? I think most bbs would have been sleeping thru the nite by now (abt 3 mths).
Thanks! Well, i went back to my mil's plc yesterday to spend time with him. Ya, it definitely takes time like most of you said.

It's alot got to do with time, patience, love and getting used to it. Both him and I have to learn to adapt to such a lifestyle.

I tried playing some games with him, carry him and walk at the corridor, feed him, wash him, pat him to sleep.. And just do whatever i can to get bonded. He seems alright yesterday.

Guess for me to get bonded with my son is much more challenging since i am a weekend mum. But I think it really takes time and effort.

I just treat it like a big project from work that i need to handle and damn it, i must do it well! haaaaa!!

Positive thinking should mean half the battle won, izzit?! heeee!!
Why the BB here all so guai1 ha? Mine still wakes up at least twice!
Last night midnight she asked for feed again, as I felt the position was not very comfortable, so I stopped to move her a bit. Guess she thought I dont't want to feed her, she started to cry loudly. I quickly latch her on, and she stopped cry immediately.

And yesterday she gave me 2 lovebites. I was carrying her upright, and she started to zook zook my shoulder. Her suction was so powerful, within a second, I have 2 lovebites on my shoulder. Luckily it was not on my neck.
Aiyoh. Your daughter love you so much mah! Heee!! Lovebites? Haaa, ya.. luckily not on your neck or else, you might have tons of explanation to do.. (and who will actually believe that it's your daughter who gave you this)
I am back to work for 2 days and I already feel the TIREDNESS! Furthermore, it is not even into full swing. I am sooo not ready?!?! Bleh.
I managed to squeeze in 2 pumps, still have enough to feed my babe. Once I got home, still have to wash the pump parts, bottles, etc. The whole cycle repeats until I feel as if I am playing 'masak masak'.

Oh yes, baby J now wakes up in the middle of the night. Last time she was able to sleep thru' the night. Growth spurt at 4 mths? hehe...
Or like Little Pony's Wayne, she is moody, can sense her mommy going back to work.
Haa. ya lah.. moody babies... like i say, nowadays, babies r getting damn challenging. Not they listen to us.. we listen to them (in short, we are under their mercy).. haaa!

Wayne's bites r still mild but guess what, his pinches hurt!!!
Pump after latch-on
I thought emptying the breast is good, stimulating the supply. I have been doing this for months... okie leh?! supply hasnt dropped.
yes little pony, I agree with u it takes time, patience to create that bond. Since it's alrdy a fact that we're weekend mummies, we can only make full use of the rest of the time to work something out. Anyway, being positive u have alrdy won half the battle!! Let's all jia you jia you...
Little Pony
Yes, not only are they smart, they are "challenging". That is why my MIL said too.
baby J has strong kicks! kena kicked in the stomach when I put her on my lap, facing me. Ouch!? Wayne can pinch?? hehe, so cute.
Ya. True lor, it's the fact we are weekend mum and that's the best arrangement we can get. Perhaps weekends may turn out more fun and precious when we have our little one back home.

I've sorted thoughts out... and i hope you also jia you jia you!!
Not bad ur bb's "zoot zoot" left lovebites on ur shoulder wor... mine, alamak.. her "zoot zoot" will only leave a BIG patch of saliva on my shoulder!!!

Keira's "killer-pinches" are oso very powerfulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Haaa!! Your bb knows kickboxing at such a young age alreadi .. haaa!!!

Ya, I still haven't really figure out how he pinches my family members. Whoever carry him sometimes kana pinched. And I often hear 'Ouch!'
Nowadays, he started pulling my hair, sucking my shoulder....
wah wayne sounds like little terror! ethan doesnt know how to pinch yet (hope he doesnt pick this up!) n his zoot zoot oso leaves only drool on our shirts, not lovebites hee hee. his kick can be quite powerful tho!

anyway its true babies nowadays r very smart... not like we all last time all gong gong one so easy to take care of. i think its cos of nutrition n prenatal education
keira now sleeps thru the nite and her average is from 8pm - 6am (appro. 10 hrs of sleep). Sometimes she wakes up at 5am.. but hubby and I always pray and hope she sleeps till 8am..haha... Somedays (weekdays) if I fetch her back late, then she may sleep by abt 9 or 10pm. Some nites, she may "subconsciously" wakes up middle of sleep and cry a little, but usually goes back to Zzzzzzzz again.. I must say.. so far not bad...
Good Keira! R gals tend to be more kuai in a way? I realised that gals tend to sleep more leh... That's easier for u and your hubby then.

Haaa! Bb Wayne probably is a terror coz he is born on 11th Sept (9-11)... arghhh.. let see wat he grow up to be!! haaaa!!
ya ya.. haaa!! I recalled when i started to get contraction pain on 9/11 morning, I went like ' shit, that's it. why today? Sure kana people laugh at me!'

And i was telling wayne ' hey, u don't get free diapers if u come out on 9/11.'
on the contrary, i was hoping keira will pop out on 9/11 wor... but in the end, 9/13 ..
not that I am sicko or wat.. but i find 9/11 is indeed an easy date to remember and gives pple a topic to talk abt...
i was also hoping at that time tat ethan wont pop out on 9/11 cos then everybody would make fun of him! but it is truly a memorable date lah. pple sure remember his birthday one hee hee
Haaa! each one has their own preferance. But yes, indeed... it's easy to remember and hmm, till now.. only me and my hubby make fun of wayne.. we call him the terrorist... other than that, no one say much (or don't dare to say?) haaaaaaaaa!
<font color="0000ff">ilovebabies</font>, i duno why bb take lesser milk now. he just tell me, i then blur blur listen, never occur to me to ask, paiseh... next mth i ask. i think yeah as of 3mths+ onwards i guess.
<font color="0000ff">littlepony</font>, is it daktacort cream? nowadays i keep wondering all the cream has got steroid or not.

since dr ong didnt say it's ecezema, i guess kai does not has it. heng ah... i suspect ive it, so tot kai has it too.
<font color="0000ff">elaine</font>, kai oso drinks quite frequently. not sure is it becos of me. last time i quite paranoid one keep worrying he not drinking enough or me not having enough supply etc. so whenever he cries, i just breastfeed him. whether it's for hunger or comfort, just give it to him. latch on more means he's feeding more. kiasu mummy....

ok no prob

my rachel can kick v hard too and she pinched before too !! esp on days when her nails are long ... aiyo can imagine the pain inject on me ...

anyway my mum says the 1st child is usually stronger. Rachel can even stand before she turns 1 mth old ... she will scream and stand up when we bath her ! hahaha
can i ask whether can i do this....

if im going to prepare 4 feeds ready at my mom's place when i go back to work, can i leave the nuk teat on the nuk bottle and cap on the nuk cap? like tt easier for her? duno will contaminate or not huh?
I still hv problem getting into msn due to the internet problems. Paisey.

My PD just merely told me that it's naturally that bb when they r starting the 3rd month, they do not need so much milk as before. Therefore, their feedings drop down to 6-7 feeds a day as compared to 8-9 feeds in the beginning.

Actually, when they r 1-2months old, they feed and they poo.. naturally, they get hungry much more. But now, they poo less, they get hungry less quickly..

That's my PD explanation. But i am sure it depends on indiv babies as well.

that's how I prep my EBM for my mum everyday. the teats are well covered so I am not worry.
my mum will just take the bottle out and warm it. easy.
Shirlyn, haha.. keira sleeps longer than me too!!!! hehe... she is catching on her beauty sleep.

Littlepony, oh.. not a prob la.. just asking :p
<font color="0000ff">ilovebabies</font>, thks. so i can do tt too. are u using nuk bottles too?

<font color="0000ff">littlepony</font>, oic. yeah it makes sense
tat's how i prep my EBM daily too. put into the nuk bottles wit the teat/cover n then transport all to my inlaw's place. shd be ok lah. the air is not THAT dirty ;) anyway during transportation the bottles are in a bag. then reach there straightaway trf to fridge again. not much chance for contamination i believe?
<font color="0000ff">michelle</font>, my mom's fridge a lot of stuff i scared the milk got the smell :p i think i think too much....

then u buy a big box and put ur milk inside. Rem, to put ur milk at the end of the fridge so that it remains cool. My mum's fridge is full of stuff too but but .. ok lah .. bb turns out alright.
