(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

amylim, i think 5 cm is normal ba. When the person (not my gynae) do the ultrascan for me, she said my EDD may change earlier cos of baby size even though i have given my gynae my date where i actually have the cervival mucus (which will give a very accurate EDD already), but still need to see what my gynae said regard to my EDD.
When the person measure the neck thickness, the baby is sleeping after the Neck thickness measurement, it wake up and very actively jumping and turning. Were so touch when we actually can see our baby facing us and wave to us and also saw he/she sucking figure. So cute!

rainnie, we are seeing the same gynae and I think we have the same EDD also. =) 19 Sep rite??
Actually I'm seeing Dr Adrain very often, maybe once a week or 2 weeks.
Emma, I think it's due to the stomach cramp I complained earlier on. Did you mention any pain or cramp to him at the earlier stage?? Anyway, I'm happy to see him every 2 weeks. Hehe, can see my bb.
me also complained stomach cramps.. maybe lohz... aniwayz.. he reduced my hormorne pills to twice daily only.. cos i complain v smelly.. hahahha.... so kiddish hor... haha...
haha...I'm totally not in touch with my hormorne pills. Everytime I take, I vomit for the whole day...so yucky! Then I stopped totally. =)
haha.. but sometimes for the baby, i dun dare to dun take... aniwayz.. now i am quite stressed with my work and studies.. so i think i better dun play play.. cos i know stress is not good for the baby..
Chng's wife, mine EDD is 21 Sept ah...

Chng's wife & Emma, oh we are seeing the same gynae :p
I see him once every week haha...2 weeks ago was my first visit with him. And becoz i had tummy ache and vomit 8 times i see him last friday. and this saturday i'm seeing him again! Coz its my official appointment with him.
My friend told me first 3 months he will ask u go back every 2 weeks. Than after that will be 3 weeks once. Different gynae/clinic have different practice ba...ours is unlimited times of visit leh...some got limit times one. But isn't that very good we can keep seeing our baby growth whenever we go see him
Wah! How are you going to cope? Nowadays, I got to sleep at 10pm sharp to have sufficient energy to work the next day. If I have to reach my office earlier, I'll sleep even earlier. If not, I'll feel like a walking corpse. How are you going to get enough rest?
oh and the photo Dr Adrian pass to us hor..will fade off one leh...so if u wan to keep it better photocopy or...see what u can do.

hmmm hormorne pills? whats the name of the pill? he gave me 2 kind leh...one is pinkish one....the other one is dull orange (folic acid). are u refering to one of them?
i also dunno lehz... but i cannot stop my pt degree lahz... and all the more cannot stop working.. cos i want the maternity leave.. haha... see how lohz.. muz tell myself to relac lohz... bo bianz.... weekdays usually i dun rest enough.. only weekend can rest lohz.. so i cherish my MCs very much.. haha... but take too often also affect my performance at work... damn sianz... low morale lahz...
Emma, yaloh...how u have enuff sleep? During weekends when I dont have to work i will take afternoon nap one leh. at work for eg now hor..i already very tired liaoz. will tend to rest for half an hr. u must take care...
rainie.. hormorne pills are another kind.. white one... a bloody $25 per box which only lasts u a week.. v ex medicine man... haha...
Emma, true...take too many mc will affect performance...i also dont know how coz already took 6 days of mc for this yr already. Sighz
cant quit becoz very lugi cannot get the 3 months paid maternity leave!!! Die die must straggle right! ;)
i think cos that med v ex.. so its not included.. he only provide standard med for free...

aniwyz... i can see red stretch marks on my tummy alreadi lehz...
any of u also have the same prob? that means its too late for me to use any anti stretch mark cream or what right???
oic...n how long must u take the medicine? how many weeks r u in now? got stretch mark...mi dun have yet leh....

yup yup ... encouragement is veri impt!!
I am also on hormone pills. My gynea asked if I have regular periods, which I told him no. I was actually diagnosed by another gynea 2 years back with PCOS, but I never bothered to treat it. Anyway, to be on the safe side, my gynea prescribed hormone pills to be taken from week 6 to week 11, until placenta is formed. He called it womb support and I have to take it twice daily.

The first few days of taking the hormone pills were terrible. My pregnancy symptoms doubled... I was more nauseous, felt extremely tired. I called my gynea and asked if he could half the dosage, since it was written on the hormone pill box that "Strictly follow the prescribed dose", I did not dare to half it myself.

Anyway, my gynea was of the opinion that I still have to take it TWICE daily. So bo bian. But my experience with hormone pills is that your body will get used to it. After the first week, I adjusted back and the symptoms tapered off. I think it is safer to continue taking if you are not sure...

Wish I could visit the gynea once every 2 weeks... Haiz, to wait 4 weeks is really a long and painful wait.

I heard Clarins stretchmark oil is pretty good. Bought 2 bottles yesterday. But pretty ex. $78 for a 50ml bottle. But it is wholly made of plant extracts, so thought it might be safer to use.
rainie.. i am only in my 10th week.. dunno y so fast got stretch marks.. i havent been eating alot lehz... cos not much appetite.. so dunno y so fast got stretch marks.. ???
peachie, so funny .. my gynae did not ask me to take ... or ask me whether i have regular periods before that or not...

I hope i dont have to take coz I already had very serious 'morning sickness' every day. If it double up...oh dear .. i can stay at home and rest liao
I dunno can or not!!! No harm trying! Stretch mark cream so expensive, also dunno whether work or not!
Some of my friends use normal moisturisers, which they found to be pretty effective (since they have given birth and have minimal stretch marks). So any cream with high moisturising ability should be able to do the trick.

Emma, I think there are some products out there which reduce the visibility of stretch marks. At least the counter girl at Clarins told me they got, But dunno how much. Guess u can shop around and see.

There are loads of stretchmark creams out there in the market. Saw one at Mothercare that day selling for $20+. Can try.


Maybe my gynea is more cautious. According to him, if got irregular periods, my hormone level may dip during pregnancy. And this can have adverse effects on the feotal development, especially in the first trimester cos all the major organs are forming. So put me on hormones pills just to be sure. Haiz, he said until like that, want to stop medication also cannot.
YOu gals so lucky... just taking hormone pills. I have been going for hormone injections for the last 3 weeks. wah dam painful....because its oil-based solution.
I had some bleeding a few weeks back due to just walking around Suntec/Carrefour.
Got worried & went to see the gynae. She gave MC for 1 week & got me to take the hormone jabs plus pills for 2 week. Still have another 2 jabs until week 12 to stabilise the palcenta....
rainnie, really envy leh... get to see your bb every 2 - 3 wks.. I believe you took up the package with Adrian right? I didn't sign up any package with my gynae coz company paying 90%.

Emma, must be very tiring, trying to juggle studies, work & pregnancy at the same time... I took up part-time course few years back and it was damn tiring.. got so many assignments + exams every quarter... not easy...
I'm using the anti-stretch mark cream from Palmers. Can be found in pharmacy. I usually applied once in the day & night. Quite comfortable and quite cheap also.
Heard from my aunt that it's quite good lah. Maybe you gals would like to have a try. I think $20++ lah.
hi Rainnie...
i nv noticed e copy of scan fade off leh... maybe becos i have been keeping it in a photo album since day 1 i see Dr Adrian... maybe u can try keeping it in photo album then can keep it longer

Emma... u still thinking of performance bonus ah... dont stress urself too much hor... i have been taking lots of mc... tomolo finally going back to work but not going to stress myself with all e targets!! not aiming for any performance bonus for this FY liao la.... Hope i can endure to take my maternity leave.... then i will go for no-pay leave to look after my baby... heehee
elaine... how? u feeling better alreadi not??? hope ur morning sickness is easing off... me feeling more energetic alreadi.. dunno y.. haha..

hiya.. actualli i also dun wanna think abt performance.. but i have a lousy boss.. she actualli like threatened me.... she hinted.. say 5% of the staff will get a D grade... and according to my MC rate.... then she smile... that means if i take more MC i sure get D grade lahz... so i was v demoralised lohz... got this kinda boss... sianz.............
many days nvr log in sooo many postings to catch up...been taking mc since last week & last mon...MS really damn bad...so far 7days mc n nw its only feb

cookies gal, pls take gd care of yrself...

u haven tel yr boss u preggie ah?u dun feel gd then take mc 1 mah..like tat tel u low morale to work leh...nw oso seeing adrian evy 2weeks...

worst thing is she knows i am preggie... sian right... i have also taken 7 days MC alreadi.... but cos got another colleague also preggie but she no morning sickness... so till now she also havent taken much MC... that's y maybe i kenna lohz.... sigh.....

i think dr adrian sees his patients once in two weeks lohz... also good lahz... sets our mind at rest also...
amylim, u envy us...we envy u leh...coz ur company paying 90% for u ... mi dun have. but the package we took up can use medisave one...which is later during our birth time loh

oh after hearing all this I better go buy anti stretch cream and start putting on liaoz hehe...

oh .. so most of us got 7-8 days of mc already..i thought i super extreme ... coz before i discover i pregnant...i got flu, giddiness syptom so took 4 days of mc!
hi every one ... something to share with u mtb...
there's one shop @ Raffles place selling very cheap maternity pants! one piece @ $29, 2 @ $40...if u purchase $40 and above will have a free maternity panties!!! very good offer leh...i will be going down after work to buy!

Location: @ Raffles mrt u turn to your left, take escalator up (next to aries). U walk straight u will see a magazine shop...its next to it! go and grab one...before the offer ends ...
hi cookie gal: i believe in what u believe. i also tell myself that i would leave in God's hands, only He knows the best and have greater plans for us. hope tt u can get a family friendly co soon... and take care of ur body, then be ready n try again..

hi resha: u mentioned tat ur hormome jab are very painful? did u check with ur gynea is that normal? i also had two hormane jab before which is ok only like red ant bite kinda of pain... take care.

i also hv cravings for all kinds of cold fruits juice. i like sweet things alot now, so i try to turn to fruits n juices at least is natural.

hi elmo: my EDD also 11 sept. but my gynea mentioned plus minus two weeks..
Yes, the gynae said that it will be painful & it is. The injection is not pain but the pain is from the spread of the medication. Because the hormone fluid is oil-based. Cannot mix so smooth with your water-based blood, that's why pain lah.
Tomorrow is my second last jab....
hey girls.. ask u ah... is it ok for us to take spicy things? cos my fren said that the chilli will kill the nutrients meant for the baby.... is that true???
hi rainnie,
did u manage to buy any pants ytday?i din get any cos its only applicable for the cotton pants nia...so din buy..bt spot 1 dress really like bt is $89.90!!!!!

hi emma,
nvr hear cannot take spicy food..i jus eat watever i feel like eatg..hb did nag not to eat sooo much chilli bt he cant give me a logic reason so i ignore him lor..hehe
pjen, yaloh...when i was there .. den i ask the staff den i realise its meant for cotton pants. but its not stated on the paper they wrote

very miss leading loh...but becoz i find the staff quite friendly .. i did bought 2 pants from her...

sorry for the wrong info!
yeah... mae.. i am falling asleep alreadi lehz....

worse thing is i am having difficulties zzzing at night... either cant zzz or will wake up every hr...
hi morning

There's one shop opposite OG (albert Complex) selling maternity pants less than $30, I bought 4 pairs and 1 top for less than $100. Not really for office wear, more weekend wear!

I have been taking anmum since I knew that I am pregnant!

My morning sickness is getting worse, now even at night sleeping also feel nausea!

hi emma,

I have sleeping problems on n off too...jus cant fall into deep sleep...so when morning comes, i felt i hvnt slept a wink...now oso sleepy :s

Sometimes i try drinking some milk abt an hr b4 bedtime...it works for me...perhaps u can try
