(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

hi Emma...
i'm seeing him 2 wks later too...

hi edksd...
ya lor... my elder sis told me can listen to baby's heart beat so my HB request yesterday lor... but e gynae say usually will hear wrongly... heard e mother's heartbeatn thot is baby's heartbeat. i told my sis she also say cannot be one... sure can hear e baby's heartbeat... hai...~~ wat to do!!
mygynae also nv compulsory to weigh want... only 1st visit weigh only... so last night i request lor...

Hi all, Happy Valentine's Day

Just came back from check-up. Am 12 wks today. Baby measured 4.9cm... Super-active leh... Kept on moving the arms & legs... somemore flip over quite a few times during the scan..

E-Ling, the blood test package cost me S$78 and include the following :-

a) HIV Screening
b) Hepatitis B Surface Antiven
c) VDRL, RPR Test
d) Full blood count

Dabee, my gynae said no need to stay away from dogs as long as he/she is clean and you are not allergic to fur..., but gotta keep away from cats coz of toxoplasmosis.
hi elaine
My weight was taken every visit to the gynae, and also urine test too.

I got to hear my baby heartbeat on my last visit, ie 7th week. Won't mistaken mother's heartbeat with the baby's, baby's is faster. Is amazing! But too bad my DH wasn't around that visit.
hi cookies gal,

My mum is helping me to look after my boy.

How abt you? Who would be looking after your baby when born?
hi pig2
ya lor... my elder sis gynae also measure her wt every visit.... she also can hear e baby heart beat.
anyway i will try to ask again next visit lor..
how abt e rest of u who r seeing Dr Adrian?
anylim, our blood test package is almost the same. Do you know what is VDRL, RPR Test? Have you done the DS test and the blood test?

elaine, gynae should be able to use their machine to hear the baby's heartbeat instead of mummy one. The baby heartbeat will be faster than normal ppls heartbeat. My gynae also measure my weight, blood pressure and do urine test during every visit. Maybe you should ask ur gynae on these see whether is it neccessary for you.
hi venus,

Din receive the details for confinement lady.
Can email me again at [email protected] ?

Hi jasline or emma, can fwd venus email to me if convenient? thx
helo ladies, how's everyone this morning?

elaine, emma, wow so cute can see baby's legs and arms moving, must be adorable.
hehehehe eh, as for heartbeat, i read that only at 14 weeks can you HEAR the heartbeat. for now, only can SEE the heartbeat from ultrasound scanning. how come pig2 can HEAR baby heartbeat at 7 weeks so fast?

amy, congrats! now you officially 3 mths pregnant, can spread the good news oredi!?

about the pets thingie, i read that a cat's feaces is more toxic than that of dogs. but if a person has always have the cat and been used to the feaces, he/she could have contracted toxoplasmosis earlier without knowing it. if so, she will be immune to it now even if preggie. but to be safe, if u have a cat at home, do not clear the feaces yourself. ask hubby to do it. as for dogs, think not as bad. there's even a study that says that newborns in the first few months are developing their immune system. so if they are exposed to mild level of dog presence (of course hygenienic and well kept pets lah) are good for their body's build up of resistance. such babies are less prone to common ailments like asthma later in childhood. interesting hor? more at ease coz i have a dog at home. when baby comes, just need to make sure everyting is kept clean....
helo elaine, not sure what the table looked like last time, but if u want it to appear as a table within the posting, you either create a table using hyperlink, or cut and paste a table from excel as below.

Pasting Tables

You can paste in tables from tab-delimited spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel. To paste a table, do the following:

Open your spreadsheet using Excel.
Select the range that you wish to paste as a table using Excel.
Choose Edit and then Copy.
Bring up your WWW browser.
Enter an "empty" table tag (such as \ table{ } or \ tablenb{ }) in your message. Do not put in any Table Items at this time.
Click the mouse between the curly braces in that tag.
Select Edit and then Paste.

I have created a "spacing" between "\" and "table" or else the post won't appear. so remember to remove that spacing hor.

think what u did was attach a file instead thats why turn out like that? hope this helps....me have not tried before too, hehehe. :p
Hi E-Ling, VDRL / RPR test is basically to detect if the person is having syphilis infection (STD).

daisybuttons, managed to hear the baby's heartbeat yesterday (12 wks). Gynae said heartbeat can be heard usually only after 3 mths.
I think I will probably keep a low profile... So far only a few close colleagues & my boss know about it.
helo amy, yes i know what u mean, pregnancy is private. anyway when tummy grows everybody will know.
yah loh, i also read that usually heartbeat can hear only at 14 weeks or later (aka 3 mths)....
know if urs a baby boy or girl yet? me around 9 weeks now.
helo edksd, hehehe maybe your gynae's equipment more high tech. its okie, I looking forward to 14th week.
how many weeks are you now?
no. u can ask the rest. all of them can hear the heartbeat by 7wk. who's ur gynae?

i'll be in 8th wk exactly tomorrow.
Helo edksd and chocolat, its okie. I first saw my baby's heartbeat on the ultrasound in my 2nd visit. Didn't get to HEAR it, but I understand not everyone will HEAR it until later like what amy said, so its alright. sometimes it depends on gynae or the eqt I guess, but that don't bother me.

how come this thread so quiet these 2 days ah? :p

My last visit i'm into my 10th week. Gyne let me hear my baby's heartbeat.

During my 1st preg, KK schedule preg woman to come listen to heart beat once reach 7th weeks.


Thanks for adding me into yr list.
Me 29. Most likely wld choose TMC again.
EDD dunno leh.. got many date leh.. but according to gyne scan is 7/Sep.
hi, i managed to hear my baby's heartbeat clear on my 9th week and can hear that the heartbeat is very fast (therefore i can confirm that it is my baby heartbeat and not mine) so we can actually hear it before 3 months
hello, hope u all dun mind me joining the chat.
I felt so excited after seeing the posting. Will be going to see my gynae next saturday (10th week) hopefully i can hear the heartbeat also.
Thanks Elle!

Have u or anyone started to buy maternity pants to wear liaoz? I'm only 8 1/2 weeks nia...and most of my office wear (bottoms) cannot fit in liaoz. So start to buy maternity bottom...which cost me a bomb... :'(
I think my gynae magnify the sound, that's why I can hear. She print out the sound wave for me too.

I start wearing maternity bottoms liao, my current jeans and skirt are too tight for me.
rainnie, I can't wear my jeans long time back alrdy..hee
For my skirts, still can wear but zip have to stop halfway...so I'm wearing dresses most of the time
hi gals:

i see there are few new comers!! welcome!!!!

amylim: thanks for helping me to ask ur gynea but having dogs ard.. ya, of cos will try to keep them very clean n stay away from their faces....

Eling: sorry about the lost of ur grandma hope that you are ok. i din tell u gals that my FIL passed away on the first day of CNY, as the ceremony we had are buddhist, so I followed whatever the organiser highlighted, they know that i m preggie. whenever at the wake i would require to tie a red ribbon ard my tummy. dun ask me what for i duno, just do it for my bb. i know many ppl will say try not to attend but how to try not to... cannot lar.

i just bought some maternity clothes from this 010 maternity wear at KK hospital retail mall. they are having sale 10% to 70%. their designs are modern n nice and they even hv many nice designs of bras and some swimsuits. they also hv outlet at tampines mall n raffles hospital. the kk branch is open from 930 to to 630 mon to sat. closed on sun n ph.
my tummy already showing. My mum said quite obvioius! Something paiseh to ask, do you all buy maternity panty? Is it necessary?

think if u want better support.. u can get them... otherwise.. juz wear ur normal one and wear it below the betty lohz.. hehe..
Do you all actually use sunblock? i knoe preggies more easy yo get pigmentation but dunno which brand is safe to use leh

DaBee,oh just know that ur FIL recently too. Sorry to hear that. Hug hug! Take care. I also no choice got to go cos i very close to my grandma and have been staying with her for over 15 years.
hi eling:
thanks. i think by now ur grandma funeral should all be settled liao right? ya, u get what i mean by how not to attend? no matter what others say i would still attend lar. my FIL staying with me so considered very close loh. and the wake is at my place void deck. i am very sure that ur grandma n my FIL will "look after" n blessed our baby right?

my bottoms also cant fit in liao now i also starting to buy maternity botttoms to wear if not cannot even zip up.

i bought one or two maternity panties from mothercare when on sale that time, i think after sale is $12. usually is $28. i was told that maternity pants are more soft n better scretch but still can hold our growing tummy. i also bought two maternity bra from mothercare like $50plus for pack of 2 during the sale. i was told by the lady at mothercare that as soon as our pregnacy can start to wear maternity brief n bra liao just buy our usual size. as for the bra maybe the mid of pregency must buy another bigger size if cant fit. the nursing bra (those with clips at the straps for breastfeeding) should only buy one mth before due date...

but orh, yesterday when i at the KK 010 maternity wear shop, the lady told me actually dun need to buy so many batches of bras. the range that they carry is all nursing bras so can wear for a long time like from now till ur breastfeed i think range from $39.90 to $60plus, many sweet colors, even has lacy design and also those t-shirt bra kind leh n and with underwire. the underwire they used are special material thus very soft n flexible very comfy for our breasts. next mth i will go n buy their bras n panties, now broke liao. at mothercare, all those bras are without underwire, the lady said all pregancy bras do not hv underwire cos unwire very uncomfortable. but those at 010 is really comfy, the lady bend n show me.... she even said zoe tay also bought her maternity bras from her.

i also bought a swimwear at 50% discount, after dis is $40. so happy cos diff to find maternity swim wear. i cant wait to wear it to go swimming. hee heeee

hi pig2: 010 panties also very nice some got lace one but i dnuo how much they are cos i never ask.
Haven't bought any maternity clothes yet coz I've a few pair of loose pants which I still can fit in... I will probably get the maternity bra closer to the birth date... will stick to normal bra for the time being
amy... ur braz not tight meh? mine are so tight alreadi.. heard cannot wear them tight.. if not it will hinder the development of milk producing stuff.... then not enough breast milk...
Really, tight bra will hinder the development? I intend to wear my current bra till end of first trimester.

Look like, alot of things to buy, shoes, bra, panties, cloths, etc.
I am Jan 06 MTB.
I wear normal bra till end of 2nd trimester. U can buy bra extension from departmental store. Can attached to the original eye/hook of the bra then it will be looser. Hope it helps.
KK 010 location. sorry that i am clear in my descriptions. 010 is the shop name located in KK hospital, another brand in tampines mall n one in raffles hospital.

some of my bras are very tight.. i dun think is good to wear them anymore. my breasts did actually grew quite abit. maybe now is "E" cup liao.

i think many of us are working now, any of u intend to quit working n look after ur baby full time? i still considering.......to "sacrifice" or not..my hb would prefer me to stay at home.
DaBee, I did thought of quitting...but come to think that, after quitting, I got to raise hand and take $$ from HB...very sian. Got to sacrifice job, shopping spree...

Too bad, I didn't strike on last Fri, if not...I would hv quit and stay @ home and "an tai"
yeah... think i'll go buy the bra extensions first... but then the cup also too small... everytime i remove my bra... my B v pain...
Do you all actually have very tiny pimple on the chest and face huh? After preggies i tend to have these leh. Make me worry. Dont know what skin product can be use also, after preggies dun dare to apply anything to my skin now, but worry complexion will get worst leh. Any suggestions

Do you all actually apply sunblock? I know preggies more easily get pigment. Which brand is good and safe to use?
hello everyone!! This thread is suddenly very active. I am VERY new here too, this is my 2nd post. Sorry, a bit lost to see so many new names, so bear with me.

I'll self-introduce again. I am a SAHM and my EDD for my #2 is end Sept. My #1 is 17 months now. I am seeing Dr Paul Tseng of TMC.

I feel extremely tired recently and with a toddler to chase around, I am just tired all day long.

Elle, how old is your first child? Are you working or SAHM?
E-ling, I'm having pregnancy rashes now.. Gynae says just leave it first... If it still persist, she will probably give me some cream to apply.

there is such thing as a pregnancy rash? wow... scary... i have been having pimples though... so sad.. cos i never had pimples before one... siandomz.. cos the pimples are so painful...

juz now i forgot and went to lift a heavy box in the classroom... then after that the womb area there abit pain.. do u guys think there's anything wrong??? quite scary lehz...
