(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

mae, yup ... have difficulties working...keep wanting to eat and very sleepy

pjen, i tried taking milk but i will vomit...so stop for the time being. Check with my gynae he said if i cant take now its ok..coz baby dont require that now...

rainnie & emma,

sometimes i really hv the impulse to quit my job n be a SAHM ...haiz...

morale at work is really low
amylim, i read a book. if u are pregnant it is advise not to take raw or half cook food. Even half boil egg we should avoid.
SAHM??? but if u quit now u wont enjoy the 3 months paid maternity leave leh....
u must try to stay on...unless u really dont mind the 3 months loh.
me oso encounter the same prob as u gals...
def wake up at nite to pee n cant sleep thru out the nite...somex i feel soooo lethargic tat after work i take cab hm n nap..

after i start to hv MS i cant drink milk too...got phobia nw..cos of e smell...
pjen, occasionally i will wake up and pee in the night but i still managed to get back to sleep. My bro-in law say if cant sleep try to listen to soft music. perhaps it helps?

ya! the smell makes me...feel like puke man. even cheese or butter stuff leh...sighz
ya lohz.. sometime also dunno what to do.. if work then we so tired... but if dun work... then nothing to do only stay home and get fat... haha..

then again.. they say most woman get their energy back in the second trimester.... so we hang in there and see how lohz...
rannie & emma,

ya lor..can only try to hang in there..wat to do.
Luckily still hv morale support from you gals...else the day will pass even slower..keke
emma, yup ... 1st and last trimester will have this feeling .. tiredness...so 2nd and 3rd will be ok for us...

mae, yeah we must encourage each other...
sighz...tomolo is the toughest work day i would have....need to work extra hrs ... cannot claim OT or time off ... sighz
mus tong ok!!!at least we can stil visit forum to yak yak to de-stress...time will pass beri fast 1

anyway most of us startg 2nd trimester soon rite?

mayb i wil try on music if i cant get back to sleep..jus hate e feelg lor...keep wakg up...last nite woke up cos hb knee cap elbow my thigh..soooo pain..
rainnie, me and you the same...can't take cheese and butter nowadays! I can't even drink milk. Puke straight away! Argh...Disgusting..
helo helo, its been such a long time since i log on, i am lost. yeah, so many sept mummies.

i feel so much better knowing i am not the only one with poor sleep. like pjen, i always can't sleep after waking up to pee too! before that okie, but once wake up, after that in bed seems like ur eyes opening most of the time. or just generally feel like ur sleep is not deep and i wake up everytime i change position. did read that the hormones will cause us to feel this way though.

pjen, yah loh, sometimes feel so tird at work i will close my eyes behind the computer and rest. during lunch try to catch a nap but never manage to sleep one dunno why.
every position uncomfortable. now my senior at work leaving, lagi stress. very sian, somemore now 1st tri only, most of my colls dun know my pregnancy, so i can't explain away why i am daze and slow and not contributing much now.

amylim, dun eat raw food now leh, not sashimi too. coz raw food sometimes contains bacteria that may be harmless to others but harmful to us preggies coz our immune system is weaker.

pig2, u drank anmum since u know ur preggie ah? been wondering whether i shld drink but read somewhere that may put on too much weight issit? i read in a thread of your recipe for black chicken essence, very interesting leh.
very excited so told my mum about it, hope she can cook for me sometime soon.
same here for me, cant sleep well and I seem to be aware of when and how many times I change my positions on bed. And I 'wake up' early in the morning when I still feel so tired and sleepy.
Btw, wat's the recipe of the black essence chicken abt? sounds interestin....
U may wanna try web msn? dun have to download it juz have to sign in from website but not so stable though...
hi long time never come in here. hv not finish reading all the posts yet.

i oso seems to hv problem getting back to sleep after waking up at night to pee. took a long long time to get back to sleep.

lately ive no appetite. whenever i think abt lunch time or dinner time, i feel so sian. but still i eat la. but lately didnt eat so healthily coz 1. whenever i think of cooking myself, i feel sian. 2. whenever i think of eating something healthy outside, oso sian. so eat those normal hawker food like duck rice, noodles, etc. feel so guilty not feeding myself well for the bb's sake.
hi edksd,

dun feel guilty, i think bb can still get enuff nutrients from the multivitamins that u take *pat pat*
today i'm in my 9th wk. i duno whether the other mtb hv this feeling or not.

doc often say usually past the 1st trim, the pregnancy will be more stable. so im always looking forward to the 13th wk. everyday counting down.

on the other hand, i cant help but worried tt even 1st trim over, there's still risk. sigh... sometimes i'll remind myself dun worry be happy, worry oso no use.

everytime before due to visit gynae i'll be extrememly paranoid. i cant control but there's a worry inside my heart. and this heavy feeling will only be relieved after i see my bb on the scan and hear the heartbeat. then the next few days i'll be v cheerful until coming to the next appointment again, i'll start feeling worried again.

i wonder is it just me who's feeling so abnormal?
hi mae,

i'm now only taking folic acid and a type of hormone pills. i think doc will giv multi-vitamin at the start of 2nd trim?

i tot 1st 3 mth when bb developing, must give him/her the best mah. so feel guilty not eating well. sigh.. why i so many worries.
hi edksd,

i think u are perfectly normal..i felt exactly teh same way as u. Perhaps it is bcos we both had lost pregnancy b4..thus tend to be more paranoid

btw, do u msn?
i bought the enfamama milk for pregnant women. but i only drank once. whenever i think of drinking milk, i feel like vomiting, tts why i never go touch it again.
hi mae, yeah, tts what i think so too. maybe bcos of our previous loss, somehow get us all crooked up this time. but im really happy at least this round i get to see the bb and hear the heartbeat. this's something which i didnt hv the chance previously.

no i dun msn. sorry.

try to relax..stress is bad for bb..dats wat i always tell myself when i feel paranoid
Else i talk to my hubby so get some comfort.

Previously i din even get a chance to see the egg sac.. .nothing at all
tt day i went to shop for some maternity clothes. just happen to pass by as i was at plaza sing.

sigh... so sian. didnt mge to get anything. i think they all look ugly. i think something wrong w me.

those nice ones are w/o sleeves. sigh. why cant they design nice ones w sleeves too. those w sleeves usually look v plain, v maternity and v auntie.

i wonder if i'll ever be able to buy any maternity clothes. i told my hubby tt i'll just stay home, no clothes to wear, no need to go out liao.

when buying normal clothes im already quite picky coz i dun like thick or stretchy/coarse material, light color. so now even worse. i think i better go tailor make :p
helo chocolat, yes exactly! will wake up every time change position, dunno why. also feel tired in the morning.
oh the black chicken recipe ah? i try to see if i rem, but i think pig2 is the best person to ask hehee. she say put a small bowl inverted into a bigger bowl. take one black chicken, crush the meat and bones, and spread it nicely onto a plate, with 3 tablespoons of water. put this plate onto the inverted small bowl, cover the entire big bowl, and steam for 4-5 hrs. after that removce plate and chicken, and will get 1/2 bowl of essence at the bottom. have not tried yet so technicalities not sure hehee....

pjen, who is the first person u address ur posting to? can't read the nick leh,is it chinese?

edksd, u are not alone in feeling this way. i also feel only relieved after the scanning, and look forward to it every time. during the 2 weeks wait, it will be worry here worry there. one slight change in sympthoms will get me worried. any slight cramps or such also get me worried. and yes i also read that 2nd tri sometimes also got risk, so can't help feeling worried too. but i try to tell myself that worrying is not good for me or baby, so sometimes try to push the negative thoughts of my head. sometimes i confide in hubby and he will either soothe me, or tell me firmly not to worry. i think also that we have to be supportive of one another in this forum. most of us being first time mummies, every little thing will get us paranoid. so we must be careful sometimes coz things u read may worry you more.....this is a support network, every mummy supposed to come here feeling more supported and not alone, not get more nervous by what she reads. e.g. sometimes some may happen to post the baby what size at x wks, but another's baby is smaller at same weeks and get worried as a result. but all babies, all pregnancy experiences,gynae experiences are different. so sometimes we have to try not to get too affected if we read something that worries us.

think most of us here appreciate all the help/advice we can get.
esp the 2nd time mummies precious experiences......
edksd, oh yes i agree with mae spring maternity has lovely clothes.
but i think u mentioned u dun like light colour issit? i think spring one mostly light sweet colours, refreshing designs. but u can try, may cheer u up when browsing....

dun worry about not eating enough for baby now. i read that in the first trimester babies will take the stored nutrients from the mother's body to grow. that is nature's way of ensuring they get the nutrients i guess, since most mums dun have appetite during this period.
i dread dinner every evening. in office during lunch when thinking hard what to eat for lunch, seems like everything also dun taste nice. so gota force myself to eat anything.
pjen, my office server dun allow me to access the web msn url you gave me just now.
guess i can only chat realtime with u girls when i am at home.
can add me to the msn, [email protected]

Luckily for the past few weeks, have been going to my mum's place to nap and have lunch, so she tried to cook dishes I like and I had black chicken everyday. But when come to dinner time, is really a dread, dun seems to have any appetite. Now my 'nausea attack' is getting worse, sometimes dinner dun feel like eating at all. But I will feel guilty if I dun eat, is as if I deprived my baby for food!
pig2, u dun have to work ah...can go ur my place for lunch...mi lunch and breakfast is the nightmare for me coz i have to think what to eat. Cant eat repeated food too many time...will vomit. only dinner i will go back my mom house eat...even if dun like to eat must eat abit .. if go on empty stomach i will vomit water out

any one facing same problem?
hi rainnie
I doing my own biz, time is a bit more flexible. Also my mum place is near to my office, only about 15mins drive, so I will go back for afternoon nap and lunch.
what's the url of spring maternity or where is the shop?

so far, i feel nauseous but never for once vomitted leh. eat too full oso nauseous, hungry oso nauseous.

i think i just caught the flu bug yday. started to hv severe sore throat yday and running nose. now sore throat much better but i think developed a cough as the throat is itchy. when go to air con place i'll start sneezing. sigh... it's like winter everyday when i go to work.
hi all...
i finally went back to work after taking 23days MC suffering at home. i'm in my 11wks liao... things r really getting better these 2 days... can eat better n less vomiting everyday. But i also have e same problem as all of u... cant fallto sleep at night got to toss here n there for 2-3hrs... then wake up few times a night to pee... really tired.
hi girls
I do not know whether any of u saw the newspaper today, there is a public forum on "Looking After Your Pregnancy & Newborn - ensuring a healthy baby" on the 5th March 2006.

My DH saw the registration and pass it to me.

Topics covered:
1) Early Diagnosis of Foetal Well-being
2) Optimising your Pregnancy
3) Care for the Newborn
4) Optimal attachment and positioning for successful Breastfeeding.
Dear mtbs, does anyone know how to do the table thingy?? (Maybe can PM me, then teach me how to do it?) Has been a long time since we last seen the table. Very soon we will have to update the gender of our bb
daisy... i read ur recipe so many times i still dun understand how to do it.. hahaha... ask my hubby to read he also dun understand...... haha... so funny...

Rainnie, me also after i start to have MS i cant drink milk at all... whether do i see or smell the milk i will fell nausea. I tot after 3 months, MS will get better but now even worst. Whether i am hungry or full after meal, i will feel nausea. But i still can eat quite alot is just that after that will feel nausea, but not really will vomit out.

pjen and mtb, every night i will turn on soft music to help me sleep well cos i wont have a chance to take a nap during day time and i use alot of energy to do my work too. I will said it help or maybe is becos i am just too tire, so every night i am very deep into my sleep, sometime at night got the urge to pee also lazy to wake up. Haha~

Today, having my TPM (appraisal), and i actually announced to my boss that i am pregnant. She seem to be very supporting me and ask me dun stress myself. She even praise me that even i pregnancy, still work so hard as before and not taking any leave or mc. Really relieve after telling her, cos be4 that have been worry too much if i tell her what will her reaction like.
