(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

me actualli very headache lehz girls... i dunno who is going to take care of my kid when its here... u all have any good baby sitter to recommend? best if she lives in bt batok.

the other alternative is to get a maid... but when my hubby and I go to work, i dun wanna leave the maid alone with my baby...

how?? how u girls solve this prob???
Hi Emma,

Most probably will be getting my PILs (retired) to look after the baby most of the time. My mum can only help out on days when she's not working. I'd prefer not to get maid if possible. Anyway, still early days so haven't discussed anything with them yet.
hi mummies! I am a SAHM, expecting my #2 in Sept. EDD 30th Sept. Would love to join in to chat.

Anyone here expecting a #2 or #3?

hi sasha, nice to see you here.
I think is 2 eyes from mummy, 2 eyes from baby, total 4 eyes. Some new born "pantang", so old folk from the new born side may not like it. This is what I heard. Dunno how true is it.
My grandma just pass away yesterday, can i attend the wake (funeral)?? I heard someone said cannot cos not good for the baby? Is it true?
I heard from my mum, is avoid funeral, maybe you can check with your old folks or the person doing/organising the funeral, they are able to advise you what to do.
I'm new here. If everything goes well, i will also be a sept 2006 mummy. Any sept 2006 mummy here living in Choa Chu Kang Crescent?
hihi MTB...
long time not here... i've been suffering for e past few weeks... nausea, vomiting... headaches. hai.... until i so so reluctant to go to work so have been taking lots of MCs n leave.In my 10th wks now... but i'm considering whether i should resign from my job now... n stay at home to become a HW.... hai.... headache headache...
any advice??
hi ladies,

May i join in? I'm also a Sept mummy to be. My EDD wld be early Sept. This will be my 2nd one..
I'm as anxiuos & excited as you gals..

Wish all the best of health and a smooth delivery!
hi everyone
I am from feb 2006 mother. Currently doing my confinement.

I would to recommend my confinement lady to those are looking for one. She is very helpful and her cooking is really good. Let me know if you are interested, i will email you her details.
Hi snowpooher,


Hey we can chat abt preg all over again..

Yes me also waited till abt 6weeks then i see dr ang.. tat time can see the small sag liao. And last Sat i already went for the 3rd visit liao.

Check with you ah.. once we sign up his package he will deduct all those tat we've paid to him earlier on right?

Cos my 1st preg i was with KK then trsf to him so not sure how he actually chrg for package. Can advise?

Hi Cookie gal,

Oh so it was you who was with Dr Ang huh.. I read someone from this thread is with him .. was jus abt to ask.
Is this your 1st preg? Both jenny and myself see him. He is very nice and patient gyne. I stay in Sembawang. Wat abt you?
Hi cookie's gal,
Yes, Elle and me are seeing Dr Lawrence Ang. We both stay at Sembawang. My 1st bb is about 3 weeks(?) earlier than Elle's boy.

Yeap Elle,
Start all over again! So fast ah, I haven't go see him yet leh. Thinking to go next week when I'm into 6 weeks. Yes to your qns on the package. $550 in total exclude triple test, blood test, detail scan at 5th mth

So, aiming for gal or boy this round? Hahaha... MSN me bah. Pai sei to intrude this thread.
hi gals,

Lately i felt easily exhausted leh.. Although my tummy is not tat big but i pant easily while walking even talking also feel out of breath..

Anyone of you feel the same way too?
hi cookie gal,

looks like you and snowpooher stay nearer..
Me stay 354A.

So i assume u also a working mum huh?.. Wats your plan?.. Me bo-bian one .. hv to continue to work leh..cos last Fri TOTO never strike..
today is my 7th wk 4th day. i went for a scan.

can see the yolk sac and baby in the gestational sac. the baby is 1.19cm. can hear the heartbeat too.

the previous visit to clinic i did the urine strip test and showed high glucose level. today, normal. but doc still did a blood count for me and showed tt i'm high in the normal range.

usually pple will only do blood test for glucose level in the 28th wk, but doc wants me to do 2 wks later. in case diabetes.

sigh.... i guess i wont want to worry too much. even if it turned out i'm diabetic oso no choice loh... no family history of diabetes leh.

i understand some women has diabetes during pregnancy but usually in the middle stage leh. why me so early?

i oso understand i'm pcos, higher chance of diabetic :p sigh...
Do you all still feel tired? I nap about 1hr in the afternoon, but at night still tired, within 10mins on bed, fall asleep liao. I felt so bad to neglect my DH.
hi i am new here. Wan to know if Dr Lawrence Ang is good ? hear from ppl he rush thru his consultation. And if we choose him , do we have to choose TMC/MAH ?
hi pig2, i went thru magazines...and realised that 1st 3 months pregnant woman tend to get tired very easily...

mi also...had a afternoon nap at 5pm yesterday but 10plus i felt tired and went to bed liaoz.
hi Emmas..
yesterday i went for my 10wks scan..can see e baby head,hands n legs liao...soso fast

i request to weigh n i'm 1kg lighter than 4wks ago... my husband request to listen to e baby heartbeat but Dr Adrian says..... usually will hear e mum heartbeat instead of e baby one...

how's ur c/u today??
hihi elaine...

me today went... no body go see one.. hehe... my baby is 2.51cm now.. am 9 weeks pregnant.. hehe.. i also can see baby's arms and legs.. hehe... the baby moving somemore... hhehe... baby's heart beat v fast... hehe.. but its normal one.. hehe....

i'll be seeing him 2 weeks later..
hormorne pills reduced to twice a day... yay!!! i hate taking med now... yuks!!! haha...
hi elaine, why ur doc says listening to the baby heartbeat will hear the mum's instead? what kind of machine/technique is he using to hear the heartbeat?

and why do u need to request to weigh? i tot every visit it's compulsory to weigh?

Hi Emma, Jasline and Mae

I have email you the confinement lady details. Jaseline, her dialect group as per the email.

Cheers ladies, hope you will have a wonderful pregnancy. Enjoy yourself as it is certainly a exciting journey of experience.
