(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Kelly I see, I find that I'm paying alot for the drugs that she wants me to take. From vitamins to calcium to DHA to iron pills, I've to down like 7-8 pills every morning and to think I'm the sort who have to break up my paracetamol into pieces to eat, that was quite traumatising for me initially. I've stopped taking those pills last week, think as long as I eat responsibly should be fine.

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Hi Noe,
Don chuan don chuan hehe..

For mi i not using those looped pad.. i bought maternity pad which has adhesive.. Giant got sell... its a white packaging - Pureen's Madame Maternity Pad. Its alot cheaper than KOTEX loop... got abt 20pcs inside if i not wrong..
Hee<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Many thanks Cynthia!
Hmmm ... Pureen huh.
Okay I will keep a look out for it. I am staying in Ang Mo Kio lah ... Giant's quite a distance.

As for e maternity pads, it seems alot longer than those Night pads i using lo...

Sometime we have headache mayb not realli cause from confinement as e cause is not yet found.. SOME old wives tales mention it is related.. so many which is not facts are turning to facts BT what i feel is most impt we try to rest well n do those basic we can.. Certain which we cant avoid also no choice lo..

Jus make sure we rest well, eat right esp we BF bb, certain food cant be eaten too.. As wat kelly mention too, future den we decide (hehehe) nw jus do wat we can n within our needs n means yesh!

I not sure if NTUC got sell... u wan i can buy for u as THIS sat i will be dropping at amk to my IL hse. maybe u can buzz mi let mi know..
Ha Kelly, good question. Actually at my 32 weeks scan, we found out that my baby has developed a cyst in her body, about 4.4cm big, scared the hell out of me. I was advised to visit a specialist for an OB scan to find out the location in her body. This specialist did a detailed scan for me and luckily he said that its a functional cyst in her womb, not rare but not common too, usually caused by mummy's hormones, it will usually go away after birth. The specialist did very detailed scanning thus he was able to tell me the estimated weight of my baby back then. When I visited ester ng during my wk 35th check, she told me not to be bothered about baby's weight. Not sure if she's too lazy to measure or just thinks that its not necessary. I will try my luck again this week. Btw, during my last visit, found out that baby's cyst has become smaller, thank god! I come to realize that there's really no guarantee and must treasure every moment. Hope my baby will continue to stay strong and healthy.
Hi Leia,
Kotex Maternity Loop - 26cm
Kotex Maternity Adhesive - 28cm
Ha ha ... I am packing my hospital bag now.

Wah ha ha ... I bathed and washed my hair with e herbal + ginger water every day!
I slept in air-conditioned room in my longs too.
Ke ke ke ... Heat gets to me very easily in terms of my temper as well as rashes.

I think I will get whacked by PNB even harder if I follow the strict confinement rules laid down in our grandmothers' days.
Hygiene is also a big factor to me &amp; I cannot withstand unwashed hair as my hair gets oily easily.
As for the rheumatism part, old folks shared that it kicks in only much later ... perhaps in our forties?

Yeah, as Kelly has put it, we have enough concerns for today already.
Let tomorrow worries for itself.

A grouchy &amp; stressed mummy can't produce much milk either. Hee hee ...
Make sure we rest well &amp; eat well!
Hi Cynthia,
Thanks so much for your kind thoughts.
No worries lah ... Trouble you just for some savings. I feel pai seh myself.

Hee hee ... I have appointment this Sat with some mummies. We are going to indulge in massage!
haha...sleeping in air con should be ok. Stay in hospital, also sleep in air con wat!!!


Welcome...me stay near sun plaza too
hi, maybe it's contractions, or 'fake contractions'... hahah dunno why. see what happens. my EDD is 4 aug.... gynae actually predicted i would hv pop anytime last week... but till now... no sign. did CTG last week also no sign of contractions. the final weeks are really tiresome.... yesterday i finally gave in, and got a lady to come and help me clean the house. so good to hv a clean house without me soaking in sweat and having backache.
think i'll keep her for the confinement period and for the first few months after i gave birth. just hope i can cope ok with a 3 year old and a newborn bb.
haha, thanks for all the responses on air con issue. it looks like there really is no hard and fast rule.
I think I will cave in to air con needs quite fast.
Wow mummies,
we are reali so on ah..hee hee...so many posts..anyway it has been informative reading abt everything...

Linda so the brand u wanna recommend is MIM nursing bras..ya i have seen their website n their nursing bras seems so much nicer than those i saw...n the price is reasonable as well..but guess for now i juz used the 3 nursing bras from impression for now till i know if my BM is regular n there is enough to feed my son..then i go buy nicer ones..hee hee

Yeah tom is Friday, i am so happy..coz it is the wkends that i can reali rest n sleep later coz been waking up every nite so often...haha..as i am posting now, my bb is having hiccups now..:p
Hubby confirmed my date of induced delivery wif obgyn...looks like I'm off to KKH at 10am this Sat.

In real pain now...pelvic area hurst like mad and I can't walk properly..kept having tightening...hopefully baby cooperates and wait till Sat....

Off to rest now...praying can sleep well...

I'll log in again after I've popped cos my body's killing me

Take care then ladies...
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Noe, i'm near AMK!! i usually stroll to AMK 600plus, near the CC.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Really leobbsmom!
Oui, then we are really near each other.
My parents' are staying right across Cheng San CC.
Oooh ... Your EDD 7 August right?
Akan Datang!
Leobbsmum, 600+ is near where i stay, u walk by YCK CC? I am living just down the street at Nuovo....but too lazy to walk at night

Noe, i usu wear the padded bra with my outing clothes, looks nicer!

Good luck nurbates! I can empathise with the pain you are suffering! imagine, in no time, you can sleep on your tummy and in a few months time possibly wear your slim clothes again!
Hi mummies,
i bought sofy, the 38cm long one ahaha i think i prefer that more then using maternity pads, cos i am afraid of leakage. as i use b4 maternity pads esp kotax loop it go out of shape easily.. and will leak once out of shape. and its thick n uncomfortable
Hi ladies
Today is my last day of working day.
Will be on annual leave for 7 days followed by my maternity leave. Trying to clear annual leave as my company dun allow our leaves to be carried forward to next yr. Well so much using fan or aircon during confinement. I think I am also an aircon person especially during confinement period can't wash hair that often. My dad mentioned staying in aircon room should be ok. As when we r in hospital during labour also in aircon room. hehehe. My elder sis also just given birth in May this yr. She is not an aircon person, but she told me after u eat, u will be perspiring like hell so she always hide in the bedroom to keep her comfortable during her confinement. BTW, dun seem to see posting from Dino and the other ladies who suppose to pop early aug. Maybe they have already pop.
I will be going for checkup today. Mine EDD is 13th Aug. I doubt I will pop early as I dun have any symptoms yet. Next week onwards I will surf net thru home.

Hi nurbates
Congrats to u. U will be seeing yr baby soon.

WOW 38 sure long enf! I use sofy in e past for my menses n not bad too.. was thinking for e 1st week i will be using maternity pad den will switch to those heavy flow nite pad (cos it seems more comfy to me rather than those thick maternity pad!)

Was reading through e book "What to expect when expecting". Cleaniess is v impt after delivery esp if any infection occur wont do us good. Advisable for us to change our pad esp for a start regularly abt every 2-4hrs depending on the flow as what e book mention.

cant keep having nitemares n jitters liao.. thinking of e pain n also hw will bb like. Dono any other ways to make mi feel more relax. WAnted to go shopping as stress relieve BT seems so difficult to walk longer hrs nowadays!

Wow now all of us are prepared popping out of bb.. sure cant wait to hear more stories coming up!

yep posts v slow today.

hey noe and augbaby, guess what? i'm going to take photos with benjamin this sunday

hi peddie
maybe a good gal friend? don worry it'll all work out.

an ang moh colleague was just telling me, shd discourage your husband from looking down, he should just look up, or it'll steer him off sex for a long time. haha. but i think i'll ask my hubby to look down, so can see the crowning, mentally preparing him as much as possible.

anyone got good books to recommend, or videos? since i didnt go for antenatal classes, found good info on the net.. though nothing v graphic.
That's great pups!
Please do share your pix with us.

I attended KKH Antenatal class some years back &amp; I still have the one-inch binded notes with me.
Would you like to have it?
I am staying at AMK if you would to collect from me.
Hi Honeyhaven,
I am still around, haven't pop yet. I started my maternity leave, so do a lot of cleaning n packing at home. Last sunday, i had the mucous plug with brownish to pink discharge. But still no strong contraction yet. I still have those contractions, tightening every 10-15mins, but not those that were unbearable, so still waiting. I told my gynae, she told me to wait for stronger contractions. My nxt appt is tomorrow.

hi Kelly,
I am having thick discharge since last sunday. Do you experience that before you pop?

Hi Rain,
How are u, any signs?
Wow..so many mummies having signs of giving birth already...so nice...
I am going to see my gynae today at around 3+ instead of Monday coz today bb is like not moving that much and movements seems a little weak and different from the normal times..hence a little worried now.
hope everything is ok...worried...
augbaby ,

dont worry , everything will be fine , sometime baby is like that lah , maybe becos baby growing bigger , so not much space to move around liao , dont worry ok ! smile =)
Thanks white lady,
ya going to see my gynae to have peace of mind...cant help worrying a little lor..coz bb usually reali active n thou not much kicks but he will move about n i can see his bump at my right side everyday but today no bumps at all till now....n when i tap my tummy sometimes no response or if not it is a little weak movements..it is so not like him..sigh..
Hi Dino
I think u will pop soon. I also have more white discharge now. But not that thick to me. I also waiting.....Your EDD also 13 Aug or earlier??
pupsandcups, I am also made an appt with Benjamin this sun, at 3:30pm, hope kids aren't too grouchy to smile....tks to noe's recommendation, think he's been getting more calls!

As for not looking, i feel all husbands should look to understand the pain! doubt it turns them off....look at me my husband looked from the 1st to the 2nd, and now its a third....the only thing is that he looked like he was abt to pass out the first time...i doubt I'd be brave enough to look tho? we don't get to see anything behind that cover!
Hi White_lady
Not really more discharge means going to give birth soon. I just thinking after the discharge is there any chance for 'show', water bag may burst after the discharge or more intense contraction after that.
Hi, white_lady

just came back from my check up.... had asked my gynae abt c-sect with half GA &amp; c-section with epi.... he told me they r not the same...but he recommend c-sect with half GA to me &amp; said it is up to me to decide what i want....
hi white_lady

think it is the drug that they gave to u that is different... other than that, for both, hubby is allow to accompany u into the operating room...

baby is fine... abt 2.9kg at 37th week... not much weight gain but doctor said that is ok as my previous checkup is abt 1 week ago...

ya, had chosen c-section to be on the 11th August... will be going back to see my gynae again nect friday...
hi jesline ,

the drug is different ? how abt the way they insert the drug ? cos from what i know , for epidural , is insert thru the spine ... so ur gynae suggest half GA , did he say y ?

and u choose 11 august , so is over 38 weeks already rite ?

ya, epi is insert thru the spine... but not sure abt how r they going to inject the GA in me.....

ya, gynae suggest half GA... he just told me it is less painful &amp; is safer than full GA... he did not compare it with c-sect with epi.... anyway, my gynae dont recommend epi as he said there is lot of side effects....

yes, 11 august is at 39th week... cos for c-section, need to be done abt 2 week before the EDD....

actually thot of doing it on the 38th week but my mum went to the temple to ask for a date that is good as this month is the chinese 7th month so it is better to ask for a good date lor...
Hi Wanli,

Saw ur post in my thread and I also try to pm u but u dun accept pm.

Yesterday I went for emergency consultation in Dr Wong clinic cos I have a lot of white mucus discharge and funny feeling on my lower adominal. The whole lower adominal harden up like a dough. She din expect me to have such early contraction and it is abt 5mins per contraction but no pain. She told me this is Braxton Hicks contraction and it is caused by my strep B infection.

Dr Wong asked me if i wanna my baby to pop by early Oct cos by then I should be in 36 weeks already. I prefer natural... cos hear inducing is painful then natural contraction. But depends... if my condition bad, I will go for inducing. Expensive baby I have. Perhaps, dr wong too pretty and thats y my bb wanna see her often. Lolz.

Oh yah, if u wanna pm me, send to my email, [email protected]. I dunno how to turn on pm. sorry abt it. I still persuading my hubby to let me use epidural... he wanna me try without first... doubt i can tahan the pain, LOL
