(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

u can bring EBM out but need 2 put in a cooler bag & find a plc 2 warm it up when ur bb wants 2 drink.

y dun u try tis method 4 a few times & see if it works? if u r able 2 predict when ur bb 1 2 drink, manage 2 find a plc 2 warm up ur EBM (as in get a cup, fill wif hot water, heat it up - e whole process shld take abt 2-3mins even if u hv a cup & hot water available), then tis method of bringing EBM out shld work.

for my 1st son, i dun bother 2 bring EBM partly bcos he rejected bottle. 2ndly, when he wants milk, he screams his lungs off & bawls nonstop until he gets mummy's nipple. everyone around would know tat my bb wants milk. no chance 4 me 2 find nursing room, toilet or anywhere quiet 2 nurse him so i just nursed him wherever & whenever.

Hiya ladies

Thinking (and stressing) about future baby care issues... Will you be letting your bb sleep in aircon (even in the first mth)? I was just looking at the baby room and even my room and thinking that with this super hot weather we have been having, it must be way too hot for baby to be comfortable to sleep in the room without aircon! Even I feel hot and will probably flout all the confinment rules and sit in air con room. When the UK and US books say to keep baby warm, they seem to indicate that this is about 20 degrees Cel! Do you think it is feasible to turn on air con but set it at like 25 or 26 degrees? To me that seems most comfortable while still maintaining warmth level for baby.

This may seem like a dumb question but does anyone know why it is so important for babies to be kept so warm?
honeyB & other newcomers,
welcome 2 our thread. do post ur details 2 ur "piyo" who'll update in a table & send e info 2 us via email.

ed seems 2 b improving fr his jaundice. he no longer looks yellowish, he poos out lotsa fresh yellow poo.

gabe's definitely very affectionate, sometimes too affectionate until i frightened. he dunno how 2 handle his lil brother so can b overzealous.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

I have a qn: Where to buy maternity pads? And what's the difference really, between normal pads and maternity pads?<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Hi Leia,
Those maternity pads (Kotex Looped Maternity Pads - 10 pcs for $1.50) are generally thicker &amp; oblong-shaped.
Unfortunately, as Linda has shared, they do move about easily.
Kotex Adhesive Maternity Pads - 10 pcs for $5.90) are also thick but butterfly-shaped akin to our usual sanitary pads.
It sure is expensive though.

Ha ha ... Actually, I JUST bought 2 packets of Kotex Looped Maternity Pads from NTUC.
Both my friend and I have the habit of changing the pads each time we visit the toilet for pee pee or poo poo session for hygiene sake during our confinement.
So we don't mind doing that for $0.15 a piece.
Usual sanitary pads cost more right?
Hi kelly,
U r here..hee hee..thanks for the advise..i guess it is a trial n error thing for now..till i know wich work best for me...:p btw for warming up EBM, do we use warm water or hot water??As in for example, water that is juz boiled from a kettle etc? is that too hot to warm the EBM? Or water that is stored in a flask that can keep it warm? me blur n confused lah..

Hi Linda,
The main thing is i cant imagine wearing those nursing bra wif no padding n support out wif my top if i were to bring bb out say to shopping etc..N for the breast feeding cover, do u mean that if i wear my regular top, then i still have to wear a top that can enable me to slip one side off so i can feed my bb rite? i shld not be wearing a top that needs me to take the whole thing off rite? coz i am not thinking of buying nursing top but more like wearing my regular spaghetti top so i can maybe slip off one spaghetti side off to feed etc..
YES, talk abt tis freaking weather! my newborn son &amp; i've been sleeping in aircon since i was discharged. i merely wrapped him up more, put him in long sleeved top &amp; pants. aircon temp is set at 26degrees. not cold enuff 4 me &amp; husband but we setting it at tis temp 1st. once my son is bigger, i'll set it 2 a lower temp, say 24-25degrees.
Hi augbaby, yes this is my first child, thus, hubby and I very excited, infact he is so excited he keeps telling baby to come out "ready when you are"...

Hi Cynthia, my gynae is Dr Ester Ng, she has a private clinic in Katong and an afternoon clinic in MAH. All my girlfriends go to her so they recommended me. I used to go to WK Tan at TMC but the waiting time is too long and I find that she gives very short attention, thus decided to switched over to another one. Actually I stay very near Sun Plaza, didn't know that Dr Ang is so popular, but don't think I could get him too cos hubby not very comfortable with male gynae, don't know what's his problem, hee.
kelly - am glad to hear that. I thought I must be the only mad person to think of putting newborn in air con room. My friend's son (newborn) doesn't sleep in air con and just with a fan and he's all swaddled up. I was in the same room while visiting, not swaddled up and felt so hot! Can't imagine how hot he was feeling? I was told it was because I was so pregnant and that babies prefer it warm. But surely not that hot right?!?
Helo Zshih,

Think i wont let bb sleep in aircon.. don wan her to get too used to it. Will have e fan ON instead lo.. n give her more cooling clothings..
hi augbb,
if u using EBM tat has been brought out >2-3hrs, u'll use warm water but when u r warming up EBM, u'll 1 2 shaking/stirring ur EBM so tat it'll b hot throughout &amp; not just the outside (as in e bottle can feel hot but e EBM inside may b cold).

if u dun wear nursing top &amp; stick 2 ur spaghetti top, u'll b 1 sexy mummy BFg ur bb.
Hi Cynthia - is your bb room quite cool to start with? You are lucky if so. My bedrooms at this time of the year are quite hot. I know what you mean though about not getting bb too used to air con. So you are not swaddling her? Have seen some ppl put blanket and all too and room is so hot!
Hi Augbaby,
Yeah ... I have the same experience as Kelly.
Both my boys rejected EBM since Day 1.
So I nursed them wherever and whenever literally.

You may like to try what Linda &amp; Kelly has suggested.
MIM does have some padded nursing bra series (which won them an award) though I have not gotten myself any yet.
sorry for so many questions ah..but if for example i put the EBM in the fridge and want to feed bb, do i have to bring it out n leave it outside say on a table b4 i warm or no need? if no need, so i use boiling water from a kettle to warm or juz warm water from a flask etc...totally confused..haha..
welcome on board new mommies! =)

hey noe, my mom bought the looped pads for me, 8packs!! think it's abt 10pcs each pack. she said we will hv very heavy flow for 2 weeks, need to change alot of times a day! pengzzz... loss of so much blood... guess tats why we need to take so much tonics during the 30days, ya??

augbaby, my fren just told me abt her concern abt BF-ing also.. she wan bb to latch on even when she is outside(e.g. mkt/shopping centres) but her hubby minds, and wan her to express BM and feed the bb when they are outside..

i guess it's fine to express BM and just warm it up with a cup of HOT water if u wanna feed outside and dowan to latch bb on..
in e afternoon, when my 2nd son naps, it's juz e fan 4 him (fan speed at 2 or 3 - the max speed). i dun swaddle him, just a blanket over his legs/belly. sometimes he kicks it off, i let him b. as long as i dun hear him sneeze, i know he's doing fine. he's dressed in short-sleeved top &amp; long pants (MIL insists tat we must keep him warm too in e day).

aircon in e nite is a MUST. husband, me &amp; my 1st son needs aircon 2 sleep. our plc also not e windy type so no wind at nite. even wif e fan, it can get very stuffy &amp; hot.

when i had my 1st son, he also slept in aircon room e day he was discharged. til now, we r still sleepin wif aircon. hence, i c no harm 2 put my 2nd son in aircon room too.
Hi, kelly

so good to sleep in air con room.... dont think my hubby will ever let me switch on air con during my confinement period due to all those story that his cousin told him... will get back age or suffer when old....

think i will need to suffer for one month then
Wat actually is hot water? coz my home got no flask one...n if i want to drink hot drink, i will have to put the water in a kettle and boil one..so i am kind of confuse what it means to be hot..haha...pls help

Hmm actualli i find my hse hot all e day n seldom have wind blowing in... bt i will have e fan on cos my bb room no air con too.. N also i bought a mini fan which can be attached to e play pen to air her surrounding.

In SG weather is always so HOT... wat to do.. wonder hw can we manage to survive without FAN N AIRCON! Must bear for a mth...

Actualli some might feel tat air con is all right for us during confinement.. BT frankly speaking it can be worse than FAN.. Cos i have some friends they sleep in air con during confinement alot prob arises after 1-2yrs.. pain.. not comfortable..

BT though some say drink wine or dom or any herbal tonic will help.. i still feel not so good. Cos if we are BF out bb, den a amt of wine, dom n herbal maybe reduce too?

For mi, i was thinking to let e fan beat ard e room bt NO facing mi or blowing to mi.. Let e room at least have some wind... N of cos, some aunties told mi to wear more comfy clothing, n change clothing regularly.. so washing machine will be loading up!
it depends which part of e fridge u put it in...if it's e normal fridge section, u can put ur EBM directly into e hot water &amp; warm it up (make sure u stand there, shake &amp; stir e EBM, dun walk away &amp; come back a few mins later. ur EBM'll b too hot &amp; ur nutrients in there all wasted)

if u put it in e freezer section, i usually bring a bottle out 2-3hrs b4 i feed my bb. then do e same method as above.

I couldn't remember when I started my package, think it was during my 26th week. Her package is $500 for normal consultation + scan from 26th week till birth. She's a nice lady, hubby finds her a bit faky sometimes but she seems to like him, always saying that he is a good husband so he doesn't mind sticking with her.

I've a question here, what does it feels like when you dilate? Does it feel like contraction pain or just pain down under?
jesline, cynthia
i flouted most confinement rules so i heck care abt e aircon. how 2 rest/sleep when i not comfortable at all? i've heard stories abt problems arising if u dun take gd care during confinement but for me, i more concerned abt present moment. future problems, i worry later.
kelly dear,
thanks..i finally understand the part abt warming..hee hee...now i juz have to determine wat is consider hot water..hee hee..thanks dear...
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

ed seems 2 b improving fr his jaundice. he no longer looks yellowish, he poos out lotsa fresh yellow poo.
gabe's definitely very affectionate, sometimes too affectionate until i frightened. he dunno how 2 handle his lil brother so can b overzealous.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Hi Kelly,
That's great news!

Yes yes ... I know what you mean.
My #1 is asking to carry his baby brother after I delivered!
hai so how? I am the very 'hot water bottle' type. Die die must sleep in air con. Even in office, I don't wear sweater or anything even when everyone else is freezing!

Cynthia - what problems did you friends get after sleeping in air con during confinement? They got back ache? I can't decide if fan or aircon worse because if one sets the air con temp at abt 25 deg and wind speed to low, wouldn't that be better than the fan blowing full blast? I thought this particular confinement rule was because it was cold in China. If so, then shouldn't apply in Singapore's tropical weather right?
HEHEHE kelly,

True la.. some cant rest well or sleep well... for mi.. haiz think i will die die try n try BUT i sure bath with those herbs lo.. cant imagine if don bath how to survive!!!!!!!! n also we doing massage hw it feel if don bath!

Some they use rice wine to clean e body bt does it realli help? Think got to keep wiping n wiping rite.. esp e food we eat for confinement is heaty too...

Jus pray all these confinement ENDS faster!!!
Wah ... the postings are coming fast &amp; furious.
I read until I chuan.

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

hey noe, my mom bought the looped pads for me, 8packs!! think it's abt 10pcs each pack. she said we will hv very heavy flow for 2 weeks, need to change alot of times a day! pengzzz... loss of so much blood... guess tats why we need to take so much tonics during the 30days, ya??<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Heh heh ... Your mummy is experienced indeed, leobbsmom!
When I was at KKH, the nurse actually looped 2 pads for me after she cleaned me up!
Even with that, 4 hours later, I stained the hospital gown &amp; bed big time.
Well according to my MIL, she said its perfectly fine to stay in air-con room during confinement. She said air-con will keep the air dry and since the idea is not to let water or wind seep thru our body, this is ideal, but must wear long sleeve shirt and pants and not let the air-con blow at you directly. She also told me can bathe everyday but must make sure I dry myself thoroughly before I get out of the shower area.
Noe, i hv no idea what's the ruling here....but was just being cautious, in case kena reported! anyway, that's the one i emailed to aug bb as well! I hv one, and used it for the 2 yrs when BF my son, pretty nice, esp when i wear it with smooth tops....i throw it in the washing machine and it still comes out nicely....but I'd say, go for the non-wired one.

here's some lll guidelines - http://www.lalecheleague.org/FAQ/milkstorage.html something sabt 10hrs at room temp, if room temp is max of 20 degrees? but Spore so hot, better to stick to fewer hrs....

as i told augbb, after awhile, one bcomes less and less self-conscious, esp when you have to wailing and hungry baby, no one really stares at you, they just give you a side glance....i usu hv fun and look back at them!

my 2 kids slept in aircon from day one, just don't have the blower blowing directly at them....they are pretty strong and healthy, but unfortunately very very used to aircon, just like the mummy. I also had the aircon on during confinement....
Hi Noe,

Don chuan don chuan hehe..

For mi i not using those looped pad.. i bought maternity pad which has adhesive.. Giant got sell... its a white packaging - Pureen's Madame Maternity Pad. Its alot cheaper than KOTEX loop... got abt 20pcs inside if i not wrong..
Helo HoneyB,

Different MIL different bah.. My mil tell mi die die don bath if possible n also.. don have e air con.. jus have e same concept as my mum too.

I also v confuse so i tell myself unless i cant take it den judge e situation.. IF E confinement nanny guide mi along say NO this n tat i will follow BT within my means... cos i think those nanny are more experience bah n got their logic.

Y confinement seems so tough for we asian! See those ang moh, they also don care. EAT bath whatever... is it becos we take less beef or our body is weaker than them... haiz..
u r right...my 1st son very very used 2 aircon. even 4 naps, he needs e aircon. right now, he naps wif his lil bro so i dun switch on e aircon. my bigger boy is all hot &amp; sweaty (he feels sticky) thru out his nap, sometimes wakes up feeling grouchy.

it's true tat once u become less self-conscious, u wont bother abt strangers. 2 me, e most impt thingy is 2 fill my bb's stomach. i heck care abt strangers then.
Cynthia, I have to agree with you. My mum says one thing, my MIL says another and friends also say something else...also don't know who to listen to so best is to judge for ourselves and play by ear. I don't think I will have the air-con on during the day but definitely need it for the night.
Hi Mummies,
so many postings after I come back.... very siong to read and post at the same time :p

Hi HoneyB,
Welcome!ya like what Kelly says, you can pm me your details then I collate and send to everyone

You anticipating that you will pop early ard 6th Aug? Cos I saw your EDD is quite near mine...
would aircon cause baby to fall sick more easily than in non-aircon rooms? That's my concern lei... pls advise....

I think for us as long as no direct wind blow, aircon is fine for confinement?
Cyn Cyn,
rem to bring your HP charger and camera to the hospital hor... else you cannot sms us and inform us you popped hor:p

and both your hubby and your ICs also...
i don't see any diff in if they fall sick be it in air-con or non-air con. My kids always sleep in aircon and can tahan cold, my bro-in-laws kids, don't sleep in aircon and are always bundled up when in aircon, fall sick more often. Possible diff is that I breastfeed my kids longer?

Its really individual babies....hard to say, but definitely clean the aircon filter regularly?
i get no feeling when my cervix is dilated.

dr esther is very gd wif PR. she always says nice things 2 my husband too but we find her very EX (2yrs back, she dun practise offering antenatal package - everything was ala carte). i spent $1300 fr the day i was preggie til e day i pop (excluding delivery charges). for dr ang, i spent only $650.

the waiting time is enuff 2 "kill" my husband too. there's no appt system, 1st come 1st served so we always wait for abt 2-2.5hrs b4 seeing dr esther for barely 5mins.

at 1st, i not comfortable wif male gynae but dr ang very cheap &amp; i heard he's gd so we check him out. husband is comfortable wif him n he's very professional so stuck wif him. i saw him abt 4-5 occasions b4 i got preggie. i 1 2 feel comfortable wif him 1st b4 confirming him as my gynae.
Hi Piyo,

Don't know why but I have this feeling that I will pop early. At 32 weeks my baby was already 2.2kg, quite worried that she may become too big for natural birth. Will be going for my check up this Sat, hope everything's good for her.

How do I do the PM thingie, do I click on your name to send you a private message? What details am I supposed to send to you, sorry but I'm quite clueless here.
i heard aircon is better than fan, coz aircon is DRY... and for the sake of our bb, 25C is just nice lor... and also, it wont so electricity consuming if it's 23 and above..

i'm staying with MIL now, and my hubby's room is so stuffy de... i cant take it even now.. not to mention during confinement period! >.<
I see there are no hard and fast rules. Well, if I eat a caucasian diet (like I eat a lot of beef actually), does this mean I can be 'exempted' from a lot of the confinement rules?
Definitely going to kena scolding from my CL already for many things already. Hee.
u &amp; i can hi-5. i die die MUST sleep in aircon. when preggie, temp was set to 22-23degrees, freezing my husband off while my 1st son didnt mind it.

now doing confinement is putting me thru sauna everyday. FREAKING weather...i bathe wif herbal stuff &amp; washed my hair every other day. on a few nites, i sweated so badly, i took a 2nd bath (wif hot water lah). i can come out fr a bath sweating after bathing in e hot herbal bath (boiled wif ginger)
Dear all,

Thanks for the replies on maternity pads. May I know how LONG is the pad? Even longer than the usual "night time" pads???

And I also have another question: For those 2nd, 3rd time mothers, did you stick to the no showering, no washing hair rule during your earlier confinements? If you didn't follow the rule, did you experience headache/rheumatism or anything or that sort thus far?

Hi Kelly,

I tot Ed was seeing Dr Tan, u changed to Dr Lee? So i guess that was y the standard was different... can understand.

Reanne is going to see Dr Angelin tan on Sat for her jaundice review. Keep u updated again..

Btw, so coincidental huh, using EQ and Gaia too? But do u find Gaia drying for baby's skin? I switched to J&amp;J Top to Toe Wash after 1 wk plus.

Is Pet Pet diapers good? Or EQ better? i saw Pet Pet selling at $7.80 for small size at Kiddy Palace. Quite reasonable, i tot.

Will u be bringing Ed to Dr lee for immunisations?


My frd say not oni back ache... sometime is like body aching.. BT i don think this will applies to all ppl cos most impt is during confinement e food we eat etc do affects us too.

Realli a small world.. when i back to office must go search n find ur hb... he more experience can guide n even share experiences! cool!

Ya charger charger!!! WAit i pop alamak no HP how to buzz u all! soob soob.. den i also lonely.. without any laptop or internet oni can sms u all...

As for bb will be beta off in air-con or NON... this one realli a headache. SOme ppl say when on e air con, set aside a small bowl of water so e air wont be so dry n bad for our skin. N some even mention that air con air is cleaner than not having it on. My frd told mi we can buy ionizer (dono i spell rite or not) it helps in cleaning a air when air con is on.. so technical! Maybe can check it out with those shop that sells air purify?

BT i felt it may depends on bb.. some bb could be weaker bt some not SO it implies to individual. Maybe we could set e air con not to cool for bb as long cooling N don blow directly to them. As n when jus monitor bb getting cold or not, breathing ok etc...
