(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

kelly, yes! u must go and the kids will love it! we brot sherv there and she had her porridge there and chased after the birds there! the view was beautiful! there is a kids playground behind the ice cream store there where there are many trampolines for kids to play, sherv had such good times there.

- must try the ice cream
- must try the wraps there (yummy!)
- must bring the kids to the playground behind ice cream store (prepare to spend at least 30mins there)
- must bring jackets for kids as the sea is very windy n cold.
- if u like, the place is beautiful for pinic. the grass is clean to sit down n chill in the sun.

a couple of pics tat we took there...

Hi Piyo,
Not to worry, try talking to bb more and see if she wanna turn. Some bb can turn last min and I have friends their bb turn at 36weeks!

Seems that is a big relief that denise she is really adapting real fast & well at CC. At least when working wont be worrying what is happen, is she crying, cant eat well sleep well cant socialise around etc! A big relief b4 u go pop!

I also experience alot of nonsense symptoms earlier than having Natalie. Those heartburn, diffculty in walking, V area pain due to pressure.

As What gynae mention to me.. i may pop 1-2weeks earlier than Natalie which I really don mind at all cos now I have difficult to sleep OR even when turn on bed I have to be super duper slow motion as the V area not only pain & ache BUT also my pelvic there also damn pain. I spoke to gynae about it, NOT infections inside nothing.. just that bb head is pressing against it I have to jus bear with it! Crazy man. Makes mi totally dread of been preg ever again.... Hope BB will wanna arrive end May (37weeks) or beginning June (38weeks) to relieve all these lo

Aiyo shld upload more.. or maybe to any of ur photo website and can share with us hehehe. Sher enjoying herself so much from the right pic! SHe grow up alot!

Here a recent shoot of Natalie


the scenery very nice, sher is sure enjoying herself.

nat looks so grown up and getting prettier
...our babies all promoted liao...
and talking about delivery, i'm sure you can't wait to bcos i'm later than you but really looking forward to it so all the aches and pain will pass.
Hi mummies, have been a silent reader, my gal is born on last day of july... btw anyone is weaning off pacifier for your child??
Hi Mummies,

If I'm only planning to put Justin for morning half day child care in a school not within walking distance. As a start, I can bring him there in the morning but I'm not comfortable letting him take school bus back or even my MIL take public bus to fetch him back. My ultimate plan is to let him take school bus there and back but I think he's still too young now to know how to behave and sit still in a school bus, so probably until he is 3 yrs old.

I also dun feel comfortable for my old MIL to carry him up and down a public bus especially if its raining. So how?

Does that mean I delay putting him to the school till he is near 3 yrs or I let my MIL struggle with the public tpt or I rush back during lunch time to bring him back?

This is 1 issue my hubby has so he is against sending Justin to morning half day school now. Yet he saw Justin getting cleverer nowadays and wanted him to learn at school than from my in laws.
Hi Racoon

I also have the same concern as u earlier on the school bus. Worry that she won't want to sit down this and that. But realise that she enjoy so much taking school bus to and fro. She even sit in the car seat which she don't when traveling with us. I find as long as the school bus has car seat and also a auntie following them should be alright.

So did u let her take school bus right from the start? Or you fetch her to and fro back for awhile before putting her on the school bus.

My MIL actually thinks she can follow Justin on the school bus till I told her no.
hello mummies,

Another choice to add to your headache : Mindchamps Preschool

upload a clearer picture of Shervron.

Nat looks girlish and sweet.

Has already weaned my girl off pacifier using abrupt and don't give in method. What do you need know?
Hi Amy,
I tot Mindchamps are for older kids?

hi racoon,
where are you planning to send Justin? I think school bus is fine as long as they follow the safety guidelines but if you dun wanna take risk then best put him in a school nearby? I have learnt that proximity is quite an imirtant factor esp due to morning traffic and emergencies..

Not sure if you are aware, but I have stopped megan at SM cos she has thorns in her butt, walking, climbing under and over the tables etc, distracting everyone. But cos I think she benefits from shichida, I let her continue her right-brain training in a home-based env, at a cheaper $ so if she runs ard etc, I won't be so heartpain:p Anyway, her sensei in SM was leaving during that term and she also suggested that we can suspend her for awhile since we know the exercises to do with her at home but bring her back around 2.5-3yrs... for now I am happy at the home-based class.. teacher is much better than her previous SM teacher so we will see how it goes.. you continuing in SM next term?

i am also a lazy mum.. come home also watch tv with megan and just laze ard.. so tired! recently then started getting books to divert her attention from TV..

I have decided to drop st james for next year.. KIV this issue till next year to consider pulling her out to st james in year 2010. She is a happy ger in MMI now and learning quite well there.. so will continue my plan to have her in monte curriculum for 2 yrs then c how

hi Cyn,
nat is getting more meimei each time I see her pic! and she got a cheeky look! I have a feeling you would pop very soon.. must inform okie!

Hi fio and cyn,
hope bb turns so that I can keep her inside till end 40weeks, csec or natural is ok s long as she can stay inside as long as possible.. now going dwn on my 4s for 5-10mins a day, c if it works...

just to check with you... besides eton and pat's, are there other gd CC around newton. Hubby is thinking of putting the kids in one around his work area.

eton and pat's are very tempting but super ex. with 2 kids, we would end up paying $30K in a yr.
i've refunded 2 u. pls check.

i now trying 2 do e refunds in DBS IB. very leh chey. i may juz go 2 an atm later tis morn 2 refund every1 else.
piyo & other mummies
if u like 2 find out abt gabe's present church kindy's curriculum, pls call me at 91063531 to find out. it's too long a story 2 post here. i also very lazy 2 type it out.

simply, it has no GK (general knowledge) curriculum, it's all abt academic stuff. lotsa writing n learning ABCs, maths & chinese.

there's no religious studies except during assembly time when e teacher'll teach a verse fr e bible but gabe usually skips tis part cos he's permanently late. there's also a 30mins chapel session every fri morn but gabe also misses 1/2 of it bcos he's late.

i moving gabe 2 another church kindy which also has something similar...a 30mins assembly every mon abt religious stuff n tat's all. tis other church kindy (which i've brought gabe 2 check out n he now calls it "e new school) has e best GK curriculum in my neighbourhood, e fees r reasonable n there's lotsa outdoor play (which his present kindy dun hv & dun encourage). even though e new school is further fr my plc, there's a direct bus which stops right outside e school. e boys love bus rides so i'll send them 2 school via public bus n probably put them on a school bus after school

i also moving my boys (edward's joining his gor gor in jan09) fr e morn session to a mid-morn session since gabe can never wake up at 715am 2 reach his new school on time (e session starts at 8am in e new school whereas e old school starts at 815am)

aiya, long story already abt e change of school...i havent even share abt y i changing fr present church kindy to e new church kindy. like wat i said, tat's another long story.
thks 4 sharing ur pics. sherv definitely looks as if she's having lotsa fun.

btw, did u bring in wolfberries & dried scallops? i tot of bringing these over 2 cook porridge and/or soups 4 my boys.
Morning mummies,

I'm feeling much better already, thanks, ironically this time round when I'm overseas, I felt much better than I'm at home, maybe because I have enough rest and no stress from home haa..

Sorry to hear about your dad, you take care too dear!

Wanted to tell you the other day that you look very good, so radiant from your pregnancy. Megan so poor thing, her bites were so big and swollen, hope she's ok now.

Re: Mossie bite
Its interesting cos whenever we are out, somehow I will always be the ONLY one to attract mossies, my hubby and Hannah will be laughing away when they see me scratching all over. On one hand I am glad that the mossies stay clear from Hannah and only bite me but on the other hand, it feels lousy when I'm attacked all over. Guess it has got to do with my blood type, the heat and scent from my body, they seem to appeal to mossies, damn...

I just found out that MMI has opened a new CC opposite my mum's house at Sembawang. They have just opened on 1st April so its very very new. They have invited me to their open house tis Sat. Can experienced mummies please share with me what to look out for when inspecting a CC, I'm really clueless on how to spot a good school, thanks!
Morning Mummies,

Thank you all for your condolences. Appreciate it
I'm feeling better now.

Hi leobbmom,
I think my MS was very bad this time round due to grieving. All along I suffer from severe morning sickness for my past two pregnancy and I tot this time round was not so bad. However, still ended up hospitalised la.

Will get second opinion from Dr WK Tan from Thomson then go for amniotic test just to be certain. Will keep you'll updated.

Hi Kelly,
Yup......accident. I was so mad with hubby!

I remember someone posted about Little cottage cc in Sengkang. Would like opinion and reviews on it please. Thanks ya.

Mummies that have blog,....could you all kindly provide address again? Many thanks

I'm planning to put him in Character Mon which is a abt less than 10min drive, but if take school bus it'll take abt 30min cos it goes round the vicinity to pick all the kids up. The nearest cc to my hse is NTUC childcare and Kiddy Academy which hubby disapprove on both so those are out.

Hubby asked me last night "What if boy boy fall down in school?" He is very reluctant to let Justin attend school without our presence becos he thinks Justin is still so young. And right now at home, my MIL and maid follows Justin everywhere he goes in the house to prevent him from knocking here and there so hubby thinks his parents gave the best care to Justin. I'm just afraid such overprotective caregiving will hinder Justin's independence. But of course, we all don't want our kids to get hurt.....sigh sigh sigh.....

Sigh, if this is a concern he has, I don't want to push him cos if really Justin fall down in school, he'll blame it on me and it becomes a issue to quarrel on. So i hv to wait till hubby himself is comfortable and convinced to let his son attend school.

I'm very frustrated with aruguing with hubby over schooling issues till I'm trying to minimise any potential issues that will invite a quarrel. Sian.

I read somewhere that blood type O attract mozzies. But I'm a B yet I still attract. Hubby is O but never got bitten.
Morning mummies,

There’s school bus service for Crisann’s cc? You got to tell me more about it then I can recommend to my sister. What is the monthly fees and ratio?

Mindchamps has come up with a new Preschool program which will be expanding in terms of number of centres aggressively within this year. I think Monterssori is good option for preschool education and won’t worry too much about the kid not adapting to structured learning in kiddy because by then the kids are older so can probably be discipline easier and takes instructions better. Megan has a very good balance now, MMI as the core education and right brain training as enrichment plus music when she’s two. And, I bet when she’s three, you will let her learn ballet so pretty all rounded.

You should do your own homeschooling then you can combine all your good ideas into one! Too bad, I stay so far from you otherwise I will let Rae go to your house.

Definately good to seek second opinion and WK Tan is an expert in this field. All the best and do take care.

Since your hub has such strong opinions and concerns over this issue, let it be. It can get really frustrating and hurting to squabble over this and still not able to reach a conclusion. I am also sort of depriving Rae of learning in a preschool environment now because I also don’t want to tired my MIL out eventually when she still has to take care of the second one. Not that she’s old but just not that fair to work her out for our kids. So, will only let Rae attends nursery in 2010 when she’s four. Meanwhile, hope to make it up by doing GD program, reading with her and weekend music lesson.
that's exactly how i felt too, my mil was practically following denise everywhere in the house telling her not to do this and that, some ppl may find that this is what it means by optimal care but honestly, i can't stand it at all. i know it's very safe for my gal to be at home than anywhere else but i also feel she's being deprived of being a toddler. what i would do is to do the necessary house proofing and let her xplore rather then make a nuisance of myself following her everywhere.

one thing i am lucky that my hubby is finally seeing light and shared same frequency as me. and i'm very happy that denise is finally learning something in school now. and i've seen kids who are really pampered at home taking longer time to adapt in school. but all this is just my 2 cents, it's still up to individual to decide, every parent wants the best for their child nevertheless.
yup dun worry...i read from another thread, a mum to be mentioned gg on all fours too and tilt up your bum a bit higher.

i've just been to my doctor's visit, baby weighs approx. a hefty 2.28kg at 32wks, above range liao...so tmr i'm scheduled for glucose test just to rule out the possibility of gestational diabetes. other than that, he is growing well and head is down alrdy.

I'm like u. I believe in baby proofing the house and let the kid explore within safety limits. But my hubby always like to leave his things lying around, like his cups with hot water, nail clipper or his medicine like asthma puff so end up i have to nag and nag and tell him its stressful for his mom to hv to keep a close watch all the time. Even though we have maid, but she can't constantly clean and pack non stop.

I'll share a little positive info abt preschool here and there with hubby and leave the ultimate decision to him.
kelly and piyo,

ya.... eton and pat's are super expensive... the cda wil not be sufficient. Anyway, may not have vacancies though I'm really tempted cos they advocate learn thru play.

We are playing with the ideas of leaving the kids in a cc near one of our workplace so we would not have to trouble my mil to pick and send them to school. Next yr onward, hubby needs to start work only at 8am as his school is going single session, so there will be sufficient time for him to send the kids to cc and he could pick them up after work. I'm also praying that I will be posted to a school along the way, between our home and hubby's workplace.

no General Knowledge? But don't they learn GK when they are reading books? You mean the teachers teach the alphabet, numbers and chinese without activities to engage them?

anyway, for my boys, they got their GK from us when we watch the news, read the paper, books and magazines and from our conversation. Aiyah, we are those types who when we see an opportunity to teach something, we will. Like when we saw the poster on Mas Selamat, we will tell my older boy about him, why he is dangerous etc.
Piyo & Amy,
Ya she looks for cheeky at times.. behave more like a boi than a gal! Gosh.. Tat y I been telling Hb did we bring back the wrong one heheheh!! She really always make my days better esp now...

Frankly I cant wait to pop.. also got feeling will pop earlier.. Hope so PRAY PRAY since bb now in the right position too and been getting more and more tiring esp to handle chasing running carrying Nat and gotta this stupig tummy blocking my activities hahaha! But I still love the feeling of having little one inside me kicking.. so enjoy b4 she is out

Fiona & racoon,
Think we have the same concern and concept of our toddler behaving. Sometime at home I will rather let Nat be more independant and don follow her where she go. I just make sure my toilet doors are closed and normal safety precaution lo. I felt its best to let the tod to explore around at home rather than keep on following her, carrying her. Lucky HB still ok with this issue as he also prefer Nat to b independent even we were to send her to school. BUT PILS think different. Ever since last week sun mother's day issue I was kinda pissed off.. As usual whenever i bring Nat out jalan shopping I let her roam around and watch where she go incase bumping into people or even ran to lift or escalator. Last sun we went out dining with PILS and hb siblings. MIL keep on carry Nat in her arms and Nat was resisting it. I see liao ah cant stand it and say nicely to mil LET Nat down and roam around have her own exploring & freedom. Always carrying making life so difficult for everyone. MIL stil refuse and nat was getting so angry and bite her! OMG I don't know to laugh or what.. Den mil LL. Keep on following and FIL was commenting. I know they dote grandchild but to a certain limit is how I feel. Till now they still making comments and oppose me to send her to school! Was worrying if future send her to preschool will they go and fetch her early or keep on looking out her interfer her independance... haiz.. hope 2nd one out may reduce their "dote & anxiety" too.. Sorry.. hear mi complaining again

pmi looks good based on their website. The founder looks so familar. Think was under her before during one of my courses in uni.

But... wow... still very expensive. One child is okie but for two children... dunno worth it or not... at least for eton, i know that i will be paying for teachers with higher qualification... but one thing, pple with high qualification may not make good teachers... have seen a lot
mummies, here's more clearer pics of sherv. the 2 pics earlier was to show kelly the scenery of busseltown... so here comes my princess jie-jie...
Music Class for our Tods

Institution : Mandeville Music School
Whereabout : United Square
Start Date : 06 Dec 2008
Schedule : Every Sat from 6pm to 6.45pm


The curriculum is designed to expose children to all facets of music, before embarking on specialized courses in piano, violin or any other instrument.
Music concepts are taught using a combination of colorful visual props, real instruments, lots of drama pretending, art and craft materials, games as well as live and recorded music performances.
The children are also trained in performance skills so that they may display their newfound knowledge in the many concert opportunities offered at Mandeville.

Course Structure:
Kids will learn about:

1. Music Rhythm, Pitch, Tempo, Dynamics and Literacy
2. Orchestra Instruments and Percussions
3. Classical Music Works for Music Appreciation and Drama
4. Composers (Mozart, Beethoven, etc)
5. Alternative Music Genres (Jazz, Latin, etc)
6. Performing

Course Details:

Age : 2-3 years old
Class Size : max 12
Course Duration : 9 months
Registration Fee: $48.15
Fees : $321.00 per term (3 months)
Material Fees : $26.75 per term (3 months)
i know how frustrating it can be, i adopt the prevent is better than cure philosophy and pass it to my hubby(think it's also bcos of my area of work which affects the way i think). ya just leave it to your hubby to decide, but dun end up like me one day went crazy and shouted at both hubby and mil...hahaha(i'm serious, i really did that)

the same thing happened to us last nite. denise was not in the best of mood and keeps making those irritating tantrum sound. my hubby kept telling his mother to put her down but she just refused to listen lor...i told my hubby she very stubborn just ignore her, we quick quick finish dinner and go into room better.
i also know why lah, bcos she's been so worried that her grandchild won't be close to her after she goes CC, plus my hubby is the one who send and i fetch her from CC. and denise always refuses to let her touch when i'm ard. so now very irritating always ask my gal stupid questions like, "you never call ah ma ar?"...duh
Hi mummies,

I posted the above music class info, think some mummies have indicated that they are interested to send their tods for music appreciation class.

Mandeville initially has new classes on Aug and Oct but they are all fully booked and paid for. They have just opened up their Dec class scheduled from 6th Dec onwards. The lady was telling me that based on their popularity, usually a new class will be booked up in 2 weeks time. The school's principle is personally teaching this class and there is only 1 such class per week. The Baby Music Course will last for 9 months and after which, the principle will personally select a few students to start training them on key board or violin etc.

Piyo and I have already signed up for the Dec class, would like to check if any of you are interested as well, perhaps we can form a Aug baby class hee :")

They require us to make payment to secure the slot cos there's only 12 and many people are interested. If you are interested, I don't mind paying for you first then you tt to me since UE Square is opp my office, very convenient for me to go down.

If you are interested to sign up for the course, I can help you make the payment first and you can tt to me, alternatively you can go down to UE Square this weekend to make the payment yourself but do let me know if you are interested so that I can quickly inform the lady to hold the slot for you.

Mandeville Music Class for Dec:
- HoneyB
- Piyo
- Augustmum?
Mummies, I forgot to mention that there are only 12 slots altogether. They are not reserving all 12 slots for us, its based on first come first serve basis, so let me know if you are keen.

Mandeville Music Class for Dec:
1. HoneyB
2. Piyo
3. Augustmum?
WK Tan is a very good and experience gynae, I am with her for Jay and this second pregnancy. She is very straight forward type which I think is good, she will not smoke me to say something I like to hear. Everything will goes well with you, don't worry too much.

Both your princess so pretty and sweet!!!
thks 4 ur sms 4 jio-ing me.

honeyb, piyo
i heard of mandeville some time back but i SAHM so cant afford mandeville. i sending edward to a homebased music class in pasir ris. i shared tis wif amy b4. her fees r 1/2 of mandeville, class size is 1:5, length of session n curriculum r sama sama. at e end of e day, there's music appreciation n my kid'll b able 2 play music pieces.

gabe has been wif her for 10mths n he's learning 2 play his 1st recital piece "mary has a lil lamb".

edward's class is starting in jul tis yr or jan09.

You got alot of lobangs for such classes. Seems like your area has many home based training centers. My area very quiet, so far I only know of a lady that teaches art in her house but its for 3 yrs and above. No choice leh, working on weekdays, weekend classes very limited too after taking into consideration on Hannah's nap and feeding time :")
when u r a broke SAHM like me, u'll go out 2 find all sorts of good cheap lobang.

this homebased music teacher also conducts wkend classes. u interested? u can always register ur interest wif her n c if she has a time slot suitable 4 hannah. no harm. she conduct trials n u can ask many questions abt her 2.5yrs prog. btw, ur plc to pasir ris only takes abt 20-25mins. not too bad. i know of a GF who stays in bukit batok n goes 2 tis music teacher.

hey, is e homebased art teacher bernice? she stays in bedok. is she e one u know?

i'll IM u e lady's contact. edward n his frien'll b in a wkday class. join us if u like.
homebased music class in pasir ris

(NOTE! I dun earn anything fr recommending her hor...i juz share gd lobangs wif everyone)

her 2.5yrs prog is divided into several stages. e foundation course is 6mths, followed by level 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B. by e end of level 2B, e kids would hv completed Grade 1.

her fees r $210 for foundation level (2 terms of 11wks & 12wks). there's a $50 refundable deposit n a $40 fee for materials (a music book compiled by her). total cost = $460 for 2terms (=6mths)

her subsequent levels costs $240 every term of 11 or 12wks, abt $60 for materials. level 1A & 1B = 1yr. level 2A & 2B = 1yrs so total = 2.5yrs prog
so far, i've recommended 4kids 2 her n 3 r in e same class wif gabe. e mummies rave abt her prog n says she's gd. i like her cos gabe likes her n enjoys her music class. class size is also very ideal compared to commercial music schools outside.

gabe used 2 hv 4classmates but 1kid dropped out so now there's only 4kids in his class. e music teacher's able 2 give each kid more attention.

if u r also keen on tis homebased music teacher, u can take bus #39 to my plc, then switch to other buses 2 her plc. i know cos a mummy uses tis route.
