(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi mummies,
i'm back to work at the beginning of this week, and i liked being out again hahaha...guess i'm just not cut out to be a sahm

thanks for all the compliments. Lucien's neck is indeed very stable by the 2nd mth and can even sit on the Bumbo, he is much faster compared to Denise's time.

now Denise is still having her usual bout of running nose and cough, which we got more or less used to it since she attended CC. however Lucien caught the bug and having slight stuffy nose but he's drinking well.

little Evan looks so cute, he got his own look

dun be stress ok? take it easy like me. i was a bit guilty of purposely stopping breastfeeding, but i'm happy that me and the kids are resting well. of course i'm not encouraging you to stop lah, just take it at your own stride ok?

these are my answers,
1) oh yes, WE do scold & beat Denise when the necessity arise. well...i do give her the choice to choose, i'll ask, "can you stop doing this
or you want me to cane you?" :p
2) that really depends on what she asks for. can you tell in detail what exactly did jayden insists on wanting.

if it's sweets, i'll limit denise to ard 3 a day and each time it's shared half half with either one of us.

if she cries incessantly for cold drinks and doesn't want to eat rice. what i did once when we were outside, i got so angry carried her to the back alley and put her down, scolded her and said she must eat before i give the drink. and when she cooled down, went back to the table and make sure she follows what i said 1st. so i won the battle...

3) i wouldn't force her,let her do in the diaper. she constipates very often and i just dilute all her milk feeds, encourage more water intake.

4)i will tell her not to and would eliminate all the possible chances. since can't stop behaviour then dun create opportunity.

5)i will tell her not to eat if she's not serious about having her meal, but i dun have this problem bcos denise loves to eat more than anything. but i would rather let her go on an empty stomach once than tolerate the behaviour.

sorry for the long post, above are my 2cents. alot have to depend on the actual situation.

Hi Cocomo,

You are not alone for sure...

1) Do you scold or beat your kid?
YES! Sometime drive me to extreme. Once HB was so angry with her, he lock her up in our spare room till she stop crying. About 2-5mins. Whenever she cant get wat she want and cry very loud non stop I will tell her "you notti, stop crying IF not mummy bring you to that room!" She will keep quiet. I used to be very soft to her explaining but no use. I used to say STOP IT but no longer effective now.

2) What you will do if your kid insist to have something and will cry if he dun get them?
I will walk away if she don't listen. I will tell her NO one time. If she still continue I walk away and let her cry her lungs out till she stopped.

3) What you will do if your kid dun want to use potty?
Not facing this problem... Natalie always constipate too. Keep getting her drink water. But when she wanna poo she will call for me and I will sit with her pushing the shit out haha. Now she always take off her own shorts without me knowing she go shhh too.

4) What you will do if your kid beating his sister or do some dangerous action to her?
Hmm Not facing this time being. I guess must try to let them bond more. I always tell Natalie if she beat meimei, future meimei beat her. So most of time she play with her, sayang. Only once awhile I carry meimei she get bit jealous.

5) What you will do if your kid likes to mess up his food and throw them all on the floor.
I explain till siao. Recently she been messing up. Sometime still ok. I tell her if she continue making mess I will never let her watch barney or other shows she want AND ALSO no more "kai kai (shopping/outing/walking)" for her. Sometimes does helps.
Hi mummies,
long time no chat liao. all so bz... like seeing all the babies' photos. they are all so lovely.

Hi cocomo,
u r not the only one so don't worry. here's my replies.

1) Do you scold or beat your kid?
Yes,of course. he needs to know what is right and wrong so I will scold him. I'll smack his palm after a few warnings such as when he throws things on the ground repeatedly. Dunno why he likes to do that.

Of course, I use praises and encouragement too such as when he can self-feed himself properly.

2) What you will do if your kid insist to have something and will cry if he dun get them?
I will say no and remove the item from him. usually, he'll cry for his dad or my parents (whoever is around) for help. but usually, he knows i'll remain firm with my decision and he'll stop crying after a while.

3) What you will do if your kid dun want to use potty?
he's still using diapers so no such problems yet.

4) What you will do if your kid beating his sister or do some dangerous action to her?
keke... not facing this problem yet.

5) What you will do if your kid likes to mess up his food and throw them all on the floor.
see my response to qn 1.

despite me trying different methods, still can't handle him as he's hyperactive. can't sit down for all and still running about. have to chase after him if we're outside.

hi cynthia,
not good to lock her in the spare room. perhaps use a time out corner where she could see u which might be better. children will develop a sense of insecurity as they can't see you. it could then be a vicious cycle as she will try to cling onto you more and wanting more attention (care and concern from u) and you thought she's being difficult and then punish her again.
1) Do you scold or beat your kid?
I will only scold but never beat her for making me angry.

2) What you will do if your kid insist to have something and will cry if he dun get them?

Things she insist to have i will insist her to say please first. Although most of the time she will cry but manage to hear her say please once when she asking for biscuits.
I believe i continue doing this she will learn to say please instead of crying. Got to be very patient we kids Throwing angry at them they will not learn.

3) What you will do if your kid dun want to use potty?
Charlotte also have consitpation problem will make her sit on toilet bowl everytime b4 bathing but if she don't want to poo i will try it again next bathing time. Sometimes i see her standing and straining so i will bring her to toilet bowl and she will start to poo out and once its out she is happy. FEEL like i am play tamagochi haha...

4) What you will do if your kid beating his sister or do some dangerous action to her?
Charlotte will hit my sis in law son when he touch her i will scold her or tell her is ok to let didi touch.

5) What you will do if your kid likes to mess up his food and throw them all on the floor.

Charlotte is well train anything on her hands she will ask to clean she also know how to use cloth and wipe the table after seening me doing that.Rice drop on her clothes or pants she will pick it up and pass to me. Is just a habit how you teach them. Abit of food drop onto the floor is ok just do the clean up. but if purposely do it got to tell them Cannot do that is very dirty and make sound like EEEEEEEE you so dirty. They will laugh at the same time they learn that its dirty to do such things.

Sometimes i will try my best to encourage her to eat like she eat one mouth i will say Good Girl. OR clap hands when she finish her food or a tumbs up for her when she finish her milk.

Sometimes we might loose patients with them but tell urself to cool down b4 you could ask him/her to listen to you. If you are not cool ur kids will not be cool too..
hi cocomo,

1)Do you scold or beat your kid?
So far, I haven’t beat my girl and do not know whether I will need to eventually. I’m only very firm with her with what are the things she cannot do. For example, hitting her cousin while they are fighting over toys. I will remove her from the scene, tell her in a firm tone that this is not right, wait for her to calm down and have her apologise.

2)What you will do if your kid insist to have something and will cry if he dun get them?
A lot of times, I will think ahead of the issue and avoid such situations. Like for example, if there are things that I know once she see it, she will want to hold on to it, I will avoid letting her see the item or immediately distract her attention away from it. Sometimes, I give in if the item is safe like my ezlink card, if my action of keeping it away once we are on the bus is not fast enough, she will want to hold on to it, I will just let her but remind her to hold it properly

3) What you will do if your kid dun want to use potty?
Don’t have this problem now. But, I will be toilet training my Rae during my ML. So, if Jayden don’t like to use potty, why dun you go straight to train him to use the toilet bowl.

4) What you will do if your kid beating his sister or do some dangerous action to her?
Any actions involving biting, beating, pushing etc will not be allowed no matter how angry and jealous the child is. But, we also cannot expect the child to not have any anger or jealousy at all. For example, imagine our husband come back home and tell us that they are going to get another wife. I’m sure our reaction will be very intense. Thus, jayden’s negative behaviour is understandable and almost natural.

I read that we will have to teach them to express their anger in words, not in actions. Like, teaching them to say ‘I’m Angry’ to express their frustrations

5) What you will do if your kid likes to mess up his food and throw them all on the floor.
Playing with food such as scooping from one bowl to another is alright. Using spoon to stir the food in the bowl pretending that cooking is alright. But, to throw them on the floor is not alright with me, I will probably says if you are doing that again, I will let you go hungry. You can come back and eat later when you are ready to behave.

I have just started on books on Sibling Rivalry. Just finished this one, will be photocopying the important pages. ‘Siblings Without Rivalry’ How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too.. by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish.

If you have time, maybe you will like to borrow from the library and read, it has illustration how we should talk to the kids. For example, with regards to your 3rd point, saying things like ‘I love him and will not change even now wih mei mei’, will not help. Instead, the author advised that we should always aknowledge/address his jealousy like say ‘I can understand how you feel, how much you want mummy to spend time with him, well we can get right to that when mei mei is asleep. Now, do you want to help mummy put meimei to sleep or you want to play that toy on your own?...
Congratulations to leobbsmom! Have a really good rest during the confinement.

Fiona, Lucien looks cute and fair.


Megan looks like she lost some weight and looking cheeky. Nicole however display similar grace Megan used to have.

Cynthia, you very ‘cham’, must be nice to yourself when you have the time. Give yourself a good treat!!
Morning Mummies....

Hi Cocomo,

My tots and actions on your questions :
1) Do you scold or beat your kid?
We tried very hard NOT to but sometimes bo bian. Especially at this age, they tend to test our patience. Kieira will usually purposely draw on the floor. Have scream at her "NO", distract her with other things, paste mahjong paper, hit her hand and time out chair but still no use. So nowadays, if i think the action doesn't hurt her, i'll just ignore her action.

2) What you will do if your kid insist to have something and will cry if he dun get them?
Kieira is also very persistent. For example, if she wants to take scissor to cut open biscuits, i'll tolerate maybe one or two packets. After that, i'll use force to take back the scissor and stop her form opening the pantry cupboard even though she will throw herself down on the floor and cry. I'll ignore her cries. When she knows that nobody will carry her or entertain her cries, it will usually stop after a while.

3) What you will do if your kid dun want to use potty?
Kieira also dun want to use potty. No problem with me lah...just let them take their time to learn. My eldest dd uses diaper to poo till about 4 years old then switch to toilet.

4) What you will do if your kid beating his sister or do some dangerous action to her?
For me, Its more of kieira hitting Shauna. Sometimes, I'll smack her hand and she'll cry and i've also put her on thinking chair. Whereas, for shauna its more of jealously that we love her mei mei more. B4 giving birth to kieira, I've already reassured her that we love love her alot..even now too, constantly remind her that she's our "Bao Bei". Telling her that i'll spend time with her after mei mei sleeps.

5) What you will do if your kid likes to mess up his food and throw them all on the floor.
Guess they go thru' this stage...once, kieira open the fridge door, took the whole bottle of OJ and pour everything on the floor then steps on it. It happens many times be it milk or OJ. I did smack her hand once and put her on thinking chair with her crying. After i cool down then I sayang her and told her its not right to do that. However it did not work cos she's back to pouring again. We'll just have to be on alert and be one step ahead of her and press on the fridge door so that she cannot open. Even with a fridge lock, she manage to unlatch it. Somehow...she got over that phase liao.
morrning mummies!!!

Today on medical leave and hence can log on.


this is what I do which sometimes work and sometimes don't...

1) Do you scold or beat yr kids?

Yes, I scold. Worse after I started work. The scolding is even louder, as if I'm at work. Think Erin will know what i mean.

I beat but rarely as it doesn't work on my kids.

2)What will you do if your kid insist to have something and will cry if he dun get it?

Offer him an alternative first. If he refused, will just walk away if we are at home. If outside, carry him away from the source of problem first.

3)What you will do if your kid dun want to use potty?

I'm ok with it. No use forcing when he's not ready.

4)What you will do if your kid beat his sis or do some dangerous action to her?

Errr.... scold. However, during times when they are very loving, I will praise. Catch them doing good :

5)What you will do if your kid likes to mess up his food and throw them on the floor?

Remove the food from him.
Hi Mummies,
Thanks for your answer. I envy some mummies have very guai kids who listen to you. Jay last time not like this one, dunno if it is terrible-2 stage or bcoz he jealous his mei mei so want to attract attention.

In my #2 question above, biscult or sweet is small case, I will give for small amount if he wants. but what I mean things he wants are like:-

1)he wants to watch Barney the whole day despite he juz finished watching 1 VCD
2)he wants to bring his motorbike out when we going out gai gai (he will cry till in the car and refuse to sit in his car seat)
3)he wants to bring his toys to CC
4)he wants to be carried every morning I send him to school but I dun have hand to carry him coz I need to take his bags and also he is really heavy for me now.

When Jay is at home it just like a war and he is like a terrorist. He likes to push chairs (or any pushable things like his toys and drawing table) all over the house so that it makes noise. I tried explain many many times that downstair's uncle and untie will not be happy coz very noisy. Then he juz ignore and did it again and again. I beat his buttock he also will do it. I cant hide all the chairs right as they are in the living hall.

Then he likes to throw things. He basically throw anything in his hands. I explained nicely that things he doesnt like than he throw away into the dustbin but not floor, so I told him if I see him throw the toys on the floor I ll assume he dun like them and I will throw into dustbin. So when he throw again, I really throw the toys into the dustbin. He cries and asked for it but I never give him and tell him I already told him that I will throw the toys if he throw them on the floor. I tot he will get what I mean and will not do it again. Then not even half an hour he started to throw things again. If you were me, what you will do this round? I really really dunno what to do.
Hello mummies, interesting topics :”)


Guess having two kids means double the amount of patience required. I've come to terms with Hannah's T2, think that made me feel abit better whenever she picks up a tantrum.

1) Do you scold or beat your kid?
My hubby emphasized on educating with lots of love, we have banned canning in the house. We will always explain to Hannah why she should not do certain things and if she still doesn’t get it, I'll raise my voice a little and leave her alone. That gives me some time to cool down as well and I don't feel so frustrated. I've witnessed how my sister-in-law scolds her child the other day and I really believe it’s often a cause and effect thing. She was screaming and scolding her child very loudly when she refused to eat and instead of calming down, her child cried even louder and retaliated by trying to beat her mum. We realized that many a times, Hannah’s mood is indirectly tied to my mood. If she knows that I am very upset with her, she will become inconsolable and will only calm down if I return to ‘accept’ her again, as soon as that happens, she stops all her nonsense and will smile like nothing had ever happened.

2) What you will do if your kid insist to have something and will cry if he dun get them?
I will just carry her by force and walk away if the attempt to negotiate fails. She will be very upset and I will try to find some other things to distract her. After she has calmed down, I will explain to her again why that was bad behavior and have her apologize.

3) What you will do if your kid dun want to use potty?
I strongly believe that potty training will take place only when the child is ready. No point forcing, take it easy on this task.

4) What you will do if your kid beating his sister or do some dangerous action to her?
I supposed part of it will have to let the child overcome and accept the fact himself. I remember I used to beat my little sister when she was a baby cos everyone dotes on her, I was 3 yrs old when my sister was born and I couldn't understand why everyone wants to carry her and not me hee...it only got better when I started school, try giving him more time.

5) What you will do if your kid likes to mess up his food and throw them all on the floor.
I used to get really upset when Hannah refused to eat but nowadays, if she shows signs that she is not interested in her food, I'll let her be, she will come to me when she is ready for food. Lately I try to time her meals such that if we need to have dinner outside, I will not feed her too much before that and will include some activities for her so that she can exhaust some of her energy and will be ready for food when the time comes. For example, if we are meeting friends or relatives for dinner at a restaurant, I will arrive an hour earlier and let her run around in the park or at the mall, she will feel happier too and will be more willing to negotiate when its meal time.

Wah guess u can try to ban kieira from going to the kitchen, Charlotte dare not touch anything unless she really want to she will ask me to do it for her.
I wish Jay's temper can be like Hannah. I complained to my frens and she told me her son like that also but 2 daughters not like that when young. I dunno if it is true. Think I have posted b4 that after I discharged from hospital with mei mei and returned home, Jay dun eat for 3 days. He really strike at home but he eat in school. He is not some kid who loves to eat so if I dun let him eat he will rather happy that he dun eat.

In my #2 question above, biscult or sweet is small case, I will give for small amount if he wants. but what I mean things he wants are like:-

1)he wants to watch Barney the whole day despite he juz finished watching 1 VCD.

Each time Finish one dvd Stop him from watching and tell him no more. Distract him with books or other toys. or bring him out for a walk.

2)he wants to bring his motorbike out when we going out gai gai (he will cry till in the car and refuse to sit in his car seat)

Keep away the motor bike where he can't see it, only let him play once a week. Once he never see it he won't want to bring out.

3)he wants to bring his toys to CC

Don't give toys to him b4 he is going to CC. as i said he don't see it he won't know it.

4)he wants to be carried every morning I send him to school but I dun have hand to carry him coz I need to take his bags and also he is really heavy for me now.

Maybe u want to push a stroller over and tell the cc that you leave it there. if possible.

When Jay is at home it just like a war and he is like a terrorist. He likes to push chairs (or any pushable things like his toys and drawing table) all over the house so that it makes noise. I tried explain many many times that downstair's uncle and untie will not be happy coz very noisy. Then he juz ignore and did it again and again. I beat his buttock he also will do it. I cant hide all the chairs right as they are in the living hall.

Make a scary sound everytime he push the tables or chairs. make it louder then the dragging sound. See if he is scare if he scare continue doing it until he stop doing. (haha tats what my mum do to stop charlotte from pressing the dvds player buttons.)

Then he likes to throw things. He basically throw anything in his hands. I explained nicely that things he doesnt like than he throw away into the dustbin but not floor, so I told him if I see him throw the toys on the floor I ll assume he dun like them and I will throw into dustbin. So when he throw again, I really throw the toys into the dustbin. He cries and asked for it but I never give him and tell him I already told him that I will throw the toys if he throw them on the floor. I tot he will get what I mean and will not do it again. Then not even half an hour he started to throw things again. If you were me, what you will do this round? I really really dunno what to do.

(same as charlotte but she will only throw it when she is angry. They still don't really understand. Spend sometime sit down and play with him you will realise that he need u to play with him and its more enjoying. Charlotte she will bring her toys to me and ask me to play with her Each toys she picks i will ask her what is this. where is the toy in the box which she will pick and show me. Clap hands and cheers when she picks the correct one.
Try doing that Jay will be happy with mummy play around.
Ask him to help doing things like help you take papers help you throw rubbish. Bring things for you this and that.
Just try to be patient over him the more nasty u treat him he will be nasty as u.

u try ur best lar don't get too stress. Sometimes is gd to ignore him when he cries. he will be alright. U be firm only let him watch dvd 1 time if he wants to continue ignore him and just switch off the tv and player and main switch.)
Hi cocomo,
Seem am facing the same problem as you. BTW, who said girl will not be as notti as boy..... take my rachelle as the example.

Here are my answers:-
1. Did you scold / beat your kids?
Am mostly scolding but if both my ger and boy gang up i will use cane to deal with them however..... i still explain to them y i beat them and y they cant do that stunt again in the future.

2) What you will do if your kid insist to have something and will cry if he dun get them?
I will bring her out of the scene and distract her with others. Sometime it wont doesnt work too...

3) What you will do if your kid dun want to use potty?
Rachel havent use potty yet. I did try but not successful lei.

4) What you will do if your kid beating his sister or do some dangerous action to her?
-cant really advise you on this cos my youngest is bullying the eldest instead of the other way.

5) What you will do if your kid likes to mess up his food and throw them all on the floor.
So far i din see rachel mess up her food cos she definitely gobble up whatever food in front of her.

Hi fiona,
Ur Lucien so yan dao... He look like you.

Hi Piyo,
Megan looks different (maybe cos she lose weight izit?) and Nicole look like Megan when she small. FTWM is definitely a supermum.....

Times really fly, seem only not long ago hearing you announce ur preggie and now u are having a baby soon...... Take care....

Picture of Evan n Shervonn is so heartwarming..... Take care and rest well.
Yr jay is exactly the same as mine...like to throw things onto the floor...i explain to him nicely and properly first alot of times b4 i eventually resorted to canning...

i am dun like to cane jay but i tried many many times to do all the things that u all say like explaining to him y he cannot, distract him with something new etc but last times it works but now it does not...its worst when we r outside n he can drag his feet n refused to walk etc....i reali dunno wat else to do...hate to cane him but i tried everything...how....anyone can advise?

ANyway on a lighter note, jazzele be celebrating her first bday this sun, 3days earlier b4 her actual bday..time flies...anyway here is her latest pic...


aiyo...jazzele looks so sweet, getting prettier each time i see her

sometimes i'll ignore denise bcos i believe that she's just being attention seeking, and bad reaction like scolding is also a kind of attention we are giving to our kids. if jay keeps repeating certain behaviour after you've told him not to, try ignoring as long as it's not dangerous.

and i usually make denise pick up her own mess, if she tears paper and threw all over the floor, i'll ask her to pick up and throw into dustbin. she'll be very happy to do that.

try letting jay cleans his own mess, in a way it teaches him a good skill too.

denise same like charlotte, rice drop on clothes or her arms will keep saying 'eeeee" till i help her remove or she'll sweep it till drop on floor...hahaha cleaniness freak
if it's possible, keep all the toys away from him. train him by offering a toy at your desired timing rather then giving him unlimited access.
jaz look so much alike Jay. so cute time really flies.

Haha guess both of them really cleaniness freak.

Fiona is right really keep away toys from him he don't see it he won't want it.
To be frank charlotte have lots of toys but she don't really play with it. she play away she just leave it aside, but books she loves to flip and ask me to read to her. which i was very happy to do so.
Hi all mummies,

the above all answers to the questions are so similar to my case too... sigh.. recently i also easily throw my temper on Elysia... dunno why..I tot only my Elysia is a terror.. haha... Aug Toddlers are quite the same after all... haha

jazzele looks so pretty... abit look like gor gor too...
Hi Erin,
Ever since HB tried once lock her which caught me in surprise! I prefer to bring her into the room so she now knows that room is her time out place. I try time out corner no use as she will walk away and totally ignore. So that time when HB done that, he is finally the devil hehehe cos always I am the devil at home

Jazzele looks alike like Jay! How life as SAHM? Jay behaviour quite similar to Natalie. When outside she also like to drag herself and whinning at times. What i do is walk away from her and ignore to her whinning. If 5mins she still don't stop I will carry her and bring to a corner stop her crying. No point reasoning with them when they are crying and throwing tantrums. Only do reasoning when they have quiet down at least 10mins later. Tell them what makes mummy angry and upset and tell them cannot do this to get something. Learn to say please. This is what I do to Natalie. Sometime do help lo.

Been reading alot lately about tantrums.. will try post more in my blog if possible and time allow

sorry to disturb,i am looking for the 6 panel Haenim Play yard please PM me your price, condition and age of the play yard and collection place.

I would like to think that girls behave better but I don't find this statement true leh. My Hannah is a terror, we experimented so many different methods and at one point hubby and I even wanted to consult experts. Give him more love and patience, his current behavior could just be a passing phase.

As for toys, I actually do it the other way, everytime when we go out, I will ask Hannah if she would like to bring a toy out, she will usually pick one and hold it with her, I don't find anything wrong with this and I will always remind her to bring the toy back home as well or that toy will be very upset. She sees me packing to get ready to go out and she feels happier when she gets to make some decision and in a way learning to take on responsibilities too. Jay could be feeling upset and just want to bring a comfort toy with him, why don't you let him try out picking a small toy and reminding him to bring back from CC, I bet you after awhile he will get over this and will stop telling you he wants to bring toys out.
Hi Augustmum,
Hope you're feeling better now. Get well soon

Hi Cat,
Ha ha....ban her from kitchen will rob away one more place for her to explore leh. Same as HoneyB, We believe in not canning our kids. Even though I do have a cane at home, my eldest dd only thought that's for scaring my dog. Your charlotte must be very guai to ask from you for anything!!! Mine helps herself *faint*....oh ya..forgot to mention broke countless eggs too!!

Hi Cecelia,
Yup...I'm now 34 weeks liao and Gynae says bb will be early as he's big! So now counting down liao.

Hi Augbaby,
So fast Jazzele one year old liao!! Wishing her Grow up pretty and healthy just like her mummy

Hi HoneyB,
forgot to ans you regarding the maid. Have already decided to change the maid. Selected and will inform my current maid one week b4 sending her home la.

Hi cocomo,
Most impt is to keep your cool! As what HoneyB says, it may be a passing phase. Kieira also likes to drag chairs across the floor! So hubby will quickly catch hold of her, tickle her and play throw her in the air to distract her attention while i'll just place the chair back.
Kitchen is a dangerous place better becareful with it, I never let charlotte go into kitchen if she comes in i will ask her to go out. will only let her explore when she is older. now not the time.
i also agree with the other mummies that this is a phase which we have to pull through. but i'm more quick tempered so i can scold her one min but play with her once it's over.

i do explain to denise why i beat her, and emphasize on what i expect from her. usually she'll nod her head but i'm not sure whether she understands it fully bcos she will misbehave again after being nice for a while. but i'll just keep repeating the same thing to her.

most importantly, remember to praise your child when he behaves well
hi cocomo and other mommies,


Re: all these 'naughty' behaviours are part and parcel of toddlers developing their curiousity and trying everything they can cos they want to see our reaction, or the reaction of what they do, eg throwing things, not eating etc.
from all i have read, and from being with leon, the best thing to do is always offer an alternative. eg,

when leon is throwing toys all over the place, i give him his doodle board and draw a star.

when he wants to watch dvd (and i never give in to him) i ask him to read a book instead

he wants to jump on the couch, i start jumping on the floor and he will copy

of cos this doesn't always work, but i think we need to help them find ways to effectively exhaust their energy.

and sometimes we just have to let the phase pass. at one time, leon was always insisting on holding his own cup of water then spilling it all over, then one day it just passed. they will just keep trying new things

when im not feeling patient, cos thinking of exciting alternatives is tiring, i jus ignore him, then when he gets over it, i praise him

we still always clap hands together when he does good things and i think that positive reinforcement really helps.

eg: when he takes off his own sandals and puts them on the shoe shelf, we will clap as if he won the olympics, and now he is insistent on putting everyone's shoe back on the shelf just for the 'clapping show'

is tough, is testing, we all have our moments, but it is worth it
Hi pups,
ya, i agree with u. usually will offer him an alternative. we also do the clapping show. so funny. imagine all the adults clapping our hands when he did somehing right. haha... he even asks my grandma to clap her hands too when he did well.
i guess the key is to be their friend, put ourselves in their shoes. it is v tiring, but the pay off is worth it. when i tell him stories, i act like a train, cat, dog, who knows what, vvv tiring esp if i try to be expressive, but i think it makes them feel like we're one of them and helps build the relationship.
of cos we have to play 'leader' and set the rules. eg when i read to him, i tell him firmly i am in charge of flipping the pages, he is in charge of listening.

Throw the toys away - down the chute. My colleague's sis once did that to her niece (born in jul/aug 06) and from then on, she was an angel when she is with my colleague's sis.
hahaha...that's a good idea. i did that once when denise keeps asking for her sweets, threw it away right in front of her.
recently i've been giving Denise Probiotic, Sambucol and Children's DHA to build up her immune system.

i just ordered some stuffs from www.iherb.com, there's flat international shipping rate at USD 3.99 for purchase limit of $80 or 3lbs, use discount code <font color="ff0000">ONA000</font> get $5 off for first time user only.
Hey Fiona,

great to catch up with u gals recently.. i keep trying to give jadelle the sambucol n children's DHA.. jade refuse to take leh.. yikes.. machiam like trying to force poison down her throat.. how u got Denise to take it guai gua??
it was great seeing you with your growing preggy tum tum hehehe

i tried giving the supplements via spoon before and Denise didn't really mind the taste but she choked on the strong taste of sambucol, so now i always feed her with a syringe. She guai guai takes them bcos i gave her a sweet to hold which she share with either me or hubby after that. sometimes the sweet is the multivitamins gummy bear, so i trick her into taking another vit...hahaha
hahaha...yup mine's a greedy one

Same pronounciation but totally different character, but i dunno how to type chinese here.
i also prefer this "jia" but hubby said too many stroke so i ended up choosing a simpler one. but i still think this one you chose is nicer
there's only amy and fiona in aug thread today.. so now it like we are msn-ing.

Denise is 佳 or 家 + 宣 or 萱 ? i copy and paste the chinese character from word. As rae's has 1 character in complicated strokes which is 曦 so got to be fair. Not only my hubby, my friends have also complained.
hahaha...yup we msning

Denise got the 1st jia, and xuan a bit boyish, it's the singer elva hsiao's xuan. maybe that explains why my gal is acting so boyish???
HI mommies,
Just want to ask if any mommies is using Pampers Active Baby(purple colour packaging) L(38pcs) n XL(34pcs)? Cos I have a few Ls and XLs to let go at :
Int, pls sms or call me at 91451454
hey mummies,

jadelle's portion will be airing on 30th oct thursday 9:30pm/ 11:30pm on channel u.

already saw some portions on channel u last night..
Good morning mummies,


I keep forgetting to watch that show, so far only managed to catch the 1st episode, hope can remember the 30th Oct episode. :")


I also like the word Xuan, initially wanted to name my girl Zhi(3) Xuan(1) but my MIL don't like this word, so got to give up, I was so pissed that time hee...


Takashimaya having sale, lots of items on sale. Pigeon items 20% and if you have Taka card, additional 15%, very worth it. Lots of shoes on sale too, 15% + 15% (with Taka Card), check it out!
hey jasmine,

I saw the portions on you and jadelle when i'm watching the show which i recorded over the weekend. Jadelle has big eyes.
Hi Augbaby
Wow...so fast jazzele 1 yr old liao... both bro &amp; sis look so alike... &amp; wow.. Aug mummies all got 2 or more kids liao.. so nice...

herm... can i seek advice frm mummies.. my friend is abt 2mths pregnant... she ask whether can she go for overseas holiday. I'm not sure how to answer.. so any mums hav experience on going during the 1st tris.can share?

Jazzele always look so alert

that's a very nice photo, can you email me a copy pls? TIA

it would be safer to go after 3 mths/1st trimester.
