(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

anyone using nestle brown rice cereal? i follow the instructions- 5 scoops to 150ml water, but i use 30ml to 1 soop, turn out so watery! so i added another scoop but pour away some water so that it will be mashy mashy. what is the way to prepare?

my heinz finished liao so i decided to try something new, maybe will entice baby to eat more. but no! sigh... i am thinking whether to lay off spoon feeding for a while. I think he dun like to eat lei... hmmm.... i read must make meal time enjoyable, so i never force him to eat before, but y he see spoon so scared??? he will try to get out of his chair when he sees the spoon coming.

you feed with spoon liao then let me know how bb responds to it ok?

Hi deimal point,

have to be very very patient when it comes to spoon feeding. Got to catch them in good mood too. If he doesnt want to eat means he is not hungry?


for preparation of EYS cereal as what you have mentioned below:
1) 1 scoop + 150 ml of warm water
2) stir and mixed well.
3) cook over fire.
4) Off the fire once u see a few bubbles popping.
5) Leave it to cool.
6) Add 3 scoops of milk powder and serve.

I am using similac spoon (i spoon= 60ml of water). Can i still follow the above or is it too much and heaty??
I think similac spoon is bigger. My scoop is for 30ml of water. Try half similac scoop 1st.
I think we start small 1st.
hi mummies,

MTDT u shld come nad help em baby sit arh... Hahaha... so busy with baby yesterday, I didnt do much unpacking. U're right regarding going organic, that's why I didnt really insist on going 100% organic, just bought the HT to try out the flavour.

Regarding the Maple leaf teether, one word of caution. It is dark brown in colour and look like chocolate and its very messy when bb eats it, the crumps etc dirty the shirt and its abit hard to wash it off.

Kiki, I am considering exersaucer or the jumporee too.

Lucida, I also no milk, at night when I latch BB on, he still cries for more milk. My breast also lao hong liao... hahah
By the way hor.. NARAYA having renovation at Waorld Trade.. so never get ley.. Boys & girls clothings... YES.. have

i did asked the PD's nurse when he's abt 3+ mths and she said it's normal to poo 5-6 times a day. But it seems too frequent compared to a lot of the TBF babies here. Now I seemed to have chance upon the reason why.


cannot say things abt joshua. These 2 days he woke up at 6am, maybe weather is cold and he's feeling hungry earlier. I actually slot in another feed around 11+pm cos he drinks very little (4oz every 3 hrs). He will drinks with his eyes closed (sleeping). Sometimes he will fall asleep and i will manually activate him again (tickle his cheek).


I bought it from PD's clinic. Saw it at TMC pharmacy (abt $22 for the big bottle). NTUC unity also has it but only small packaging ($9+). I was told to get the cream moisturizer ($22+) to use together. I find it good compared to Lactacyd. Like very clean now and the moisturizer is really absorbed inside.
Mums, pls let me rant again can??? Sigh!! Sorry....

As u already read I moved in on Sun, inevitably I need helpers to help me move, if not look after Emerson. Natuarally the person that I looked for is my MIL.

On Sun morning, I told her abt it... but she has wedding dinner to attend at night and I need to take over from there. I'm ok with it...So she help me look after him from like 3pm to 6pm. Coz it was raining heavily and the movers were late, so I was at home and literally I was the one looking after the boy. Never mind abt the short hours.

Come Mon, common sense will tell u that I haven finished unpacking.. in fact I just took out those necessary stuff only. So I called MIL in the morning and brought E over. She then said she wants to play Mahjong and already made arrangements liao. She suggested my SIL no 3 to help me. SIL 3 was ok with it but she need to cook porridge for her son first. Told MIL feeding time is 1.pm and rush off liao. SIL 4 (the one that I will babysit for) and her hubby at home.

At 1.30pm, SIL 3 called me and said nobody ans her door when she went to my MIL place... she said she heard E crying very loudly so she come down even her porridge not cooked yet. When she went into the room, E was struggling alone in the hamrock... no traces of MIL or anyone helping him. SIL 4 was carrying her daughter and hubby is sleeping.

I was very very very mad. My MIL actually went out when E was sleeping and didnt even to feed him milk before she left. Of coz he be crying out loudly right? What if he fell down from the hamrock? Who's going to be responsible for that? SIL 4 was in her own room. Given her actions, how do u think I will look after her daughter in future? I was really mad loh. My poor boy is deprieve of milk and sleep coz of my BIL again!!! Damn! I hate the fact that my MIL thinks its her holiday after we moved and went to play MJ... she's like so easy grandma loh.. i am not expecting u to help me move, never mind u dont hav the initiate to help me with E or move, but when I ask for yr help, dont u feel obliged to?????

Tues - She came over in the morning, I haven eaten anything yet. She asked me what I wanna TREAT her with since she came to my house and Im the host. I told her there are cartons, if u are hungry u can eat them! So pissed! There's only plain water and some milk powder at that moment ok? Then she saiy.... Oh i thought u finish packing liao, as she pierced into each and every room to strutinised every details. U thought I am wonder woman arh, look after bb, buy my own food and unpack 30 cartons! Her face changed and disappear from my house.

Came over at night again with my SIL 4 daughter coz she was crying so much and loudly that nobody can handle her. Stayed over til 3 am + and I haven sleep til then.......

Irritating bunch of ppl!
welcome back... U seem happy with ur trip! hee hee..

poor thing. Ur hubby side not co-operative at all? The way u wrote, ur SIL4 couple doesnt seem to offer any help at all and she is expecting u to help her?

I wonder the definition of FAMILY when close kin just doesnt seem to help each other.

Cool down, one gd things that u move away from them.
aiyo Pm..sayang sayang....
ur SIL4 so jialat ah...she expect u to help her take care her own bb and when u need help she dun even bother to see what ur boy wants?? and then still can hide in her room??? if she think she cant handle 2 babies..what makes her think u can handle 2 leh??? then ur BIL still can sleep..at least help ur SIL4 carry bb then she can help u attend to baby E mah..wahlau eh...cannot imagine u alone handling 2 babies leh...u sure can bo??? then ur MIL y so unhelpful one...somemore baby E is her grandson leh...not somebody's bb...like that oso can??? *shake head*

fruitee: nice to see u here, welcome home. im newbie loi.

blessing: i didnt know must cook the cereal one.

pm: we can consider the graco and evenflo exersaucer, say the toys are nearer to them. dun buy the saftely first ok.feedback say lously.
Missmoon, I have sent you the mail on HT promotion.

Lok, thanks for info. My gal was also on TBF till two nights ago (I started feeding her with Enfalac A+ for the last feed). I have eczema so a bit concern. Scare she will get it from me
These few days, my eczema is acting up again.. haiz.. some parts of my face red like lobster.

PM, aiyoh, your MIL really one kind. Try not to let them affect you. Not worth getting angry for too long.

Sayang sayang, juz be glad that u are now staying on your own. I wanna join u gals on next sat, can add my name?

can send me the mail on HT promo too? PD asked both of us whether we had eczema when younger but we dunno leh. At least not now but i have very sensitive skin and suffer from food allergies (seafood). My hubby too. So poor joshua probably is allergic to something too!
i heard from my collick that Apple Cider (vinegar) help in eczema.
I read in a thread that someone is using it to bath to improve the condition.

Some even use it for toner. Gd and nature.
1:1 ratio for the toner.
Lok, no problem. Just PM me. Hope you can locate what Joshua is allergic to soon. I also avoid seafood but think that is not the main culprit for my eczema.

hong, the apple cider vinegar, is it those that are used for cooking? I dun mind trying leh... These few days, my eczema is the worst of all times. Face and ears also itch. Wonder whether it is due to hormone changes.

for me i drink the Jagg Apple cider + honey. Got some slimming effect.

I think u can get the apple cider from NTUC Organic corner.
PM, sayang sayang....sigh....i also dunno what to say...sigh....

Kloe, can PM me the HT promo too?

dsii, i got a few tubes of physiogel moisturizer (overstocked when on sale). recommended by the dermatologist we saw at KKH. you want bo? can pass you one.

fruitee, welcome back!

i also using physiogel cleanser and moisturer cos bran bran skin quite rahsy. i get in my pd intmc the big bottle cleanser, outside cannot get this size lah. Khh got big size cleanser. though the cleanser is good but need to apply on the body then put him in the water, quite slippery must handle him porperly of not he will fall.(note. if u put in the water , u need to put quite a lot, so spread over his body more saving.)
after using it, his skin is very smooth...hehe


apple cider is good for detoxifying and cleanser ( got slimming effect too ), i used to drink lastime for beauty..but often hungry.

the cleanser good hor?! I like it too. Too bad it's not non-rinse. Thankfully, joshua is now less fragile, so i am better able to handle him. I also use the non-slip bath mat for safety.
hi mummies
those interested in HT products, i've called the lady (from kloe's email) and will be receiving her BP list soon.

she mentioned that for mummies whose orders hit $30 and above, she can deliver FOC. but her discount is only 15% max for $200 and above (nature's glory offers 15%+3% except food jars for orders above $200 and FOC delivery to 1 location only).

let me know if u all still keen?

yaya... very good but i think i going to change cos it quite difficult to get in the store(bought at pd) and phar sell only small one(no value). u get the big ones or small one?

Thanks for reminding me to get a non-slip mat..hehe.

i hv both. The big one i left it at the infantcare center and the small one i use at home. I will stick for it for a while for my dear son's sake. TMC and Mt A quite near my place, so the most i go down and buy from them. Or stock up the next time i go for his jabs at PD.
Hi missmoon, do you mean for those who buy $30 and above, we are entitled to 15% discount + FOC delivery if our BP hits $200?

how old ur bb?do u feel assurance in infant care? i duno for me i afraid my darling will be bullied cos he cant tell me anything yet. hehe.

nextime i will rem to stock up when going for jab!!!

Joshua's a july bb, so 5mth+ now. U mean bullied by caregiver??? I will fear more if left with nanny or maid!! There are 2 caregivers in 1 classroom, so no hanky panky around. Plus, I surveyed the place 3 times before enrolment. The bosses are really nice new mothers too.
Some other incidents to reassure myself:
1. One mother telling the caregiver her 8mth old boy always gets very excited whenever he enters the gate in the morning.
2. One toddler breaking away from his mother and running towards caregiver.
3. Joshua also gives me a big smile when i tell him we are going to school.
Do u know that the babies actually want to play with each other too? Brayden tried to hold joshua's hand!
4. The bosses have their own kids being looked after at the center, so i'm sure they want to run it well too.

That's not to say that it's all well. I know that they may not be able to attend to Joshua right away at times. Also hoping he won't fall sick too often.

wow... it sound so fun when u mention all those holding hands. keke...lol

ya i do agree with maids and nnnny cos we wont know what is happening behind scene.
sound so interesting infant care, can u tell me where it is? just in case my mummy cant take care for me cos she got eyesight pro loi. ( she alrdy told me bran bran will bee first and the last one for her..keke, meaning she scare alrdy to care bb)

my bran is a rascal to her...keke

Then the next day, Brayden tried to touch joshua's foot but pulled his socks instead! haha!!
Babies Resort is at Pemimpin Place. At least I think Joshua is in a more stimulating envt in school. If i leave him with my mum or MIL, trust me he will be watching tv most of his waking hours.

U can check out the link behind of all the infant/child care centers in sg plus their fees. Besides the program they offer, location is very impt. It's quite a rush sometimes to pick him up on time.
btw, forgot to add: BR also does up a file of all their charges. Basically to record some of their cute actions and the impt "firsts". When the child leaves the center, the parents will get to keep it. I dunno if this is common practice amongst infantcare centers but sure think it's a good idea !
many thanks lok. i will chk it out when i free ltr, now rushing work for christmas cos tml is our co holiday.

i wish all mummies a merry merry christmas and enjoy with the very day with ur dear and darling...
got the mail! Thanks!

am still keen. Think FOC delivery will be easier for everyone also.

I am using cetaphil cleanser for my boy now. Only using physiogel moisturizer. Working great and non-rinse. Dun think will change.
okie. not sure i going PM's home on sat or not...Reno giving me headache...
i mail to you? or you can collect from me when you pick up the HT cereal from Missmoon. We both live in Simei.

what cleanser are you using now? is Ian's skin very dry?

Like I mention. I not using the physiogel cleanser only the moisturizer. Cleanser I using cetaphil. Think can use on face ba...not sure. I using hazeline on K's face.

Maybe you got to monitor what you eat...I monitored and realise that K gets rash when I eat seafood...so have to avoid.
hmm...im not using any cleanser for ian yet....how much?? i think i collect from u loh...i can drop by on weekdays nite time...can bo??? quite dry i think...aiyo...very cham leh...like tat hor deprive from my enjoyment...haiz....maybe shld stop bf hor?? hehehe
so you using just water? that's ok too. I usually bathe K with cetaphil in the morning then just warm water in the evening. After drying him up must put moisturizer to lock in the moisture.

Think it's $17. Weekday nites can...just let me know beforehand. HB clearing leave this month, so we out a lot.

Just a few more weeks then 6 mths liao...jia you! Can tahan one. BFing will help Ian with his eczema condition. Can eat a bit la...but not too much lor...sometimes I also accidentally eat prawns...
cetaphil definitely can be used on face. Cos my gal had very serious rashes when she was a baby and the pd prescribed cetaphil.

why dun u use cetaphil moisturizer together wif the cleanser? better effect...My boy using both the cleanser and moisturizer.
dun worry, they will outgrow it one...keagan's condition now under control liao....his skin just like other babies with the occassional rash.

Was reading a national skin centre book on eczema and it says 1 in 5 children have it. My hb's friend don't have history but their daughter also kenna.
Hi Gals, need to ask a sensitive question... Recently, eversince my breastmilk stop, my vaginal have this yellow discharge that is smelly as well. I got put on panty liner and the panty liner will be like yellowish.. Is this normal??? Btw,my menses not yet come.
Lucida, could it be yeast infection? Duno leh. I used to get that. Maybe you go see your gynae and see what she says?

PM, paiseh..when I read the part on you asking your MIL to eat the cartons I sort of laughed out. Think it's quite funny. I think she's really irresponsible leaving E in the hamrock alone. There was also once my MIL left Kai in the hamrock while i brought Lycia out. She told Elvis' younger brother to take care of him while she went downstairs. Then I was out with Lycia. Then when I came home, Kai was crying and crying like no one's biz. Then my brother in law was so helpless, angry and upset cos he didnt know how to handle him, and he didnt know how to carry him out of the hamrock. Then when my MIL came back, i didnt say anything, but my brother in law scolded her for taking so long. But that was the only time la.
Anyway, think you should use this to counter your SIL4. say you can't handle baby E and her daughter. If same thing were to happen, like both cry, you'll have to carry baby E.

during the gathering JP also mention her parents do not have eczema but she still get it. She told me it possible that it trigger during pregnancy. Like the pregnant mother ate something that trigger the eczema in the baby.
