(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB


u so cute loi.poo everday is good lah.. bty u still bf? im not bf anymore probaby cos of the Fm is too heaty i guess.

master ian teething? wow... at 5mths? tat so fast. hehe.

actually my hub suggest ian for bb name initial stage but didnt take the name. i like this name Ian like yan dao like that. later we all agree on brandon. hehe.

one mummy told me the bellamy brand one, the texture is very pasty...sticky type, so i didn't get. i bought HT exclusively, neh try other brands so cannot compare. another mummy told me must try barley one, cos that one very nice smell, haha.

PM, blessings...ok ok...when i get back to office next week, i will organise one. can wait bo??

haha. no inconvenience at all, cos my mum stays opposite his office nia. when u wanna get? if very soon, i pass u my spare box from simei home first. u let me know lah

how much is the spiffies ah?
Wowo...this Ht is so popular ha?? OMG
i must rush to see if there anymore anot...

Missmoon: i bought alrdy , no choice.

can any1 plsss tell me what are spiffes? sorry i so mountain tortise lei...hehe
no hurry lah..cos now got the frisocream loh...hmm...i can wait for abt 1-2 weeks..hahaha....then when ur hb get from ur mum then i get it from u...btw, inform me when u oragnising a BP hor..wanna get dome bottle food too...
Hi Hong,
No lah!! I lump the hep B booster shot into 6-in-1 package mah cos I paid for everything (incl 18mth jab) when I signed up for the package...else its so confusing.

My GP did assessment during the jabs. But the next jab is 15mths mah. SO I wonder if I need to bring her for assessment in between now & 15mths lor. If go polyclinic, must wait or not?
ian soooo happy in his walker. 1-2 wks, no prob then.

hong, no problem. when i back in office, i let u all know and can pm me ur orders.
wow... all into HT huh.

organic food - v ex.
1 pack of heinz - $2++
1 pack of HT - $6++ :p
and hv to be pure organic, if not useless one leh. so hv to go buy organic apples, potato from farm etc. i foresee i wont hv time to go pure organic, so decide not to.

Dsii - WOW!! IAN sooooo cute.
soooo happy in his walker!

today i am on leave at home... abit sian.
anyone wan to meet for afternoon tea! haha:p
hi mummies,

wah...lots to catch up...

dsii, Ian soooo cute! so happy in the video also...

nite_gal, my boy also born on 24jul.

missmoon, you organising HT BP next week ah? I put order at marketplace thread le...but not moving coz cannot hit minimum. maybe I cancel and join yours.

My period came over the weekend...was a bit surprised coz I still on TBF. Super heavy, every 2 hours need to change. Now MS drop quite a bit....worried my boy not enough to drink...haiz.
ya, if can hit $200 get the same disc also. if u can wait a while more, i can do it next wk. usually quite fast in delivering the order.
i want to buy some " ceral " that can be mix into my baby FM evertime during feed ones ... any one got any good recommand ?? thank ....
okie! i cancel my order at mktplace and join yours. can wait....only intending to feed solids after 6mnths.

in joshua's case, i am glad that i did abstain from those food. Seriously suspecting he is intolerant of some food that i consumed (most probably dairy pdts) cos his poo frequency is definitely more normal now (1-2 times a day vs. every feed).

He will also get rashes when niam niam, so PD told me to bathe him twice a day. Using this brand called physiogel now, very good.

Joshua's sleeping through now from 830pm to 7am (actually i had to wake him up at 7 to go to school). sometimes he will wake up to whimper but stuff pacifier inside and he will soothe himself back to sleep so it's not milk he wants.

Baby poo after every feed is not normal? My gal poo around 3 or 4 times a day leh.. almost every feed poo (expect one or two feeds, she doesn't poo).

wah, Joshua slept thru and long hours....my Ryan is sleeping late...around 10.30pm or 11pm...then sometimes woke up at 11.30pm for milk and sleep again...about 5 plus woke up again for milk....me zombie already!
I got some email from some mummies to join as NEW MEMBER.

However i didnt get to see their nick in the thread.

cuitevin & Little_twinstars, Please appear more often hor.

All member shld get to join the yahoo group but i am too busy to update the list. I will do it when i am free.

Rest assure that the list will be updated and send to all members only.
Regarding Healthy times, currently there is a promotion till 23rd Dec. If buy $30 and above, delivery will be FOC. There is also some discounts on maple teethers, teddy puffs and 8 packers baby jar food.

PM me if you are interested. Can send you the mail.

any1 know why the teats always come out when bb sucking milk on it? i having this problem these few weeks? duno if i shld change new one but i heard it can last till it spoilt? it sound very rare to me loi...
any1 also encounter this problems..
har?? last till it spoilt??? i dun think so leh...normally i will change abt 2 mths loh..cos me using boiling method..so the teats will become soft soft very easily...and hor..use too long the teats also seems abit dirty dirty loh...

where can get the shower gel??? good bo??? how much???
hi dsiitan, saw Ian's video liao... very cute, he kept smiling.. hee.. Did you do anything to make him smile? My gal used to smile a lot, especially in front of camera. Now, she only stares at the camera. Have to make her smile when taking pic.
he was looking at his daddy loh....so hapi to see his daddy..always smile or laugh when saw his dad...hehehe
Hi Dsii, The walker looks nice - where did you get it from and how much is it? Now my baby spent most of his time laying on his back. I'm thinking of buying an exercerser so that he can sit up or a walker.. REcently saw the Safety First one cost only $129 in Robinson. Wonder should buy or not..
Btw, anyone here have seek fengshui service before?? Me thinking of getting fengshui service for my house. Any recommendation??
me got the walker 5 yrs ago for isaac..hehe...forgot how much liao...bought at kiddy palace...shld be ard $50-60...nice meh?? haha..actually infront got toys for the bb tomplay one...isaac pull all out..some spoilt liao...
Hi white_lady,
I'm using Moon Rabbit brand. Si Sen Brown Rice with Ikan Bilis. Instant formula. No need to cook. Prepare like milk powder. Currently feeding my gal thru btl. I'm feeding her brown rice once a day though..
white lady,

heinz rice cereal can mix with milk too. i add a bit of formula too. but more formula more water, if not too thick cannot flow out. i feed my baby one cereal using spoon in the morning(but he eats very little). then at night add one scoop to his milk.
Hi decimal point,
Yes, I bought from NTUC. Tried feeding bb with spoon, but she dun like, so changed to bottle feed. she loves it. Later, then I discovered I should use soft plastic spoon instead of metal spoon. hee..hee..so will try spoon feeding again tomorrow.
My milk no more already. My breast like those "lao hon" balloon. Then baby seems to know I dun have milk and refuse to latch on already... sob sob. Actually still have a little bit if I squeeze my breast but baby still dun want.. sob sob

dsii: ya this is what many told me, now then i know got to change frequently. no i didnt utilised till spoilt lah just 3-4mths then i change loi. lol. thanks for ur reminder.

i m thinking of buying awalker or a exersaucer? any good recommendation? exersaucer not easily ava in the store only walker many variety right?
Hi kiki,

I think better start with exersaucer first...then walker. My fren was telling me that once babies in walker, most likely will not want to crawl...but that depends on indivdual babies lah.


Will like to give Ryan his 2nd feed of cereal via bottle in the evening or night feed. I have HT and EYS cereal...anyone has any idea which is better in terms of consistency cos I havent tried putting into the bottle.
