(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

my boy is now 5mths...born on 19 july at tmc...birth weight 4.8kg..hjmmm....as u scroll up the page u can see my 2 dear boys..hehehe..i havent start any semi solid food for him..maybe later go ntuc and see can get any cereal fro him bo..hehehe


how i wish i had so much hair also.hehe..joking!
wow u had 2 boys thinking of having another gal?
i wish to had a pig bb but i dun think i can make it cos very shack after looking my rascal...keke...
any1 getting any xmas present. my hub just got him 1 and i still looking around.
Dsii ..

think u can get the friscrem, i got the heinz for brand but he like want to vomit, guess the taste is no good. my cousin taught me to mix them together, im trying again...yea.
hi hong,

one feed of cereal is how much? i m feeding my baby cereal in the morning, but i dun think it is enough t replace his one feed as he still drinks 120ml of milk after that. this is what i do- use milk powder scoop scoop 1+ scoop of heinz rice cereal and a little formula, mix until like gruel(very little water- abt 20ml?). sometimes add pumkin or banana for variety. he seldom finishes the cereal, sure left a bit, i think he has no patience to sit down n let me feed, that's y i think his one cereal meal not able to replace one feed. how to make him eat more until can replace one feed with cereal?
Hi Keline,

Ya..I heard Frisocream is quite popular and I understand that some PDs recommend it. :))

Decimal pt,

Cereal with pumpkin? Sounds delicious!!! Btw...do you guys steam the fruit or boil it? I read that steaming is the best method to retain nutrients.
Hello mummies,

How is eveyone? Have not been posting these days... feel tired and took naps in the afternoon.

Re: Semi-solid food
I am also thinking what to give to my gal when the time comes. Should start with rice cereal? Thinking of buying organic rice cereal.
Hi Keline,
Welcome.. Ur bb is big but still cant beat our "Da Ge Da" here. Master Ian. hahaha..

Dun be dishearted so easily.
1stly dun expect to replay one feed with cereal. I feed Julian cereal once a day inbetween his feed and i am still giving him milk. Eg he takes milk 3hrly, he had his milk at 12pm, i feed him cereal abt 1:30pm. Took me 30 min to finish a small amt of cereal. At 3pm i still give milk to him.

I prepare one scoop of cereal, add milk. I realise the cereal need pretty lots of water cos they will turn into a lumpy. So i keep adding milk to make it more watery, easily for Julian to swallow.

U can try again, make it more slightly more watery? Like i mention to Dsii, u can try adding cereal into his milk if u want him to take more.

On top of that, u must still try to introduce food thru spoon, to let the bb practise taking food another way.

Cereal with pumpkin is also very gd.

I only start replacing one meal with cereal or solid food when my kid can swallow better.

If u see ur bb can take one solid meal well then u can replace two meals with solid food.

I think replacement of food is a very slow and careful process. U dun want to overwhelm them with so many variety so they reject milk and also not for them to get sick of the solid food so early. Always starts from the bland food to rich flavour food. The process can take as long as 1 yr.

ok will check out the BP.
bp then i need to wait loh..i think i juz buy from ntuc 1st..if he likes it..thjen will try to get more from bp

im back again, now at home...hehe, me everyday rushing back to see me bran bran loi. lol..keke
too bad he ZZzzz.. so early duno why maybe dont want to see me . =(
sorry to miss here. mummies here all sahm or working??...

may: i duno about friso cream so much but my cousin say it taste nicer and recommended.

Hong: ya...many say my boy very big loi, no one can fight mine ( that i know ). =P

decimal: ya... i heard must be patent to keep on trying, mine also reject cereal when i try that time, somemore like to vomit... aiyoh!!!

hey .... can i know who is master ian??? i wld like to know this shuai ge....plsss intro to me.

thanks for all ur warm welcome ... july mummies.

hope we will enjoy our stay here...
wahlau keline, u very blurz leh..hahahahaa..hong mentioned master ian..hahaha..that's my little precious gem lah...ur boy birth weight 3.7+kg...yes..heavy..but hong said cant beat my boy..cos his borth weight 4.8kg ah!!!! hahha

just now went ntuc to get healthy times brown rice..but dun have..onlt left..dunno oatmeal ah...so ended up bought frisocream..hehehe..but will go ard looking for HT...

MISSMOON!!!!! u still hv HT brown rice to spare bo>?????
Wow dsiitan...Ian look so diff after the cut : )

Hong, u noe 6mth onward izit 1 feed cereal n nite porriage or both feed porriage har? yr boy take 30min? my gal take 5min to finish half bowl, greedy gal..hahaha! but once it turn watery i will thrown away liao...izit norm?
n hor can add those bottle pureen to the cereal izit?
just now went ntuc to get rice cereal...and saw some bottle pureed food..like green beans..banana...apple puree..and hor some fruuit juice...can we give them fruit juice??? and hor the puree food..can we give them if we are giving cereal too???
My PD said can give apple juice...I bought Heinz from supermarket before. If you prefer organice, can also try Hipp (missmoon reccommends to me). For thr puree food, can add them into the cereal...but first, just try the cereal first. I think at 5th month, can add puree food liao....if you prefer organic ones, can get HT ones as well...

perhaps can start a bp for July mummies if the interest is there
aiyo..me last time just followed what my mum told me to do one....follow blindly without remember..hahaha...now i taking care of mmy own so like blur blur loh..somemore 5 yrs apart...aiyo..me poor memory loh..hahaha...

can give juice har??? then gd...maybe after try the cereal then give him some puree then juice..hehehe,....

missmoon...ya loh..can start bp..hahaha
i boil the pumpkin, have not tried to steam, maybe will try tomorrow. When I boil the pumpkin, I use the water to make the cereal, so hopefully the nutrients that go into the water during boiling is not wasted. I don't know scientific or not, but when we drink soup , the essence are in the soup, so I thought maybe it goes for the pumpkin too.

Now at night I will add one scoop of cereal into his milk to replace one scoop of formula. Also continue to feed with spoon in the morning. But I observed that his poo poo becomes dry though he poos more frequent. I think I must give him more fruits and vege.

Are you sahm? If can, I think better to buy fresh vege and fruits to puree for baby to eat. I think at this point of time their food still quite easy to prepare as they eat so little.

When I brought my baby for 5 month jab, my pd ask me to start porridge. So i think it is ok to start. But I didn't cos my baby not very good at eating yet. Maybe I'll wait till he can sit up more steadily without always bending down to do sit and reach!
Your master ian and my girl are born only 5 days apart.. my girl was born on 24 jul. How do you intend to introduce the rice cereal huh? Like add a scoop to his milk for one of his feeds first and monitor for a few days?

I intend to intro semi solids after my girl turns 6 mth.. so am gathering some info first. A bit confused now, so many brands and so many things to intro. Think I will probably start with the EYS powder first, cos heard that's quite good.. Me also interested in the BP for HT cereal for jul mummies!

I also read that we should introduce one new food at a time and monitor to see if there could be any allergies.. Does that mean we should introduce only cereal first, monitor for a few days, then introduce fruit puree, monitor for another few days? *blurz*

Thanks.. I'll go Robinsons to check out the spiffies. 50 cents per piece indeed quite ex!
ur princess are so cute..

5 min! so fast! My Nestle cereal will turn lumpy after a while. I have to keep adding milk a little at a time to smoothen it for feeding. U can add puree to the cereal but must introduce one type of food each time. Mainly to test if bb is allergy to it. If introduce too many and u cant find out if bb allergy to which food.

*mega Kok* wat are u talking lah! Kaylyn just went for her 6 in 1 right. Where got another 6 in 1. $$ too much har. hee hee..
That is the last 6 in 1, next is hep B booster.
Ur GP didnt do assessment for Kaylyn? If no u can bring Kaylyn to polyclinic to do free assessment in 9th month. Infact, really nothing much, by then the nurse will check if the bb can sit up right, can hold on to edges to stand up, can grab things etc etc.. U can choice to go or not to go. Since ur GP didnt do it for Kaylyn u may want to go for it.

try fruit 1st, think u can try veg after 6 month. Fruits are easiler to digest.

It is true that the nutrient will stay in the water if u boil the food. Can use the water to cook cereal or porriage. Dun throw the stock away but if u are not using the water then try steaming. Wun lose the vitamin n mineral into the stock.

Just like Ikan bilis - rich in calcium. It is not necessary for us to powder the ikan bilis to add into their porriage. We can just use the stock to cook their porriage which is also rich in calcium. Of course, must wash away the salt thoroughly.

i wanna give Julian to try the bottle food too.
Fruit juice shld be ok, just check the bottle and it meant for 6th month.
hey gals...

Welcome to the new comers.

wow, all into semi solid liao huh?
currently i am only feeding cereal in the afternoon. started with heinz, now feeding nestle (I hv alot of sample packs! :p)think this weekend will intro food jar to Zav.

only weekend will give cook fish porriage to bb. usu weekdays no time to cook leh.
My son oso take 5 mins to finish his cereal. He practically scream throughout the feeding cos my maid/mum/me is not fast enuf in sending the cereal to his mouth.

I gave Xavier banana few days ago but he gave me a big frown when i put it inside his mouth. Think he does not fancy banana. I heard from my mum he likes barley water very much tho. Can finish half a bottle in one go.
good morning mummies..

kin. envy u have daughters, lovable gals. me also wants to have gals.. =)

hong, yenny. seem like ur bb likes cereal, mine like feel so nausea wanting to vomit lei. i donu why he doesnt like it? maybe heinz is really unappetising cos i try it and it taste so bland.
have have but ah, the stock is at my mum's place, not mine. haha. if u want, i ask my hb to drop by and get. me now stuck in simei to take care of bb myself. u let me know hor.

blessings, ya, if there are enough orders, i can do bp for it for jul mummies cos i wanna order some more cereal. brown rice paradise bo brown rice cereal liao...oos until jan

i've been feeding 2x cereal and intro food jar for a month now.
i want i want..but hor..will it cause inconvenience to ur hb har??? i wanna the brown rice ..1 box...can???
Hi mums, its been some time since I log in, fnally moved into my new house. Alot of work to be done! plus taking care of BB, I hardly left with any time for myself. I hope by the time u guys come my house is ready to "jian ren" Been unpacking all the stuff alone, no joke man! Got many bruises n cuts.

I started Baby E with some EYS cereal (once in a while) and as usual mixed BR into his FM. Haven really cooked porridge for him coz I dont have the time to sit down and feed him. So charm right. My poor boy is so deprived.

Dsii - I read somewhere that if BB wakes up for night feed means he's ready for semi solid food. But he got ezcema right? Then maybe u start bit by bit first.

I dont know if I shld start my boy with organic cereal, coz I thought if I shld do so, then I shld let him eat organic food all the way, but organic food is quite ex leh.

Welcome Keline. =)

pm, missmoon: healthy times isit nicer? popular? u heard of organic bellamy rice cereal. i hv bought this but haven let my drling try yet.

my frds bb also doesnt like cereal like mine.


Does Ian have eczema too? My PD told me to delay introducing solids due to his eczema. Best to go on breastmilk exclusively. In fact, I have to abstain from a lot of food because of his condition (the usual culprit like cow's milk, peanut, seafood etc).

Congra to ur new house. yipee.
bet u must be dead beat right, must take rest and dun overwrk loi. i hate moving house.. keke headahce with all the thing lying here and there but when it settle down u will feel all ur hard work is worthwhile.

i also give bran bran barley water cos he is quite heaty and pass motion 3 days once ( 2 times alrdy ) sigh..

missmoon: think can start bp..hahaha..seems like lots of mummies here want to get HT. I may also want to get for my taiwanese friend over there. Not too long ago, send two boxes over to her...
Oh.. btw, I think I will stop BF-ing very soon. No supply..busy no time to express at night when I finally got the time, only 100ml from both side. Drying up liao. Hahaha

Keline - Yah, yr right, soooo many things lying around... sigh. My bb doesnt poo even if he drinks barley water, when he finally poo he also wont poo alot.
mummies...i just fed ian with rice cereal leh..he loves it...cos when i not fast enuff ..he will whine..to my surprise he knows how to swallow using spoon leh...seldom push the food out...all in..hahaha....only plain water he so reluctant to swallow..hahaha...me only gave him abit loh...test test 1st mah...will feed him tomolo again...

i oso dunno what causes his eczema leh..but last time i brought ian to PD he didnt say anything about my BM or ask me to refrain from eating anything leh...he just said skin irritation...so so far me eat whatever i want loh...hehehe...but i noticed if he is under the sun too long..or the body niam niam...his face and body will hv irritation loh...so oso dunno lah...me today 1st time fed him cereal..cos hor...can u imagine last nite i woke up 3 times to feed him milk...every 2-3hrs leh...wahlau..worse than NB ah...so i assume he hungry loh...so now i slowly intro food to him...bit by bit...
these few days ian poo everyday...surprise loh...cos last time he only poo once 2-3 days mah...but i think due to teething loh...confirm he teething lah..cos the white thingy sharp sharp one...

me intro cereal to him liao loh...just now..and he loves it...but only a bit loh...and quite watery...must slowly slowly loh...

Ian poo everyday arh.. coz he drink more now mah i think. Good lo, dun have to worry when he will poo. Emerson poo timing very irregular one, when he finally poo I am very happy then my hubby ask why, I say baby finally poo liao, he thinks Im siao, like "jian dao jin" so happy. He just wont understand.
