(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Hi MTDT, I think i get also lor.. since it's good..haiz.. got to spend again..

Recently tempted to buy a toddler trolley (like those used in the supermarket type.. ) for yujie as he really likes to push things around.. but my hubby say sisi leh..
When can go ur plc for swimming tis wk? Thurs or Fri is fine wif me. I'm starting work next Mon liao, end of SAHM life for me already so gotta make full use of this wk.
Haha..oic. Yeah..I'm starting work next wk. Went for the interview last Fri & got shortlisted.

But I'm still keeping my options open lah..cos I got shortlisted for another 2 more interviews from other co too..so see how first.

Then dunno if I can adjust back to worklife or not..if cannot, then may redecide to become SAHM again lor. Haha..nothing is certain lah..am keeping an open mind abt it. As hb says, I won't know for certain if I dun try, right?

So u wanna go swimming at ep's plc tis wk? It mayb the last PTT gathering for me liao...
Hi! Ohya! I just received the CD today.

Thank you very much!!

How much huh? PM me oh..

I am on leave from today till Friday to look after the kids cos mother in law not around.

My daughter 4 years old only.
my older boy will be 4 in dec. so our kids same age.. same as hong n klcc.

i hv Act3 class for josh this whole week from 3-5pm.. u can come after 5.30pm.. let me know.
u got the job at changi south?? congrats!
I think 3yrs not working liao..cos was not working when I was preg..

I'm organising a PTT gathering tis Fri. Most probably at my plc since u r not around. Cos Jul & JP preg, so someone's hm will be more convenient for them lor.
Yalor! My daughter Jan'04 de, same birth month as Hong's daughter.

Anyway, our son also same birth month de..haha!

We knew from 2003 thread..time flies!
ok will drpp by yr place after josh class

hongs gal 8jan04, my boy 8dec04.. same yr but still 1 yr apart.
yunma - oops... i forgot abt last nite. my SIL came home so was eating and chatting with her. so how was the playgroup?

YB - congrats! think dun hv the metality of "cannot adjust". becos sure can one... it's a matter u wan or not

sound so sad... last PTT gathering. aiyoh! :p
so where is ur office? town? :p

Lucida - thanks for the link, but i am too late. close liao.
Lucida- is there still bp on the sight words reader?

I also tot of getting. Afew jun mummies bought n says good. Esp good for young readers.

Wow... All watch kungfu panda huh! So good show? Zav managed 60% of the alvin and chipmucks show at my sil place. So hubby say no to cinema! Faintz!

Wow, good luck to u!


I'm quite interested in the sight words reader too. J is finally showing more interest in books. Thanks to the Barney book from EP!


J has diversified his interest. Now into Elmo. If u have any Elmo hamper, count me in!


Do I still owe either one of u any $ for the Bash?
My girl has also diversified her interest, but into Hello Kitty
Girl is girl loh.
Btw, me preggie with a Minnie. So, you have 2 boys, I have 2 girls. Not sure will be pressurised to try for a son bo....
yunma - hahaha... lucky.

will rem...

Congrats lala for 2 princess.

Lok - i dunno to close the account now boh... more or less finalised the spending.. but scare last min got something nia. nvm.. after bash then i collect the remainder. thanks

The spree close liao. but if hv 5pax here... maybe can order ourselves n divide out.

Scholastic Leveled Readers

Scholastic Sight Words
Thanks, can spend on my girl's clothes without feeling heartache liao... hahaha

Good idea, I am interested .... let's get 2 more pax since already 3 mummies showing interest
are these series sold in singapore? maybe can ask scholastic singapore to bring it in so no need to pay shipping.. i will give u the contact for scholastic...
hi mummies,

I'm finally back. Moving house is such a nightmare! Arin is not used to my mom's new place and she has been clinging onto me everywhere....can't even go pee...sigh.

But the funny thing is, she will be ok if I leave the house for work and according to my mom, will be very well-behaved. It's only when I'm back that she becomes very sticky....my mom says she bully me....sigh.
ok, I'm now reading posts backwards slowly...

Lala, your kid interested in Hello Kitty? Arin prefers Winnie the Pooh. Anywat, my mom cleared out the old Macdonald's hello kitty toys - I think it's the Japanese costume ones...Are you keen on them? If so, I can pass to you at the birthday bash. Or if anyone interested also can take lah.
ep - I saw the sight words set selling at the world book fair in suntec at $48 for 25books.

Diff - huh.. i also dunno. just tat i hv afew sets of leveled readers... thus i dun wan tat set loh. :p

price - go to the link tat lucida put up n use tat as a guage. i am hoping only get the sight words set as amazon price same. the leveled reader one more ex in amazon. if get from amazon - even more simple. hahaha :p
Yep, Charisse loves Hello Kitty. Thanks for offerring, I have the Macdonald's hello kitty toys too but have not brought out for her to play coz she already has too much toys!! Hubby said the house is like war-zone daily

Think Arin's behaviour is natural, Charisse is also very sticky to me when I am around.

YB, where is your new office?
Hi mummies,
back from my msia trip.

How is the tee? Okay liao?

did u order the barney set of book for me? The one that u mention have offered from Josh school.
Lego - glad to hear tat.

I will get max 2 sets so tat i can maximise the shipping. so either 2sets of sight words or 1 set of sight words/leveled readers.

Arin loves the Pelangi books too...She can almost recite the chinese picture books (in her own language...) It was a very good recommendation!
chm - arin smart gal mah.

lala - tat time i ordered pelangi books lah. posted here for many many weeks! u never come online still dare to complain. hehe :p

I have not been exposing my girl to many chinese books, so she always gimme a blur blur look when I read her chinese books ... hahahaha
