(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

crocs gt closing date for order thru u? price based on website price? wat size is venice wearing huh? i bot the 2nd smallest size for ashley then regret cos super big lor...dunno when can wear. Can venice wear the smallest crocs size now?

Dsii - crocs website is www.crocs.com

yuma...can if pm dont wan then we spilt 1/3 ,if pm wan then we split 1/4...heehee! the more the merrier. So i go ahead buy liao hor? during my lunch!

Mezzo, I bought her the disney smallest size 4/5, also veri big, i tink still need to wait another 3 to 6mth before she can wear. No closing date lah, i buying from the shop at my company. juz note that if yr wan to buy crocs i can help lo.
ok thks zita..even smallest one also need to wait huh...then i super ambitious to buy her size 6/7...think hv to keep another 2 yrs then..
currently ashley feet in cm is ard 19.5 to 20cm..is venice also ard tis size?
Haha..sure no prob. Drinks only mah. If more than that then no $$ to treat liao. Cos MJ $$ is for milk powder is diapers. Haha.

Crocs shoes,
Personally I'm scared of letting Kay wear crocs shoes. Cos got so many reports of kids's toes being caught in the escalator & on most instances, they're wearing crocs shoes.

Sorry. Not able to help out cos I dun have a maid at home...Sigh..now still in dilema to put Kay in CC or get a maid.
Wah u say like dat then my Gil how?? No $$ to buy her diapers n milk powder liao..cham

Brought Gil to take MMR jab this morning...she is abt 11.6kg n height shld be 80cm, gotta agar agar cos she wasnt cooperative.
Can u share with me wat are d other side effects of MMR jab besides fever n rashes?

dsii, zita,
Wat cheerios? Is it d cheese snack? This one must order also??
cos in the 1st place ur heart already wanna her in CC mah...so then go for it lah...
u also also wont go back to work immediately..so y dun u just monitor 1st...if really cannot then withdraw..can bo? my fren said she placed her ger in CC last time...she learnt to be more independant...but thats up to individual...like we used to say...maid got maid prob...CC got CC prob...pros and cons loh....watever decison..u hv to open 1 eye and close the other...but if u can wait, then maybe wait till like 2 yrs or so..when kaylyn knows how to talk a bit..then go CC...cos kids will say wat they see...
933 reporting!!!!

our dear daddy liverpool suggested those who are going to GUG trial...choose a weekday..cos weekend mostly playing nia...weekday more on language...weekdays got Chinese Language...he attended both on wekdays n weekends...so he suggested weekdays for the trial...*still wondering y he dun post himself...hahahaha*
u r right to say maid got maid problem and CC got CC problem..each have its pros & cons..YB, js give it a try lah, CC may turn out good for Kay leh..esp if u enrole her into those better quality ones..those i have bad experiences ones are those normal range type...and i also agree with dsii on sending her when Kay is more verbal
Zita - I want the crcs shoes and share the cheerios.

hey! Ive got 2 pairs of crocs shoes for sale. Bot from a BP but they are too big n too small. I want to sell at the BP price.

Missmoon/ Fruitee u all want or not? If not die la.. if i buy from zita again, i got 3 pairs in the shoe rack liao lei...

I buy liao...: (

dsii..weekday need to take leave mah!

YB...juz need to becarful at the escalator! but at their age, we will sure carry them up loh!
zita he wears 6/7 coz 8/9 too big for him. He really like lo, ytd when i collect must hide from him.. then both oof us so disappointed oz buy 2nd time liao still cant fit
juronggal..zita bought liao...

zita ok..u, me, yuma and PM

paiseh ah..normally how much for crocs ah?? i suaku...i bought the chiong one for isaac...ian's size only $5 nia...but for those who goes for real stuff...wont want to buy lah..even cheap..hehehe...adults one leh..how much ah?
Pm...which model is kids cayman? later i walk over check

I bought v disney pair at $28, 50% discount..cause my frez work at CROCS..so can get staff price! but i waited for 6mth, cause only can buy 8 pair per mth.
can check for me the price of crocling as well? size c6/7. I may want to get a pair myself but got to try out the sizes first...thanks!
dsii..50% cannot lah,my frez will kill me...veri hard then beggar her to buy for me..heehee

PM Kids cayman, $48 orginal, discounted is $38.50..so BP still cheaper.

Mummies @ Yew Tee...so we meet 7pm, at pasta mania ya! who come 1st go chop space..c ya
hahaha...ok loh..hmm...aiyo..how come i dun hv frens work in crocs ah?? haiz...
nevermind...i buy chiong one for ian!!! hahahaha...
thanks, collect & pass u the money on sun ya!

I jst brought a pair of squeaky shoe for yun, thinking it would encourage her to walk more but seem worse leh. Maybe I shd have wait till she can walk steady first.

Mummies, when did you put on the first pair of shoe when outside? When they can walk probably first?
Zita - I see, yah BP still cheaper. But is it all the designs in crocs.com? If yes, certain design the BP might not have.

Can help me check how much isthis: http://shop.crocs.com/pc-106-4-kids-crocling.aspx?reqid=106&reqProdTypeId=41p&subsectionname=footwear&section=products
And hor if we order how long can recieve the stock?

Sorry for so many qns, coz that time I brought E to the shop to try it was size 4/5 when the stock arrive he has already out grown the shoes. So i want to estimate. Thanks hor!
i put on 1st pair of walking shoes when turns 1 yr old...that tiem he cant walk yet..but i still made him wear..cos looks better mah...
hahaha..but before that he wore those disney characters infant shoes...
yunma - E wore shoes at very young age, those soft soles at abt 5 mths? That time my MIL keep nagging me say haven 1 yr old cannot ear shoes etcc..

Price before discount! 20% per pair, if we got 30 n above is 25% (dont tink able to get lah) any other model yr interested I have to check the price.

Crocling $53.45
Kids Cayman $48.10
Kids Athen $48.10
Kids Disney $53.45
Mary Jane (Kids) $48.10
Regarding CC/Maid issue

I have the same dillema as YB and the rest.

I feel maid is the most economic solution. Can look after BB and also help do housework sometimes when u need another helping hand she's also there.

However, if want to employ maid must definitely haf someone around (mum/MIL) to gajar the maid also. If not the maid no matter how good she is sure will have havoc days.

BBs can have enrichements lesson during weekend or best if the maid can help bring during weekday (GUG has alot). In this case, kills 2 birds with one stone BB wel taken care of and always will learn something.

Too bad, I dont have a helpful relative, my MIL rejets me up front and say she dun want to lose her freedom.

End up I have to chose one CC which can provide E's dinner... even cooking my MIL also reject...
mezzo, sure anot, ashley feet so big meh... i think char's feet around 12cm only leh...

zita, so currently we used 20% discount first huh...
Dear mummies!

I saw this contest at another mother's forum, see if you want to join, seems quite interesting!

<font color="0000ff">Hey!Baby Contest at Suntec</font>

Category Children

Title Hey! Baby 2007 Contest Registration (Sign up now!)

Event Date From : 19-Oct-2007 : To : 21-Oct-2007

Event & Promotion Details SIgn up now!

Pick up a registration form from:
MediaCorp Reception Counter OR Happy Kidz Zone at Suntec City Mall Level 3
19 to 21 October 2007, 12pm to 8pm Only S$5 per contest & each participant will receive an exclusive event goodie bag

Saturday, 3 November 2007: for babies 6 - 12 months

Sunday, 4 November 2007: For toddlers 13 - 18 months

Location Happy Kidz @ Level 3

Organizer MediaCorp TV

Website: http://u.mediacorptv.com/heybaby/

If you girls are interested, can go together ya!
yoyo... gals...
wow, shopping huh!!! :p

GUG - yes, agree tat weekday defnately better (biligual and not so crowded)... but we FTWM mah. :p

CC - hmm.. think find those more reputatable one and of cos, do spot checks on them. but I also agree every option also hv it's pros/cons.
I wanna train Kay to be more independent right from the start. Tat's y I let her sleep on her own at night..in her own room.

But I'm really worried after hearing all the horror stories abt CC. Am concern lor..cos being independent is one thing, but being bullied but helpless is another thing.

I'm also considering if I shld wait till she's 2yr old then put her in CC. At least she's bigger, can talk a little so can report to me wat she had seen/done in CC.

But..but..am worried if I'm still marketable by then. Been out-of-work for so long, I'm scare the longer I delay, the harder to find job.


A POPULAR baby food is among two yoghurt products recalled because of possible metal contamination.

National Foods Limited yesterday announced the immediate recall of its Baby Yoplait and Yoplait Elivae lines.

No other products are affected.

The company said the recall was a precautionary measure and there was no evidence to suggest any product had been contaminated.

The Baby Yoplait products affected have best-before dates between November 4 and November 23 this year.

The Yoplait Elivae products affected have best-before dates between November 10 and November 17.


National Foods has recalled some Yoplait yoghurt products that may have been contaminated with metal flakes, a company spokeswoman says.

Baby Yoplait four-packs in the flavours vanilla, vanilla and banana, and peach and pear, with "best before" dates between November 4 and November 23 inclusive, should be returned to where they were purchased for a full refund.

The National Foods spokeswoman said unexpected corrosion had caused some metal to flake into the product at the company's Morwell plant in Victoria's east.

"The small flakes of metal are possibly chrome and they are three to four millimetres long and one millimetre wide," she said.

The corrosion was discovered during a machine upgrade, she said
YB..if can wait 2yrs is a better choice loh, cause they talk better & can give feedback mah! I feel whether is Jan or July make no diff in your maket value lo. I have frez that take care of kids till 4yrs..but still manage to find job in big organisation! 2nd though might consider more renowed CC those that 1 teacher to lesser children. Or find those company with CC, can alway pop up n c lo.
Dsii, PM
Thks on answering the shoe issue. Last weekend while shopping, I let yun walk while holding onto my hands, ppl staring at me. Thus, I'm tinkin if I shd have only let her practise at home & not outside.
Audric just broke the glass panel of my tv console while i was washing the dishes in the kitchen..He still can walk to the kitchen to find me.. like nothing happen.. I was so angry with him.. But lukily he was not hurt..
CC- I am facing the same problem with YB n the rest.. Actually i wanted to hire a maid when A was born but hb refused.. He dun like the idea of living with a stranger. Now thinking of enrolling A in CC when he turns 18mth.. but really scared he will kena bullied by older kids.. Haiz!
Regarding Child Care Issue,
Personally, I think it's better to wait till 2yrs old. Not only they can speak up but as they r slightly older body immunity also better.
I will like to get crocling (flames), size : c6/7. When can i get it and how to collect? And how to pass the $ to you? Sorry to ask so many questions. ;)

Sorry leh, I can't make it for the Gymboree Trial... I told my hb then he said gotta rush from church to the trial then no lunch. Aiyo men and their food!

Gymboree LEVEL 3 Trial
Venue: #03-60/61/62 HarbourFront Centre
1 Maritime Square SINGAPORE 099253
(011) 65-62711545
Date: 21st October
Time: 1-145pm
Price: $30 (group discount)
Minimum 15 babies per class

6)MamaAnne (TBC)
7) eeyore
8) dsii
9) Jul
10) CHM
11) yenny
12) ahsoh
13) yunma
14) ZLia
15) MeowCath

Ya lor, jst learn to ignore unfriendly stare hee..

Here's a story on child care that a taxi driver who's wife work in a child care share with me.
It's always good to do some spot check as one of his neighbour happen to saw her child got beat by the teacher & immediately withdraw from it. I was stunned to hear that & ask him how come can hit the child, then he said you never know what goes on behind the door. Of course he quickly add it not from his wife work place lah. Mmmm...
