(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Julie and mummies keen on KIDZLOFT,

emailed them abt the bday discount and here's their reply:
<font color="0000ff">Thank you for your enquiry.First Birthday Special is for BABY ONE YEAR'S OLD celebration special promotion.
Kidzloft celebrate with you.Enjoy the generous 50% discount off all our house brands (Safety1st, IM Toy, Goldbug, Lollipop,iplay),not to promotion prices,nor clearance items,nor vendor brands.
1)present child birth certificate.(Photcopy accepted)
2)valid only during birthday month,at one time purchase...
3)other terms and condition apply.
Kidzloft reserves the right to refuse 50% discount for purchases deemed too many for personal use.You are most welcome to our warehouse outlet.We are at Blk 6 No.154 Tagore Lane.(Off Upper Thomson road)Do note we are open Mon - Sat 11am - 5pm.Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays..Do call 63336002 for further enquiry</font>

you're welcome! paisei....k always make so much noise in the car....got give you headache not?? he not like that when he alone with me leh....dunno why he like that when there are others in the car....sigh....
Kay also same as K lor...when someone else in the car, she'll cry..but when alone wif me, then she'll happily look out the car win. Dunno wat happen.

The couple T-shirt look loving ah....

I was on leave last Thursday did some shopping at Bugis village then found it de..very cute leh..came with a plastic box and a sign board somemore. Got few more design lor...

Actually i wanna find and print family T-shirt and we will wearing it on tat day , I was planning print

Hubby T shirt "I LOVE U"
My T shirt "U Love ME"
My Daughter T shirt " WE ARE"
My son T shirt "Happy Family"

Wahahaha! But i cant find the printing shop at Bugis but i found the couple T-shirt..

Nevermind! I think i will do the family T-shirt and wear it to take family pics...haha

PM, Zlia
Yup! Tat one is Bryan's BD cake. I ordered from E-creative. How to cut the 3D cake har? Heehee! I dont know leh...cos after the cut cake session i leave it to my sisters to handle liao.. haha!

Even my daughter's 3D doreamon cake i also didn't cut ...my sisters was the one who cut the cute.... :p

collaspe ah? Wont la...cos got a stand to support it...


Yup..from Ecreative again...my 4th sister said she will sponsor the cake so i decided ordered 3D cake again lor...so my son next time wont said "not fair" to him..haha! :p
NOIF, hmm then Julian may complain next time. Cos i am doing a 2D cake for him with his favourite character. May be i tell him i customise the cake just for him. He is the 1st one who is using the design. Same for Janelle's cake. I am the 1st person who order an elmo 3D cake for Jan.

I also wanna find some similar Tee for family photo taking but i dun seem to find any suitable one.
Still looking ard.
In car....

Z also similar!!!!
if only he is in the car, he will be fine. looking ard, sleep when tired.

but if hv any other pple... dunno why, he will cry n cry. like complaining abt sometime. haha
noif - ur hubby very on ah, wear matching family t-shirt. my hubby will make funny face should i suggest it to him. hehe.

birthday party - yesterday my mood totally ruined. mil asked me to bring forward kris's party to the 15th (her birthday on the 28th, i already bring forward to 22nd cos scared clash with their niece's wedding).. cos her daughter goin back to aussie on the 15th nite. frus frus frus.
pooh, yar. beginning to think it could be a blessing in disguise. can have two parties n have one juz for my family n frens. the logistics won't be so bad on the 22nd then.
trying my best to think positive!
peach, my sil too... ask me to bring forward charlene's b'day celebration (actual day is 31st, celebration on 28th), just bcos she will be on holiday during that period, I js told my hb to ignore... she can jolly well postpone or bring forward her holiday...
yah can have a mini one with ur SIL. I cannot imagine the logistic arrangement to shift the date forward. Have u inform all ur friends and relatives?
Hi mummies,

For mummies who already had their bb bash, can share with me if your caterer is good? I'm thinking of confirming My Mum's Kitchen but but .. i thought better ask around again :p
how is the cream on charlene cake? I read many bad feedback on the cake created by ecreative regarding the cream.
The cake v creamy, so cannot cut too big a piece, if not will b jelak..I uploaded my studio photos to yahoo photo liao, will share with u via gmail acct.
May -

My mum's kitchen - think no one order from them before. :p

I had a fren who ordered from them for her NB full mth party - nice.
may - i'm catering with mum's kitchen too! hee. but party is only on d 22nd. so can't comment yet.

eeyore n hong - sigh. i feel bad la that she can't be there. which is why i'm feeling so worked up about it. but already talked about this with my sil before she last left to aussie n she was okay with it then, so figured it won't be a problem. that was like 3 months ago! -_- dunno why mil decide to wait till the month of the birthday itself to come n request for this. somemore have told my relatives n frens to keep themselves free on d 22nd.
Does ur SIL dote on Kristen alot? Why dun u tell ur SIL if she is ok u hold a mini one just for her. I believe she will be very touch of the extra effort u put in just for her.

I also have issued with my MIL on Julian bday.
I dun know if i have put it down here before. I gave her guests top prority and let her invite her guests, relatives before we decide the nos of friends to call. Dun want a big party so wanna contain the guests to 50 pple.

She said dun want to call, pai seh that the relatives spent $$. I asked how abt hubby's gugu cos she helped us alot. MIL said dun want, giving me the same reason. I dun care, told my hubby must invite his gu gu. If his mum not going to call then i will do the calling.

She pai seh that the relatives spent $$ but she is not pai seh my friends spent $$. Her senseless comment make me feel like greedy woman going after gifts. Might as well call off the celebration right.

Double standard , how come never say so much during Janelle 1st bday?

Now she keep asking us how many pple coming? Who are the pple? I tell u so much u also dun know. Why asked? As i know the buffet amt is able to feed more mouth then the amt we catered so i usually under caterer a few pax cos i dun like to see food wasted. Furthermore, my mum is helping me to fried some beehoon, MIL wanted to fried some chix wing and my sister is making cold dessert for me. I can forsee i have alot of food to feed another 5 - 8 mouths.

Last nite call my hubby again, asking the same qns again and she keep asking enough food or not. I told my hubby, stop asking me to change. My decision is the final.
Cool down! That was why I asked my hb to tell my in-laws two days before my girl's birthday celebration. Will expect her to say.... got invite who? why never invite this or who?... etc

I would advise you to IGNORE and Don't let it affect you. You will then be able to enjoy this celebration with your own family.
I have already ignored her that is why i never listen to her to increase the nos of pax.

Then she asked me have i ordered cake. Order from where? She gives me headache asking so many qns when i go over every nite.
Aiyo...so cham hor, when the older gen dun agree to our decision..reminds me of the wedding dinner preparation, so many mouths talking & so few hands helping..
hong, hmm. i didn't think about causing pple to spend money for birthday presents will be paiseh one. interesting train of thought leh. it's a party to celebrate birthday mah. i thot the paiseh feelings comes more from deciding to leave pple out from the celebrations.

SIL helps the maid out if she's at home during d weekdays. not exactly dote to the extent that she thinks of kris when she's in aussie n buys K something cute she sees in aussie.. but i guess she dotes on her such that she prints out K's photos n sticks on her hostel wall.

but i guess can't measure 'dote' by presents cos my hubby has not walked into a baby shop to buy a pretty dress or a cute toy for kristen before by himself either. he only gets for kristen wet wipes, diapers n milks when i ask him to. hehe. even his single male fren walked into a baby shop in d US to buy a dress for her! so sweet.
actually.. survey ah.. how many daddies here have bought clothes for their babies? wonder if it's my hubby is odd or normal.
pooh, heehee.. i never had wedding dinner n only wedding brunch reception. luckily i was in the US when i was planning for d wedding. so no one to comment. i juz decide n that's it. no one can comment. that's the best!
same thing..my hb nvr bought anything for Kay except the things that I asked him to buy...or things tat I bought using hb's money..hahaha

I guess we shldn't measure 'dote' by the things ppl bought. Ur sil puts kristen's pix on her wall shows tat kristen is always on her mind, isn't it?

My mum bought stuff for Kay but I dun think she dotes on her. I think she dote on my sis's kids more. Mainly cos they're wif her 24/7. I can see the vast diff when the whole family went out & my mum only takes care of the 2 kids rather than Kay.
Peach, do we hold alot of parties that we let our guests burn a hole in the pocket? I also dun feel that rx gift is a very pai seh things. Frankly, i think bday boy deserve it cos that is his day each yr. Since she feel pai seh, i take her reason and ignore all her relatives.

I guess when the relatives ask, i will tell them my MIL pai seh. hee hee

Clothes - my hubby will buy clothes for the kids when he was oversea. He ever go shoes hunting for Janelle. Blur him, the shoes he gets is too small but is a very very nice hand made shoes. He was very disappointment that it was too small for Janelle. The shoes is still in my store. I wanna sell it off but keep forgetting.

I read a book by this taiwanese author. She says women shld not always give their best to men. It will turn ordinary, and will be a norm to men.

Only to show our sweet gesture ocassionally, they will appreciate more.
My hubby also never buy any thing for BB Z himself before... even diaper/FM etc is from our bb account.

My own family - also never buy anything for BB. Mum only help me to buy diapers from ntuc. but her way of doting is to cook delicious porridge on sat nite when we go over. SIS way of dotting will be playing with zav.

agree - buying things is not equals to dote. good tat some men have the flare for shopping, but doesnt mean dun buy means dun love. :p

to me as long as the person dun find the kid "bothersome" means doting. that's why i get angry when my hubby says: why dun boy go sleep, i wan to do xxx. hate the feeling tat he find bb "bothering" him.
I will Niao him everytime i hear him say it!!! hahaha

my hb also nvr buy anything for caitz himself b4. Diaper he also dunno which one to buy hahaha i handle everything myself... all he have to do is fork out the $$ (well thats the most impt part right)

But when we go shopping together, i will ask him this dress nice or not etc then he will comment nice n get it. So considered him buying for her or not?
YLC - when i look at clothes or toys... my hubby will say: buy again???? hahahaha.

now even if my PC screen is on forum, he will ask: online buying again???

faintz!!! :p
My hubbies also never buy clothes or toy for V unless I ask him to pay, he said because I already buy all & she had enough. All the diaper & milk power, medical expense also from my own pocket : ( but he is doing all the night feed, housework & our driver lo. That his way of care blah!

My mum never buy anything for V but she takecare of her & cook good food for V! My IL pamper her with cloths & $ that go to her bank, goddaddy always buy pretty clothing, toy & books for her!

Hong & peachbefore V birthday I also had headache like another wedding day! IL told me got 60 relatives, my mum say got 30 coming, total 90pax, I ask them reconfirm actual HC, they say cannot! So I cut down on my frez.last few days told me only 40 coming! But my planning was too rush to think of all this issue liao. !

But to me wat most impt is to provide V a memorable day & share this moment with those that really love her lo.those that love her will turn up!

For me I will feel honour to be invited to attend these occasion to give them blessing...n hor that show I am impt to them also mah..hahaha

hahaha i buy things wont tell him one... even until we have that thing for quite some time then he will notice and ask me new one arh... then i will tell him no lah... quite some time liao, then not considered buying new things liao! hahaha

u so cute. same sentiment, dun like ppl find our bb bothersome. guess our boy r our everything.
As for buying things, i will hint my hub (this is good and useful to boy) then he bo bian buy loi. But most of his stuff i buy too.hehe
YLC - haha... ur hubby so blur huh! hahah

boh bian leh.. sometimes he is my "collection" man. so he noes wat i order etc. haha

Kiki - yes!! Our KING! haha

ya lor... hahaha i buy things then let caitz wear or use... then he hardly notice if its new or not, quite blur one lor!

Until some time then he will notice then he will comment but by then already not new unless i tell him lor!
MTDT - the "buy again" part reminds me of my hb. yesterday i was asking him whether he knows where is yishun.. issit convenient or on the way to somewhere. he immediately asked me why? what did u buy again this time?

zita - ya, agree each person got their way of doting on them. my fil is very good man! he is those got talk n got action type. cos he see Kris got mozzie bite, he will go n buy the insect repellant n go buy those lamp that can attract n kill mozzie one. then he see Kris hair very messy, go n buy comb for her. he dun wait for me or hubby to go n get these stuff, just go get himself. i really appreciated his gestures.

ylc - good tactic. haha..
Another smart way is to ask your MIL to ask your hb if she asks again. Act blur, then ask your hb to handle her.... hahhahahaha! That is how I manage to have less communication with my mil as not to have any conflicts!

Same as me! I used the same method. Most men don't notice small things. I always buy things first, and if he happens to ask "is it new?"... I will just reply "remember i told you I bought it?".... oh no! hope he won't read this thread.
Buying things - My hubby will auto buy clothings for E once in a blue moon. For the past 1 year, i think he bought 3. One oshkosh jumper nearing CNY when he was shopping for his own clothings. and 2 pcs from FOS when he was waiting for client at IMM.

But he will forbid me to buy toys, saying that E wont like to play etc etc.. sometimes shop together with him can die.. if i really want the thing, i will make a trip down again to buy for him.. then say someone gave to E as present.haha..

I too agree with buying things not equal to doting, but when I see how much things my ILs buy for E's cousin n E, I cant help but to start to compare who they really dote.

So far, none of my or hubby relatives buy things for E..

To me, as long as they want to carry E and show their welcome I feel they like him..
