(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

hehe hugz OC... yeah ur hb will be back real soon to celebrate G's bday! Anyway u still have us! we will be there for u!
OC, i totally agreed w/u, seth alone w/mummy, then saw all e couple couple w/tots, so envious & tingle of sadness daddy MIA in china...

luckily there's Aileen & Lena, who made me comfy & cheerful & playful hahahhaa...

OMG! juz fd out, hubby prob will b away in dubai on seth's actual bday but will ard for lunar bday, wt*.............

Wah! U put my pix so big arh! I shy leh...keke

My hb also complained leh..say very hot cos exercise so much! Then I nvr take food for him..so when he's turn to eat, only bee hoon left..hahaha

Glad tat Keagan likes it...

Thx for the story book...It's very interesting..esp wif the mirror part...
Kay fell asleep in the car on the way home..then her hand still holding onto the balloon...hahaha

But once reached home, refused to sleep until just now.sigh..think too excited liao.
Haha...actually was emotional also cos cant believe our babies are 1 year old already! The days of taking care of her since newborn had flew by so fast...*sob sob*...aiyo there i go again :p

Hope i can keep my cool on her actual birthday party
Hi Mummies,

I miss the birthday bash...Looks very happening & nice decoration...I told hb that if today we are not celebrating Jayden 1st birthday...I will have join...

Lots of happening from my stupid MIL & their family.

Here are some of the birthday celebration photos: http://www.superstarjayden.blogspot.com

Me going to zzz liao...so tired...gd nite...
hahaha yeah me too... caitz bday next week liao.. gotta call n confirm lots of stuff liao... cant believe they are all turning 1 this mth!!!!!!! my little bb turning to toddler liao... aiyo... still remember when i just gave birth to her...
today charlene is celebrating turning 11th mth instead of 1 hehe... but soon turning toddler liao too, kinda of "bu she de"...
oc, *sayang*.. understand how you feel...sometimes, when i look at the twins and gmayn, i'll feel emotional also... then i'll look at the videos that were taken in the delivery suite.. then i'll feel so blessed...
ya lor... really bu she de lor... so fast grow up... but to watch them grow also feel so happy n so blessed!
the party was great!! the cupcakes sooo cute!

josh was so busy with issac.. ian looks very happy..

those who happen to hv some of Jedd's pics, pls pls email me.. [email protected] i hv only a few cute pics of jedd..

i know u hv some pics of jedd.. pls email me.. i want to put them on my blog.. thks

got a few pics of jedd n gillian.. soo cute. will email u later.. hope tis will cheer u up..
Hi mummies, I just got back from the wedding dinner. almost concussed..butI still pulled myself to the PC to read what's posted.

OC- *hugs* I know what u mean... Dont worry okay, When yr hubby is back, purposely showed him what u've posted and he'll feel damn guilty. Haha. That's my tactic.. now u know why my hb appearing more often now... lolx

Big thank you to all organisers,
Zita - Thank you for coordinating with My gym and the caterer and the baker. Thanks so much despite yr busy work schedule and stress level!

Peach - Thanks for designing the poster. My hubby says its very nicely done. Ma chiam pro like that...

PTTs - Thank you for involving, helping out in each and every process. We did too many misc but important things liao.. so hard to list them out.

MTDT - Thank you for helping us print the posters... still have to siam from boss.. hehe..

Lastly, Thank you very much to mummies and daddies and precious babies..who came and participate, without u guys, this party wldnt have been successful!!!!
Emerson was hyper! After the session, he didnt nap at all and dong all the way until the dinner ended and he finally concussed at 12am when we reached home! Not even in the long car ride (from jurong to sengkang). At the dinner, he kept wanting to come down to walk, tired daddy and mummy have to acc him...and he kept playing with the balloon in the car, sort of regretted taking it home.
Mummies who have pictures of Emerson, pls email me [email protected] Was busy at the initial part n didnt take pic for my son..

Thank you Zita for yr pressie..

Pls give me some time to sort out the balances and refund. I will do the refund in batches since there's a limit in IB for fund transfer.

For those that joined us for the first time, I really hope u all enjoy the party as much as I do.
Thank you thank you thank you for the most wonderful party!

Had such great fun, and luckily Arin managed to wake up when we were singing the birthday song!

Hey, who's the mummy who gave Arin's present. It's not on the card leh... Like to say thank you to you : )

Once again, thanks to all the great PTTs and FTWMs for the fantastic party!
PM...hahaha, early morning i buzz u wif my sms liao... : )

Mummies...will start doing the transfer by batches from next week onwards! Let PM stress E birthday party 1st while i complile the refund portion....!

Actually the last song & pix taking i kinda of feel emotional too! So fast V is 1 liao, seem yesterday she was juz born....n suddenly i feel so empty after the bash (so have to buzz PM for work to do)hahaha..: (

I went to my frez baby shower after the party....many sweet memories came back....: )

This month is a new begining for me! need to make some decision & changes for myself : ) while sit back & enjoy V frez party!

The party pix is updated in my blog! Pm, ethel & MT..will email u pix of sweetie!

OC..didnt mange to catch G single pix ,sent u group wan can?
Thank you to all the mummies who help out in organizing and preparing this birthday bash, it was an awesome party. Ryan enjoyed himself very much.

Peach, thanks for the present, a interesting book for Ryan.
Hi Melody,

Tks for your gift together with the little nametag..that's so thoughful of u. We have not opened the gift yet..wait till actual day!

MTDT, your network salal again :-((
a million thanks to all the mummies who spent so much time and effort planning the birthday bash!

junjie and us really enjoyed it very much :)

Thanks Joshua and parents too for your present. now our latest hit at home is the barney clean up song haha

The party really looks happening. Looks like all the babies and mummies really enjoyed themselves! I had a family event on 1 Jul, so could not join in the fun. So here's wishing a Happy happy 1st birthday to all July babies!

Calling for CHM, Pooh and Fruitee,
Girls, I will be making a lunch reservation at 12.30pm, the Glasshouse Coffee Club (near RP MRT) for 4 pax tomorrow.

CHM and Pooh, you are ok with tomorrow right?

Fruitee, let me know if you can make it, cos I tried scrolling through the past posts, but didn't see (or I may have missed) your reply.

In anycase, I will pm you ladies my contact, so just drop me a msg if there are any last minute changes (cos I dun always log into the forum).
Thanks to all the mummies that had spent so much time and effort planning the birthday bash!
Thks to the mummy who bot ashley her bdae gift also...
yah.. great party. thanks PTTs for putting in all the effort!! such a warm feeling to see so many babies in 1 place
kristen enjoyed herself .. was pretty stoned at the start but warmed up later on. hehe.

zita & mtdt - thanks for carrying my girl. for some reason she seemed keen on the both of u. actually wanted to be carried by u gals. =P

melody, hehe. no prob. hope ryan will like it.. if not now.. when he grows more! heee..

thanks jul for the fox pants. very chio. good taste! hehe.. something that i wld get for kristen also. :p

hey.. tomoro RP lunch ah.. can i join? hehe..
Yes plssss send me d pics! D video with Gil pushing Jedd on d 'scooter' quite cute too! How to send d video to u?

Haha! u sure do have a lot of tactics for husbands :p

No lah if Galvin didnt have to be posted for work im sure he would love to be there lor

No prob, group photos i just save from those u posted in d thread can liao, thanks!
Cute stuff during Baby bash

1) Child Labour car ride (pushing other bbies on the ride on)
a) Emerson
b) Gillian

2) New walker
a) Emerson (PM) - Fast n furious at 100km/hr
b) Germayn (Zlia)- Confirm PASS n STEADY (can play football with parents somemore)
c) Zavier (MTDT) - the road hogger at 40km/hr
d) Caitz (YLC) - the new learner at 20km/hr

RP Lunch - I also wan to join!! hahaha

CHM - u going? then i bring ur doggy along too. paisei forgot to bring on sunday. :p

Peach - Kristen is such a angel. why wldnt she let me to carry. haha
Hahaha.. Germayn's walking! She so cuteeeeee.. hubby n i were watching her walk. then zlia n her hubby like happily watching her also.

then. suddenly. she seemed to be heading towards the clear glass of the party room. b4 her daddy could stop her she buang into the clear glass then she fall on her butt. hee. so cute .. but so poor thing la.

oh ya.. zlia. sorry about my naughty girl i didn't notice her poking ur girl's eye cos i was picking up some pearls on the ground (dunno break from where). hope ur girl is ok!!
MTDT, nitegal

Yes! I'm going for the lunch tomorrow..See u gals then.

Thanks for helping me buy the restrainer...ha ha .. now can just PULL Arin back when she starts moving away.
MT..your cute stuff so funny & sweet hor!

Hong...my blog have! : )

YB...jialate how? cannot delete liao leh...oop!
OC - Yah man, I think GAvin will love too.. he first one to chong there! Haha. Ytd, should take pic and send mms to him, let him drool in sydney. Hahahaha.. very bad me..

Zita - No probz on buzzing me, hehe. Thanks again hor. and dun need to send me those pics, last night I KPO go d/l it myself lioa :p

MTDT - Yah, they very cute hor! Haiyo.. Emerson, he cant walk well yet want to walk fast...dunoo where he wants to run to. Germayn can play football?? Hahaha I didnt see it! Must be very cute. She sure steady de.. I think she one of the earliest to know how to walk.. When I saw her, she was chewing away an orange ball like eating orange like that.
I think Caitz and Zavier are very cautious babies... They walk and think, like ma chiam planning their route like that.. Emerson is like a drunk driver.. Can faintz..
peach - hahaha.... dun jealous lah!!! hahah
shd be happy tat kristen can wave n give u flying kisses. hahha

ZIta & PM - ya ya... drunken walking babies are soooooo funny & Cute. joy to look at them. haha

Zita - Venice also like v steady leh... hold on to 1 hand like little adult like tat. :p

Germayn - saw them playing when all of us are busy eating in the room. haha. really steady!!! this she is our first walker.
glad that you like it. was hoping that Kristen doesn't already have it...=P love buying bb gal clothes...bored with boy stuff already...hahaha
After the bash, I be so busy with E's party, everything is like half half done like that. Now trying to tie the loose ends all the way til Saturday night. Then so sianz, coz everything have to collect by my own. If only I passed my drving lioa, then I can drive and do everything myself... *Argh*

Actual day got to go earlier to set up deco, then collect cake at farrer road, then cupcakes at Delfi Orchard... then balloons from punggol... I also dunno how to go abt doing them...
Should b ok with the lunch.

Tired + hot + sweaty..keke..overall quite fun.
Last Fri went Studio taking + check in bungalow, Sat went Sentosa for my co family day, Sun celebrate Charlene's BD + check out baungalow..kinda of zombie now..will upload some photos to share later.

The BB bash look so happening, too bad me & Charlene not able to join as it clashed with her own party..
Happy birthday July Babies!! saw some of the pix.. look so fun! Show more pix leh!!!

OC, I do feel the same way as u... haiz.. my baby really growing up without me realising.. time really flies...
MT - Yah loh, i didnt know the cake was self collect, so ex still self collect, she one woman show but i also leh... Sob sob.. yah me putting my thinking cap and see who i can target. *hiak hiak*
Haha..i like your description...ya man! Lots of 'L' plate n 'P' plate drivers..haha...

E is preparing for next year's F1 race mah..hahaha!

Yesterday i had to be extra careful cos i could have easily knocked down, stepped on, or sat on babies, they were All Over The Place!!

PM - how many balloons u ordered??

OC - haha!!! Yes!! really leh... every single step, turn, sit hv to look ard. they are really ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!! hahha
