(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB


I thought it's advisable to feed your baby cheese only when they turned 1 yr? Some even say 2yrs old. For protein, you can also try feeding them beancurb. My ger loves beancurb! For bathing, she is very much enjoying it. I still practise showering her head 1st in lying position then sit her down in the tub...don't know when should I change to shower her straight head down in sitting position...

Added in...and we have 20! Looking forward to the Birthday Party!

Hi mums,

since there are some mums who cant agree on Globetrotters (GT), as the games is not suitable for babies. The floor is not clean and the play room might be too small to accommodate too many people as commented by the Apr mummies who celebrate their Bash there.

We source for other locations to hold our baby bash.

Since mummies are so keen in MY GYM and we are confident that the place is baby friendly, I got a quote from them for Birthday Party @ GWC!

Timing : 3 to 5pm, 1 hr for game & singing, 2nd hr for cake cutting , food & gym!

Package price :$688 for 20 babies(Min), each pax $34.40/-! Additional @ $12.90/-, will average out if more then 20pax.

MY GYM will close for our Bash - 2 function room (1 for singing & game, 1 for food & cake) and the gym! Deco, Teacher n helper!

Food -Unfortunately, they dont operate like a restaurant, so we need to cater food. And no burner is allowed.

Food, cake and present of babies are excluded; we have given a budget :

1)$6per pax for food for adult n kids.

2) $10 Each babies for present and cake. Extra will be refund.

So a family of 3 will be: $34.40 + $12 + $10 = $56.40. (might have refund)

Mummies pls indicate yr interest as Min is 20 babies, if we had less then the no. will go ahead with GT. Once we hit the min will ask for transfer of fund to book the venue.

Since going for Bash, you may wish to cancel the trial

I am interested to GO MY GYM
9) YLC
10) cottagefry
11) MTDT
12) Mezzo17
13) Sandy
14) Kiki
15) kloe
16) peachsorbet
17) melody
18) lena
19) Bubble
20) CHM
Mummies few more to go n we can confirm MY GYM

From PM :Those mummies that already transfer the $ to me, dont worry, I will refund you accordingly after confirmed on venue, food & present. For now, the price remains the same. As before $45.90 for parents + 1 baby as we need min of 20babies
Hi these mummies,

are u still interested on teh BJG trial?
Pls confirm today.

BJG Trial at Pasir Ris
Venue: 443 Pasir Ris Drive 6 #03-02 Singapore 510443 Tel : 6585-2728
Cost: $20

BJG Trial 1
Date: 15 April (Sunday)
Time: 0930 - 1030

1) CHM
2) bramble
3) OC
4) glitch
Max 6 children with 1 accoy parent.
wah u trusted my comment on BJG so much.

I think April is old staff. I heard she is very gd. If Joycelyn still ard, i may able to convict my hubby to drive all the way to BB. Can u help me to ask the staffs there if they know the teacher call joycelyn? Very pretty slim teacher.

rule of thumb, always check for reaction from ur boy when u feed him new food. Can start feeding him egg yolk at 9th month onward.

Julian cough n running is still running. We suspect he is teething so he just cannot recover fully. However, we see no sign of upper teeth erupting.

Personnally i feel unless really necessary to give calpol else teething gel shld be gd enough.
YB - wat kind of fruits u give kaylyn?

I also hope to give him more fruits... but at a lost of wat to give... some says this this very liang, some says that that very heaty... aiyoh... so confusing! hahhaa

zav also developing cough... aiyoh.. headache!
Venice upper teeth erupting also ,so she veri cranky..but didnt feed her anything..juz let her bite my hand..heehee!

Maybe i should start changing her shower method also!

BJG so BB & PR diff managment liao?
Seems like few of our babies are down

I was having high fever for several days...missed the TT trial on sunday, so sad

I'm still coughing and Kaedi caught the flu bug from me. She is also not well.... fever, cough, running nose! Kept crying when we give her medicine, like taking poison!! Cried until no voice....so poor thing.
hong - April is the owner of BJG @ BB... :p
she is very dedicated... those kids tat kinda of "miss" the cards, she will redo with them separately before the gym session.

like noti kids, will be asked to stay behind first. :p

joycelyn huh... ok, i try to ask for u.
Yah man.. miss all the old birds mummies... wah.. we used to talk about anything before we pop.. now all gone liao...

Can share your package with me??

No lah.. wanna capture all the moments mah.. kekeke... me kiasu! hahaha..
Yup... BJG @ BB & PR different management...

Think only Annie is running both side (last heard). not sure abt now.

I took my photos at Studio Loft but Kaedi not cooperative and managed to take a few shots only, so need to go back again for another shoot when hubby is free.
MTDT..April sound so nice..annie abit frustrated about us..heehee! looking forward to sat : )

Me poor luck yesterday handphone spolite, today my caretaker not well need go hospital, trying to rush my work then go home!
pixart - I noe of this website...
wanted to do a album with zav pics from birth to 1yr old...

hong - u also wan to do huh?

zita - ooh.. then quickly do lah.
The delta gym recommend by Cg & wendy quite cheap !i call them yesterday about birtday bash! Not suit cause they close 3hr for us juz to play gym and nothing else.


But can go there n play! join memeber $20 can go 10 time, if walk in is $4/-...next time we organise our gathering there..so our baby can run around .heehee
For protein, you can feed lentils, beans, egg yolk, cheese (cauliflower and cheese is a baby/kiddie fav). FISH... Can you find plaice? Plaice and cod are suitable, as are haddock and whiting. Plaice is more boney but the flesh is very delicate so it's nice.
ok. but i need min of 3 bb to start a class.
waiting for bramble and glitch to reply me.

i am still thinking. Must have nice photo then can make into an ablum. I have not look into the function of pixart. Have u started anything?
Hong - i d/l the software liao.... but also yet to start. hahaha

no time leh!! n my creative juice really v v limited! :p
If it's of any help, Pneumococcal is part of theimmunisation schedule in UK. At 2, 4 and 13 months. I think it's not too uncommon for kids and babies to be hit with those illnesses over there. And meningitis jab at 3, 4 and 12 months.
Can give almost all fruits what. Except kiwi, and citrus ones in small amounts. I know the Chinese believe in cool and heaty but other races don't believe and there's nothing wrong with them? ;-)
why not kiwi? We gave kiwi to Janelle before 1yr. Have not started on Julian cos we wanna feed him the golden kiwi, sweeter.

Pneumococcal is gd to take. We are considering shld we give Julian. However each jab is ard $170
Sure you can feed with other brands. You should be able to get organic ones easily. I don't use laughing cow anymore. Switched to a kiwi brand, slices type. Just look thru the ingredients and the nutrition table. Choose the one with lower sodium. For yoghurt, look for lower sugar. And the fewer ingredients the better.
Kiwi can cause an allergic reaction in some young children. Especially if there is a family history of allergies or conditions such as eczema or asthma.
YB -Same here, me too.. Just eat any junk, but I seldom eat leftovers because I dont like.. Hehe

Misaryeo - I bought laughing cow cheese (cubes) and Baby yoplait or Danone Baby yogurt for Emerson. He likes both of them. ho wbig is big, atually can aportion them (to abt one serving) and then store in the freezer, defrost only the portion u need. Do they sell cod fish? I feed E with cod fish sometimes.

Hong - Yes, hehe. I also find u very convincing.

I feed E with egg yolk at 8 mths. So far ok. Actualluy i didnt really stick to the 4-day rule ;P

Emeron's new teething toy is the first teeth toothbrush. He likes it so much! Cannot take away from him else he scream and scream.

Poopy- Rest well, sending all the recovery vibes

Zoe -What's lentils? I saw this word in the SBF book also, but I cant seem to find it? Do u need to grind or blend it? I dont hav a blender. Emerson dont like cauliflower, he prefers broccoli. Kiwi cannot give arh? I thought its a very good fruit like avocado (coz same colour! Ha, im so dumb) Just got 2, intend to give him after lunch.
haha eeyore, yah lor. not professional somemore how to charge rite.

sigh. mummies. u noe what my maid told me yesterday? "i wanted to cook pear... n mix with honey n almonds for kristen"

i think my heart stopped for a few seconds there. luckily at the house no almonds so she didn't do it. omg... think i never go down n "chitchat" with her the past few days, now dunno what she's thinkin already.. even the blender use the wrong blade.. use the "dry blade" to cut the potatoes.. can't blame her for trying to be creative for kristen.. but i thot i passed her the super baby food book.. n she even impressed me by saying egg must cook properly b4 let kristen eat. etcetc. told her to go follow the recipes there if she's not sure what to cook for kristen already.. jialat. think i need to be more alert n strict liao..
PM, yah.. there's honey in the house, but not for kristen. the rest of the family takes honey.

sigHHh.. didn't expect the maid to try to be so "creative".

I agree with Zoe. Those fish she mentioned are good too. And yes, we can start feeding the boys cheese but has to be pasturized.

A large egg yolk contains more than two-thirds of the recommended daily limit of 300mg of cholesterol. So I guess feed a little of it will do.
peach - honey also take note.. will cause adverse reaction for babies below 1yr old.

pixart - dun need professional lah. hahah
Peach - Better take note and warn yr maid that BBs cant take honey and dont ever try to give her.

Pixart - Look interesting hor! So tempted. Haha. Spend $ again!!! Haiyo...
those that wan to order Pixart - one way to save $$ is to have it send to a Malaysia address instead of sending directly to Singapore.

their courier charge to singapore is RM25 whereas the pocket book only RM50. 50% of the book cost.

If you gals need a Malaysia address, I can "lend" u my sil's bf JB Address then ask my SIL to bring back for you gals. She goes to JB every alt week.
E like the finger toothbrush? haha..
I didnt stick to the rule too but just to check their reaction to new food.
The reason for taking egg is because MMR jab contain egg shell content. So if bb react badly to egg then have to tell PD to get a the MMR that contain no egg.

oic, i didnt know that. thanks!

See many mummies start yogurt, cheese etc.
I have not even let Julian try any.. hahaha..
i gave zav yogurt too... but after he down with cold/cough.... i stop liao.

sigh... why kids so easy fall sick one...so fan rite!! hahaha :p
MTDT - Yes, I agree with u. Not the spending $ to treat them, but its the taking care. SIGH! I dont mind spending more to see a doc that can take away their illness almost ASAP. Somemore I breastfeed! Now my brest super sag, and lao hong, and E's also always sick waht...I very drama, that time when E was sick... I cried, hug and kiss him and ask him to pass his wahtever all to me! My hubby says, they need to get sick and recover to grow up strong and healthy.

I try not to serve the yogurt direct, let it sit for awhile and sere when its cool. Some say no good coz the good bacteria will "die" in rm temp...

Hong - Yes, simply love it more than milk. MMR contains egg yolk or egg white?
Oh I see.. Didn't know that the lung tonic can take on regular basis... why my PD did give my girl since my hubby has childhood asthma??? My girl has allergic rhinitis(bought a HEPA Cleaner for this purpose- coz i have too), So sian.....
MMR contains the same substnace found in egg yolk . Dun be surprised if the skinaround the mouth turns red immediately and subsequently spread to the face. You have to give a small dab to start first. Everyday, or every other day, increase the dab till the body adjust. But if very serious allergy, then must see doc. The rash suppose to go away after abt an hr
think MMR is more for egg white...

Pixart - i also interested leh if can send to MY add...but me v lazy dunno will really do it or nt :p

Yesterday was a happy day for me...my girl finally mumbled ma...ma...quite clear and my mum heard it cos she called when my mum was bathing her...but the happiness was shortlived cos she only manage to do it once...ask her to do it again and no more liao...haiz...wonder how to stimulate her to do it again...
HEPA Cleaner? What is it? I also invested alot since the whole fam of us has Allergic Rhinitis. Change the Vacuum Cleaner to one with HEPA, invest in a humidifier cum ionizer, and going to change E's room curtain to blind.... but my place still got carpets and such, i try not to let E crawl in the living rm.

Mezzo - Same here, LAZY! Dont worry, E also haven call, only call Papa (when I am the one taking care of him 90%), but I always console myself that he will learnt it sooner or later, no pt hurrying them :p

u so drama. haha.

Falling sick, fall down, knocking ard is part of growing process.

Mezzo, PM,
my hubby asked me who did Janelle 1st call last time. I told him shld be MA MA. He said NO was PA PA. So he said we shld see who did Julian call this time. I told him Julian already called MA MA so he already lose.

We brot Julian for a haircut this monday.
His new hairstyle.
