hi Mel,
Dr Paul Tseng is a good doc(TMC & Woodlands). He is not my doc, but i've at least 3 friends who gave birth under him, all said he is good, esp if you are one who has a birth plan, he does natural birthing, ie, he gives you option to birth in any position(if that is what you want.) For me, My doc is Dr SC Chew fr Mt E. He only delivers at Mt E. he is quite an experienced doc and difficult cases of pregnancies and emergencies are referred to him So I think he is quite experienced.He is a quiet man but will answer all yr questions if you ask him. I like him v much because he took really good care of my first pregnancy, that had lots of problems. He was able to deal with the problems.He is also v patient. downside is he delivers at Mt E only.
I burp a lot during preg. That is quite normal. Funniest thing is this: when you wake up in the morning, your tummy is realatively flat, by the time it is night or evening, my tummy is twice the size, ddue to the bloat and and gas!!!!!
Hi YB, If it is disturbing you at lot, your cramps, i'm sure you can ask the doc(call). they usu will answer yr questions if they can.the slight heartburn, i have a bit too. nowadays, i sleep with two pillows proped up, so i feel better. the acid don't travel up the throat.Take care.
Hi Sleepy Garfield,
oh dear,you sound really bad. You have to eat and drink still. if not you will easily get dehydrated and that is bad for the baby. I know it is really difficult coz you gotta try for the baby. We all do... I remember for my no 1, I puke 7-8 times, at least and each time, the force so great that the vomit comes out from the nose too!!!!the smell is soo bad. I hope I'll not reach this stage again. If you really feel bad, ask the doc for MC. My doc gave me 2 wks MC to rest for my no.1 baby becoz of bad MS and when my baby developed high Blood pressure, he suggested that i stopped working(which I did as my stress level is high and it caused my baby to develope HBP.) So, do take it easy, our babies in us are so precious to us and we want the best for them. Do Take care. Drink well ok.