(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


I am sure Brendan will be fine... dont worry too much & do take good care of urself too
I tried to feed him cereal by spoon yesterday since he's 5 mth old liao...but the tongue reflex still there....he just push the cereal out of his mouth....the funny thing is he actually tried using his tongue to lick the spoon...like a dog

EBM at holiday at Cambodia. There was once I was pumping milk inside one of the temple ruin when a group of tourist came, stop and gathered around me cause the tour leader was explaining things to them. i had to cover back my shirt and face the wall till they leave!
is anyone using the glass bottle (from hospital,that used to store liquid FM) or other normal milk bottle (eg.pureen / tollijoy) to freeze EBM?

cause i just read from a website that Glass that is not specifically manufactured for freezing has the unfortunate ability to crack, leave behind tiny, microscopic shards and fragments and also is prone to bursting.

so a bit worried if the glass and bottle that i've been using to freeze EBM can be used this way
why is Brendan having the surgery? hope all will be well, do take care..

i'm from penang where u can find penang laksa
. hubby from jb

after the episode where my MIL fed my boy his first spoon of cereal without informing me, i 'officially' fed him his first cereal yesterday and he seem to like it. open his mouth wide wide when the spoon approaches

i've bought HT brown rice cereal liao.maybe u try the spoon feeding again next week he'll outgrow the reflex?

last night very funny, my boy didn't want to sleep till 2am!once he see my hubby come back, he want to play.in the end we switch off all the lights, the room was completly dark can't even see him and pretend sleep.wah..he slept immediately after that.
wow, u even pump milk when out of hotel! how u store the ebm after that?

as for storage of ebm, I use milk bottles...long time ago, I already heard glass bottles may crack when frozen...so if u wanna use glass bottle, use it to store emb in the chiller loh....

when's your son's dob? so good, he can eat cereal from spoon...I'll try spoon feed my son again next week
yeah, spicegal, now bb below 2 oso need to pay for airtix and airport tax too! Like u, i oso thot it's free for bb below 2.. was at first telling my hb that we shd travel as far as possible b4 bb turns 2.. but now seems got to change plan..

cos if too early bring then go far far places like US disney, they oso won't understand. waste of $.

KK, yeah, bb below 2 got to pay a few %, abt 20% of the normal fare price, i think.. they are not entitled to promo fare price... e.g. when i chk with SQ for BBK tix for bb, bb got to pay $250 including airport tax.. so can be quite ex.
Hi Mummies,

I am a July mummy. I need advice- My baby has been turning in his sleep. We tuck him in bed facing up, but he will flip and we find him lying on his stomach almost every night. When I see that, I will turn him over, but he will flip again. I am worried he might not know how to turn and breathe. Placing pillows at his sides does not help as he can flip over the pillows. Any mummies facing the same situtaion and what do you do?
i had to pump and throw when out of hotel.how about those cheap milk bottle that doesn't say can use to freeze EBM? my son's dob 30May
wat a waste to throw ebm away...but I guess it's no choice coz overseas, difficult to store ebm....

as for bottles for frozen ebm, I don't hknow if can use any bottles or not as I never frozen my ebm....but I know those milk bags sure can be used for frozen ebm...but ex loh....
decimal point,

u are not alone. My son also flip now when he is sleeping. As he don't know how to flip back or sleep with his head sideway, when he make a little noise, me or hubby have to wake up & turn him back. I know its very tiring but we told ourselves its just a passing phase
Hello Mummies,

Little Kelly was warded last week because of suspected URTI and she excessive vomiting. BTW, does any of your babies show symptom of decreasing appetite? My gal has been struggling with her 180ml of milk (Dr. Winston told me that she should be clocking in 200ml these days). Im bringing her to Dr. Winston this evening.

Ive tried Frisocream but my gal dont like it too. Got that because it was a product of Holland as compared to Nestle (manufactured in Malaysia). I got her those Heinz bottled apple and pear juices too and am introducing those bottled food from Gerber and Heniz.

My gal like to fiddle with her ears these days ... magazine said that this could be a sign of teething ... anyone of your experience that?

I m worried i didn't hear him when he turn.
anyway today one of my colleagues gave me an idea- tie a bell on his ankle so that any noise he make we will be able to hear.
decimal point

hv u tried putting ur boy to sleep on his front?i hv been putting my gal to sleep on her front since she was 2 weeks, she's now 4 mths. I did it cos I was training her to sleep on her own and she wails the house down when she's lying on her back, she cried less when she's on her front.

When we first put her on her front, we monitor her for abt 1 hr, and surprise surprise, we found out tat even she gets stucked wif her nose in the bed, she automatically turns away after a while. In fact, my sis was the one who advised me to try the front position and all her 3 kids were trained to sleep tat way.

My prob now is in the middle of the nite, when she flips to her back, she starts to cry cos she doesn't like the position, haha, then i just turn her over, and all is peaceful. Thankfully, this doesnt happen too often. Once or twice a week i think.
u super duper, can pump even in a ruin cave!! In my trip in Hanoi, I only pumped in the privacy of hotel room, 3x a day.

my gal is 4mths and she fiddles wif her ear all the time for the last 3 weeks!! And she has been drooling excessively too, now i m awaiting for her first pearlie, though i dunt c any peeking out yet :)
serene, okasan,
hee... I also dun have window grilles... :p

Very scary leh... reminded me of my dream

Wish Brendan will have a speedy recovery
Remember to tell him he will recover very fast oo
Meanwhile, you gotta take good care of yourself too...

Your photo is so funny... looks like those photos selling breast pump.. lol...
High five! My boy also same as your gal... lol...
I also let him sleep on tummy since week 2. He will cry on his back at nite when he flipped sometimes... He will also put his face flat on the mattress, but after a while he will turn on his own
Good afternoon ladies!

I pray for a smooth surgery and quick recovery for Brendan.
BTW, r u still organising the HT bulk purchase? I am thinking of getting cereals and teething biscuits.

Poor Kelly! I hope she is recovering well. kids r really so vunerable.
My bb is only drinking 150ml but she is growing well so i'm not too worried. I suppose if Kelly is growing well, u dont have to worry too much that she is not taking the recommended.

wah! like that also can? haha! your pic is quite comical...ya loh... like making an ad!
Glad the papaya and fish works for u

Hiaz .. i was hoping to eat papaya for lunch today but they r not selling it today

what did i say to remind u of your dream and what dream?

Yeah! Fiona did her first flip yesterday!! was glad i witnessed it! actually she has runny nose and i think she wanted v much to wipe her nose onto the bedsheet!!! that was why she made the flip! haha!
what does okasan mean? ya thread very quiet le..the other day so noisy ha ha..but it was fun. about freezing EBM in bottles and glass, oh no, i've been letting my boy drink from them.

i_panda and lyn,
will show my boy the pump pic when he grow up. there was this guy tourist who came and stare at my breast pump after i took this picture.he must be thinking what's that funny white liquid.i even post postcard back to my boy (and will do for every trip) cause i think its a good memoir, since i couldn't keep up with my blog.

that means u have to keep going back to hotel 3 times a day at Hanoi?

my boy also had some heart murmur sound after he was born.the doc says its only slight PDA, bringing him back for 2nd check up to monitor in Nov. But the doc says to treat him like a normal baby, the hole has closed just need to monitor. whew.. hope Brendan will recover well.

how old is Kelly? my boy is 4 months and 3 weeks and he only drink 120-140ml, he is ok feed on demand.he'll latch on longer or sooner if hungry.

Oh, I saw two pearlie on her lower gums am bringing her to the PD to check cos Im worried that she is not drinking enough. According to her PD, she should be taking at least 1000ml of milk on a daily basis.


Kelly will be 5 months old come 5 Nov 06.
Tinklebell: yes, still organising. where do u live?

Fi: my not a normal VSD, a bit more complex... Fallot's Tetralogy. in fact a lot more complex... must have surgery else he wont grow. about 80% of babies are born with a hole in his/her heart but they usually close up on its own.

thanks everyone for ur prayers & well wishes...can imagine how stressful i am.. lucky hubby just flew in last night. he's gonna be here for the surgery.
hi okasan, wats d diff betw freezer n chiller?

i store ebm in glass bottles in my fridge freezer compartment but it's not those where u'll see ice forming at the sides of d compartment.
Fi...what your photo is so artistic...nice...lol...your son very fair leh..

Paula...sorry to hear about Kelly...glad that she is recovering now...dun worry about her not drinking enough...she just recovered so maybe some loss of appetite...anyways she is drinking much more than my ger..my ger drinks less than 700ml each day...

Tinklebell...congrats on Fiona's 1st flip...

Mich & Peng...thanks for the info...I was still planning to bring my ger travelling before she hits 2 to save on air tix...looks like now also not worth it liao since have to pay...
Decimal Point...you can get those gold anklets with bell attached to let your bb wear so that you can hear him when he turns or flips...my ger is wearing that and it helps me keep a lookout for her at night..

dun tink its colic coz last time she did have but recover from it liao.it seems more of a habit to me.like everytime b4 her nap or sleep,she will fuss abit then sleep...hope it will pass soon..
u take care of yourself too.
keep me updated if the BP is starting. i cant find that thread anymore... how much cheaper than supermarket?
I'm staying at Bukit panjang.


7kg not v small wat?
my bb oso likes to fiddle with his ear too.. and he scratched his face.. sigh..

hope yr bb is recovering well now.

decimal pt,
thk at this stage, all bbies are learning to flip and in fact they flipped when they sleep too! as for my bb, same thing he'll flip & sleep on his stomach though we tucked him to bed lying up. we secured/ surrounded the bed with bumper instead of pillow.. cos pillow may be too big & just in case he flips and his face may land on the pillow.. it can be quite dangerous.. in fact we do away with pillows.. hard mattress is the best!

wow yr bb drinking quite a lot.. my bb now 4mth2wks only drinking 150ml..
Thanks, Mummies. Yea, Dr. Winston keeps on urging me to give her more and he said she should be consuming 200ml already... sigh.

BTW, is it common for us to feel that there is little 'sunken' feeling on the baby's fountella?
wish brendan have a smooth surgery on thurs and a speedy recovery. And u hv to take care of urself too

my ger hv been pullin her ears too for the past few wks. but i cant see any tooth comin out...keke. she is 1 day older than kelly. comin 5mths on 4 nov. she is also drinkin 180ml.. sometimes, she will leave abt half to one oz of milk. so dun worry..they will scream for milk if they r hungry..
spicegal, r u the one that is planning to go to Japan? do u know how much tour agent is charging for bb like ours? tempted to travel leh..
decimal point

agree wif duffybuff on no pillows, i only use mattress and bumper. All the best, u will be surprised at what you see. Our babies are much more capable than wat we think they can do.
Michele: Will pray for little Brendon and his surgery, U take care too !

Paula: my DD has been playing during her feeds and she doesnt finish her 170ml. notti girl right ! i think it's ok, just make sure you feed her more to make up for it if she starts to fuss/cry later. in my case, she gets really hungry at 11pm, and will guzzle on both sides (latching on) usually she only drinks from one side and it's enuff for her.
Hi Aunties,

So happy! Went for my 6th mth jab yesterday and PD say i am now 8.95 kg. My next jab will be chickenpox vaccine at 14th mth *muaks*

oic.. spicegal.. FI, can share how much bb got to pay for the tour? Really itchy for a trip.. hee hee..

KK, so good.. finally can finish all jabs. hate to bring bb to take jabs cos he will have fever aftr that...

Angeline n paula, think my bb got that sunken thing.. what's that? hope it's ok..
i went vivocity last sat wow so crowded abit sianz hv to squeeze together w e crowds but then my ger really enjoy her outing. I went Pumpkin Patch n bot 1 dress, 1 blouse, 1 hairband n 1 pair of booties for her. I guess we bot a same booties $13 e red color one?

how abt enfalac? it contains iron n SA found in bm. i hv 8 bottles of enfalac samples in glass bottles fr TMC, hvnt use it, wil open when 6mths old.

Pray that brendan's surgery wil be smooth n well. Take good care.

i bot tis bandana 3 mths ago in july at $16.50 think i got cheated!



toys r us having sale on some items... pretty generous discounts on rocker, chorus choir... 55-60%!!! (oh... at vivo city only!!!)
