(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


Pumpkin patch expensive?


My colleague see photos will always say my ger always pose like tao gei (boss) haha.. she say see already cannot tahan :p

My ger kena fever after her 3rd mth jab. Subsequent jabs no fever, and PD also guaranteed that. Ur bb took jabs at polyclinics? My colleague used to take his 3 children to polyclinic for jab, and always kena fever.


chloe is so chubby.... very sweet bandana
Kite...Sat vivocity sure very packed..that's why I clear ML to go last week...ya I think we bought the same booties..its red colour with chick design..the other bootie in pink colour not so nice hor...wah..you bought so many clothes for your ger..chloe very xing fu...

Baby chloe look soooo cute in that bandana...but then hor S$16+ for that is quite steep leh...

KK...nice smile on your ger...was that a hippo bib you had on her? Then wat about the panties?...matching hippo panties?...cute!

Okipoki...my ger got same lilac bumbo as your ger..wah...her botak patch behind quite obvious leh...lol...
hi mummies,
any one of you bought walker or high chair for yr bb? any recommendations?

saw the haenim toy walker thking of getting it..
so cute those 2 gers!!

duffybuff: walkers not good for babies, especially those with wheels. get the fisher walk & stride... (not sure of the name)
Wah.. all the cute photos of babies... so cute... See already make me very happy...

I already put Aloysius on high chair. I have a pass-me-down high chair from Ikea... I tie a toy on the high chair for him to play while I do something else...
I read that a walker is not very good for baby's development..

Can check with you how long will a baby play in exersaucer?? I just bought one for Aloysius, and thinking of getting another one cos they look so cute...
Tinklebell...are you joining Mich's Healthy Times BP? Cos I am also thinking of getting something but Bishan is way too far for me and my hb dun drive..so quite difficult for me to collect...so was wondering if you can help me pick up the items if you are joining the BP...then I will collect from the nearest MRT station where you are staying...is it ok?
hi michele & lyn,
tks! hmm thot walker is not so gd too.. ok perhaps just get the high chair. saw the BP on Jane high chair.. quite good can convert to chair and table.
get aprica high chair... i got that!! can be used for quite a while... my fren's son 2 yrs old still eats in it!!
Kite, I saw some mini containers for baby food puree at Daiso...some 2 in a pack...some 3 in a pack...all with covers..on the plastic wrapping got baby cartoon so I presume its for storing bb food...its cheap and good...something like wat Okasan got..
Hmm ard $20 to $30 plus. E dress n the top i bought abt $29 each. Total $58, then above $50 i think got $10 free voucher. To utilise the $10 voucher, i bought another hairband $6 and booties at $13, just paid $9 for both items.

yaloh glad u went on wkday, i dun really enjoy the overcrowded plus we pushing pram so difficult to walk n shop. think maybe 1/2 yr later then go back vivocity again or go on wkday. U went on wkday, not crowded at all?

I bought the HT organic brown rice liao, hvnt start yet. think gg to start 5 or 6mths, wil monitor my baby. Read fr books that its not wise to start so early esp if the bb got allergy.

my ger's behind hair also botak exactly like yours! hehe how to make hair grow back ah?
put olive oil?

Wow u also bot e bumbo seat. seems like alot of ppl bot e bumbo seat ah. how much is e price n wat is e lowest can we get? how long can they sit on it til which mths?

wow u really gotten a high chair, for feeding purpose? my ger stil dun really can sit straight yet leh.
Kite..I went on weekday already quite crowded liao...but still manageable....those people like no need to work...envy them...haha..I can just imagine the weekend crowd lor...

Ya..Daiso at IMM...I happened to see the containers...but did not buy them cos still dun know how to prepare the puree for storage...they are packed in 3 in a pack or 2 in a pack...cost S$2 each pack..so also quite cheap...

Hmm..since your ger is allergic then better dun start her on solid so early...you can start from 5.5 mths to 6 mths with little quantity and see how...

I wanna buy some HT fruit jars and biscuits for my ger since Mich is starting a BP...hopefully tinkle can help me collect...;p

Yup, what my girl wearing is a whole set thingy bought from kiddy palace. Top + hippo short + hippo bib. Think cost around $15 only
I find it too sweet to resist, so i bought it :p Hubby also liked it


Vivocity really packed ah.. was still thinking whether to go or not this thursday since school early dismissal.
kk..oic...very cute leh...got the 3D hippo head and very sweet pink colour...haha

I think Thu go vivocity should be ok since its a weekday...dun go on weekends for the time being cos sure very crowded one...
by the time your baby is 6mth, you should go for enfapro instead of enfalac leh....so those bottles you got from TMC, maybe can let her drink when she's 5mth, to let her get use to drinking formula loh...
oic... u stay in Bishan? wh block? Bishan ok for me but i can only collect on Friday evenings. Ok with u?

I can collect for you first if u want. Bukit Batok Sat 930am ok?

Those mummies staying in the west side, i can collect for u first if u want. Preferably to collect at Bukit Batok MRT on Sat mornings ard 930am or at my home at Bukit Panjang during weekends.
Aprica high chair very nice hor?? I went shopping at Robinsons on Monday nite... kekeke... and saw the high chair. I was very tempted to get one, but my hubby said we already got a high chair

Not for feeding purpose.. More for entertaining himself purpose... lol... I have a sassy row of toy that I can tie to the high chair and let him play on his own for 15 minutes... hahaha... If I am cooking, I will bring him and the chair to the kitchen to watch me cook.. hahaha.. Then I can cook and keep an eye on him too... Yesterday, he was trying to get up!
Need your help.. my bb suddenly dun like flashcards anymore.. dun noe y.. very hard to get his attention..but he still pays full atttention for picture cards/ books.. think he prefers pictures n colour things.. do u noe y? How to make him interested in flashcards? Sharks, i already ordered for more flashcards.. hope not going to waste $..

No, we went to Kidslink for jab.. so far everytime oso got fever.. but it's on and off fever type. dun noe y..

vivo city, really very crowded ah? Was tempted to go but scared of crowd
morning mummies,
michelle,okasan and tinklebell, you all are very early.

i'm going japan but not on tour le.self organize.but ticket already cost $700 over to osaka at travel fair,so have to grab even though leave not approve yet.baby not going..

today very tired cause yesterday went in law's place at jb and met a lot a lot of relatives.my boy was passed from one person to the next non stop.bet he is as tired as his mommy.

then i had to leave my boy with mil in jb till this saturday.missing him especially when i see his things all over the house but he's not in, so feel a bit sianz already..
My boy also did not wanna look at the flashcards for the past two weeks... Now I have reduced the flashcards sessions and the number of cards... I got the 1000 picture cards, and he's not interested
I showed him encyclopedic bits cards and he's not interested too... Yesterday, he started to look at the cards again
Dunno is it growing up stage... I am trying to find out the reason too...

I bring my boy for jab at polyclinic.. so far so good le...
How come you need to leave your boy with MIL in JB?
Wah.. you going to Japan... I love Japan... it's a very nice place
There are lots to see around Osaka. Kyoto also got lots to see...
hv u started ur baby on FM? how r u gg to wean? and when gg to start weaning? pump lesser time like for eg instead of 30mins, pump 15mins?

also heard that use medication to stop milk is not good rite, shld pump lesser to reduce milk?
sigh..as i type also feel very sad.my mil has been staying with us mon-fri to take care of my boy.fri evening she goes back jb,sun night come back spore again.she prefer to bring boy back to take care in jb cause my fil alone himself.but cause i'm still TBF we compromise she stay with us mon-fri till my MS run out.but whenever there's opportunity like when there's a public hol in the middle of the week and my EBM stock is enough to bring to JB, my boy will stay in JB.

so because of this arrangment, i'm going to send my boy to child care at 1.5 yrs old so he can be with us in spore.TBF as long for his immune system so he can be prepared to expose to other children at child care too. at that age poor thing they can't even speak proper yet but have to be send to child care. they can't even tell u if they like that particular child care.
Morning ladies !!

Erhmm not sure how to make the hair grow back... I didnt put anything, juz keep my finger x it will grow...
I can understand how you feel... cos I will also feel that way... hmm... If you supplement total formula milk, will you become a weekend mum?? Cos there will be lots of excuses and reasons for your MIL to bring him back to JB...
Last time my friend's mum also bring her baby back to JB during the weekdays... She also missed her son very much. In the end, she found a nanny for her son...
Your boy is very smart one.. If he dun like the place, he will cry to tell you...
morning ladies...

oki - send me the pics pls...

brought bb to swim yesterday... he seems to enjoy himself v much. dunked him 3 times somemore! hahaha
Tinklebell...you can collect for me ah? Thanks a lot! I can collect from you on Sat 9.30am at Bt Batok MRT station....I will place order with Mich now...hehe
Fi..why dun you take care of your boy yourself over the weekend till your MIL comes back to S'pore? In this way you dun have to leave your boy in JB...
helo mummies
Have not been visiting this thread for so long...hehe...just came back from 3 days trip to KL with my ger. Bought a lot of cheap disposable diapers and baby stuff......so happy...
Once i stop BF, i'll become a weekend mom, means go back jb on weekend to VISIT son! ya, finding a nanny in spore will be an answer but i dont dare to trust a nanny whom i don't know. any mummies hiring a day nanny? all ok?

even though technically i've not supplement with FM, but if my boy wakes up in middle of the night in JB, my MIL will give FM cause its not convenient for her clilmb up and down to the kitchen downstairs to warm up EBM (bedroom is upstairs) cause of her knees.and warming up EBM takes time, if my boy cry for milk early then scheduled no time to warm up EBM too, he'll also be given FM or cereal

i've been taking care of my boy on weekend like you said.its just that this week, yesterday was a holiday, which means there's an opportunity to bring my boy back to jb from wed-fri.
Dun be sad. Hey u can arrange to take care of your bb together with your HB on wkends! I m also like tat. mon to fri, my mum wil stay at my house to take care of my ger cos i m TBF. Then fri nite when hb n i come back fr work, she wil go home. Then sun nite, she wil come back again. I think ur problem can be solved, just dun let your MIL bring ur son over to JB, keep him here in spore over wkends where u take care of him
ok cheer up.

u know, bcos of BFing, b4 i go back to work, i begged my mum to help me over wkdays at my house n she agreed. Cheer up Ok
oh ya hor, me blur, ok wil use up the TMC enfalac b4 6mths. me stil keeping inside my cupboard. hehe.

u can try to go on thur which is wkday shldnt be a problem but try to avoid lunchtime where there wil be alot of office ppl
Over e long wkends very fun to bring my ger for outing. she loves to see things now. nowadays she loves to grab n hold her teething toys n want to bite. Then also when we snatch away her toy, she wil cry leh. does ur bb behave like tat?
morning ladies

I am hiring a nanny to take care of my ger. So far she is okies. But must be prepared to be really tired. Cos imagine its like rushing everyday. Knock off work rush off to fetch bb, settle bb down b4 u can settle urself down. Its not easy. So far my nanny has been quite gd. But I am really tired everyday
Morning gals!

The long weekend is shiok but always never enough! How I wish no need to work and still got salary...*dreaming*!!!
your ger name is Chloe? BB gathering pic that okipoki posted also has Chloe? confused leh...

my mum also came from penang to stay with me for the month of Sept because she knew i'll have this problem.

ok, i'll look at the bright side.my pil really dote on my boy so i think he'll enjoy himself there also.and i've called back, he seem to be sleeping and waking to his usual schedule which means he's quite settled there.

understand ur tiredness. Imagine my mum really help me alot n i stil feel so tired. I think its bcos of BFing hor. so u intend to stop after 6 mths? how to wean ah? if wean, hv to at least 1 mth b4 start to wean rite? LOL i seems cant to finish Bfing. Me ta bolen tahan liao. Everyday want to Pin sang (FAINT). I want to hv more time to play n enjoy w my ger leh.
