(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

I think you bought the same size as me, 18-24 mths. I think the waist line just nice for my son now...cannot wait later to wear.
The shop you mentioned at specialist centre, i been there b4, nothing much for me...

I think you confront her direct and ask her the reason why she do it again when you had already warned her? Tell her you dislike it and don't want this to happen again! Last warning! True enough, if she still so stubborn, refuse to listen, then suit her lor, send her back. No worry of no maids...plenty around...

eh thanks for the avent info!i actually e mail their website asking for that info.but which part of beach rd and tel u know? cannot find in street directory and want to call them see if they sell it or not first. looking for parts cause sister also pregnant so i'm assembling a hands down pump for her.

dor and sunflower,
ohh..stroller..my mind keep thinking of oto trimax and u zap.
So you mean i dun have to decrease the milk powder? Means 6oz water+3 scope milk powder + 1 spoon cereal? Don't have to reduce 1/2 scope milk powder?

U are using the heinz cereal rite??

For me, my ger only drink the most 80-110 ml of milk for every feed, so i prepare that for her. In addition, i add in 3 teaspoon of heinz cereal. It is still watery. So i merely change the teat from S to M for feeding, that's all. She still drink from bottle.
u got window grills at home or not?
if u have, i tell u ..better be careful since u live in high floor.
my maid got this tendancy to forget to lock the window grills or if she remembers, can lock but never lock properly!!! wah piang! told her so many many times to be careful with the windows since i have a small toddler she keeps forgetting! really piss me off!
is it bec they dont have live in high rise so they dont know the danger of not locking the grills properly?
i still tahan her mistakes never send her off cos i find that she is still ok with my kids and housework....think others would have replaced her liao! think one day if i really beh tahan, will send her back!

OIC, so means dun have to reduce the milk powder though with the additional cereal huh? Hmm, i thought it be too thick for him so thought must reduce the milk powder. Also worry it will be too heaty and end up having constipation or hard stool.

Because heinz cereal dun have milk in it, so no need to reduce milk powder i think :p

I tried frisocream cereal (which my girl reject) and it is thick!

But this heinz, putting in milk, is ok leh.. still watery.

Hmm, my girl started on this cereal since last weekend. Stools still soft
no need to reduce milk powder...coz in the first place, u add in cereal to thicker the feed mah...so if u reduce the milk powder, then go back to square 1 liao!
I'm looking at what formula to give my son when he's 6mth old coz will stop bf by then....what should I consider? maybe I'll call the milk companies to ask for samples to try.....
I don't have window grills hee! :p My mum has been complaining that it be dangerous! Anyway, why your maid has to open the grills? If she needs to hand clothes etc, just open the window, dun have to open the grills?
I also dun have window grills...everyone who came to our house nag at us for not having one especially now have vavy liao....so sian!

u intend to do window grill in future or just leave it alone?

Ok i got it thanks.

I'm using Similac. Perhaps you can contact abbott to send you samples for their 6mths follow on.
Sorry, are you referring to the windows grills at kitchen where you hang the clothes? If so, then she need to open the grills in order to bring the clothes in and out yah? If for living rooms and bedrooms, there's no need to open the grills all the time rite?
okasan/ serene, no window grills? my suggestion is better to install since u have a bb now leh.

she opens grills to clean the window and to hang the clothes.
ya, everyone also tells us to install....but we still thinking loh...coz I do know of friends with kids but don't have window grills, still fine leh...

actually hubby and me are contemplating a change in bbsitter becos her house doesnt install grills. think it will be quite dangerous when gal reaches 6 mths??
steffi, bb sitter got no grills?? scary leh... aiyoh... i feel so scared everytime i bring my children to my uncle's place... lvl 20 and no grills
maybe i am paranoid
I'm not sure yet...actually i don't like the grills, it looks awful but i understand kids' safety more important!
I taste it myself, it's not sweet. I'm a person who dun like to eat sweet stuff, so if pass my standard, it shouldn't be sweet...

i got no choice lor...first babysitter needs to go for emergency op, throw baby back to us after 2 mths...then we got to find one within short period. somemore, it's not easy to find babysitter in such a new and young town - sengkang
wah..good good.thanks for avent info.

good news.my MS did increase after the fish and papaya!
makes me miss my mom cause she was the one who make sure i've homecook fish and chicken to increase MS when she came to spore last month to help me take care of my boy.that time i didnt really believe food intake has effect on MS, somemore trying to slim down..so anyhow eat after she left.

have a good weekend and happy playing with babies.see u all next week, i go home liao...
me and hubby also think window grills look ugly...

ya, like wat u say, if accident happen, too late to regret....we may install grill but maybe not so soon....
Fi, that's v good news! u cont to eat more fish and papaya loh... even if i eat junk food like macs i also eat fish fillet..haha!
btw, u'r not singaporean?
ya loh ... not nice to have grills... moreover, will have less wind but safety first

okie... packing up now... going home soon ...bye
me also looking at FM lol. I intend to use isomil soy cos my ger seems allergy to cow milk. Tried similac on her when she was newborn, she got diarrhoea n vomitting. So similac is out for her.

Dunno y today no mood to pump at work since i was mc yest. so sianz. then i put aside e pump n use hand expression. manage to get 300ml+. Normally, usual days using pump i get 400ml+. I believe REAL cow also got its bad mood at times n no mood to produce milk.
wow, u can hand express...the only time I hand express was when I just gave birth that time....now alwasy rely on pump....

maybe u can ask for samples to try loh...she may not be allergy to cow milk coz infant milk in the first place is not cow milk leh....
bo bian cos sometimes immune to pumps so use hand express. But of coz pump is faster n better. dunno today y so sianz.

hmm my ger got abit of eczema leh. plus whenever i drink dairy, she wil hv rashes. so i avoid cow milk for her totally until i guess she is 1 yr old bah.

i told my hb i want to stop BF as soon as in dec. He wants me to continue til CNY. I think me gg to FAINT! U know during ML b4 i return back to work, i m very ambitious say want to BF 1 yr cos tat time at home was enjoyable, very carefree. But since i started work, everyday so tiring n sianz. Cant wait to end.
Dor & Kite..yah the pumpkin patch shop is open liao...din really check out the prices of other items cos I only fancy the bootie, cost me S$13, mothercare booties selling for S$11.90...so its slightly more expensive than mothercare..

I think the Sentosa view is quite nice from level 3, din really go out to see anything cos of the bad haze...

Dor..din know that topshop carries bb clothing..must be very funky..

Fi...haha..blur queen..osim is selling uzap...oto is trimax...din really compare the 2 but heard from my colleagues that oto trimax is more powerful than uzap..you have to use it everyday to see results lor...tummy will not be flat but will be toner...not as flabby...

Serene & Tinklebell...I also went to IMM today...many shops are already opened at level 1 new wing....had pepper lunch for lunch..yummy..also bought my Sony T10 camera at last...initially waited for my fren to check out the price in Japan cos she just went last week...heard the price is cheaper there...end up my fren did not buy for me cos its only slightly cheaper and does not come with free 512MB memory stick..
Duffybuff...sorry to hear that your boy is sick...hope he gets well soon...

Mich...all the best for Brendon's surgery...we will all be praying for him...take care..

Angeline...we have no intentions to visit the place yet...rather spend the $ on other more interesting places..moreover my FIL not fit to travel...and if we go alone also dun know anyone there...ha

me dun tink i wana bring bb go holiday unless its cruise..at least if she cries,i still can go back to the room n soothe her..coz she always cry alot..we ask our in-law to help us took care of her 2nite so tt me n hb can have some rest but hor,aft a few hrs,they brought her back saying tt shes crying badly....so,got 2nd thots of going hainan island liao.scare if she during the tour etc,cry,i sure cannot handle..
Mich, good luck for Brendon's surgery.. hope he will have speedy recovery..

Must install grills so early?? Hmm...i also dun have grills, but really don't wish to have one, so ugly...

Talking abt travel, bb also must pay for airtix??? I call SQ, they said must... but bb is not taking any seats or food.. still must pay??? Sigh.. at first thot bb can have free tix till 2 yrs old.. now got to think twice to bring bb for overseas trip sigh..

Ladies, Happy hoildays!!
aiyo, your hubby not the one who express milk, of course can say so easily to bf till cny lah....tell him how stress and how troublesome it is loh...alternatively, you make him eat what you eat everyday, tell him he also cannot eat outside food until u finish bf...see if he can tahan or not...

sometimes, we should make the guys go thru what we go thru, else they don't know mummy is very wei da leh!!

But recently i heard my colleague who is going with her hubby to perth and bringing her 8 mths old ger along say that her ger will be charged only a certain percentage of adult fare on SQ.. is not expensive from what she say.

SQ also serves the little ones food and got toys to play also leh heehee..
RE :window grilles
I also dun have window grilles at home..actually we dun have to install so early since our bb still dun know how to climb high and low...will install when she gets really active..

Peng & kk...now below 2 also must pay a portion of air tickets ah? I thought below 2 yr old is FOC...

Angeline, ya I agree with okasan..could be colic..bring her to see PD if she really cries a lot...
pray that Brendan will have a speedy recovery after his operation. You must take care too during this period!

kite : my friend told me if sensitive, can try Karihome's goat milk. her friend try, says ok. Her gal, can't remember, if sensitive skin or allergic to cow's milk. Takes to Karihome very well.

To all mummies : Have a great super long weekend !
spicegal: thats what i thought too till this time when we brought Brendan back. We flew Eva Air and we had to pay 20% of our ticket.

michele, i'm sure he'd be fine, do take care of yourself!

tinklebell, i dun need windows cleaned so frequently- I pass her the keys when it's washed (so far handful of times since she started working for me), and check it's locked securely after. I keep the keys.
