(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

mtdt, can!!
just loan the exersaucer to my fren! gettin Bren new toys, toddler toys! got him the little tikes workshop, wanna get a kitchen BUT dunno which model to get and a slide.

larry thinks kitchens are for girls only...

sunflower, my apt. really teeeeny lah!

this chinese material is really popular in taiwan among kids. u get a toy + book + cd or dvd every month with the subscription. www.benesse.com.tw

the preschool set has dvd/cd, workbooks, manipulatives, stickers this month.

the baby set has toys, dvd, adn parent guide (in Chinese).

the co. has heaps of stuff, like science material, English material...

It's actually taken from a Japanese co. and adapted to Taiwan. So, I think it is well thought-out, you know, with little packets to put the toys away in and then tape to a special place in the book, material that actaully makes a set, that kind of thing.

For Chao Hu, it's 4800TWD a year. They do ship overseas
<font face="tahoma"> Paula,
received your pymt. Thanks!

<font size="+1">RE : KM hol prog</font>
1. Mspiggy <font color="0000ff">(paid)</font>
2. Peng
3. MTDT <font color="0000ff">(paid)</font>
4. Jacque
5. Shetland
6. MTDT's fren <font color="0000ff">(paid)</font>
7. Paula <font color="0000ff">(paid)</font>
8. Celeste <font color="0000ff">(paid)</font>

Ladies, can you pls kindly transfer <font color="ff0000">$221.49</font> to my account : <font color="ff0000">POSB savings 126-46865-2</font>.

Please indicate your nick when transfering and also email me or post the transfer reference once it's done. Thanks!

yes classes on every Sundays 18 Nov to 16 Dec at 12 noon. Total 5 sessions </font>
<font face="tahoma">Peng,
received your pymt. Thanks!

<font size="+1">RE : KM hol prog</font>
1. Mspiggy <font color="0000ff">(paid)</font>
2. Peng <font color="0000ff">(paid)</font>
3. MTDT <font color="0000ff">(paid)</font>
4. Jacque
5. Shetland
6. MTDT's fren <font color="0000ff">(paid)</font>
7. Paula <font color="0000ff">(paid)</font>
8. Celeste <font color="0000ff">(paid)</font>

Ladies, can you pls kindly transfer <font color="ff0000">$221.49</font> to my account : <font color="ff0000">POSB savings 126-46865-2</font>.</font>
Hi Pauline,

I think I cannot attend the class with Zach every weekend le, will die...so tired. Today don even feel like working...let me think about it. IS good if can attend together..maybe you let me know which time slot u goin, can make it then I go if not....keke...
Haha ... like how you phrase it in your last sentences. I am thinking of Saturday at 2.00pm to 3.30pm. That is a good timing cos Kelly usually have her nap from 11.00 to 1.00pm and her second nap is from 4.00 to 5.00pm.
<font color="ff6000"><font face="century">paula</font></font>
<font color="0077aa"><font face="century">^5..kelly's nap time
same as josh. Hmm...when is the GUG lesson starting? but thinkin of starting only after he hit 18 mths..</font></font>
I think can start next week, if we want to loh. I have been calling the person in charge since this morning to enquire about the possibility of our own class. Wah, still now, didnt pick up call.
<font color="ff0000">GUG Updates 1</font>

There are three more weeks to go before the current term expired. The next new term will start on 20 October 2007.

The school will revert on the following:
1. Places of availability for the current and forthcoming terms.
2. Possibility of us forming our own class. But we would need to get 10 babies to form a class for ourself.

Those mummies who have expressed interests in enrolling are:

1. Carebear (TBC)
2. Paula (confirmed)
3. Angeline (TBC)
4. Naomi (Maybe not)

Anyone else?
Hi mspiggy,

have paid already.. pls acknowledge. tks!

I am keen to go for GUG, but can confirm later. Btw, how much's the course fee?
1. Carebear (TBC)
2. Paula (confirmed)
3. Angeline (TBC)
4. Naomi (Maybe not)
5. Peng (TBC)


Date:16 December 2007 (SUNDAY)
Venue: Globetrotters at United Square
Time: 3.30pm to 5.00pm
Budget per family: S$60.00 per family (Mum, Dad, Child/Children)
Note: Minimum 35 families to go. Please start registering now.

1. Queen Pauline, King Ijin and Princess Kelly
2. Queen Cutiezayn, King Frederick, Princess Zayn and Prince Zach
3. Queen Shetland, King Joseph, Princess Gabby
4. Queen Wen, King, princess Gabby
5. Queen Aishite, King and Princess Shannon
6. Queen MTDT, King Daryl and Prince Zavier
7. Queen Celeste , King Shawn and Princess Chelsia
8. Queen Dor, King Sebastian & Princess Mandy
9. Queen Panda, King & Prince Josh
10. Queen Angeline Goh, King Steven & Princess Celest
11. Queen Peng, King Wees, Prince Ethan and Price Egan

Sorry real busy today.. juz come in for awhile.. Can someone help me???? cos no time to explore how to put in colours.. Tks!
Confirm by this Wednesday can? Course fee if S$160 per term. But if we join existing term, we will pay pro-rated cos got only three more classes to go before new term starts.

I am looking at sunday 2 - 3.30pm slot...u leh? r u ok with both days? coz Sun is PIL days whereas sat is our own day..haha..
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">REGISTRATION FOR CHRISTMAS BASH</font></font>

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Date:16 December 2007 (SUNDAY)</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Venue: Globetrotters at United Square</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Time: 3.30pm to 5.00pm</font></font>
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Budget per family: S$60.00 per family (Mum, Dad, Child/Children)</font></font>
<font color="000000"><font size="+1">Note: Minimum 35 families to go. Please start registering now.</font></font>

1. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Pauline</font>, King <font color="119911">Ijin</font> and Princess <font color="ff0000">Kelly</font>
2. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Cutiezayn</font>, King <font color="119911">Frederick</font>, Princess Zayn and Prince <font color="0000ff">Zach</font>
3. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Shetland</font>, King <font color="119911">Joseph</font>, Princess <font color="ff0000">Gabby</font>
4. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Wen</font>, <font color="119911">King</font>, princess <font color="ff0000">Gabby</font>
5. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Aishite</font>, <font color="119911">King</font> and Princess <font color="ff0000">Shannon</font>
6. Queen <font color="aa00aa">MTDT</font>, King <font color="119911">Daryl</font> and Prince <font color="0000ff">Zavier</font>
7. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Celeste</font> , King <font color="119911">Shawn</font> and Princess <font color="ff0000">Chelsia</font>
8. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Dor</font>, King <font color="119911">Sebastian</font> & Princess <font color="ff0000">Mandy</font>
9. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Panda</font>, <font color="119911">King</font> & Prince <font color="0000ff">Josh</font>
10. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Angeline Goh</font>, King <font color="119911">Steven</font> & Princess <font color="ff0000">Celest</font>
11. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Peng</font>, King <font color="119911">Wees</font> & Princess <font color="0000ff">Egan</font>

<font color="000000"><font size="+2">Please Add On......</font></font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">REGISTRATION FOR CHRISTMAS BASH</font></font>

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Date:16 December 2007 (SUNDAY)</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Venue: Globetrotters at United Square</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Time: 3.30pm to 5.00pm</font></font>
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Budget per family: S$60.00 per family (Mum, Dad, Child/Children)</font></font>
<font color="000000"><font size="+1">Note: Minimum 35 families to go. Please start registering now.</font></font>

1. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Pauline</font>, King <font color="119911">Ijin</font> and Princess <font color="ff0000">Kelly</font>
2. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Cutiezayn</font>, King <font color="119911">Frederick</font>, Princess <font color="ff0000">Zayn</font> and Prince <font color="0000ff">Zach</font>
3. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Shetland</font>, King <font color="119911">Joseph</font>, Princess <font color="ff0000">Gabby</font>
4. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Wen</font>, <font color="119911">King</font>, princess <font color="ff0000">Gabby</font>
5. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Aishite</font>, King <font color="119911">Sam</font> and Princess <font color="ff0000">Shannon</font>
6. Queen <font color="aa00aa">MTDT</font>, King <font color="119911">Daryl</font> and Prince <font color="0000ff">Zavier</font>
7. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Celeste</font> , King <font color="119911">Shawn</font> and Princess <font color="ff0000">Chelsia</font>
8. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Dor</font>, King <font color="119911">Sebastian</font> & Princess <font color="ff0000">Mandy</font>
9. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Panda</font>, <font color="119911">King</font> & Prince <font color="0000ff">Josh</font>
10. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Angeline Goh</font>, King <font color="119911">Steven</font> & Princess <font color="ff0000">Celest</font>
11. Queen <font color="aa00aa">Peng</font>, King <font color="119911">Wees</font> & Princess <font color="0000ff">Egan</font>

<font color="000000"><font size="+2">Please Add On......</font></font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Calling WEN & IPANDA,</font></font>

<font color="000000">Whats ur Hubby's Name.... </font>
<font color="ff6000"><font face="kristen ITC"><font size="+1">celeste</font></font></font>
<font color="0077aa"><font face="century">King Darren</font></font>

<font color="0077aa"><font face="century">some pics for u to add on..</font></font>
sunflower, toto, vivi,

J also stopping her swim classes end of this month. S not attending JG playclub anymore cos I wanna let him rest for a term since he is going to start pre-school liao.

sharing some photos of the duo...



sob sob... so sad... we din manage to change J's timing to the same as S. Sigh... cannot go home early liao.

Me think you Shichida trained, can remember the program of JG and GUG so vividly !! Immaculate memory, impressive.

Me like GUG v much too, but committed to some other program oledi, so have to skip for this round.
poohy, so sorry to hear J not joining swim. i also contemplated dropping J from swim. if so, i am not sure whether i will be able to bring him for weekly swim sessions myself, hence will try my best to stay. last wk, i saw some improvement in J - he was able to hold on to the swim board and kick his legs himself.
v encouraging.

hope i can squeeze swim, JG, SM, church into my weekends next term, on top of his wkday MMI PG.

poohy - on 30th Sep, my church has a children's day celebration - can you join us?

thanx for inviting.. I will check and get back to you cos not sure whether my hb's RT had ended by then. I am trying to keep sundays as free as possible so that we all can come to church. Hope I can join u all in church for the children's day

S got a slot in chinese edudrama finally... its on saturday 4pm. I am quite tempted to go cos I find his maindarin not as good as his english. But sat will become a v tiring day... 2 SM class then wait till 4pm for edudrama.... I am still trying to see how I can squeeze in a music class that he likes.
will try to cfm by wed.. err.. 1 term is how many wks? 10 wks?
So u gals plan to join in 3 more wks or start new term?
Good morning everyone.

Wow! Christmas bash!

poohy, your duo had grown so big already.

Panda, you have got so many nice/cute pics. I like the x'mas tree!
Okay! 1 term is 8 weeks. I think I will enroll for next weekend class then will enroll in the next new term too. If Kell likes it, will continue to enrol her till she is sick of it. If she don't like it, will enroll her in some dancing classes or arts classes.

No problem. Just felt that the course fee cannot be so cheap.
Still thinking let u know tomorrow. But u all confirm Sat or Sun huh ?
Mummies, just measured Kell's height. OMG, she is 85cm!! BTW, could someone tell me about the 97th percentile thingy in their health booket?
Both her weight and height are on the 97% percentile curve. What does it means?
paual - wow!! kelly is tall!
Maybe will be like hk model QiQi (since same name!) haha :p

Percentile - Just to show that on average, most kids are at the 50percentile range. so Kelly is consider to be the few that are so tall compare to kids at her same age.

btw wat's her wt now? also at 97%?
<font face="tahoma"> good morning ladies!

Paula, WOW... Kelly is a tall girl! 97 percentile means that she's on the top 3% compared to kids of her age group. 97% of the kids are usually below her.

How heavy is her now?</font>

How heavy is her now?}
Extracted from Dr. Miriam Stoppard's Teach Your Child (Very good book; should consider buying it).

Activities and Games for Toddlers 12 to 18 months

1. Sound & Word Activities
Continue singing nursery rhymes, which are excellent for language development and talk to your child as often as possible, using adult speech, not baby talk.

2. Physical Activities & Games
Simple movement games like 'ring a rosy', 'clap hands', 'follow the leader' and 'hide and see' are good to work off some of your baby's excess energy.

3. Artisitic Activities
Pasting, coloring and painting can be done under supervision. Make certain all materials are non-toxic or use some of the DIY reciepes.

4. Indoor/outdoor play
Sand boxes and water trays can provide hours of fun. Provide your child with household containers and measuring cups, home-made bubbles or commercially available toys.

Have hours of fun with your tots!
morning mummies

angeline, mtdt - thanks for your PM. refunded.

paula - wow... kelly must be having lots of fun at home. she likes art and craft?
<font face="tahoma"> MTDT,
yeah I think it's for girls.
Wesley is abt 11kg and I think he's only at 95th percentitle</font>
<font color="ff6000"><font face="century">paula</font></font>
<font color="0077aa"><font face="century">wow wow...we have a 'gao mei' here. Think kelly follow her daddy, tall. </font></font>
