(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


Nursing room at highest floor (where Food Republic is, nice place!)not so crowded cause less tenant, so no smell.but the ventilation on ceiling not covered, so strong draft my boy had to wear cap while BF.

but i find Tang's nursing room the best, at kids department.the deco and ambience wah..so comfortable i can take nap inside. but the aircon a bit cold. even have sterilizer inside and baby mobile above changing room. but no battery and i think the mobile toys stolen.

last time i used to look for nursing rooms, then i started BF in public cause too much time spend in nursing room, its like go shopping but didnt shop, just visiting nursing rooms. so i look for quiet corners at cafes and restaurants.but now my boy will be distracted if BF in public (rather play than eat) so now back to visiting nursing room.

how often u go back JB with Aloysius? wah u got it all planned for the next little one? if i've no.2 told my hubby i'll have to stay at home cause too much logistic problems. ya, if u going for your course in UK will be hard to concentrate with baby, unless its a holiday.if dont want to wean yet, can pump and dump.

my boy also know kai kai cause when we dress him up in kai kai clothes he'll be squeling in excitement...but then hor..i think its because hubby and i was excited cause it was new clothes and he look cute, so he was just responding to us.

when i call back, mil passed me the phone to talk to my boy. hhmm..how they talk, i just feel silly. but mil know i miss him that's why.in the end mil say my boy just want to eat the phone..

Thank you for the ideas on flashcards... Aloysius does not wanna look at the picture cards that I got from the BP. I wonder is it becos the colors are not striking enough. The pictures are rather pixelated... I tried to show him the encyclopedic pictures, he's not interested too... I wonder is it becos they are too boring... lol...

How long will the exersaucer last?? I am addicted to exersaucer now... lol... cos Aloysius like to stand and jump.. very tiring for me and my hubby... kekeke...
Here is a list of nursing rooms (taken from a recent baby magazine)

Bugi Junction/Seiyu - 3rd level, children's section of Seiyu

Bishan Junction 8 - 5 nursing rooms in new & old wings

Compass Point (Sengkang) - 4th level, next to Sembawang Music Store

Tanglin Mall - 3rd level, next to Pure Earth boutique (room is closed at 8pm)

Great World City - 2nd level, near Bob's The Christian Gifts & Bookshop; 1st level, near MacDonald's

Wheelock Place - 1st level, accessible through Borders bookstore

Wisma Atra - 3rd level, inside women's toilet

Northpoint (Yishun) - B1 toilet

Jurong Point (Boon Lay) - 3rd level (not sure if its still around, there is a new one at 2nd level toilet, near Charles & Keith)

Causeway Point (Woodlands) - 3rd level

Ikea (Alexandra) - 2nd level, next to in-store restaurant

United Square - 1st level

OG (Orchard Point) - 4th level, next to customer service counter

Marina Square - 2nd & 3rd level (12 bb rooms)

Raffles City Shopping Centre - 3rd level, near GNC store

Centrepoint - big one 3rd level, next to Life Book Shop; small one on 6th level, opp Hess Education

Plaza Sing - 2nd level, near John Little

City Link Mall - next to Godiva store

Ngee Ann City - 3rd level inside Taka, next to Thyme Maternity

Forum The Shopping Mall - 1st level, next to Calvin Klein boutique

Isetan Scotts - 4th level, children's dept

Tangs - 4th level, Playground, children's level

Paragon - 3rd level, near Metro; 5th level, near art galleries

Century Square (Tampines) - 2nd level, near women's toilet

Tampines Mall - 1st to 4th level, next to toilets

Changi Airpot T2 - departure hall of T2, near CEDS sportswear store

Parkway Parade - 2 on 3rd level, nursery section of Isetan & at women's toilet; 2 at basement, next to Gramaphone music shop amd Hello Singtel shop

Suntec City Mall - 2 on 3rd level, Family link Tropics Zone, beside ELC & Kids Mall

in my opinion, the 1000 flashcards pic quality is not good enough for them right now. I dun flash those to joelle except for some selected one which I feel is clear enough. I used them more for samuel.. besides, samuel these days likes to see the LCD version so I just play the pic dictionaries from GD at times... but I dun use the PC for joelle yet cos I tried her with maths dots before and I feel she is not ready yet.

Exersaucer last till when they are trying to crawl and especially creep lor.. cos they are so mobile liao ... u think they wanna be confined to the exersaucer haha
Me more obsessed with ride ons and cars now... Samuel and Joelle together have 3 trikes/ride-on with push handles, 2 cars with handles. Samuel love his fleet a lot so do i.... now just waiting for joelle to be old enough to pick her car from the fleet..
I dun really like electronic one though... but they are so fun hor.... but ride on are better since they will help execise hand-leg coordination plus leg power
endless things to buy for the children... soon u will find yourselves looking at balls and cars liao... those things are hot favorite with boys
ya, being sahm is not easy too....when we go working, we have a break away from our babies...sometimes, I feel that because we miss our babies due to work, we tend to enjoy playing with them more after we reach home...
For 1st time mummies! We shld give ourselves a good PAT on the shoulder that we BF our 1st baby successfully n its already good enuff. This is wat Mrs wong told me to give myself a PAT! Haha i told my HB that if i hv 2nd bb, i dun wish to BF liao, so ma fan!

no lah, i separate gg 3 places in different days since last wk long holidays. lol. My ger really enjoyed herself alot leh. N i also enjoyed so much. Same here, I think i too concentrate on BF too much, shld Bfing lesser starting next mth n play w her more often cos now she starts to recognise ppl n wants to play alot.. very very fun. hehe

Glad u gg to continue BF your 2nd baby, keep it up!

Hey me too i m using PIS. Hmm perhaps u can use hot towel n deep massage your lumps, eventually it wil disappear. I m now on TBF n I m planning to wean next mth but doing it slowly.
I saw nursing rooms besides every toilets but the nursing room seems not complete? abit dusty n dirty. Anyway b4 i go to a place, i always BF in e car until she is full then i dare to go shop. Unless i m familiar w the place that has BFing room, then i wil go there. But at BFing room i cant concentrate cos sometimes very noisy. I prefer to BF in e car.

i suspect she teething too but feel abit pain during latching like biting sensation. but not all e time.
ya, we done well as first time mummies....remember when we were still pregrant, we were still wondering if we can bf successfully or not...now we already did it for months
I also just bought an exersaucer for my ger...but she dun really enjoy sitting in it...she keeps holding her hands up whenever she see us...like wanting us to carry her...she will make noise when we leave her in it for too long...

Serene...I also hope can dun work and $ will drop from the sky..hehe..dream on...
yaloh. Rather spend e time more on teaching n playing w baby than BFing n etc. so sianz. I want to play w her more! so cute.

Dun be FAN. 1 week is very short n it wil fly very fast. Think u need to settle how u gg to BF, whether to pump lesser or watever. hv u decide yet?

ur ger so cute. so eager go shopping. i think after a few times shopping, they like very giam go shopping hor.

oic. Yes agree. tat time during ML at home, i told HB i want BF for 1 yr cos very free at home, no need work. But after start work, i told HB i want to wean soon cos tired! my HB encourage me to BF til 1 yr or til CNY. FAINT.

Last long wkend, i never pump at all. I latched baby all e way n outings too. sometimes many ppl n noises ard me i cant concentrate. Hv to find quiet places.
Yaloh agree. Not easy for 1st time mummies to BF successfully for our 1st babies! really alot of obstacles along e way. Stress, work, tiredness, n many more. endless....
spicegal and serene,
i also wish can stay at home, then my logistics of baby care arrangement will be solved. mother and son will be happily ever after together..but my hubby warn that i risk becoming an auntie..nowadays aunties start talking to me too when i buy things outside, i must have started to talk and behave like them. must be careful how i dress next time.

but when i play with my boy he doesn't chuckle as much as he would with my hubby.hubby say cause my play is not exaggerate enough.but good also he is exposed to different personality so he tend to like to cuddle and doze off better with me.with my hubby, he just keep grinning and want to play all the time, so if ask hubby to put him to sleep spells trouble end up both of them outside living room watch tv..
Actually, to me, it's ok to promote to auntie level, anyway, i'm already my nephew's auntie 14 yrs ago. As long as we dress well, keep fit, keep healthy, lively, happy and young...we are forever young auntie.

Ya if only I can do a home business, then i can have the best of both worlds, earn $ and look after my son at the same time...but nowadays to give up a full time job and do yr own business is too risky unless you must have a backup...too bad, at this moment, I can't afford it!
lol u so funny, say urself auntie.
during ML, me slp enuff n rest enuff, then go out those NTUC aunties n taka sales assisstant thought i m 25yrs old FAINT. maybe me petite n very small size. But since i started work, i think i age liao cos lack of slp.

LOL ur son n ur hb so cute. For me i love to play w my ger b4 she slps after i come back fr work. then after tat i wil latch her last feed n to slp.
Fi..haha...you are so funny...but you are not alone...many 'aunties' have also started talking to me...especially when I am with my bb...lol
Just called my mum...she told me my ger can entertain herself on the exersaucer for 2 hours!...and on the bumbo for 45mins...so its quite a good buy for me...haha

Since after i heard that you have put yr gal in the exersaucer since she's 4 mths old, I also tried it out on my son when he's 4 mths old, but with a small pillow support at the chest area. At beginning, he just sit inside and stare at the toys on the exersaucer, but lately, he has been leaning forward touching the toys, trying to pull them off, making noise when he can't do it (think he's trying to take them and put in his mouth), so cute!

These few days, we have brought him out everyday. Last sunday at vivio city was so noisy esp outside toys R us, there's a loud speaker at the entrance, he got frightened by the loud music and cried loudly, poor thing. He has been very talkative and smile alot yesterday. Whenever i see that he's so happy, i share the joy too. Am very thankful that he's so healthy and happy.

I've already started giving 1 teaspoon of heinz rice cereal mix into the milk powder for my son last weekend. So far so good.
yuppies...when i am working then i will sometimes look fwd to seeing my bb. but when I have to take care of her the whole day then i really feel jin tired n sianz! *lol*

ya lor....i realise i spend almost 1.5 hrs everyday juz to pump 4x! I can jolly well do lots more things with this time spent

exersaucer such a gd toy? My ger start growing tired of her playgym liowz, now she cannot be entertained for long with the playgym
Wow so good, your gal can entertain herself in the exersaucer for 2 hrs and bumbo seat for 45 mins ah..! The most my boy stayed inside the exersaucer is 15mins-30mins and bumbo is about 15mins, unless we are beside, entertaining him with diff toys! He wants to put everything in his mouth, when he can't, he scream for help!
Lyn, re your decision whether to bring Aloy to UK or not... i think better not. Since you are there to complete a mission, with Aloy, you will not be able to give your best, and might not finish what you need to do there. Anyway, it's only a week. Maybe you can ensure all arrangements are well in place, or your hubby can assist by taking leave and looking after Aloy with your mum? Better to finish your mission now, than drag on. Think of the time you have invested, this last lag is only a small fraction of your investment. Just my two cents.
oh, btw, forgotten who has mentioned the walker last week. I've tried letting my boy sits in the walker too, there are 2 levels, he's ok with the lower level now but he hates to be left alone leh....shout for help, asking someone to carry him after awhile! I think my son gets bored easily for every toy.
Serene, jake also cannot sit too long in the bumbo. maybe 15 mins? in fact, i just sold my bumbo. ha ha... bumboless now. he can stay in his jumperoo for 30 mins i think. din time him.. but if you leave him alone, he will have a bored look on his face. if you encourage him, he will keep jumping... so in essence, mummy still need to play with him.

i have yet to place jake on his exesaucer for long, maybe will try this weekend.
joelle in her bb einstein exersaucer...





joelle also loves to pull and press at those toys in the exersaucer...
Its a relief to us cos no need to carry her so constantly.... she has became quite demanding since she was discharged from hospital... dislike lying down... wanna be carried and wanna stand all the time! hehee


my bumbo also a white elephant cos joelle dun like it!!! Unlike samuel who used to love it, she prefer to stand! So exersaucer suits her better
btw, do u still bring jake for swims? I bring joelle for weekly swim ever since she discharged from hospital... except last week cos i was sick.... brought them to zoo yesterday (we joined the friends of the zoo program) and then few steps into the zoo only , it rains! sigh gotta turn back so disappointing...
Medusa, lyn, so we settle for suntec for lunch on Monday?

exersaucer sounds fun! where to buy it?

someone mentioned a jumperoo... wat's that?? how it looks like?
Celeste...ya..so happy tat my ger likes the exersaucer...yesterday when we 1st put her in...I think she is still not used to the new toy and feels uncomfortable...but today my mum left her in the exersaucer for 2 hours while she do housework and she happily sit it there playing with the toys...I think now our bb all like to be seated upright cos they wan to look at things and people...so its normal for your ger to outgrow the playgym...my ger hates to be carried in the lying position...she will cry and kick her legs when we do that...even when she is in her stroller...she no longer likes to be sleeping on her back...keep curling her body like trying to sit up...
poohy...your ger looks cute on the exersaucer...she seems to be enjoying herself

tinklebell...i bought the safety 1st one from kiddy palace...cost me $129.90...got other brands like bb einstein (what poohy has) which cost $200-$300.
wow... have not come in for few days. thread moves real fast! hope everyone had a great long weekend!

Yesterday, went to my aunt's place. My bb played till at night, still wants to play. When he slept, smiled to himself and even laugh out loud 2x. - think he played 'too much' in the day. But it was such a joy as I watched him sleep so happily.

Lyn: read that Aloy attempting to climb out of high chair. Do be careful & watch over him. One of my friend's boy fall out of the high chair

poohy: joelle looks so cute in the exersaucer.

My bb tried the Leapfrog exersaucer at my friend's place. He quite likes it. especially the silver bag. My hb wants to get 1 for him. Now sourcing for 1. Any good & not too ex recommendation?

Glass bottles : I've been storing my EBM in glass bottles since I start expressing. just tried using milk bags last few days. Waiting for my ILs feedback on the ease of defrozing before doing a switch? But is glass bottles really not good. Understand not to put glass bottles direct from freezer to hot water. Must be gradual tap water, lukewarm, then to warmer.
mummies: anyone has gone for infant massage class ??
which hospital is better, in your opinion ??
my hubby has been so busy the last 4 mths, so no chance to go for massage class together, heard it's quite hard to go for class now, cuz at 4 mths pls, baby is very active !!!

tinkelbell: was it you who is on leave next tues ? I'm on half day, going to town , can meet if you want !!

Re: exersaucer

Not long ago, Isetan's baby fair selling Safety 1st exersaucer for 90+ i think. I think you can wait for a discount.

My exersaucer is also Safety 1st brand, but it's 2nd hand, pass down by my cousin. I think it's entertaining to the baby, much better than walker. U dun have to worry that he will go hit all yr furniture at home....
my son also put anything he can get hold off into his mouth....if not, he will put his fingers inside his mouth or lick our shoulders & hands *faint*

do your babies get cranky after each jab? Took my gal for her second 5in1 on monday...after that, she refuses to sleep at night and wld fuss and cry loudly............
my son dun get cranky after jab, but he did seem to lose a bit of appettite for the day and he dun like to play with us, then the next day, he'll be back to normal....
Morning all mummies,
Son was hospitalised last Thursday. It started off with high fever. Then he was diagnosed with sepsis, did blood transfusion and his neutropenia (a grp of white blood cell which fights infection) is low. Everyday was drawing of blood for blood test. All hands and limbs was injected with needles... He was discharged on Tues but gotta stay away from crowded places. The next day after he's discharged, i'm down with stomach flu... now he gotta be at my mum's place these few days to prevent getting the virus from me.
I'm feeling so sad and regret having him to make him suffer all these.
Usually after jab, my ger wil feel sleepy, always slp.

dun be sad. its not ur fault. Just pray that ur son wil get well fast.
Morning mummies!

I was late for work this morning! Know wat. Last nite i slept at 12am (last feed latched baby, emptied both breasts), then tis morning i woke up at 5.30am n my breasts got engorged esp my right breast got STUCK! Milk cant come out n got lumps like stones! Sigh Then from 5.30am to 8am, HB n i massaged until lumps finally loosen n milk released n then rush to work........SIGH i dunno wat to do with my milk ss, seems to fill up my breasts so fast!

Cos i go braless at nite. I thinking of wearing tight bra w cabbage during bedtime so that wont fill up so fast .

how? any solution for my case?

I told mum for e time being i dun want eat fish liao. Eat Chicken better..

i even probia now that at nite cant slp well. like dun dare to slp.

now u all shld know y sometimes i feel very stressed abt BFing.
Ok.. Mon Suntec lunch... I have PM you my number.. sms to me

Anybody else wanna join us in babies gathering?? Monday lunch at Suntec.

Yalor... Initially I thought if I stay at home, I can do my work. But with Aloysius around, and my mum not around, I cannot concentrate and the progress is very slow... I even thought of going somewhere with my laptop to do my work, and leave Aloysius at home with my mum.

Wah.. Jake can stay in the jumperoo for 30mins ah... Very good leh... I hope Aloysius can stay in the exersaucer long...

Wow! So good leh... Fingers crossed that Aloysius will stay in his exersaucer that long! Then I can really concentrate on my work.

Baby's smiles and laughs can melt our hearts

celeste blur,
My boy is also bored of the playgym already. I have kept it already... So now, gotta find something new to let him keep himself entertained...

Yalor... I was very surprised that he wanna get out of the high chair. On Monday, when I bathed him, he held on the side of the tub to stand up on his own...

K Ong,
I will just massage baby after bath
You can actually find out from internet how to massage baby..

I still can bring my boy out shopping right after his jab :p
u can go braless when you still bf?? then u not worry the milk will leak when u sleep huh??

wearing bra dun reduce milk supply lah...but maybe you can try cold cabbage loh....esp since you gonna stop bf in 1+ mth time, now should start to slowly reduce supply liao....
Maybe you pump and dun empty the breasts... Just pump to relieve engorgement and stop. Slowly the supply will decrease.

Hugs hugs... Dun be sad... When things settle down, you will love to have your son around again
u drink lesser fluid, especially b4 u go to bed. Cos I tested before. If like i drink a lot of fluid arnd 8-10+pm before i sleep. Then next morning my B will be more engorged. If I take lesser fluid then it wont be so engorged
And try cabbage leaves at nite but dont ever wear tight bra! U might end up with blocked ducts or watever!

seems like investing on kids toys not cheap hor. Imagine my playgym only less than 2-3 mths old now my ger dont really like it much liowz *lol*

dear, its not your fault.mummies always do what they know best already so must not blame yourself.u need to take care of yourself so can take care of baby ya..

u very comical, cabbage squeezed inside tight bra in bed? what will yr hb think of that
but hor..i thought better to wear bra in bed, even not so tight ones cause it help support. find that lying down position when its heavy with milk it'll jiggle all over.and won't milk leak without bra? even though with bra, i notice B also can start to sag so have to take note..
think changing your diet will easen the engorgement.

last night was so tired at 11pm but it was still an hour away from the next pump.but even though tried to pump can't come out cause too early. in the end i slept and skip the last pump. at 5.30am this morning quite engorge but still manage to pump out.maybe i'll spread out the hours so the last pump is my bedtime.sometimes i find pump 5 or 6 times, the total amount is still the same.so does it matter if we pump less time?

i finally had my favourite teh last night. read that its actually ok to eat variety of food so that baby can get milk with variety taste. yum yum.. so my boy get to drink milk tea.

correct me if i'm wrong but i think babies at this age dont really know the sense of time.if we are away it can be 2 or 3 days, we are still away to them.when we appear, they think 'oh! here you are' then will be happy to see you.most of the time we are the ones who misses them more.when they don't see us and with their grandparents bet they are enjoying all the attention over there.

re:freezing EBM in bottles
any mummies use those cheap plastic milk bottles to freeze EBM? is it safe?
i still have a 80ml frozen EBM in glass container, wonder if safe to give to my boy.
how about those cheaper plastic containers that some of you all bought to freeze puree, how to know if its safe to use in freezer?
