(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

just came back from pumping at store room. and its only 80ml. sigh...i'm going to start baby cereal this weekend, hopefully cereal will subsitute a feed to lower down milk demand. but i just latch and pump at 6.30 this morning, maybe i'm too hard on myself.nowadays i feel that i pump in a hurry


I pump four times in ofc every day and yield around 450 to 500 ml...slightly lesser than her day feeds at nanny's place.
how do you cope if its slightly lesser than.that means supply not meeting demand.

i also lesser now that baby has increase from 3 to 4 times feed while at work.but i find that if i'm at home whole day latch on, supply is enough baby eat happily. i feel that latch on easier for milk to come out cause its active sucking, pump is like passive sucking, have to pump till pua si..
after the nice cup of kopi, feel better...hehe....wonder next time my son will be a kopi addict or like?
normally I express at 12 am and then I'll sleep thru till 5-6am then wake up to express....nowadays, I pump at every 6 hours interval, so I only pump max 4 times a day...
Me too! i love kopi-o! cant resist! bad mama!
but i dont think kopi and skin color got co-relationship lah! i drank more kopi when having no1 but more soya bean milk when having no2 but no 2 is tan while no 1 is very fair! haha!
good mornin mummies

i bought the bandana at a shop at china sq central. $4.50 only...keke. they sellin lots of bb clothes too. the pants also purchased from there
is it from a push cart? Cos i bought a jumper suit for my son there oso. Think will go there again today during lunch time...hee hee. Simply cannot resist buying..
Mandy has same bday as Josh. Her neck support seems very steady. Can sit the bumbo seat so well. Josh will keep leaning forward when he is in the bumbo.

are u able to yield enuf for your 6 hourly pumps? me find it a bit stressful, every day i worry over how much my pumps can yield and if there is enuf supply for baby....guess in a way it adds stress and hence reduce the supply too.
Hey mummies,
me just back fr pumping. sianz too. my right breast seems abit blocked again. sigh. so sianz.

cheer up. At work its like tat one, sometimes can be hurry. me too, try to relax ok. BFing at work is real difficult n tough!!! My right breast now abit blocked, so low morale too, tonite see how, gg to use hot towel.
i m also like u, esp during my 1st wk of work, i very stress n worry tis n that on the milk amount. But after tat, i told myself even little amount is also BM, better than nothing. Cos sometimes i also cant pump well at work. u r not alone. i guess not easy to pump at work.

how do u actually clear blocked ducts? i seemed to feel lumps in one of my breasts these few days..not sure if its due to block ducts. I tried using warm/hot towel and massage but doesnt seemed to clear. Do we need to press hard?
ok when ur e other side let down, u quickly press n release e milk as much as possible fr e blocked breasts n thus e ducts wil naturally unblock. that time i got engorgement on my right breast n i use tis method. during let down quickly use hand expression to get all e milk out fr affectede breasts n retry again.
Hi ladies, good morning!
It's friday! Yeah!

Dor, your gal is so cute. I like her outfit in the 2nd pic and her bandana in 3rd pic.
If i have agal next time, sure will burn 2 big hole in my pocket! :p I love to dress baby up!
Hi tinklebell,
Wow so good, take leave go shopping yesterday ah? Did you get any good stuff? It has been long time I go shopping for myself. Thinking to go shopping alone next Monday since I'm on leave.
I never drink coffee during pregnancy coz dun feel like drinking during that period, but my son also very tan!!! no relation between drink and skin colour lah.....
You dress up yr gal very nicely hor...I like her outfit on the 3rd pic also. Does the shop at china sq sells baby boy's clothes also? Where is the shop near to? I want to get the bandana for my boy too since he's now botak!
tinklebell, okasan,
There is definitely no relation on our drinks that will affect bb's skin colour! I drink alot of milk during preggie but my boy also not very fair....haa!
so far so good leh....I told myself never to get stress over supply....coz I rather give baby formula then to upset myself over the supply loh
Hee...got many days of leave to clear loh. Went to Dome for lunch.
No interesting buys. Got a blouse for myself fr Isetan and mainly groceries fr Giant. IMM is quite different now.
Now i normally shop online cos no time to go shopping loh. Yesterday's break was a good one

I'll be on leave next Thurs again. thinking of going to Vivo city.

oh dear, your ducts r blocked again? try pressing them hard to release the milk.

same loh, i pump 6 hrly since i start working... so far so good...still got enuf for my girl. the good thing is that i reach home at 6 everyday so it saves me the trouble to sterilise and pump 2x in the office. can imagine what a hassle it will be.

If i see the bandara, i will sure buy! $4.50 only?
Kite/Stephanie: U can get Leicithin granules at NTUC - it's under the organic section. It's like little pcs of grains, can add to your food, (I add to my rice) Almost tasteless. If you research online, you will find some articles that claim this helps to make the milk more thin so it doesn't clog easily.
Of course, you also need to massage and pump frequently, but like i said, since i took it a mth back, i've had no more problems with blocked ducts !!

Dor/i-Panda: Do you work ard Raffles Place ?? I used to go to ChinaSq for lunch but nowadays got to eat nearer my work place since i pump during lunch too :p

Dor: I recall you bought the quinny. Which model ?
Is it good ?
It's so good to be on leave and shop on a weekday when everyone's working rite? The feeling just GREAT! Haa!
I know what it's like, dun have to squeeze with the crowd on weekend....but sometimes, i still find there're so many ppl at orchard during a weekday and i wonder there are so many ppl who dun have to work so good???

The last time I went to IMM, only the 1st level at the extension area is open, has the 2nd level open already?

Yes, i want to go to vivio city again, like what spicegal had said, too big so the last time, i just window shop and didn't cover all area...I intend to go there again maybe on monday.
forget to add that my son is drinking cereal mixed with ebm now, maybe that's why my supply is quite ok although I only pump 4 times a day...sometimes, I may even skip 1 pump if too busy at work...
ya, I'm glad I only need to pump once in office...just bring the sterilised pump and bottle to office, pump liao, come home then wash and sterilise...no need to wash in office, less troublesome loh.....
you drink coffee while BF? i didn't dare even though i like teh peng and coffee. u mean no effect on the milk?heard 'coffee milk' will make baby hyper? not true ah?

oh..i also have extra EBM in morning cause i didn't wake up pump middle of the night so i can manage to pump 1 feeding and latch at the same time in the morning.so i can use that for shortfall. its just that i've been using that extra to stock up for my trip. for cambodia before and now for the coming japan...

so technically my supply is still meeting demand? than i dont feel so bad.maybe i've to wake up middle of the night pump to make up for the holiday stock, but i tried that but difficult to come out

i m not sure how many of you are intending to buy the bumbo for ur kiddie. I saw at the ebay website that many bumbos there are going for below S$20 (excluding postage) and these are normally from UK mummies. Unfortunately i just bought mine over yahoo in singapore, otherwise I dunt mind bidding from ebay myself. Not sure how much the postage from UK to Singapore cost though
The cereal that you had mixed with the milk is brown rice in powder foam rite? Do you need to cook it over fire b4 mixing with milk? How about those heinz baby cereal? i think for heinz, only mix with warm water or warm milk to serve rite? dun need to boil over fire?
kite and stephanie,
how do u all know its block duct? can feel lump? what if B feel heavy but milk difficult to come out? that's stress or physochology already is it?

last week i met a mummy with a 1 yr old girl at ikea nursing room. she said she still on TBF, ask me to jia yu (i must have this desperate look on my face about MS is it) and that stress at work doesn't affect. her secret is hardworking, just keep pumping 3 times at work.

think i stubborn about FM,just don't want to mix. rather introduce cereal by spoon, if still not enough will mix inside EBM like you. u use HT brown rice cereal to mix inside bottle right, i'm going to buy that at lunch later.

since my boy is still on TBF, i give water very less, when hickup or hot weather.but if he drink FM for a feeding,i'll consciously give water. last time when boy 1-3 months, i give water after each latch on to clean his tongue cause very stain with milk. but i find it didnt really help to clear the stain, boy naturally outgrown the tongue stain and now no more.shouldn't have worried about the stain during that time, it kept me worrying.

ooppss..subject about water also i can talk until milk stain etc. dont think i even answer your question..
just now while working, i feel let down n then i quickly rush to toilet to hand expression n press my nipple hard on my abit blocked breast. i guess now its better. keep my fingers crossed.

i guess even REAL cow also got mood one, if not in good mood, cant produce milk well.
the brown rice cereal i bought just need to mix with ebm or water will do coz it's already cooked...it's flaky but will dissolve to become a smooth paste....if u grind the brown rice yourself, then u need to cook over fire first, very troublesome......

as for heinz cereal, also just mix with ebm or water will do...I bought one box but haven't let my son try coz want to finish the brown rice cereal first....

re:cafferin and MS
aiya...i've been forbidding coffee and only dare take sips from others.means i could have enjoyed my teh peng all this time.
its like e breast stil heavy n yet milk cant come out. very scary one leh cos i got it b4 on my right breast. so in tis case, i always use hand expression since pump cant help much.
The brown rice cereal that you bought from NTUC, brand is healthy times yah and it's pre cook already? How much is 1 pck?
yea, go Lot 1 ntuc...sure have a lot...it's at the baby forumla section...opposite the shelf that sell pigeon stuff...$6.80 per box....it's organic and pre-cooked
The shipping charge is not cheap from UK to sing. To save the hassel, it's more practical to buy local. I manage to buy a 2nd hand one for $50 but is nearly brand new.
bo bian, even sianz or low morale, i hv to try look on e positive side. i guess this wld be better.

i think got abit blocked is bcos yest i MC after tat i sneak out go town n never pump at 12pm, i drag until 3pm then pump. serve me right loh. Bfing is also abt diligent n hardworking.
I told myself I should enjoy bf and not feel stress or unhappy...so I still drink coffee...eat spicy food...but in moderation lah...if everything also cannot, how sad life will be....

I rather give up bf then if I'm unhappy coz I think my son will prefer to have a happy mummy than a sad one...
does anyone know where to buy avent pump's spare part?i'm looking for the rubber breast massager, the one which is circle (like palm size) and fit inside the cone.

was wondering how the brown rice powder that we buy can be made 'instant' (just add liquid) by the manufacturer, is it some special process? that's why home made (grinded) better?

jst an idea, how about when u feel let down suddenly, then u quickly grab your pump and pump out so that you can save it for BB?
Thks, but i'm still in dilemma whether to let my son start solid??? He's 4mths 2 wks old now.....How many times you feed him cereal a day? How many spoon you add each time?

Serene, level 2 not opened yet. a lot of shops on level 2 have been closed.

kite, haha! ur comment is v funny!!!!

aishite, i agree with serene... not worth getting fr UK unless u have relatives living there and coming to spore soon..shipping cost is expensive!

fi, take more fish. helps to boost MS. I take fish for lunch everyday though i dont really like fish. Papaya also seems to increase MS. I take at least 1 pc day.
