(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

how r u? long time no chat. do u hv msn? if hv, care to add me in? [email protected]

tue, i went Dr.YC for pap smear, last visit liao. next visit wil be next yr. did u go for e Hep B jab n rubella jab as advised by her? me intend go Poly for these jabs. u?
hi mummies!

i m feeling quite stress now. i m slowly introducing bottle to my ger b4 i start work. My ger dun like to be bottlefeed n dun want to drink fr bottle, keep crying n screaming n pushing e teats out from her mouth. Even my hubby (not me) try to feed her. I really got a hard time if i m not ard n hv to let someone to feed her. btw I m using Avent teats n bottles.

Then when i see her cry, i wil b soft hearted, wil latch her on n she wil calm down n stop crying. tink she is too addicted to my nipple
hello mummies...

long time din post here.. been real busy at home..


saw from the other thread that you are looking to buy 2nd hand GD maths cards rite? hope u gotten it? if not, u can also search for it in yahoo singapore auctions. I saw a few sets for sale there

r u starting your bb on maths? I started Joelle on maths cards also... though i have 2 sets of GD kit, I am using a DIY set of the first 20 dots... cos gotta make it bigger


u started flashing cards? I am starting to flash image cards to joelle for image trainng... my boy is attending shichida methods this term, so I got more ideas from them....
Hello mummies,
Went down to Suntec yesterday for Stemcord roadshow to redempt $50 off next yr storage fee. Also signed up for their promo for next bb coz overall can save abt $300 for the enrolment fee. Do check it out if ya interested. =)

Try NUK teats?

Abt yr confinement lady, how much you paying her? Mkt rate $1.8k? Does she take few hrs nap in the afternoon and leave the bb to u?
Just gota know my sis is preg, she's looking for CL also.

Dun let bb be too addicted to nipples, else when we get back to work, it is very hard on the caretaker.

My colleague's ger rejected avent totally. She is now on NUK teats. My ger refused NUK and now on pigeon. I believe urs is wide necked bottle? Switch other brand then
mrs wong frm TMC ever mentioned using olive oil on bb's cradle cap, comb it thru his hair and scalp if i rembr correctly. she says effective, u can try if u want.

for the past 2 days my boy cries in the evening after i wiped and changed him, have to carry him for 1 hr b4 he falls asleep...then in the morning ard 7am after i feed him he will cry again till CL arrives at 9 am, then when CL carries him he will stop and be so sweet... grrrr.... sometimes i think he is being naughty with me leh. he seldom cries when CL ard unless hungry... when CL gone bck he will cry as and when he wishes. maybe i am not reassuring enuf?

those of u mummies pumping milk with electric pump, wanna ask if u sterilise the breastshield every time u finish one session of pumping? i put mine in the fridge, use it twice then sterislise again. if sterilise everytime, will be v taxing, esp if hav to pump frequently. anyone try latching on after week 3? i feel like trying, so tired with bottle washing and sterilising

i think your case same as mine. when i carry my gal, she wld cry. however when my hubby and cl take over, she will stop and even smile.....then my hubby ask me to observe gal's fist when i carry her..she actually clench her fists, meaning that she doesnt feel secure with me carrying. ..maybe you can try observing your baby's fists when you next carry her?
eh really bb clenched her fist? my bb's hand wrapped in mitten thatz y din notice that. but then my bb still in fist clenching stage leh... he is 3 weeks 2 days now. but by instinct maybe i know he not assured enuf cos bb can feel our tension. i always quite gan jiong when taking over bb when CL leaves and I am usually alone wif bb in the evening and early morning. am trying to learn to relax and talk reassuringly to bb. my CL mentions the way i carry bb v tense... aiyo, i quite bony so of cos my arms not as comfy and cushiony as hers mah :p

WOW, ur bb really big leh!! No wonder my hubby say ur tummy looked very very big compared to mine heehee...

Take care ya? Urs is natural with vacuum rite? Read from july thread
hi spicegal,
thanks! what colour/ design did u buy?

hi ladies,
anyone interested to buy the non-adjustible sling? if buy 2, then 1 is at S$38.50. any takers?

I also go read the july's post. Aiyo, dsiitan steady lah! Her bb is 4.815kg, I thought I read wrongly. Manz, she's the (wo)man!
your baby also dun poo daily? recently, my baby will poo once every 2-3 days...asked PD abt it and he say it's normally....was worried I'm not giving him enough milk....
I sterilise every part that touches the milk each time I finish using it...dun feel comfortable abt leaving the pump in the fridge and use later...

if never wash, there's be some milk left in the pump from the previous pump session, so when u use it again for the next session, the new milk will mix with the old milk liao....

I also find it troublesome..my whole day can just revolves around washing and sterilising...but better to play safe than to be sorry
re: bumwear

wow, u gals so fast start using bumwear liao...I used the normal nappy cloth for the 1st mth then stop using coz no time to wash....haven't start using bumwear coz baby poo still watery, scare spoil the bumwear....maybe I'll use bumwear soon too
my baby already double his birth weight before he turns 2 mth....hope he's not gaining too much...I still remeber when I brought him to see PD when he's less than 1 mth, the PD asked me to reduce his milk intake...but I din coz baby cannot sleep if I give him too little milk....but since then, he has been taking same amt of milk until now...no change at all, so I wonder if he's taking enough now since he's older...
hehe..yes..i gave birth last 4 days 19th..hehe...aiyo...my labour drama ah!!

kk...ur hubby never said i big size too meh??? but hor..tummy really very very big..if not how to placed 1 bb weighing 4.815kg inside..hahahaa

Dun worry about bb milk intake. Cutting down may not be feasible too, like as u say, bb will be grumpy if drink not enough. Once bb hit a certain weight, they automatically drink a constant amount, and may even start to drink less. This happens in the 3rd mth.

Hey, i realised recently that babies on TBF seems to gain weight faster than those on FM. Do u do TBF? So what pple say about drinking FM will make bb obese may not be true i supposed? Ultimately depends on babies themselves.


Heehee, later i ask him see whether he say u big sized or not :pp


Ya lor, dsittan's bb very big hor?? I got a shock when i read her sms haha! She told me her bb big sized, i didn't expect that BIGGGG leh! Heehee

I employed Aunty DAisy for only a week because I needed someone to help me out before I come back to JKT. I paid $500 for a week. She stayed overnight. Unlike my other CL, she did not ask for a nap in the afternoon. She rested when my bb slept. I thought that was reasonable since she took care of him in the night.

One thing though, she cooked herbal soup for me every night. I thought that was very thoughtful of her. She got along very well with my mother. My hubby also liked her. I think personality is very impt for a CL. Well, at least she is someone whom I would like to meet up again. She planned to visit us when we returned to Sgp in Dec.

Feel free to ask me more questions abt her.
re: Sterilising

It's really a chore to sterilise sometimes. But I guess we dun have a choice. I guess I would feel extremely quilty.

Do your babies want to be carried ALL the time? Mine does. And it's driving me crazy. Any mummies here share the same plight?
ya, I'm still bf my baby...I also saw many examples of babies on bf that are very chubby loh...so it's not true that bf babies dun gain weight...

depend on the genes too....me and hubby both gain weight easily, so I guess that's why my baby also gain a lot of weight...even during pregnancy, he also gain weight a lot...if I deliver him full-term, I think he will be more than 3.5kg....

re: milk intake
ya, I guess as long as my son is satisfied after the feed, it's ok...dun have to bother how much he is taking...afterall, reading signs from our babies are better than follow blindly on the feeding chart
maybe you carry him a lot during the early stage? since I gave birth to my son, I make it a point not to carry him unless neccessary..even when he cries, I'll first pat him to see if he calms down...if all methods fail, then I'll carry him....even when my mil wants to carry him when he make some noises, I also dun allow...I just tell her to pat him....carry babies too often will make it a habit for them loh...

mine same case leh...i got 3 CL altogether. the first 2 made it a point not to carry or rock her, but alas the last one, like to carry her all round the house. now whenever she needs to sleep, we have to carry her....resorted to buying a cradle yesterday.
Tks! will ask you for more details if my sis is interested.

Same with Okasan, I'll not carry him unless last resort. When carry him, I'll just carry a while and lie him on another place. Sometime he doesn't like to keep resting at one place.

When BF, need to give water or gripe water?
My son is almost 7 wks old. Last evening after bath and fed him, he slept for almost 6hrs and din poo at all! Thats very unusual. He always look for milk every 2-3hrs and he seems to have difficulty pooing. How ar?
hmm my bb tbf but gained only 800g in 1st mth. He was 3.8kg birthwt though.

msnanas, bf no need to feed water but it's really up to ur comfort level?
I give my bb gripewater. He poos alot, and frequently.
Some bf bbs dun poo often cos their systems efficiently utilise all of the BM and produce little waste matter
hey okasan, initially I tried not to carry the bb at all. I toldm y mum and CL that as well. We only carry him when he really cries, with tears running down his cheeks. Very soon, it becomes a habit. Do other mummies face similar situation?
msnanas, I hear that some babies dun even poo for a few days and that is considered to be normal for breastfed babies. I am not sure if it's true though.
Medusa & missk,
I just bought gripe water. He doesn't like it. Did you add water to gripe water and how much water you added?
Any idea is it suppose to be sudden change of poo frequency or born with it that they dun poo often? Coz usually he'll poo after each feed.
My gal poo every altern day since wk3, n the qty is alot. I though is norm..so didnt bother.

I also need to carry her walk n rock to sleep, if not she get cranky cause dont noe how to sleep on her own....signz...!
talk about poo.. My boy have not pooed since last Tues! Gng to bring him to see the GP tonight to see if he can relieve some of the poo...

my gal also haven't pooed for a week, later going to insert bullet for her to poo.. does your son poo once a week? or more frequently?
Was the pap smear painful? I had a horrid experience once whereby a lady doc pap-smeared me and it was really painful. Im due for my pap smear with my gynae this noon not looking towards it.

Re. teats, try replacing Avents teats with Pigeon teats it works on my gal.
My gal's feeding pattern has been very weird lately. Take last night for example. Her last feed was at 1.30pm and she didn't wake up for her feed till 6.30am! I didn't dare to sleep cos' I am worried that she might be hungry! At times, her feeding interval can dragged till 3.5 hours or 4 hours. Is this common?

my gal's feeding pattern has also changed for the past 2 weeks. in the day she still feeds at 3-3.5hours intervals, last night her last feed was at 11:30pm, she woke up at 5am for her morning feed and subsequent feed was at 10am. hopefully she will sleep thru the night from now onwards then i can have longer hours of sleep.. heehee
same here. my CL carries & rock him whenever he cries. also she likes to carry him when he is asleep. she says must let him be in deep sleep b4 put him to bed then he won't wake up again.

aiyo.. I have to tell her to put him down on the bed.
paula and cookiemz, your gals are so good.. can sleep throughout the nite.. my bb still can't.. i am still trying to make him do it, but he is always hungry sob sob..

wow dsittan, your bb is really so big.. wow.. xin ku you..
Good for us cos' we can have more sleep ... but am worry about her health. I'm going to bring her to a PD for checkup. Do you know where is Kinderclinic in CCK located and the opening hour?
I brought the mouth gel for my gal. Got it from unity pharmacy... going at S$15 (one small tube, orange flavor). The white patch in her inner tongue went away after first application ... you may want to try that.
The poo intervals started to drag longer and longer.. This time is the longest.. I am fine with 2 or 3 days intervals but not 6 days!

Good that your bb is sleeping longer at nights! That's good news!
hi mummies,
re: poo
i've checked with PD, PD said that it's only that bb didn't poo for 2-4 days but must check if the poo is watery when he does, otherwise must see doctor liao.
