(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

oh i see, thanks for the feedback. will order nepia later then

I think BM may not be suitable at this stage if your bb poo poo a lot...cos u have to keep washing and cleaning.
my son uses BW for his afternoon nap and he actually told me it's comfortable. He has refused to wear other types of washable diapers so i'm quite surprised when he likes BW.

Mine also doesnt burp with every feed. Sometimes i can burp her for 15 mins but no burp...so I just let her lie down... if she's uncomfortable, she will scream and once i carry her up, she will burp.

haha! your bb very funny!

I gave my CL $38 when she came and $100 b4 she left.
It's up to u lor... i heard mkt rate is total $60.

Anyone's bb doesnt like to bathe?? Mine screams her lungs out every morning when we bathe her

maybe your bb hungry when u bathe her?
my bb loves to bathe, she will smile and smile when we wipe her dry, but if she's hungry when bathing, she will scream her head off!

wah, you can burp your bb for 15 mins ah, i have no patience to do so, at most 1-2 mins, but my bb farts ALOT and very loudly, so sometimes i take it that the gas has gone out from the other end instead of burping. btw, is it normal for bbs to fart alot?

i tried bumwear on my gal last week but she didn't like it leh.. is it too warm? the material looks very warm to me.. do you usually change the whole diaper once the insert is soaked? or juz change the insert?
afternoon mummies..
now then has time to log in.

here's mine
Age: 4+ wk
Volume of milk drink: 60 ml - 100 ml
feeding interval: Every 1.5 to 2 hour
Night feed: 2am, 4am, 6am
Poo: a few times per day

Average I feed my boy 12x per day.
is this considered ok?

sometimes at night he will wake up every hour for feed - any of you experience this? normal?
Hopefully when I get back to work, he won't wake up hourly..
wow you had a great first outing!
Me not yet. Full month celebration on Sunday.
so wait till next weekend.

btw, nursery/BF room in Suntec - easy to locate?
any one been to Marina Square? where is the nursing room located?

I'm using Lucky Baby - its very colourful.
my boy seems to like it.

First Few years had another outlet in town.
think either Paragon or PS.

Thanx for sharing. Hmm, Graco better or Mama love better? Does your darling sleeps in it?

My gal olso farts very loudly. Farting a lot means good right cos it releases the extra gas in her stomach and hence, lesser chance of being colicky? BTW, how many times does you feed your gal with gripewater? On a daily basis too?

My gal used to scream during bath time until my galfriend told me to talk and sing to her during bath time she seems to enjoy her bathing session now infact, she will cry when bath time is nearing I think she enjoys it.
my boy also screaming during bath initially but now we make sure he's full (1 hr after feed) then shower him, and he seems ok

my boy also doesnt burp every feed, but if he doesnt burp he will have disturb sleep coz 1 hr later he will scream during sleep then have to burp him.

he also farts very loud! scary... cant believe it's from a such a small fellow! hehehe

my CL used to give diluted gripewater to my bb on a daily basis, now i give it once every few days. the PD recommended giving a drop of RidWind instead of gripewater to my bb before every feed to relieve the gas. i have not tried it on a regular basis yet, so not sure if it works.

Graco playpens look nicer and come with additional side trays/musical toys. i bought MamaLove coz the 1st level bassinet is slightly deeper, it is dark blue in colour. my gal has no problems sleeping in it in the day but she still prefers to snuggle with me at night.


yea lor, my gal farts like a canon.. hahaha.. she will drink milk halfway and pause to fart.. kekeke, glad to know that it is common
Hi Sunshine & Paula,

These are what I can think off why they struggle during feeding time:
1) they are not hungry
2) they get frustrated becoz they are sleepy and they wanna sleep
3) "milk bank" is empty liao
4) they feel hot
5) environment too noisy

usually my bb gets frustrated becoz of #2 and #4. so what i do is for #1 - i change position and #4 - i turn the fan more towards bb rather than to let it swing, else turn on the aircon.

Hi Paula,

I can recommend you the brand Babycraft I bought from CK Tang. It's foldable and portable, you can bring anywhere you want. But playpens usually dun come with mattress, you've to buy separate unless they come as a bundle. Happy shopping!

When it comes to bathing, what I usually do is I will feed bb half of what she's supposed to drink then I will bathe her, at least bb is half satisfied with the milk feed and they won't make noise, else they'll scream their lungs out if you bathe bb when hungry. Then after bathing, feed the other half to bb. Try and see if it works. You can also talk to bb when bathing and coo when bb gets frustrated esp washing of tongue or hair.

Taka having sale I saw they have exactly the same model as my playpen, it's $99 if I recall usually price is $199.
Hi to all june-Mums,
sorry for this interruption. but i'm looking for good, trustworthy confinement lady who can help me in mid-jan 2007. Could any kind souls PM me if u know of any contacts? i stay in Bt Panjang. Thank you very much.

Thanks! I've checked out the online webby of firstfewyears ... but only graco playpens are available.

Hmm, I think my gal gets frustrated coz of 1 n 2.
I forgot to add - if you feed bb all the milk and bathe bb, chances are they will vomit out some of the milk, that's what I learnt from my CL. So it's advisable to feed half first before bathing.
Paula/ cloud/cookiemz
Hiaz... i tried all the methods already... singing, talking, feeding a little milk before bath time... she is ok when i wash her hair but after washing her hair, before i even put her inside the bath tub, she knows it and will start to wail non stop
... only will stop after we change her up after bath.
Then you have to see timing before feeding lor... what you can do is try to wake bb up a little by changing nappy or use wet fannel (small soft bb towel)to wipe bb face (sure to wake up one!) Remember to keep milk warm (since you are feeding bb formula milk) in the warmer or in a cup of hot water, so that you dun waste the milk. Max is 1hr, after which you've to throw unfinished milk.

My bb also hiccup too, it's normal. It's either you leave it alone which will take a while for hiccup to subside, or you can try feeding bb with a bit of water, which hiccup will subside faster.

As for burping, sometimes mine doesn't burp after each feed too, it's also normal. You can try swirling bb's body by holding on to bb's head and body with both hands and move bb round in anti/clockwise direction. Make sure bb is in sitting position. Else you can let bb lie on your chest facing you and burp bb. If all else fails, then dun bother. Bb will definitely burp when they struggle or cry, then they will burp very loud!

Is it really that bad...? Some quick checks:

1) Did you wrap bb in towel or cloth diaper after removing her clothes before bathing? They do not like to be "exposed" as they are so used to the warmth and snug feel in our wombs.

2) Is bb's mitten's on before you bathe her? If you remove bb's mitten, they will feel insecure as they will usually grab the mitten's when startled, so leave mitten's on until you put her down into the water.

3) Did you put bb down into the water gently? Coz sudden movements will shock and frighten bb.

4) Did you close the windows and doors in the toilet?

5) Is the water too hot or too cold?
My bb is 6 weeks old and I still let her wear mittens even if I know that they can actually dun wear after turning 1 month old. I'm just worried that 1) her hands will feel cold and 2) she will scratch her face even after cutting her nails. It's up to individual lor.
hihi ladies,

long time nv post liao..bz taking care of my bb alone..so tiring..

btw,for those on tbf, /kite

how u all trf ur EBM out har?coz normaly when i am outside,i will use FM if a breastfeeding room is not easily accessible..

how long will the avent warmer bag kept the milk warm?thot once BM has been warm up,best to consume within 1/2hr?


ur lochia finished already?mine haven leh..always got a little bit 1..jus when i thot its going to clear for 1 day,out flow a bit again..so sian..quite miss my pregnancy period where no need to use pads..

Savings Plan for our child.....

anyone started already?i only enquire at POSB N OCBC only..haven chk on the rest yet.koe of any good plan to recommend?

I do everything except i dont close the toilet door cos my toilet is along the walkway... it's v hot if i close the door.

re: Increase MS/ Fenugreek?/ Nursing Tea
Anyone taking that? i bought 2 bottles fr GNC yesterday... took 2 capsules last nite n 1 this morning... heard it can help to boost BM supply... but so far like no visible effect leh....my MS seems to have reduced compared to last week.
Does nursing tea help? I ordered some fr MIM....
alamak! desperate to do anything to maintain the flow.
i've been taking fenugreek n MIM tea since hospital.
Irvin on tbf lor, but like i mentioned, i m not receptive to pump (mine is already PIS pump). I get excess if i latch for all feeds, n squeeze in additional pump sessions. If I replace direct feeding with ebm (pump instead), I can barely keep up cos i just cant empty breasts with pump (will get lumps).
My bb's feeding pattern

Age: 4 wk
Volume of milk drink: 100 ml - 120 ml (ocassionally 140ml)
feeding interval: Every 1.5 to 2 hour
Night feed: every 1hr plus
Poo: a few times per day
Since all else fails... then the only thing to conclude is probably it's your bb's character... I've tried taking fenugreek, it doesn't work for me. I still have so many capsules left, wanna give away...
Angeline Goh,

Lochia will take some time to clear. Depends on individuals too. My colleague took only 1 week to clear (but she got take those chinese medicine) and mine took around 7 weeks or so.


My ger no longer wearing mittens in her 2nd mth after we cut her nails. This is to allow her to learn how to grip things and she loves to see her fist and suck her fingers now haha.. but at nite before she sleeps we still put on mittens and booties. Scared she cold.
Re: Bumwear,

I've been using BW on baby since wk 3. Really like it. Sometimes there's ocassional leak as we didnt secure the BW enough.

One diaper + 1 insert can last me abt 2-4 hrs. If bb poo, then will chg the whole thing. Else I'll only chg the nappy liner if it feels wet. The nappy liner is a must for every chg. If only pee, can wash the liner.

Actually not a lot of washing lah, cos I was using the traditional nappy in the first 2 wks. Those can really wash until siao. And using BW not so prone to nappy rash, so dun hv to apply nappy cream every time.

I hv 8 diapers + 16 inserts now. And I just got another 2 diapers from the recent BP. At night I'm still using disposable diapers thou. Should be chging to BW soon too.
before you put baby into the tub, try dripping few drops of water (with your fingers/palm, pat onto her chest first.
that's what my CL did.

we realise he likes it better when we wash his back first. if front, he start to cry.
so now I always start bathing him from back (face down position, like a frog) before washing front.

Ha.. I'm bf and fm bb together, and 1 can of 900g milk powder can only last abt 1 wk... Really very siong.

In a week! Wow! That's really fast man...! I'm also both BF and FM. But my FM last longer than you. What FM are you using? I'm using S26.

My bb is opp from yours. He will cry everytime my mom washes his face & hair. But once she put him inside the water, he's happy and stops crying. But once he's out of the water, he starts crying again.

The first few days when he came home from hospital, he used to cry too. Then my mom would use the bath water to tap him on his chest. Keep talking to him, told him nothing to be afraid of. Then after a few days he got used to bathing liao. Even now she will still tap him on his chest to let him feel the water temp before putting him in.

I'm using similec infant.. My hb insists on using this brand cos all his frens are using and he likes abbott. Lol.. To me, it's so exp and any brand is the same. Wanted to use Friso cos it's cheaper and easier to dissolve.

Yah, Similac very popular. My #1 is also taking from Abbott - Gain IQ. Noticed Abbott's FM are very foamy. But S26 not foamy at all. That's why I stick to S26 Gold for both my #1 and #2 bb.

Ya, very foamy! Shake a bit more and the whole bottle is full of bubbles. So irritating. Then the bubbles wun burst somemore.. =|

actually fm that are foamy not very good for bb lor... coz bb will suck a lot of air and you will have hard time burping bb. you might wanna consider changing. enfalac also not foamy. then when bb is older like my #1, it's ok even if fm is foamy. just my 2 cents worth...

aunt daisy just helped me out. she is a nice lady - responsible and patient. try calling her to arrange for an interview. during e interview, u can access her better. this is something u cant get to do with agents. her no is 94572297. good luck
Hi all,

My little gal is now coming to 7 weeks and been feeding her about 80-90ml. recently think she is getting hungry and wants for more. Am thinking of feeding her abt 120ml. Is this too much?

Hi mummies ...

Haven't logged on for a long time, guess most of you are still in the midst of confinement. Enjoy it to your fullest!

My boiboi is 2mths old liao ... very adorable, able to make googoo-gaagaa sounds now. My MIL and mum are showering soooo much attention on him, now worrying will spoil him soon.

Your bb has good appetite yeah! What's his weight now?

my bb is 1wk older than yours, drinking d same volume as yours
I guess it's time for us to encourage them to drink more as it also helps to stretch the intervals betw feeds.

How many times you bathe your bbs everyday huh?
i also tried tapping some water on her chest but she will cry even louder! my bb got one kind of character one lah... my boy calls her ms fussy pot... she will cry at the slightest thing she is unhappy

Donno leh... my fren told me that is the average rate... anyway, it depends on how satisfied u r with your CL. If she is not good, I suppose a $2 ang pow will suffice :p

mine is ard 5 weeks old and is taking ard 120-150ml per feed. i suppose 7 weeks-120ml is fine. I feed on demand cos sometimes i feed the recommended amts but she is not full and will wail non stop.

Good to hear that BW is not too difficult to wash... i will try that for my dd once her pooing frequency is reduced. BTW, the nappy liner... do u have to cut to suit the shape of the BW? or just lay the whole piece there?

haha! mine is opp of yours... she was happy bathing for abt 3 days after coming back fr hospital... after that she has been crying during every bathe time... even my CL cant pacify her
Tinklebell & Carebear29
Guess i will start her on 100 ml from tomorrow onwards. Now I feel she can sleep from 12 midnight till abt 6am without getting up which is better. Initially was every 3 hrs she wants her feed.


Babies are really different. Depends on individuals. Mine love bathing sooo much. In fact everytime we take off her clothes, she will start smiling and keep moving her hands and legs to show her excitement heehee... and she is also happy when i wipe her body every evening

Ya, i heard of other cases too, babies dun love bathing.

I changed a bigger teat for my ger yesterday, and somehow she is able to suck so well and drank 250 ml twice yesterday afternoon!! Aiyoh, must control. She woke up at 545 am and down to a normal 120 ml.


Ya, I also feel that foamy fm is not good. So I got the Dr Brown's bottle for baby to use. It's really good! Reduce so much of the air intake.


I also dunno wat's bb weight now. Have not been weighing him since wk 2 of his birth. Think when I take him for his jab, then only will know.


The liner I just put on top. Dun hv to cut.

Re: Nepia,

My nepia just came yesterday. Ordered after seeing so many good coments. I really like it. Soft and absorbs well. =)

Re: Nose Digging

Any mummy has a hard time digging baby's nose? My one will cry until tears roll down. And I need my mom to hold him before I can do anything as he struggles so much.
