(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

korea nice place, went there in mid jan many years back.
only saw snowing at cheju island.
enjoyed myself although was sick for the whole trip.

talk abt Korea, i went there last June...really enjoyed the food and weather. even in summer it's cool... missed NZ too for its beautiful nature... when is it ok for us to bring bb overseas?

regarding jabs, will bring my boy to polyclinics for his hep B 2nd dose in 2 weeks' time, then 5 in 1. not going for the KKH 6 in 1 jab liao, too costly.

waiting for the day my epi and piles pain subside, now still in discomfort, but on the whole more bearable than the 1st 2 weeks. also for lochia to end... wonder when will our milkflow stop... my milk ss quite low now, pumping every 6 hrs or so, sometimes too tired in the evening to pump will wait till next morning, and milk also not too much, abt 70 to 80 ml only... guess i am one of those ppl with fewer milk glands thus low milk ss.

now thinking of how to celebrate bb's full month without too much fuss...

Yes, they accept orders via e-mail. Payment in cash or check on delivery.

Thanks for sharing. Was quite worried cos can hear the a snoring-like sound as n when she takes a deep breath.

I felt that the quality of Nepia diapers are comparable to that of Pampers Premium. I like the materials used very soft.

My SILs family owns a store selling lotion and bath soap and etc she told me that the oil level used in JnJ is quite high Ive stopped using it n realize tat the rashes get better.

Korea in Winter is lovely fabulous. After a cold day out in the cold, remember to try their squid sashimi really delicious!

Taimaobi service was good. I called them in the morning and they came in the afternoon ended up spending more than S$300 cos I ordered two brushes and am framing up her umb cord too. They have different versions of brushes. The cheapest is S$38.00. As long as you order a brush from them, the shaving is free. Shaving was okay my gal seems to enjoyed it it wasnt pain and they uses a shaver that is safe I tested out the shaver and doesnt feel anything

Thanks for sharing on korea

Sigh, actually i dun really want to go there lah, because dunno can tahan the cold or not.. moreover need to spend bucks on coldwear leh!! The come back already must store the coldwear somewhere in the house.. take up space haha.. my hubby say all these lame excuses :p
Paula...the lotion I bought fm medical hall to clean my gal's mouth...its Glycerine Pure from Three Rifles Brand...cant remember the colour of the box cos throw away already...the sticker on the bottle is green color..but also cant clean all the way in...only managed to reach the front half of her tongue...

Dor...i am taking 6-in-1 injection for my gal also..the GP asked me to bring her for jab during her 2nd mth...the rotavirus oral vaccine is not inclusive in the 6-in-1 package..its charged separately..as for the sling, I also purchased the same sling as Paula...just got it this morning...tried using it just now..quite easy to use...my gal seems to be very comfortable sleeping in it...

Tinklebell...you can only call nepia hotline to order...they will deliver the next working day..pay cash upon delivery...

me also engage taimaobi. A lady came to shave my boy's hair in the morning when we celebrate full mth. I chose the $198 brush...a present from ah gong...hehee. But hor..till now they haven't call me to collect the brush leh. I didn't buy the cord stamp. How long did they take to call u?
my baby also seem to have phelgm but when I brought him to see a PD, the PD say it's ok...PD say his lung is clear so it's actually not phelgm although it sound like phelgm inside....normal for baby to have sounds as if they have phelgm....no medication too for my baby...
u warm the emb before you go out...then when u let baby drink the warmed ebm? I read somewhere that warm milk muz be consumed asap or within 1 hour coz warm milk attract bacteria faster...

if can warm emb prior to going out, then it will be much less troublesome liao
okasan / paula,
this is what happened to my boy too. PD said it's normal and it's not phelgm, else he will cough.

my ger also hv the phelgm noise when drinkin milk. But when she is 3wks old, she had cough. Brought her to PD, given medicine to clear the phelgm but now it's not as bad as tt time. So i will b monitorin.
envy u leh...just back from overseas trip, now plannign to go korea liao....me went korea during winter time too....very nice....love to ski there too....

Just brought my girl to PD on Monday. ya, PD also say phlegm is normal and also coughing and choking on own saliva is normal for my girl in her 3rd month.

My girl has gained a healthy weight of 6.6 kg and now at 60.2 cm

PD say very good as most babies only get to double their born weight in 4 mths time. But my girl has achieved that a few days before her 3rd mth liao
my son is 1+mth and is now 5+kg...think he will reach double his birth weight even before he turns 3mth...dun know if it's too much weight gain or not since your PD say norm is 4mth...

WOW!! Ur son gain weight so fast!!!

Oh one more thing.. once our babies hit a certain weight (such as double borned weight), they will start to drink less milk. So not to worry if such situation happens
ya, a lot of people dun believe my son is not even 2 mth old yet...

so it's norm to have decrease in milk demand....thanks for the info...my son been drinking the same amt of ebm since 5 week old till now....

My girl still drinking as usual.. miniumum 140 ml in the day and at nite at least 80 ml.

My colleague did tell me that her girl was drinking less starting 4th mth. i told her yesterday it is normal


Ur bb is of healthy weight

My bb at her 1st mth weigh 4.4 kg. Already very good
wah, seems my boy not gaining well leh. He was 3.8kg birth, only 4.6kg few days short of 1mth.
His pee/ poo output alot tho.

Thanks for the information will check out the lotion this evening my gal seems to like me massaging her gums she always smile but when I try to clean the inner part of her tongue, thats when battles begin!

I think I got the same brush from you. I got an additional brush of S$48 so that my gal could use that in school too they told me that they will take at least 3 weeks to complete wont be so fast, I guess.

Hows the quality of pigeon diapers? Comparable to Pampers Premium?

It costs S$128 if I remembers correctly have to top up an additional ten bucks if you want to have your babys hair frame together with the cord.

Thanks for sharing phew! I was quite worried when I heard those phlegm like sound in her I was still contemplating last night if I should bring her to the doc this morning. Haha.
Ladies, shall we compare notes on the development of our little ones? Let me start first.

Age: 6+ weeks
Volume of milk drink: 80ml usually but occassionally 90ml.
Feeding interval: every 3 hours
Night feed: two times: 1am and 4am.
Poo: once a day and occassionally, once every alternate day (is this common?)
Here's mine...

Age: 3 mths
Volume of milk drink: 80 ml - 140 ml
feeding interval: Every 2.5 to 3 hours
Night feed: None. Last feed at 1030 pm - 11 pm.
Poo: Once every morning. Occasionally evening.

my hubby told me he cannot handle bb alone haha.. sometimes when bb wailing he dunno what she wants whereas i am the cooler and calmer one heehee.. maybe that's mum's instinct

Yesterday i went back to work and my hubby took childcare leave because bb went for injection on mon nite. Then what my hubby did is to bring bb over to mil place! I asked him why and he say he cannot handle alone :p
Duffy, Dor,
The sling arrived. It fitted me nicely n my gal likes it too ... however, the material seems to be too thick to be used for a walk in the park but just nice to be used for air con places
At times, I wishes that my hubby could be more involved. I know that he has tried his best and can sense that he doesn't know what to do when the little one starts crying ... I told him that it's common for babies to cry ... just soothe them with hums, carry her, stroke her ... after a while, it'll be okay ... somehow, the phobia is still there...
it's hard to say lei. tt time, Mandy really cough hard. I got as our family all sick, think she must hv kenna frm us. But this time round is more on phlegm cos after she drinks milk, she will spilt slimy saliva out.. my sis said tt is phlegm which is good that she noe how to get them out. LOL
U monitor how serious n how usual she cough. Sometimes, she might choke w her saliva or so. If not sure, call PD and ask, okie.

u all brought ur darlings to see PD liao.. me hven lei. so dun noe how heavy or hw tall she had grown...sigh. But i wt myself n her on scale.. noe she is more than 4kg.keke.

But my hubby still ok.. basically i throw the bb to him once he come home haha.. and he do the feedings from then onwards.. at least i get some rest lor

He only panic when the bb gets grumpy just before she sleeps.
Hello mummies,

brought my gal for 6-in 1 jab on mon..her weight now is 6.2kg..don no normal a not.. stupid GP ask me to reduce her milk intake from 100ml to 90ml...


what design u choose for the cord stamp huh?? was thinking of making it for my 2 gals.
hi ladies.. here's mine
Age: 7wks
Volume of milk drink: 90 ml - 120 ml
feeding interval: Every 2.5 to 3 hours
Night feed: None. Last feed at 830 pm, 2.30am, 6am .
Poo: Once every morning.
hi gina,
my bb oso has muscus and blocked nose; for this, my PD gave me nose drops for him. he's better now. at least the muscus will not dried up and block his breathing.

hi ladies,
approx. how many hours does yr bb sleep in the day? my bb is 7wks now and sleeps lesser and lesser in the day.. he will wake up at 8+ or 9 and sleeps less than 3hours in the day, and will sleep at 9+pm in the nite. not sure if it's normal cos i thot newborn usually sleeps alot.

Like to ask u more about adelaide..

if i manage to catch a transport to go to kangaroo island and victor harbor, am i able to go to all the various highlight spots on my own? All within walking distance or not? Or still need to self drive/cycle?
Ask you all... does your baby gets frustrated (like scolding pp) while drinking milk? Mine does at times and i'm like fighting with her to make her drink her milk.
hi mummies:

First outing w bb:
Hubby n i brought bb to suntec yest, went to eat sakae sushi buffet n carrefour to stock up some groceries. Even though i hvnt bought any sling, didnt bring stroller along, i carried my ger all the way, wow my arms quite ached liao.

Regarding feeding her, i BF her 3 times at suntec. 1stly, inside car at suntec carpark. Shop shop, then she feels Hungry again, went BFing room to BF her. Follow by dine at sakae sushi, then she feels hungry again, went Bfing room n BF her again. Finally went carrefour n went home. She slpt all e way during e outing fr 1 -6pm, oni fuss abit when she was hungry.

Nursing tops/bras:
Bot some nursing tops fr Spring maternity n nursing bra fr perfect mum.

thanks for ordering of Nepia diapers. Hope we can share e nepia purchase again.
