(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">WALLABLES</font></font>

wallables arent gonna be in time for xmas... pls let me know if u wanna proceed or want a refund! or if u wanna modify ur orders.


1) Kong
2) Michele



wallables arent gonna be in time for xmas... pls let me know if u wanna proceed or want a refund! or if u wanna modify ur orders.


1) Kong
2) Michele
3) aishite


wallables arent gonna be in time for xmas... pls let me know if u wanna proceed or want a refund! or if u wanna modify ur orders.


1) Kong
2) Michele
3) aishite
4) jacque


wallables arent gonna be in time for xmas... pls let me know if u wanna proceed or want a refund! or if u wanna modify ur orders.


1) Kong
2) Michele
3) aishite
4) jacque
5) cutiezayn


wallables arent gonna be in time for xmas... pls let me know if u wanna proceed or want a refund! or if u wanna modify ur orders.


1) Kong
2) Michele
3) aishite
4) jacque
5) cutiezayn
6) shetland

I am doing very well. Going for detailed scan this Friday.

I am SAHM. Now expecting twins. Sometimes, trying to get back my own self. hahaha...
Do you have any idea how to go about toilet training? I am going crazy on toilet training. hahaha... Just read a book a few days ago to just leave it aside and enjoy my boy's growing up years than getting so frustrated with toilet training. That heal my soul a little

Gotta ask your hubby to start helping out with the kids. It's the bonding that they need too. Bonding need to nurture from young
That's what I read la... Dunno if it's true, I just follow the books. So far, A is quite close to his daddy. I got no complaints about my hubby helping me. I really appreciate him when he's around. Sometimes, gotta close one eye. Guys also need acknowledgement for the things they did. hahaha... Whenever my boy misses his daddy, I will tell my hubby. Whenever my boy "talks" about daddy, or "do" for daddy, I will tell my hubby

Sometimes, I really feel like a maid to my son.

Wow! Hokkaido is sooooo beautiful! These pictures are so beautiful and wonderful...
I dun even have the chance to have my breakfast and lunch when I am alone at home with A. My time will be housework and cooking for A. My main meal will usually be dinner. Not very good for me now, but no time. Sometimes, I just eat oatmeal or some cereals.

Wish you a great trip to Tasmania
So exciting...

Kissbb, u going to Tasmania ?? Plan to go next year, can you provide some feedback when you are back. Like to know whether is suitable for our tots ?
Have a enjoyable trip.

thanks!! now busy with all the logistic issue... Diapers, milk powder, clothes (though is summer,
but seems cold leh... 12-23 degree.... so have to take more clothes to layer them..

when u plan to go?? I think is suitable for tots... basically aust is a child-friendly country..

To all mum that when to aust b4,
1. Can check with u, any prob bringing milk powder or biscuits into aust??? The custom really will check all luggage??
2. Diaper in aust expensive?? What brand u all came across?? Thinking of buying there..

wallables arent gonna be in time for xmas... pls let me know if u wanna proceed or want a refund! or if u wanna modify ur orders.


1) Kong
2) Michele
3) aishite
4) jacque
5) cutiezayn
6) shetland
7) spicegal (previous 4 orders;aero the airplane, bella the butterfly, flower friends, my fluffy sky)

1) spicegal (last 2 orders; bright night moon & train & railroad signs)

wallables arent gonna be in time for xmas... pls let me know if u wanna proceed or want a refund! or if u wanna modify ur orders.


1) Kong
2) Michele
3) aishite
4) jacque
5) cutiezayn
6) shetland

1) Pauline
kissbb: i went to Syd in Aug this yr with toddler.
Customs was very friendly - i declared baby cereal and biscuits - in fact, i made sure i hand carried it in order to show them - heheee
didnt bring milk powder, cuz (i) i dont give K powdered milk and (ii) fresh milk there, esp organic milk is v affordable !!! Just heat it up and let them drink ! They love it !!
I packed abt 4 pampers a day for K - but when shopping in the supermarts, i found there were many diaper brands there - not sure of cost though !! Hope above helps !
Kissbb, Plan to go in either Apr or Sept. During this time it will not too warm or cold. I use to do self drive in Australia, don know is it easy to do it in tasmania...U going with tour package or self drive ?

I think is cold during apr or sep also.. even now is summer... the temp is like 12-23 degree.. cradle mountain is 2-12 degree..

wallables arent gonna be in time for xmas... pls let me know if u wanna proceed or want a refund! or if u wanna modify ur orders.


1) Kong
2) Michele
3) aishite
4) jacque
5) cutiezayn
6) shetland
7) spicegal (previous 4 orders;aero the airplane, bella the butterfly, flower friends, my fluffy sky)

1) spicegal (last 2 orders; bright night moon & train & railroad signs)
Kissbb, understand from my friend is that there are many adventures things to do there so not very suitable for our tots unless they hv beautiful sight then is ok. Let me know after yr trip. At least u bringing yr little one there so yr advise is better hehe..лл
Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell
2) Dor - Xmas Smiling Log Cake @ Delifrance
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower
5) toto (meatball spagethi)
6) Serene (TBC)
7) cutiezayn(TBC)
8) mspiggy - mini profiteroles

wallables arent gonna be in time for xmas... pls let me know if u wanna proceed or want a refund! or if u wanna modify ur orders.


1) Kong
2) Michele
3) aishite
4) jacque
5) cutiezayn
6) shetland
7) spicegal (previous 4 orders;aero the airplane, bella the butterfly, flower friends, my fluffy sky)

1) spicegal (last 2 orders; bright night moon & train & railroad signs)
Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell
2) Dor - Xmas Smiling Log Cake @ Delifrance
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower (pie)
5) toto (meatball spagethi)
6) Serene (TBC)
7) cutiezayn(TBC)
8) mspiggy - mini profiteroles
Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell (drinks, salad, pizza ...what else u all crave to eat???)
2) Dor - Xmas Smiling Log Cake @ Delifrance
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower (pie)
5) toto (meatball spagethi)
6) Serene (TBC)
7) cutiezayn(TBC)
8) mspiggy - mini profiteroles
hello mummies!
Was on leave yesterday, haha was my bday, 1 yr older liao. Went to jurong bird park w Chloe yest n signed up the Feather friend. LOL

wow ur photos are so breathtaking and beautiful! I love the snowman pics especially. So warm n loving.

Lyn, panda, okipoki:
How did u settle your child's food? i intend to buy food n veg from there. I know lyn bot alot from fremantle. how abt panda n okipoki?

Me gg Perth in Mar. Oh ya, also added kk in since she went b4.

So far those who went:-
1. sunflower
2. lyn
3. mspiggy
4. ipanda
5. okipoki
6. Asihite
7. kk

did i missed out anyone?

Planning to go:-
1. Kite (mar)
2. Duffy (apr)
3. MT (Mar)
For milk powder, biscuits, you gotta declare them. Bring new bottles and packets, unopened. Just one open for each item. I think as long as you declare it's for the kids, it's quite easy to pass through. When we went to Perth, yes, they do check every item declared and checked for whether there's any item not declared. Pretty strict.
Diapers cost a bit more unless it's on offer there.

Did you design those Artpron? Very nice...

Happy Belated Birthday
I brought thermal containers too. Cook in the morning, feed breakfast, then off we go. Put the lunch and dinner in thermal containers. We were on the road most of the day, so gotta cook lunch and dinner for A in the morning.
Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell (drinks, salad, pizza ...what else u all crave to eat???)
2) Dor - Xmas Smiling Log Cake @ Delifrance
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower (pie)
5) toto (meatball spagethi)
6) Serene (TBC)
7) cutiezayn(TBC)
8) mspiggy - mini profiteroles
9) Lyn - Fruits
I crave for garden salad. hahaha... or toast with lots of lettuce, tomatoes, olives, etc :p I can be eating the veggie delite from subway everyday nowadays. kekeke...
Hi tinkle,
I confirmed my joining.

I will bring finger food.
So any gift exchange for the kids?

Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell (drinks, salad, pizza ...what else u all crave to eat???)
2) Dor - Xmas Smiling Log Cake @ Delifrance
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower (pie)
5) toto (meatball spagethi)
6) Serene (finger food)
7) cutiezayn(TBC)
8) mspiggy - mini profiteroles
9) Lyn - Fruits

Always my dream to go tasmania. But tour packages are real expensive for australia, especially tasmania since domestic flight is involved. Guess it's more than $3K per pax now.

And always got pple dissuade to go tasmania. They always say if have gone to NZ, why bother to go tasmania since NZ is so beautiful already.. and with the same price somemore.

I will bring fried chicken wings or fried chicken nuggets + fried sotong balls ok? However, the food may not be crispy/fresh when i reached yr place. Hope everyone don't mind.

garden salad. yummy.... think we shld get some makan/tibits for our toddlers. sharon, do u mind gettin some cheese, bread, yogurt. I will bring my toddlers snacks i got frm sydney too.


happy belated birthday to you.
serene, dor, lyn, sunflower:
thanks for ur wishes

me also intend to cook lunch/dinner in e morning b4 set off. Can i check with you? as u travel along, do u buy fresh food for Aloysius daily or keep it for 1 to 2 days use?

i m veri full now. hahaha.. went taka for lunch juz now. got children fair at B2.

Thse who still wan to get kitchen set. Saw a fisher price one @ $89.00. i find it good lei. got built in washin machine and iron board too.
hi mummies,

got a few questions to ask experienced travellers here ;) I am preparing for my trip to korea next week...

1. milk powder

- my 2 kids are drinking a lot of formula milk daily thus I need to bring a lot of milk powder with me for my tour. Any idea how should I transport the milk powder 'cos I need at least 3-4 tins of milk powder plus 2 tins of nestle rice cereals. I wanted to repackage all the milk powder into ziplock bags but not sure whether that is allowed... as in will I meet problems at the customs. Later they think I am drug trafficking... :p Do I have to carry all these milk powder as hand luggages?

2. swimming in winter

there will be hot springs and some indoor swimming pool.... any idea whether I can dress them in their normal wetsuit or must I get those thermal wetsuit for them?



oh u going on the same day... sigh its really tough bringing the 2 of them... i mean prepare so much things for them. And I brought 4 whole packets of pullup diapers cos scared later cant find shopping mart there in time and suitable diapers. Imagine my luggage... so full!
mummies, our tots should be able to eat my spaghetti - i will grind the meatball, add some carrots in it. Jake loves them...

would you all mind if i make the spaghetti a bit soft, so our tots can enjoy them as well?

Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell (drinks, salad, pizza ...what else u all crave to eat???)
2) Dor - Xmas Smiling Log Cake @ Delifrance
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower (pie)
5) toto (meatball spaghetti)
6) Serene (finger food)
7) cutiezayn(TBC)
8) mspiggy - mini profiteroles
9) Lyn - Fruits


No. u cant repack into ziplock bags. must be in original condition. so u need to pack all in the luggage n check-in. you only bring wat is sufficent for ur babies on board. at custom, juz declare everything u have.

If u dare, try fresh milk for both of them when you are out.

i hv a luggage juz oni for food n diapers for mandy. but good that they are empty n i used the empty space to put shoppin stuff inside at the end of the trip. hehehe
