(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

mspiggy - nope... din sign Z for JG

Aishite - tot u on diet! hahahaha

hey... what so great abt this JG?? Why must Q??
Really dun understand leh..

No more KM for Chelsia cos the mummy sian leh... haha... But will find something else to keep my sunday out to avoid seeing MIL!

she really make me crazy n sick... trying to tahan.. else she will be asked to pack her stuffs n never to step into my house again ever... eventhough she is back for only weekends... but the action and the thibngs she said really piss me off.. even hubby.. HER OWN SON ... cant tahan her action n speech too... better stop MIL complaint here... else i cant stop!
MTDT, ya every day also have. 9am is sesame street, 9.30am is noddy show.

Ya bought the nodding head for Jerica cos she saw someone holding it while queuing and kept pointing to it, so I asked my mum to buy while I queue up. When the show finished, they replenished stocks for the car and aeroplane with noddy so I bought the car.

Mspiggy, Jerica also call Elmo as 'Mo'..haha
Cel - hahaha... ur 2nd lesson only u bored! :p
but yesterday Chelsia really enjoys herself leh. can see she getting confident also...
Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell
2) Dor
Good morning ladies.

I brought B to catch Barney show @ Marina on Friday 5pm. He didn't enjoy it cos his thigh in pain after the jab in the morning. He is groaning and complaining! Imagine, he don't dare to straighten his right leg and refuse to walk. Looks so poor thing! I had to carry him all time! Lucky the next day, he's fine!

i on diet .. but diet for those "special" occasions, so i can binge mah !!

but hor .. still hv 10 kg !!!!!!!!! argghhhhhh
aishite - I also on diet.
keep eating and now like even bigger than hubby!! faintz.

just ate buffet last nite... and another buffet coming on friday :p
Hi tinkle,

Thanks for opening up ur place. Can i place as tentative as i hv another event ard that timing. Perhaps will join in later.


Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell
2) Dor
3) okipoki (tentative)
Oki, no prob
Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell
2) Dor
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower
tinklebell, I am interested!

Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell
2) Dor
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower
5) toto
MTDT, this is Jerica's morning tv schedule. ;p

Serene, aiyoh you still bring Bray out after his jab ah...must be the jab area sore and painful...poor boy...

Long time no see!

Thanks for your invitation. I put my name first k?

1) tinklebell
2) Dor
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower
5) Serene (TBC)
tinklebell, I am interested! But will put to be confirm and will confirm by Wednesday. need to travel to Philippines and hope to come back on 19th Dec but still on waitlist.

Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell
2) Dor
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower
5) toto
6) cutiezayn(TBC)
tinklebell, I am interested! But will put to be confirm and will confirm by Wednesday. need to travel to Philippines and hope to come back on 19th Dec but still on waitlist.

Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell
2) Dor
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower
5) toto
6) Serene (TBC)
7) cutiezayn(TBC)
Ya, I know I shouldn't bring him out when he just hv his jab in the morning but i'm mtg my girlfrens for dinner and don't wish to send him to my mum's plc. :p

Hmm they didn't really change the hotel cos when we booked, they have yet to confirm the accomodation :p This is the first time they try this hotel.. so we are so called guinea pigs :p Luckily turn out to be great!

We signed up before natas fair and was around $2370 per pax. Those group members who signed up during natas fair around $2420 lor.

Just scroll back to see the pics, so beautiful! the snow mountain in hokkaido huh? look like mt fuji kekeke. So overall, u enjoyed? what's the best experience there? how's hotspring? U bought anything?
Yea lah, this Sunday. Dunno where. Celeste and I still thinking of a nice cosy restuarant. Food must be good and there must be ample places for the children to run about. We are inviting Dal and Sarah to join us too.

I am keen to join KM class lei. But can only make it on Saturdays!
Don't be deceived by NATAS fair! Indeed, nowadays u can't get any good deal in natas, in fact the fair is gets higher when nearer to departure date! My gf booked the 7 days central japan trip in march this year and travelled in sept, she paid more than $100 cheaper than me who booked during natas in sep! the only discount given during natas is when u charged the bill to credit cards and u enjoyed from $30-$50/pax depending on which credit card and of cos the entrance fee of $3 will be waived/deducted fr the bill.
sorry sorry, its me who transfered amt to u last fri.
But forgotten to inform u and only pm u this morning before reading the thread.

sorry for the confusion caused.
<font face="tahoma"> Hi Tinklebell,
Am interested. Thanks for opening your place for us</font>

Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell
2) Dor
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower
5) toto
6) Serene (TBC)
7) cutiezayn(TBC)
8) mspiggy
Hi cutie,

Ya serene is right! In house fairs always better than natas offer! Even the travel agencies told us personally
So for these 2 yrs, i have been booking tours before natas fair. Once they advertise, u can go book already
It is cheaper.

What they say is that they will offer cheaper price to get minimum number for departure. Beyond a certain number say 10, they will raise the price already.. then 15 is another price.. 20 is another price.. so if u are the 21st person, most likely price very different from the 1st person who booked. Got it?


Aiyah never try hot springs lah.. first nite the tour guide dunno what my hubby talking about.. so he say no private bath.. another nite he understood already but too bad, no private bath there
But hubby did try himself that nite. I felt paiseh so never tried :p

But my hubby not really too excited over the hot spring so i believe so so only lor :p
<font face="tahoma"> kk,
you're back! very nice pics that you've posted! make me sooooooo itch to travel already!</font>
So u ended up never try hotspring like me?
The hotspring in hokkaido should be those authentic type, nicer than of tokyo? Cos the one my hub went is normal (like in health centre) acc or his description. I think those open air type is nicer right? Did you eat alot and buy alot? The weather is zero degree huh?
hey pawprint,

accidentally click on old archive!
gues what I found.

Here's Irv in his ride-on! compare that to the one you posted recently. Wow... he's grown
Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell
2) Dor - <font color="ff0000">Xmas Smiling Log Cake @ Delifrance</font>
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower
5) toto
6) Serene (TBC)
7) cutiezayn(TBC)
8) mspiggy
Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell
2) Dor - <font color="ff0000">Xmas Smiling Log Cake @ Delifrance </font>
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower
5) toto
6) Serene (TBC)
7) cutiezayn(TBC)
8) mspiggy - <font color="ff0000">mini profiteroles</font>
HI all mummies,

Wow, i'm a bit lost here as there are so many mummies and i think it really takes time for me to "digest" all of your names and backgrounds.

HI kk,
I just discussed with my husband if we should go Hokkaido in Jan or end Dec, is it too late to book? Your pics are so fantastic!

Dynasty is good? How much and how long was the trip? It looked so COLD from your pics but you can bear with it just with the minimal clothings?
kay tse,

I think there are still available dates in jan. End dec? Too rush?! Probably mid or end jan may be possible
Check it out!


Enjoy your trip


Ya, the hot springs all natural.. my hubby tried indoor one.. then followed another father-son to open one.. but got shelter i think. So not really completely open air.. else frozen liao haha!

And the second one with hot spring hor, the accomodation very good wor.. tatami-style
Very traditional one

Hmmm bought a lot of tidbits inside the airport in fact.. potato cookies, nuts, corn crackers, etc.. souvenir wise didn't buy any heehee.. to save money and also buy back dunno where to put, so dun buy :p And i brought back around $200++ worth of sing dollars to be exchanged back
kay tse,

the trip is 7 days long.. around $2370 per pax.. but from what i know, price increases for jan and feb period cos it will be MORE BEAUTIFUL with MORE SNOW!!! The whole area will be covered with snow.. everywhere is white. Not a piece of brown land will be seen :p
kay tse,

Temperature is expected to go down further i think. When we were there, daytime was never higher than 5 degrees.. most of the time 0, -1 and there was even once -10 degrees.

Nite time it was never more than 0 degree.. most of the time can be -5 degree and lower..

But then never go out during nite time because too cold already! And sun set at 4 pm! After sunset, the place is pitch dark like singapore 10 pm!!
kay tse,

u must really try hokkaido if there is still availability of places.. it is a good experience
And sure to go niseko, because it is a popular skiing resort among the locals and tourists. Try the snow mobile

Dun think u will regret
