(2006/06) June 2006 MTB



The first pic is a bear waving at us at the bear ranch. There is another bear very cute too, keep wanting to "hob" the biscuits we threw in :p

The second pic is an ice capped volcano captured on our way to Niseko golf resort where we try snow mobile
Weeeeeee Fun!

Second row first pic - Famous Sapporo RAMEN! Yummy!!

The next pic is the cottage we stayed in near chitose airport - Hotel Nidom.. GREAT service which u can never find, even in Singapore! Highly impressed!

The last pic is taken at the balcony of our cottage

By the way, it is a two-storey cottage
Hmm in total i took around 500 pics. Can't possibly put up all heehee.. Normally i develop everything and put them in photo albums

Oh ya.. didn't sleep at all just now... tired but can't get to sleep.. sigh!

such beautiful photos... u went hokkaido? aiya.. now I am regretting not making hokkaido as my destination...
re sahm
yes, it's indeed not easy to be sahm...sometimes when i wake up in the morning, i'll be asking myself if my decision to take npl for 2 years is rite...am i wasting my life away hahaha...it's quite funny when i tell my ger that pa pa needs to go to work, gong gong too, po po too, wat if my ger can ask me 'then why not u?' hahahh even the maid at home is oso working...but i know i'm blessed to hv this opportunity to stay home wif her during these early years, to go garden wif her on a weekday etc so i thank God for it.

yes, adult conversation is v impt...i frequent this sahm thread where most of us hv kids born in 06...a few older kids as well...u may wanna check this thread out n join us for outings (malls, outdoor, indoor playgym, each other's homes etc)...time passes much faster when u r out. many of us hv become good frens too.

Hi mummies,

topic on sahm... not for me when i think deeper into it.. before i went for my holiday, i looked after YJ for consecutive 3 days and i told hubby i want to faint already! She follow me wherever i go.. one moment out of sight also cannot.. then got to specially cook for her lah, when i dun even cook for myself when i am alone at home :p I can just pick up any junk from the fridge and put into my mouth :p


Where u be going?

I was joking with hubby, perhaps we should go hokkaido another time, somewhere june next year to experience summer hahaha! It will be a different look for sure. But then no $$$$$$$, so dream only lor :p

I am going to korea next thurs.
But I din choose the itinerary cos its a group tour with my extended family... they chose it. A bit sian...
luv ur JP pics!! bring back memories for me. I went for backpack Hokkido 2 weeks before. I rem it was Christmas period... so shiok!!!!!

hi kaytse...

Do update on ur korea trip! I may be planning a trip there next june
But then not winter lor..


Ya! My first winter overseas.. didn't expect it to be so nice!! And we can withstand the cold!!! haha.. that's the amazing part :p We went without thermal wear and sweaters.. just our jacket with a long sleeve inside. I didn't put on cap or scarf too. My hubby used his cap, but no scarf cos his ears hurt. Maybe my hair long enough to protect ears ba.. And only used some thermal packs

Siao now.. so many body warmer packs and foot ones left cos never used at all... anybody wants??

signed up with dynasty travel.. i am always their customer haha! Went with them to melbourne, perth, taiwan and NZ. Very happy with their itinerary and tour guide service

I would say the whole group very happy with their service this time lor.. we are brought to places which are not in the itinerary too.. for e.g. snow mobile at niseko. One of the families suggested going there for the experience and we were brought there on the second last day
Wonderful experience

And despite winter, we were still brought to the winery and ice pavilion instead of the zoo stated in the itinerary. The zoo will not be so exciting as only get to see those normal polar animals lor.. anyway we did get to see the bears at the bear ranch too

The most impressive part is their courage to try out new hotel on our last nite there. Hotel Nidom.. really great cottages!! And all comes with lake view

Imagine when we arrive at the accomodation, even the hotel boss came out to greet us. And when we left, he came to send us off too! And it was like a group of 6-7 of their staff lining up outside the entrance to bow and send us off. In fact i felt quite uneasy over their too-good service haha!

HELLO KITTYYYYYYYYYY... argghhhghhhh....

i will show chelsia this pics when i home tonite... she sure smile one....and say KITTYYYYY...

Any site to see see your pics... PM me.... See liao must find things to suan HIM!!

Ya the kids very cute hor? My YJ will say POOHH POOHH when she see winnie the pooh
This time we bought 2 soft toys for her
Non-pooh though :p

HAHA! Aiyah used to upload photos to yahoo.. very fast.. but now shutterfly, dunno how easy or tough to upload the photos. So i haven't uploaded anything lor.
kk... my aunt went with dynasty too... but she came back on wednesday... haha so diff group...

My aunt also say dynasty GOOD..

Ohhh my YJ dun call hello kitty "kitty".. she call it "meow meow" HAHA!

She see wolf on tv, she call it "woof woof" hahahahaa! So u can't lie to kids about what family animals belong to :p smart ya?

Oh but my mum's friend went with dynasty to hokkaido during autumn season.. came back say hokkaido not nice??!! Think winter still the best season to go!!

thanks for info

wow... that's very good, they even tried to accommodate the tour group's request.

you mean they change the hotel last minute.. wowwow.. great choice le, cottage by the lake!!

got web album? PM me the link can?
keke I go tempt my hb with the cottage by the lake pics

Some one TRF $60 to my account via ATM! Who is that?

I understand that Rodeo did a trf via UOB ... but guess thats not frm her..

Not too sure are u all still interested in the Xmas Bash.. else.. we mite wanna cancel it...

so nice photos!!! i always want to go hokkaido..
how much u spend in total???

i always leaving next thur for tasmania... so look forward!!
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2"> CHRISTMAS BASH 2007 - PAYMENTS</font></font>

1. <font color="aa00aa">Pauline</font>, <font color="ff0000">- PAID</font>
2. <font color="aa00aa">Cutiezayn</font>,
3. <font color="aa00aa">Shetland</font>,
4. <font color="aa00aa">Wen</font>,
5. <font color="aa00aa">Aishite</font>,
6. <font color="aa00aa">MTDT</font>,
7. <font color="aa00aa">Celeste</font>, <font color="ff0000">- PAID</font>
8. <font color="aa00aa">Panda</font>,
9. <font color="aa00aa">Angeline Goh</font>,
10. <font color="aa00aa">Peng</font>,
11. <font color="aa00aa">Dal</font>,
12. <font color="aa00aa">Rodeo</font>, <font color="ff0000">- PAID via UOB</font> ( But hvnt receive )
13. <font color="aa00aa">Pawprint</font>,
14. <font color="aa00aa">zzzcookiemonster</font>,
hahah.. my boy will say
1) poo bear - pooh bear
2) aimo - Elmo
3) Nan-ney - Barney :p

Ya, think Hokkaido really winter the best!!! :p

Shetland - Mar huh... same same leh. :p
but from perth to go SYD? dom flight?
I just check SQ website... adults need $900 for ticket leh. faintz...
Hi Celeste,

I would like to withdraw from the Christmas Bash as my back is still in pain.

So sorry abt that.

Queen Paula,
sorry abt the cancellation. Paiseh.
<font size="+2">Christmas Bash Cancelled</font>

Dear Mummies,

I have to cancel the Christmas Bash in view of the withdrawals. We would need at least 15 families to proceed with this bash and even the party organizer felt that it really doesnt make sense to engage a party organizer for such a small group.

Sorry to disappoint those who can make it. Nonetheless, Celeste and I are still proceeding with a mini Christmas dinner for our daughters. Let me know if you want to join us. Naomi, I have counted Shannon in for this dinner.

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">REFUND for XMAS BASH..</font></font>

<font color="ff0000">Rodeo</font>, I will refund you back the $60.00 once I've received it... Please let me have your bank details>>

As mentioned above, someone trf $60 to my account on 7 Dec via ATM trf.. No detail... please let me know who.. and i will do a refund too...

I might not be logging in so often .. so can that SOMEONE please PM or email or sms me..

ooh.. so sorry to learn tat the xmas bash is cancel.

Sunflower - hahaha.. u suan kissbb huh :p
btw the noddy car u bought - OOS liao leh.
did u also get the noddy plane (also oos)? only left those "not nice toys" hahaha

I went on sun... Zav not really excited as he only watch noddy cartoon 2 times :p but went for Elmo 7pm show... zav enjoyed tat. dancing away thruout. :p

Help me to keep an eye on who trf that $60 ok... cos u very ONZ in this thread.. day n nite.. hahahaha

no la.. never suan her :p
My boy never watch Noddy before the show le,
after the show, he like 'fell in love with Noddy at first sight'. haha I brought him watch the show 3x (cos mummy also like noddy).
Brought him watch Barney too... not much reaction le, maybe he was tired too, was nodding off to zzzz land towards the end.
I only bought the car, now abit regret never buy the plane hiaz... That day I went with Angeline still have the planes left though the car sold out liao.


muack sayang sayang kekeke...
sunflower - hahaha.. mummy likes noddy huh. :p
I also like noddy.. can watch it on the sunday kids central.

Barney - hahaha.. good tat he dun like mah. i also dun like tat purple dino. so Zav still dun hv anything on Barney. only occasionally get to see it in shopping centres. hahha

Cel - Bleh... boh eng lah.

Wah u TAO lah.. help help also cannot!! Dun forget hor chelsia give Zavier a kiss hor... u better do something in return leh...
cel - hahahaha...
for chelsia.. can consider lah.

but chelsia "try" to kiss Zav nia... din succeed leh. so next week must kiss another time. :p

hey, next lesson, last lesson, rem to take a group pic ok!!! think come earlier to take as after class, usu v v fast run or v crowded.
<font face="tahoma"> Good morning ladies

RE :Kindermusik

You gals interested to sign on the regular class after this?

Chelsia realli a sweetie!!!! very cute!</font>
mspiggy - u interested?

Hmm... actually after 4lesson - I feel abit bored liao leh. instruments also always the same. hahahhha

Ya loh.. chelsia soooo sweet and cute.
<font face="tahoma"> MTDT,
i feel so too! hehehee but wes seems to just get warm up. like now he responds better to roll the stick etc last few classes i find he's like "lost sheep" heheheee

guess most prob will not continue since Jan going to JG.</font>
MTDT & Sunflower, I went for noddy show last Tue as I was on leave. Jerica likes noddy. Managed to buy the nodding head noddy and the noddy with the car for her. Very cute, I like the show very much! After that, I cheong down to Taka for the sesame street show.

On Sat, brought Jerica to marina square to catch a glimpse of barney, did not queue to watch the show though, too crowded.

MTDT, noddy is also showing on kids central Mon-Fri at 9.30am.
mspiggy - hahahaha.. ok lah.
but really every lesson doing the same thing.. lucky only hol prog. hahhhaha :p

so everyone who Q for JG got into JG right? so shiok huh.
sunflower, mtdt,

i brought AnB to noddy show also... no much reaction...

but they like the mickey mouse meet and greet session at parkway parade!!
spicegal - ooh.. every day also hv huh?
hahahaha.... i tot only sunday. :p

oh, u got the noddy car huh. I saw the nodding head noddy... but din get :p
<font face="tahoma"> MTDT,
did you sign Z up for JG?

I brought Wes for sesame street at Taka on sat. He only likes Elmo. Kept calling "MO MO MO" when Elmo comes out. </font>


wow, fast decision on cancellation, but wisely thought out.
i on for this xmas dinner ... yum, not shannon, but me yum ...... is it tis sunday, 16 dec?
