(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Sorry to shorten our MSN conversation this morning my schedule was packed to the today. We have formed our class with four babies. Our class starts at 2.00pm. Would you want to come for a trial? I could check with Teacher Thiaga if he could accommodate you. MSN me

hi bbloh,

have you tried the cakes from Glad's Cake before? they look good. any idea what is the price range. i actually decided on cupcakes but now wavering after seeing Pine Garden's cakes and Glad's Cake. oh no...

the shipping is come up to US$35 for my orders...din put through yet cos shipping is too exp! how much did you pay all in all?
haha so happy.. finally i settled my cake liao!!! anyone of u got lobang for helium? need to pump up the balloon leh.
<font color="0000ff">anastasia,
Nope but the comments are positive!

You're a M4M member too? I used to be one, but was deactivated due to inactivity (they have a policy that you must participate in discussion at least once in 30 days).

That's great! Did you order the Elmo cake from e-Creative?

For balloon and helium gas supplier, can try:
* http://www.jr.com.sg/
* http://www.grefio.com.sg/
* Bez Balloons (Andy Goh @ 96792113)
* Party & Gifts (@ Concourse) - can rent a small tank for abt $50 with $200 deposit. Not sure if the price is still the same.
* Raymond - 97323129 (small helium tank is abt $70 & big one is $120)
* Spotlight - Craft section

Will you be getting a pinata as well?</font>

i settled for PG. although my theme is elmo but i did not order a elmo cake :p there are a lot of comments tat ecreative cakes soso nia. dun wan to risk having to swallow 2kg of cake by myself.

thks for the balloon recommendation. will check them out.
<font color="0000ff">fates,
Yep. Still waiting for more orders to hit 15 pcs.

Regarding agar agar. I ordered one from Mrs Chan for my mum's birthday in Mar and it looks exactly like the pix I saw and taste nice.

This is the pix of the Elmo agar agar that you can consider.

If multiply by 1.6 to convert to sing dollars, i spent around $130 on my deco stuff haha! Yup, shipping is ex, around half the cost of my deco goods. i was pondering and pondering initially, but eventually ordered and was happy with the products
Mummies who have prepared chocolate fondue or tried chocolate fountain before, how do u preserve fruits like apples, etc after u cut them?? How to prevent them from turning yellow? I have placed order for chocolate fountain for my girl's party next saturday and i need to get ready the fruits for dipping.
hi ladies,

sorry have been inactive for the longest time. hehehe, just came back from japan holi... if you are wondering, nope i din't bring nat - i backpacked... heheheh.... lousy mummy is now scrambling to plan for nat's bdae celebration - i have 30 pax, am thinking of doing buffet or dinner at some restuarant or hotel - any recommendations?

Mrs Chan agar agar is veri nice...not too sweet and reasonable price and deliver to ur doorstep! value for $.

am considering agar agar also since i wont be ordering a big cake

I have ordered Mrs Chan's agar agar.. pooh 1 design. Will let u all know nice or not next sat after my girl's party
I always read mummies' comments that it is good

Me too, 2 kg cake, so ordered one agar agar to serve.

u came back from JAPAN!!!! aiyo... i so gian to go there so neck long long... u got see any blue label bag bo? keke


u have her contact? i only ordered a 2kg cake for k so manyb an agar agar can help to supplement..
hi kk & pooh,

cannot remember if it is in the thread but someone highly recommended a 'Uncle James' who also makes good agar agar cake. any idea?

Guess they are the same? Are u referring to Mr James Chan? So his wife is Mrs Chan :p


I contacted him via email all the while. i will email u regarding this

U've got mail
Hi mummies

hav been reading your threads here and i hav a boy who is born on 29 June 06. we would like to join your chats here.


Hi Aunties.
Milo & Ivy!
Surprised to bump into u!
Sorry, I thot you all will be in the class too, so didn't chat much with you. Was thinking of catching up with u after the class actually. Did u sign up? I didn't.

The other mummy...was it Summerday78? Were u in the class together with Isabel? Sorry, so many people at that time and I was almost late. Blur liao!
me and milo went for the trial last week at Tanglin. This week is for the playgym at Harbourfnt..
Ha, we decided that its a good place to let the babies play safely while mummies sit and chit chat for 1 hr...
We haven sign up yet...still thinking......
Yes, the other mummy is summerday.
sorry for late reply. Wasnt in gd shape that day, hence, nvb log in. Quite shocked, so many posts over the weekend. Jumping bean is similar like gymboree. However, I didnt turn up yesterday which i actually called to book for the free trial. This jumping bean is from New zealand.

I went to gymboree @ harbourfront on saturday, keane was having a great time unlike my niece cried all the time. Sigh* However, seem like not many babies there.

hb even brought keane to play with e open pool near to the gymboree (where u can view sentosa). hehe.. keane sat down with his diaper on. hahah..
wow, ivy & milo

u too shiok shiok har...go kopi and chat chat

any1 keen to know more abt glenn doman???

i tot of inviting them to my place to know more about glenn doman method. will arrange on one of the weekends.
Hi mummies,
can chk if anyone of you getting helium balloons for your bbs Bday celebrations? Any idea whats the price for 1 rubber balloon?
<font color="0000ff">Mrs Chan's agar agar ranges from $35 - $42 depending on design. Yes, James Chan is her hubby.

Price of balloons depend on the design as well. U may want to check out the shops at Concourse.</font>

What a surprise to see you at GUG! How did you recognise me? I dun think we met? or have we? hee...
So you were saying that you are going to change your slot to Sun? Wat time is that? I am still thinking...haha..
<font color="0000ff">Only 8. May call off the BP if the response is still not good. Not good to delay others ...</font>

My sis might be interested in one. Let you know again ok?

Hi jacque,

Welcome to the thread!

Your boy so cute and chubby!


When need to let them know? Wow you also interested in GUG huh??


Isabel in Gymboree too? All the mummies here so secretive!!!!
Hihi SS1, nice to meet you ar!!

haha fates, no secret ar, i plan to go free trial at gymboree at tanglin mall last weekend but i down wif flu, so i change the trial class to harbourfront and i meet isabelandzach's mum. ha.

bbloh / kk - can pass me the contact for the agar agar? i probably order to supplement the food.
<font color="0000ff">Contacts for agar agar
James Chan - 97887807
You can send him a SMS to ask him to send the pictures to you via e-mail.</font>
My heart really goes out to Saby's family..I hope she will be strong and continue to fight to survive. Heart so painful!
me wanted to go farm on sat then it started to pour. So i went to United Sq to shop instead...Bought some more clothes for X!haha..
Then saw GUG and went in to look see look see...Then the lady saw can trial...Haha..so this mummy paid up and went in with Xavier for 1.5hr of lesson.not bad leh..

i went over to ur place to collect the swimsuit, u forgot?? i went up wif my hubby and brayden. i got gd memory rite??

oh so u did went for the trial tat dae at gug?? not bad rite??

nw i m at the sat 4-5.30pm slot till this sat, den will transfer over to sun 4-5.30pm. sign for for xavier leh. den they can b classmates liao. hee...
Gathering prayers...pls pray for baby samantha pls...

Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 1:03 am:

hi everyone, just wanted to give an update on Sabie, she was in surgery from 3:30 pm till 11:30 pm today. Operation went well but she bled a lot during the surgery (much more than expected) and she lost a lot of blood... doctors are a bit worried about it. so far they say she is in very critical condition for the next 2-3 days and they are hoping the bleeding will stop by tomorrow. They did not close up the chest because the heart is swollen and due to the bleeding.

Please please pray that the bleeding will stop...

Thank you.

Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 11:40 am:

Hi everyone, just a quick one...just came out of ICU, sabie is much more stable now than last night. The bleeding has stopped but now the problem is her kidney is in shock and she isn't passing urine. They will do dialysis on her later and also infuse more blood trying to get the kidney back up working.

She looks ok, still heavily sedated. X-rays are better than last night and for now the lungs are clear.

We're praying for continued recovery with no more complications.

Thank you very much for the support, James and I really apprecaite it very very much!

Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 10:06 pm:

Hi everyone... thanks for all the jia you!!

Just got home after being chased home by hb and my dad. The doctors have been able to find the source of the bleeding and have stabilized it, and the blood is starting to clot normally already, so we're hoping past that hurdle. Doctors also said renal failure isn't unexpected so they're not worrying about that (as per what Jules said above, thanks!)

we're hoping for continued progress and no more unexpected complications. doctors have warned that we are not yet out of the woods but are a bit more comfortable with her position now. Please continue to pray for her.

Posted on Friday, April 13, 2007 - 11:29 pm:

hi everyone, it's been a tough day... from seeing sabie doing well this morning, she's not doing so well now. her left lung has collapsed due to fluid buildup, most likely caused by renal and liver failure. her kidneys had too much of a shock and she has not yet pee'd in 2 days, and her liver is not functioning and not making the blood clotting agent so she is still bleeding. The doctors have decided not to close her chest yet because her heart is swollen again due to too much fluid.

chenoa: i went to but but slept on and off... until about 5 am then i slept and woke up at 8 am and jumped up to go to the hospital! haven't filed for leave, my boss told me to stay off for as long as i needed.

thanks to everyone for their prayers. we really need it now. they don't dare take sabie off the paralysis medication because her chest is still open so she's still drugged out. please pray for her kidney and liver to start functioning soon...

Sms from Patsy as @ 9.10am

They are (surgeon) closing her chest now. Hoping its a good sign

please keep those prayers gng! tks a million

Sms from Patsy as @ 1.41pm

Just want to share some good news, the Surgeon has closed Sabie's Chest, lungs are ok now and she is gng to be off anesthesia also. Kidney and liver still not functioning. Please continue to pray.

Posted on Saturday, April 14, 2007 - 11:17 pm:

hi everyone, thank you for your prayers, we need them now more than ever, she's not doing well... doctors not sure if she'll make it.

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2007 - 12:12 am:

Latest SMS from Patsy as @ 12am.

They just had to shock Saby's heart 3 times because the heart rate went up to 200. Meds given to bring it down. Please pass on msg and help pray

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2007 - 1:05 pm:

Sms from Patsy @ 12pm

We really need alot of prayers now. Sabie has deteriorated more and the blood acid is destroying her organs due to poor circulation. She is going on a bypass moachine now to help the situation but now we ran the risk of her bleeding out. Please pray for her

another update from Patsy...

Saby on bypass machine now, the next 48 hours are very critical. Please pray for no bleeding & no infection.

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2007 - 6:50 pm:

Sms for Patsy @ 6.30pm

just to update, Saby seems to be responding to the bypass and hemo dialysis. She is still in critical condition but least her blood chemistry is better than this morning

Sabie's heart is stil not working, BP is dangerously low, blood chemistry going down wards again. Doctors saying it looks bad but I'm hoping prayer can intercede.

Sabie is having multiple organ failure now. We need a miracle.

All medication to saby has exhausted and bleeding everywhere. Hoping
bleeding does not occur in her brain, and will lead to brain damage.
Its not really a piece of good news compared to now. I choose not to
reveal a moment ago, worrying mummies would not be able to take it.
That is why we are asking for a Prayer with Miracle.

Saby is now on 100% oxygen but only taking in 10%. Her grandparents
are worried sick and so are Sarah & James.

We needed a turn badly tonite, please pray for a miracle to happen.
Pray for our Merciful & compassionate God to heal Saby

PLS PRAY & GOD... pls hear our prayers!!
Hi mummies

Reading all your fantastic plans for your babies make me feel a little guilty for not doing anything. Kudos to all of you!!!

Poor baby Saby!!! Upholding her in prayers.

Does James deliver?? TIA

Now am ill but still doing work. Really want to quit and stay at home. Yet, I fear that too... haha. Weird right? However, I am really caught.
