(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

hi cheri,
my gal also refused to hold her bottle.Bought handles for her also refuse.Very lazy!She doesnt drink from cup too
Hi Pooh and Nana,

Checked out patissier website - their cakes are so beautiful but their price is v ex too! Pooh, how much did your 1 mth old cake cost?

Hi Nana, that's such a nice pic of you and Kaelyn. You look like you lost weight too :)

I've still have a set of xtra tyres with me leh..So sad hor. Hard to shed off!!!

Kindermusik trial:

Fun but....... very tiring for mummies. My arms gng to break after all the swinging and dancing! Still deciding which enrichment to go to. I'm interested to go for gymboree trial..Anyone???

Lastly, Nice meeting mummies leejen, bbloh and Kissbb
Wow.. all this talk on food is making me hungry!!


Rasel is good. My company uses them for official function all the time!

I am keen in the Gym trial!

Ordered once. I find them quite good. Teriyaki is Good as the meat is tender! Scallop is Big and tasty! Pasteries is GOOD too...... hahaha slurp!!slurp!!
hi all the mummies that attend the kindermusik,

nice meeting u all... aiden and brayden are very cranky today as they miss their morning nap. We went for a morning walk at botanical garden..

no chance to talk to u guys and hope that everyone is having fun.. i think i just know ivy.. and roughly know who is nana and annie..
Hi gals,

Yap any recommendations where to organise 1st birthday. din managed to book aloha as the dates i'm looking at are all fully booked

as for the cakes, ecreative's decor is NICE! but the taste really not so good. but price wise, its the cheapest of all 3D ones i know. share this thread with u


Btw, if u gals are looking for cupcakes, can consider this. My cousin bakes at home and she makes nice cupcakes! N she can also customise biscuits w bb's name on it, i ordered from her for boy's 1st month n gave as door gifts :p siow mummy lor...organise parties like office functions..keke

Hi Ivy,
sorry to revert so late. busy at work plus my health kindof bad these days. the swimwear only have 2 size ah? i scared the size too small for rayne lei.

hi bbloh,

I went to kino today but they told me the book is out of stock
me seldom make porridge for rayne coz he does not like. so tot the book will be useful. haiz. anyway think i still have to rely on those instant ones lor

btw, is it my culinary skills or wat, whenever I cook fish porridge for boy after eating, he smells so yeeeks!
no worry, even size 0 wil fit bb till they are 18mths. Bigger sizes have too..sms me lah...

your twins are so cute..fun to have 2 of the same one hor.hee..

Class yesterday was fun but bb was cranky at nite after that...wake up every hour to cry! Maybe my guy prefer something less stimulating...haha...
morning mummies,

seems tat u all have a great time at kindermusik... mi went jwt on sat, not tat gd leh. ytd i went to growing up gifted at united square. very popular n ytd was so crowded. they have programmes for 8mths n above. signed brayden for a trial class this cming sat n if its gd, den will sign him up. but nw no slots, mi gota wait...

any mummies got other websites for nice cakes??
Hi Ivy and Nana,

Wah, the Kindermusik class has so much physical play? My son loves physical play but i dunno if he will enjoy it. What is the prog like?

Nana, am interested in the Gymboreee trial too :) Let me know if there is one coming up.
keane attended the trial yesterday.Nice but definitely its arms exercise for mummies. Really cant tahan to swing and carry keane for 45mins as he already 12kg (latest update, weight him last nite). My shoulder and arms are so tired..

oh! X cried last nite? maybe first time for him. K is ok.

i got this lobang from my friend. I just went for a hair cut & dye my hair after the trial class. Quite cheap, $32 for my hair length. This auntie used to own her salon @ orchard area. She closed her salon for her personal hobbies like joining competitions for singing and doing part time actress (those unknow).. She isn't like those whose only know old type hair cuts for aunties, she does trendy also. I am not sure how much she charges for rebonding.

Diana @63647122 @Blk 718 (opp admiralty mrt station) Call her for booking.
hi littletot

oh dear, then how do you feed your bb water? Spoon?

Other mummies, wat about you? Do you have similar problem with feeding your baby water?
You mummies are fast leh! Discussing on what cakes to order already!? Me lousy lah....still haven't decide what to do for my prince.

So what is the program like? Those who went for Babies N Cream, is it something like that? I knew that time I was quite tired from carrying n swinging J too

Ivy...X over stimulated??

For Gymboree trial, it's free right??

My boy will drink water from his NUK trainer cup. I am going to intro him to straw already

So u more or less onz rasel huh? Me still thinking on how to celebrate leh...


The ecreative cakes are really nice! The 3D ones are all cream? Nice cakes i know where to find but nice cake with nice decor for a 1st bday is abit gao nan du :p

I think i need some help with cooking porridge also
K dun seems to like my cooking also.. how sad...


Think X is over simulated. When K first attended the positive infant with swinging, he cried in his sleep as well. This time round, he was ok with it. Looks like he have more fun with daddy! Mummy bo strength to swing him high!

Gymboree BO free trial leh.. The staff was telling me $34 for first trial... waiting for the manager to call me. Will confirm the details with mummies later. Will open up a registration for interested mummies hehehe... so Keep a watch out for gym trial posting...

ya lor.. more or less rasel. my nephew's birthday is coming this wkend!!! so excited hor our babies gng to be 1liao.. can't believe that manz
Its v similar, just this time more swings.
You can ask taurus (helen).

i tot u mentioned to me that u want to held K's 1st party @ chalet few mths ago.. u change yr plan?

the patissier is tasty, i ate before, My colleague's wife ordered & sent to office, 3 yrs back still cant forget the taste.

I oso ate 1 super nice, understood is from one local hotel that have 24 hrs cake, forgot the name. think will check with my gf if i want to order but i presume must be super x cos she oni bot 250g cake for my birthday.
gina - i booked the aloha chalet on 27apr evening time, one night only coz ALL FULLY BOOKED, so sianz, bo pian but celebration for my immediate family only lor.
U went growing up & gifted? U signed up for trial class liao? Aiyo, still got place? i wanna go leh...

nana - nice meeting you, i think i oso find u familiar after few looks, u resemble my woodsville primary school classmate, but i think too long ago liaoz, her face may be different now.
Chio me for gym trial class, i think i need to let jeneil mingle wif other babies.

ivy - really thanks for organising the trial class, an intro to all mummies here.
And Xavier really cute....haha.

The Patissier, very nice but expensive leh, i checked but very good comments left, i still dunno which cake to order.

my trial class for growing up gifted is this sat at 4-5.30pm. all the classes are full but juz nice some1 not able to attend so i can go for it. if i wana sign up after trial class, mi gota wait... u can check out their website n call them to check. www.gugifted.com
hi gina, i see, coz i did ask for trial class, they told me fully, i guess iz true lah. hahaha.
actually i stay very near united square, probably drop down one of these days to check if anyone back out...kekeke.

u mentioned u booked aloha chalet, which date ar and where?
Yo mummies,

Nice meeting all of you yestersday, but its a pity that I was late ... so didnt get to know who is who other than the usual gang.


Yah, I agree with Annie, its somewhat similar to Positive Infant but again D do not seems to enjoy it ley ...


Reserve a slot for me if yous going for gymboree trial hor! But pls pls do it after I come back from my biz trip can?? Mid April thanks!
hi fairysnowberry,

the kindermusik class is physical "play" for mummies, not babies. ;-P

hi lee jen,

ya. i lurrrvvv patissier cake...they quoted me about $140 for a 1.5kg...ex hor? if i ever order, i will not let my hubby know the px. hee.

I have tried smiling orchid 1st mth birthday cake before. Hmm, not very very solid tasty type, but the small figurines do look very cute

All the while i am getting cakes from prima deli. Love their cakes although normal look. This time thinking of getting from pine garden. Their cakes are yummy, with that special taste

Thinking of getting from delihub, which is subsidiary of neo garden. Neo garden known for good food and my school just catered from delihub last friday and not too bad

Moreover delihub has the 15% discount promotion in april too, just in time for my girl's birthday.

Anybody tried delihub before? Any comments?

i booked the aloha bungalow 1 from 18-20 jun. actually wanted the book the pool terrace but all full. haiz... not much choices left though...

ya so lucky that i got a place at growing up gifted. seems not bad. after i go trial den let u noe...

Yes. I'm from WPS.. hahaha, which class were you when u were in P6? i'm from 6-3, Mrs Baey's class. You look real reali familiar to me when i first saw u. Wow... wat a small world leh. Are you the one staying at Bedok Reservoir?? I've been looking for my long lost frd
Very deep impression of her as She has FUll Of ants in her pencil case and we went washing together in the toilet! hahaha..

Gymboree trial:

No reply from the manager will call them again.. hehehe Went gai gai this afternoon so bo eng to call oso

Do they hve any webbie? Would like to find out more. Wat are their popular dishes??

I'm sure i've burnt quite a nos of calories after the workout ytd LOL!!!! But hor i had sinful food,the Beef noodles after class :p

Their website is http://www.delihub.com.sg

It is subsidiary of neo garden, so whatever delicious for neo garden seems to be good for delihub too.

Their curry/rendang chicken, bee hoon, sotong youtiao, chocolate eclairs, sea coconut, fried rice, yam ring, chap chye and tempura prawn are some of their signature dishes. And just got feedback that their cereal fish and buttered prawn are good too!

I cannot decide which menu to take yet

Haha, i dun get to eat the buffet at all during my girl's 1st mth celebration last year, so this year going to make it a good spread

Oh ya, forgot to mention. Last year i catered from continental delights. Quite a disappointment. So dun want to get from them liao.

me still sourcing out for venue for K bday..

is chevron's chalet ulu huh? quite like it cos the balcony is directly in front of the pool and they allow booking for 1 night..

wi9ll be holding k bday in the last week of apr

share with me some venue leh... ask my hubby and the best he can think of is downstair void deck wor

Haha, ur hubby so funny, suggest such venue. Actually i did see residents here holding their events in those sheltered areas (dunno how to call it).

i seen it before at my area too but u know la, the same place is use to hold funeral, wedding and etc... i dun wan to hold my boy first bday at such a place ah :p
ino, u confirm order The Patissier cake liaoz? 1.5kg for $140 (glurp), very ex leh..haha. But i heard the cake is very very nice.
My colleague recommend me Four Leaves cake shop, any good feedback?

gina - wah, bungalow 1, i know...quite far. The best places are the pool terraces. Im not better off oso, i've booked the garden terrace, try to near to the pool....haha. U r rite, these chalets are really HOT, always get snapped up (good for those govt staff, can book 3mths in advance).
actually i want to book Downtown East resort, but they told me outside catering not allowed, so i change to aloha resorts.
Try the class at Growing Up & GIfted and let me know, i heard they are good.

nana - oh ya, i think im your classmate lah coz im at P6-3, at mrs baey class too but i sit behind coz im quite tall. The person you mentioned stay at bedok reservoir, quite familiar, izit shuzhen? But i rem you quite close wif Lilian, my another pal is shuzhen, i keep contact wif her till sec 3, then lost contact.
i still keep in touch with Linda and Jianwei now, i wonder if these names ring a bell? They are the top students in our class, haha.

kk, yes continental catering is no good, i tried last year too, quite disappointed. Just got a feedback from another colleague, she said she ordered from delihub b4, she said curry is very nicey and food standard is same as neo garden, so good lah.

milo, go book chevron, very nice place/got disco/karoake and i stayed there b4. Not very big place though, infront of the pool, barbacue pits available. Im not sure if can bring in outside catering.
Iz at industrial area/near creative, quite accessible leh, carpark per entry bah.

Yah lor, last year ordered from continental delight.. serving small and food not so good. My family was cursing and swearing *&&%^&*(* the mee siam was very bad. ANd i also ordered tauhu telor (cannot remember exactly what). Thought supposed to be unique, but turned out very bad. I ordered exact number of pple, not enough to eat leh!! And imagine so many came after 8pm and all food gone liao. So pai seh. And i felt so starved that nite, never get to eat anything

I just booked the $17.80 menu from delihub. Got 15% discount lor. I find that the menu very worth it, for that price. Think i may increase the number from 30 to 35. The staff called back just now to give some advice on what food to change to, as they may taste alike in terms of cooking method. Service very fast and good so far!

I have placed order for Fried rice with silverfish, broccoli with abalone mushroom, sweet and sour fish, cereal prawn, rendang mutton, paper wrapped chicken, chocolate eclairs, yam ring with prawns, sea cucumber duck, yam paste with gingko nuts and orange drink.

The staff say lemon drink not so good. Dunno why leh? So i change to orange lor.

Initially ordered buttered prawn and cereal fish, she say both will taste around the same. So i switch to sweet & sour fish and cereal prawn which is drier and not so oily like buttered ones.
kk - yesss...same here, i ordered continental food and serve my halal friends, but in the end i got complaints from them that food is not nice and not hot when arrived. I place order with neogarden, coz i tried their stuff at my cousin's birthday, im ordering the $16.80 dishes (got 15% discount for weekday promotion), looks good. haha.
hi mummies..

Gymboree trial

Is a bit rush to register for this class. There is only one slot left for trial on this coming sat 17/03, 0930hrs to 1015hrs.$34 for first trial.

any mummies interested??
hi mummies!

Longggggggggggg time no see/chat/gossip/whatever liao! hahahah.. how is everyone?? miss me and ariel bo?? hahaha

Speaking of 1st year bdays.. i am so racking my brains on what to prepare for Ariel's 1st bday lor.. While it will be fun & memorable to hold 1, but the thought of all the preparations put me off! :p But then leh..its our babies' 1st bday afterall..so no matter how tiring still must celebrate la. :p


Can i have ur cousin's contact? Will be fun to customize the biscuits with my baby's name on it :D

ah peng,

I want to join the next class! Think Ariel v suaku la.. si mi class also never join before.. LOL..

Hmmmm, the final invoice that delihub sent to me is $500++... hmm now i have around 31 guests liao. If increase further, then may have to cater for 35 pax instead of 30. Like tat hor, i count and the bill will be $600 liao haha.. maybe i should downgrade to the $15.80 menu.

browsing my comp.. and found that i have added you photo album under my favourites... saw your new zealand pics... found your hubby kindof familiar... is his surname Liao or leow.. and he from upper serangoon tech?
Opps Gymboree is free for the month of Feb. We missed it la.

17th abit rush for me so I can't make it ya..

Like you, I am still cracking my brain for the celebration! I intend to keep it small and intimate la, so will not invite too many people :p
As for venue, I might go for NSRCC or hold it at Singapore Swimming Club....but haven't make up my mind yet.

Food caterer
Angeli Catering (www.angeli.com.sg) is good. Had lots of good comments for my boy's first month celebration. The other good one is Mum's Kitchen.

i am stilling thinking of keeping it small or big leh. has been wanting a big bday cake but if invite a small gp, cannot finish :p

hubby dun wans to invite his relatives and mine, 10 fingers also can count.. still cracking....
Hihi Ino,

Huh so what does that mean? Kindermusik pass or fail? Hehe...

Hey Nana, interested in Gymbo trial but must see the date. Wah the trial class is v early leh. 9.30am.

So interesting to see all the first birthday ideas here. I think mine will just be a small mini function at the function room.



Ya, my hubby's surname is Liaw and he was from upper serangoon tech. Were u from there too??? What's ur surname?

previously also got one mummy who recognised my hubby. They were both in the navy.

What a coincidence!
