(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

thanks ivy for the info...ya..the daddys can go have a cuppa while waiting for us...keke.

Hi Ivy

Have PMed you the details
haha... my hubby will need to keep my no 1 occupied!!! while your hubby will have a cuppa
hi Ivy,

already pm my twins detail for kindermusic.

hi bbloh,

also pm u the detail for BJG,


1) bbloh
2) kissbb (Aiden)
3) kissbb (Brayden)
Wow...1 more to go!

Kindermusic Class at Tanglin Mall
1) Ivy
2) Helen aka Taurus
3) Gabby
4) Annie
5) Yvonne
6) kisbb (Aiden)
7) kissbb (Brayden)
8) leejen
9) Happyfatlady
10) Little Nana
11) Janet (nana's sis)

11 Mar (SUN) 12pm.
<font color="0000ff">Ivy,

I'd like to join the Kindermusik trial if there's still vacancy.

Kindermusik Class at Tanglin Mall
DATE: 11 Mar (Sun) at noon

1) Ivy
2) Helen aka Taurus
3) Gabby
4) Annie
5) Yvonne
6) kisbb (Aiden)
7) kissbb (Brayden)
8) leejen
9) Happyfatlady
10) Little Nana
11) Janet (nana's sis)
12) bbloh

Thanks for organising.</font>
Those haven email me the details, pls do so...

Kindermusic Class at Tanglin Mall
1) Ivy
2) Helen aka Taurus (waiting for email)
3) Gabby
4) Annie (waiting for email)
5) Yvonne(waiting for email)
6) kisbb (Aiden)
7) kissbb (Brayden)
8) leejen
9) Happyfatlady (waiting for email)
10) Little Nana
11) Janet (nana's sis)
12) Milo (waiting for email)

11 Mar (SUN) 12pm.
Once the 3 mummies email me, then i will arrange for payment...Cheers!

Kindermusic Class at Tanglin Mall:
1) Ivy
2) Helen aka Taurus (waiting for email)
3) Gabby
4) Annie (waiting for email)
5) Yvonne(waiting for email)
6) kisbb (Aiden)
7) kissbb (Brayden)
8) leejen
9) Happyfatlady
10) Little Nana
11) Janet (nana's sis)
12) Milo

11 Mar (SUN) 12pm.
Can add you in, no prob. Email me the details hor.

Kindermusik Class at Tanglin Mall
DATE: 11 Mar (Sun) at noon

1) Ivy
2) Helen aka Taurus
3) Gabby
4) Annie
5) Yvonne
6) kisbb (Aiden)
7) kissbb (Brayden)
8) leejen
9) Happyfatlady
10) Little Nana
11) Janet (nana's sis)
12) bbloh
13) Milo
Kindermusik class closed! Pls check your email for payment details.

Kindermusik Class at Tanglin Mall
DATE: 11 Mar (Sun) at noon

1) Ivy
2) Helen aka Taurus
3) Gabby
4) Annie
5) Yvonne
6) kisbb (Aiden)
7) kissbb (Brayden)
8) leejen
9) Little Nana
10) Janet (nana's sis)
11) bbloh
12) Milo

Thanks for the BJG trial details. Here's the update:

1) bbloh
2) kissbb (Aiden)
3) kissbb (Brayden)
4) SS1 (Isabel)
Hi I may join in the trial class. Will confirm later. Tks.

1) bbloh
2) kissbb (Aiden)
3) kissbb (Brayden)
4) SS1 (Isabel)
5) fairy.snowberry (Jayden)
<font color="0000ff">Trial session for Baby Jumper Gym (BJG)

DATE: 18 Mar 2007 (Sun) at 4pm

Pls send me a PM with the following details for registration:

Name of baby
Date of birth
Parent's name
Contact no.

1) bbloh
2) kissbb (Aiden)
3) kissbb (Brayden)
4) SS1 (Isabel)
5) fairy.snowberry (Jayden)
6) fates</font> (pls confirm, ya?)
Posted on Monday, February 26, 2007 - 2:51 pm:

Trial session for Baby Jumper Gym (BJG)

DATE: 18 Mar 2007 (Sun) at 4pm

Pls send me a PM with the following details for registration:

Name of baby
Date of birth
Parent's name
Contact no.

1) bbloh
2) kissbb (Aiden)
3) kissbb (Brayden)
4) SS1 (Isabel)
5) fairy.snowberry (Jayden)
6) fates (pls confirm, ya?)
7) matsu (can i still join in)
hi all, im cracking my brains to organise a birthday party, mini one for my gal for 30pax, location/caterer/birthday cake, i need suggestions, anyone can help me?
hi mummies, have been missing for quite a while. been busy wif my new job as i juz started in jan n after wrk muz look after little brayden. everydae can get abt 6hrs of slp onli. reali not easy being a mum...

missed quite alot of the postings here. could some1 furnish me wif more info of this kindermusik in tanglin mall?? hw much is it for the trial n hw it will benefit bb?? can i have the contact?? tinking of gg for the 4th mar class. mine is quite shy n doesnt allow any others to carry him. tinking of getting him into some classes n get more exposure...

another 3mths will be our little bb 1st birthday. any1 of u plan for anything?? so excited. haha...

last but not least, happy new year to all mummies n babies...
interested in the trial class for bjg.

1) bbloh
2) kissbb (Aiden)
3) kissbb (Brayden)
4) SS1 (Isabel)
5) fairy.snowberry (Jayden)
6) fates (pls confirm, ya?)
7) matsu (can i still join in)
8) ino (can i still join?)
<font color="0000ff">Trial class for BJG on 24 Mar (Sat) at 12.30pm</font>

<font color="ff0000">NOTE: <font color="0000ff">Date / Time has been changed to:</font><font color="ff0000">24 Mar (Sat) at 12.30pm</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">at the Centre's request.

Do let me know preferably by this week if you're able to attend so that I can reserve the slot with hopefully no more further changes.

matsu, ino & other mummies who may be interested in the trial,
The max no. of babies is 6.
Due to the change in date/time, preference will still be given to those listed earlier. If no confirmation is received from them by end of this week, I'll slot you in. Pls indicate your interest.

1) bbloh
2) kissbb (Aiden) - Pls confirm
3) kissbb (Brayden) - Pls confirm
4) SS1 (Isabel) - Pls confirm
5) fairy.snowberry (Jayden) - Pls confirm
6) fates - Pls confirm, ya?

<u>Waiting list</u>
7) matsu
8) ino</font>
<font color="0000ff">Is anyone interested in a private BP of LifeRacer swimwear (includes men, women, boys, girls, kids wetsuit & thermal wear)? If yes, pls send me a PM and I'll send the catalog to you (about 2 MB).</font>

haiz so sad. sun 2pm kindermusik trial class oreadi full. tentatively booked sat at 1pm. ani1 joining tat slot?? tot that it will b beta that bb ard the same age play together. :p
<font color="0000ff">leejen,
For minimum order of 15 pcs, we can get the following discounts:

1) Kids Wetsuits retail at $26.90 / $29.90 (Less 20% discount)
2) Kids Wetsuits retail at $35.90 (Less 25% discount)
3) Kids Wetsuits with UV Protection retail at $42.90 (Less 30% discount)
4) Women/Men/Boys/Girls Regular Items (Less 30% Discount)
5) Thermal Wears retail at $59.90 /$65.90 (Less 40% discount)

I've just e-mailed the catalog to you. Pls refer to the e-mail for details.

No problem.</font>
Updates ...

<font color="0000ff">Trial class for BJG on 24 Mar (Sat) at 12.30pm

<font color="ff0000">NOTE:</font> Date / Time has been changed at the Centre's request.

Do let me know preferably by this week if you're able to attend so that I can reserve the slot with hopefully no more further changes.

Other mummies who may be interested in the trial,
The max no. of babies is 6.
Due to the change in date/time, preference will still be given to those listed earlier. If no confirmation is received from them by end of this week, I'll slot you in. Pls indicate your interest under the waiting list.

1) bbloh
2) kissbb (Aiden)
3) kissbb (Brayden)
4) SS1 (Isabel)</font>
5) fairy.snowberry (Jayden) - Pls confirm
6) fates - Pls confirm, ya?

Waiting list
7) matsu
Apologies ...

<font color="0000ff">The centre has made a mistake with the timing. It should be <font color="ff0000">1.30pm</font> instead of 12.30pm.

Trial class for Baby Jumper Gym (BJG) on 24 Mar (Sat) at 1.30pm to 2.15pm

NOTE: Date / Time has been changed at the Centre's request.

Do let me know preferably by this week if you're able to attend so that I can reserve the slot with hopefully no more further changes.

Other mummies who may be interested in the trial,
The max no. of babies is 6.
Due to the change in date/time, preference will still be given to those listed earlier. If no confirmation is received from them by end of this week, I'll slot you in. Pls indicate your interest under the waiting list.

1) bbloh
2) kissbb (Aiden)
3) kissbb (Brayden)
4) SS1 (Isabel)</font>
5) fairy.snowberry (Jayden) - Pls confirm
6) fates - Pls confirm, ya?

Waiting list
7) matsu

<font color="0000ff">For your info,</font>
The centre is starting new classes (not trial) on Fri 7 - 8pm & Wed 3 - 4pm crawlers. You may want contact Annie ([email protected]) if you're interested.
Kindermusik sounds fun! But I prefer to go BJG first


Saturday (24th) shouldn't be a prob. Count me in
Paging Ivy...

Yoy u still selling the swimsuit for babies? I'm thinking of getting one for Rayne. Coz bringing him to cruise in March. Let me know if u are. Thanks!!
Hi bbloh,

Count me in! Thanks! I was wondering that the timing was weird at 12.30pm at first. Falls right smack in the middle of lunch. But now since its at 1.30pm, the timing is just right :)

1) bbloh
2) kissbb (Aiden)
3) kissbb (Brayden)
4) SS1 (Isabel)
5) fairy.snowberry (Jayden) - Confirmed
6) fates - Pls confirm, ya?
<font color="0000ff">Trial class for Baby Jumper Gym (BJG) on 24 Mar (Sat) at 1.30pm to 2.15pm

1) bbloh
2) kissbb (Aiden)
3) kissbb (Brayden)
4) SS1 (Isabel)
5) fairy.snowberry (Jayden)
6) fates

Pls send me a PM with the following details for registration if you have not done so:

Name of baby
Date of birth
Parent's name
Contact no.</font>

Waiting list
7) matsu
<font color="0000ff">Is anyone going to the BabyCare Festival at Suntec this weekend?

I'm going most probably this Sat afternoon. Maybe we can have a mini gathering at the Nursing Room? kekeke</font>
i pm you liao.

Babies gog to the kindermusik trial, better ask your mummy to pay up before i hang pig head at the door..haha...
thanks for those paid.
hi bbloh, thanks, received the big file from you liao, browsing leh and checking with my extended family, do u have a dateline?
And yes, im going to the Babycare festival this weekend, likely sat noon time oso.
