(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">EVENT: Gathering on 3rd Feb 2007
VENUE: Fates' Lovenest (Punggol Central)
TIME: 3PM</font></font>

Hi All~ Yes gathering is confirmed! But because we got lunch appt, can make it only at 3pm. Is the time ok?

With regards to food, I will prepare some finger food (drumlets, nuggets) and drinks for our tea. Enough?

1) Ivy
2) CP
3) SS1
4) little_nana
5) sponge (TBC)
6) Race C
7) Janise
8) Fates

Hi May mums!

This February my baby gal is going to be in sunny Singapore weather for the first time. We are taking her to see my grandparents who are thrilled to see their great grand daughter.

Obviously alot of the things which I used to do (watching movies/clubbing/rollerblading/looking for roti prata) are all not possible. Although stuff like looking for long lost friends and family will be high on the list!

Anyway, since you've all got bubs around the same age as mine, do share some advice:

- what's the latest on fun things for a 8/9 month old in Singapore?

Thanks in advance~

I'm sorry 2 inform tht i won't b able 2attend d gathering. Will b having a business trip 2 Shanghai this Friday,last minute requested by boss...

Have a great gathering 2 all mummies
Hi Poppet,
where are you now? BB must be happy to come back to SG to see more relatives!

Its okie...you can do some shopping in Shanghai for bb then! hahha...
Hihi Mummies,

Are there any good recommendations for baby classes? I tried out Tumble Tots but do not really like their programs. Wanted to sign up for BJG but the one at Orchid Country Club which is near my place is relocating.

So...i wanna find out if there are any other good rec for baby classes. Any mummies started their prince/princess on classes so far already?

Hi Poppet,

Where are you returning from? And how long are you staying here?
If you miss sunny Singapore, maybe you can bring your baby gal to Sentosa, and the various attraction sites like the Zoo, Bird Park etc. If weather is good, we enjoy spending a lazy afternoon having a picnic at Botanic Gardens. Have fun!

Hi RaceC,

No problem~ There will always be other gatherings

Hi fairysnowberry,

Besides Tumble Tots and BJG, some other enrichment class you can try out are GUG and positive infant class at Babies N Cream. Went for a trial at Babies N Cream b4.....not so bad but v strenuous for the mummy
. Personally I signed my boy up at Shichida.
Hi Fate,

I am rather new to this website. Happened to see your post on shichida. I am interested to know abt shichida and wonder how you find the class? How long have you signed up? I have a 9mth old boy and considering to enrol him in some activities. Thanks
hi fates

ur boy attending at HDB hub for shichida?? my bb class starting in april...but hesitating coz i will feel bored as my elder gal attended when she was 11 mths old ..
Hi Fates and Ivy

We are currently in Beijing, but our little bundle was born in Italy. Yeah - my grandparents have never seen her except in videos and photos.

But I wonder whether Tumbletots or Shichida will take drop-in guests? Actually I guess we will all just be exhausted after all the rounds of seeing people!

On a random rant - the part which stresses me about being in Singapore is that my relative's wife has a kid a bit older than mine and likes to play "let's compare" (e.g. does your kid talk yet? When XYZ was that age, he could do blah blah blah) . This kind of baby olympics and oneupmanship just irritates me! In the begining I thought her advice was quite helpful but later on I found it was just an indirect way for her to put down everyone else's baby except hers.

Can somebody tell me a polite way to tell her that I don't care if her son was toilet-trained by the time he was 3 months old or can memorise the telephone directory? It just seems to me they both need to get a life and stop stressing other people!!

So I am also trying to arrange for interesting activities to take me and my kid out away from them both!
By the way, I was looking at everyone's christmas photos of their bubs in the archive section of this thread.

So I couldn't resist adding mine here...

hi fates,

i would like to join the gathering with my boy on Sat. is your place accessible by LRT? need to trouble you to PM me your address.

EVENT: Gathering on 3rd Feb 2007
VENUE: Fates' Lovenest (Punggol Central)

1) Ivy
2) CP
3) SS1
4) little_nana
5) sponge (TBC)
6) Race C
7) Janise
8) Fates
9) anastasia
hey hey...thanks eileen for opening up your place....indeed, looking forward to see all of u again....will be there but late...prob 4 plus as will need to pick hubby from work.

interestingly, i have been considering enroling christian with classes too and have yet to check out my friend's recommendation on Kindermusik....is shichida good??? will be great to go for class with friends....let us know more k?

EVENT: Gathering on 3rd Feb 2007
VENUE: Fates' Lovenest (Punggol Central)

1) Ivy
2) CP
3) SS1
4) little_nana
5) sponge (TBC)
6) Race C
7) Janise
8) Fates
9) anastasia
10) ceepeetee (4pm+)

hi mummies

Brand new, expiry date Mar2008, manufactured in Ireland, bought fr a medical hall at $29.
Letting go at $28. Meant for babies above 6mths old. Self Collect at Pasir Ris or somewhere else can b arranged.

Selling bcos my son rejecting bottle feeds. Pls contact me at 93863135 for fast deal.

Might or Might not go as kaelyn is still having mild runny nose. I don't want her virus to spread ard among the bbs.

EVENT: Gathering on 3rd Feb 2007
VENUE: Fates' Lovenest (Punggol Central)

1) Ivy
2) CP
3) SS1
4) little_nana (TBC)
5) sponge (TBC)
6) Race C
7) Janise
8) Fates
9) anastasia
10) ceepeetee (4pm+)
EVENT: Gathering on 3rd Feb 2007
VENUE: Fates' Lovenest (Punggol Central)

1) Ivy
2) CP
3) SS1
4) little_nana (TBC)
5) sponge (TBC)
6) Race C
7) Janise
8) Fates
9) anastasia
10) ceepeetee (4pm+)

Yippie another gathering! Miss ya ladies... have been busy at work...

Nat is taking 3 solid meals, and 4 milk feeds. Each milk feed is 240ml... Is that too much or too little? She din used to drink tat much when i was bfing... and with formula, she can finish 240ml one shot sometimes... grrrrr
Nat is having a lot more than Xavier...He is back to his pattern of rejecting food..2 small bowl of porridge and 3 feeds of milk per day of 180ml only...
Just 2 weeks back, he was on 2hrly feed of 180ml! Sigh..my boy is a strange eater..haha..
Hi cartier,

I knew and read about Shichida even before my DS is born. Was introduced to it by my boss and friends. For more info, do refer to www.shichidamethods.com

By the way they conducts previews quite frequently, so maybe you can attend one to learn more about it.
I signed up only recently for the Jan intake, and so far my DS enjoys his class every week

Hi Pooh,

Great to know there's fellow Shichida parent here! My DS's class is at Springleaf every Sun...you bored never mind la....Claris enjoys can already ya!

Hi Poppet!

Your baby gal is so cute, and she seems to have great skin! Fyi Shichida don't have any trial classes, but Tumbletots has tho'....maybe you can call and check it out :p
With regards to your rant, luckily I don't have such relatives! Being a straightforward person, I think I'll just tell her in the face "STOP COMPARING!" whahaa...can't stand this kind of person too~
Hi Anastasia,

Yes it's accessible by LRT but I forgot which station because I seldom travel on it! Haa haa...
Will PM you


Hope Kaelyn will get well by Saturday!!!

RE: Enrichment Classes

Since there are quite a number of mummies who are interested in these classes, why don't we get together and attend some trials? It will be fun
EVENT: Gathering on 3rd Feb 2007
VENUE: Fates' Lovenest (Punggol Central)

1) Ivy
2) CP
3) SS1
4) little_nana (TBC)
5) sponge (TBC)
6) Janise
7) Fates
8) anastasia
9) ceepeetee (4pm+)
10) Yvonne
11) Milo

BTW are your hubbies coming? I need to have an estimate number so that I can prepare the munchies for all of you
Hi Fates,

Sorry to intrude. I am a Apr06 mommy *wink wink*. Glad to know someone out there also shichida member. I also joined the Jan07 intake, at SP, but sat class. btw, there's a home practice session at HDB hub this evening, wondering will you be attending? Looking for a companion to attend this evening's session....
Hi Tiffany,

My DS also a April baby

Oh you're at SP too? What time is your baby's class on Sat?
How do you find PEC? I learn NOTHING!!! So that's why I am going for the home practice session tonight. Will PM you my contact. See you~!

Thanks bbloh for the correction~ I am so used to using bookmarks

RE: Enrichment Class

Somebody help to organise, can??
Maybe we can start with BJG? http://www.bjg.com.sg/
hei fates...
hubby coming with me indeed...wow...is shichida expensive...surfed the entire website, can't find costs....where n when is baby attending...will be good to have companions...
can pm me your address??? or i will get from ivy. thanks.
chris, the weekday class is $745 (b4 gst)per term of abt 11 lessons and weekend class is $780 (b4 gst) per term. no make up class if ur child miss the lesson and also if its a public holiday (unless there is 2 PH falls on the term, there will be one make up).

dont think i can make it ..my bb still having running nose. pls do take more pics and post here
Hi Mummmies, can i join, i'm also a may mummy. =)

EVENT: Gathering on 3rd Feb 2007
VENUE: Fates' Lovenest (Punggol Central)

1) Ivy
2) CP
3) SS1
4) little_nana (TBC)
5) sponge (TBC)
6) Janise
7) Fates
8) anastasia
9) ceepeetee (4pm+)
10) Yvonne
11) Milo
12) sac2000
hi mummies, can i join too. hee my baby is a labour day baby girl. Umm i think someone suggested we can do flashcards, singing,etc to our children which i think is a great idea. shall we start this sunday. i will bring my short stories flashcards if everyone agree. :>

1) Ivy
2) CP
3) SS1
4) little_nana (TBC)
5) sponge (TBC)
6) Janise
7) Fates
8) anastasia
9) ceepeetee (4pm+)
10) Yvonne
11) Milo
12) sac2000
13) Matsu
<font color="0000ff">RE: Trial session for Baby Jumper Gym (BJG)

I've contacted Annie and this is her reply:</font>

We can arrange for a trial session if all the babies are around the same age group, i.e.
crawler 1: below 9 mths,
crawler 2: 9mths - 14mths.

There must be at least 5 babies to start a trial class, max. 6 babies. Currently there is only 1 slot avail. on Sun 4pm. In the event that anyone wanna sign up for the programmes, they must be able to commit every Sun 4pm. Is your group keen on weekdays? We are considering starting weekdays programmes (once-a-week) anytime fr 2pm - 8pm.

<font color="0000ff">We need 5 - 6 babies (max) to go for the trial class together. The location is at

HomeTeamNS Bukit Batok Clubhouse
No. 2 Bukit Batok West Avenue 7,
#01-10, Singapore 659003

Is anyone interested? If there's a demand, I'll try to arrange for next weekend as this weekend is a bit too rush.</font>
Hi fate,
yday's session was so packed and started early that i dint have the chance to sms you. Sorry abt it. Learnt anything from the session? Now, I have a better idea from all the Q&amp;As. Admire the super mum who can do so much with her daughter.

May thread seems more active than Apr. So
happening..... *whistle*
hi tiffany

my elder gal used to attend shichida since 11 mths old till 2 yrs plus. now no more..she's now attending daily sch and enrichment in weeekends, she have to stop shichida lor.
hei bbloh,
thanks for your info, except that the venue is too far....sigh.
wow...SM is quite expensive....did it really work for you, pooh?

anyone signing or reserving place for playgroup (for 18 months on) now.....looking around...wondering where....
hi pooh
is it useful. I am also considering letting my baby enrol for the shichida class. But currently l am also using flash cards but i am not sure if i am doing the "correct"way. Cos now she is only interested in the stories flash cards. Those word cards and dots cards, she had totally lost interest. I started using flash cards when she is about 5 mths old though. dont know if i had bored her so I thought maybe my method is wrong and should attend shichida to see the real teaching method. Any advice from you.
hi fates,

my mum wants to bring my son to Chinatown tomorrow to shop for his cny clothings, so i have to give the gathering a miss. mummies, have fun!
<font color="0000ff">Trial session for Baby Jumper Gym (BJG) - charges

The earliest date for the trial is next Sun (11 Feb) at 4pm. The trial class will be $20 per baby &amp; min. must have 5 babies. In the event that any 3 babies sign up on the spot after the trial, the $20 will be waived off &amp; there'll be a 10% discount on the term fees. The following details is required for registration:

Name of baby
Date of birth
Parents name
Contact no.

I will check out the term fees and post it after I receive the reply again.

Maybe you try to call &amp; check with them, the price for the following link

http://www.tumbletots.com.sg (Punggol Plaza)

http://www.playworkz.com.sg (Website only have fax &amp; email address:[email protected]


(This coming Saturday there is a preview, pls call to reserve a seat if you are interested @ e following contact number.

The price for weekday: $745; $790(wkend) for 3 mths (a term), allow 1 parent. additional must pay extra. Min 1 yr to see the result.

Headquarters: 3 Anson Road #08-01/#09-01 Springleaf Tower Singapore 079909

480 Lor 6 Toa Payoh #12-01/#19-01 HDB Hub East Wing Singapore 310480

Phone: (65) 6220-9555, 6254 9555 Fax: (65) 6220-4053

This method is only useful if you can review with your baby everyday. The lessons will show you the methods (if you are the one that accompany with your kid).

If you want to know whether useful or not, can pm me, i get my oversea manager or his wife to share their experience. They had sent their son (*if not wrong, abt 4 yrs+; for this course.
hi mummies,
Believe or not, I am still busy with work since festival season ever since back in Nov. I have no intention to bring up my a/c salary into the topic. If anyone read the past posts ever since preggie days, i alway complaint abt my work only. Thus, i apologised for asking others to understand hows a chinese company should work as. However, I am clear conscience in whatever i posted regardless any incidents / food etc.

I havent read back any posts ever since few days after the incidents. I will do it asap.

Are you looking for me? Can you see me online now? I had sent msgs "Can you see me" after others told me you cant. My computer had problems even b4 the stupid issued was posted. Wonder if you still could remember that you guide me how to download the msn again.

Anyway, just to let you /any mummies, if you happen to see me offline, either my msn has problem or i am not in.

Furthermore, pardon me if i dont greet you even if i see you somewhere in compasspoint / near my place. Well, i don't force anyone to greet me if they don't want to befriend with me at the first place. Hence, if anyone willing to friend me can greet me 1st and i am sure i will put in heart for that.

I thank you for trusting me, however, please do not presume i am also that rich! Please do not get those policy agents to get biz from me. Few mummies know how much i earn.

Are you back? if so, mind to pm me your contact number? Thanks for your generous. I hope this is a open freedom fourm to share informations. Afterall, everyone is different in term of characters, hobbies etc. I don't sell any health products, policy or others. Just like sharing receipts.. or may not in this real world. Definitely, i learnt something.

Did you post up your photo on yr Nz trip? Thanks! for your kindness, i heard from fate that you are looking for me. Am busy cos will be out of town for two weeks during cny break for personal reason. Feel sad that i cant spend 1st cny with my keane.
Calling for Ivy! Heh heh...

Hi Ivy, i remembered the other time u org a BP for the Buddabucks thermal swimwear right? IS there another BP going on now and how much is each piece?

Tq :)

Hi BBloh,

I'm v. interested in BJG but too bad their OCC branch is relocating
that's near my house

The Bukit Batok branch is quite far.

Hi Chris,

I'm looking ard for a playgroup/childcare too. Eh if u find any good schs for Christian let me know ya.

Cheers :)
She has a website and this is one of the item. You can send her pm. i had sms her liao.

Infants food information &amp; food allergy link:


Pls save this link into your favourite:


I was shock to know that Mefenamic acid has a higher risk for heart attrack / stroke. This medicine is given by Sengkang polyclinic when i went to take mc due to migraine last year. I kept it as my usual practice since i just to need to get mc to rest. Light green with dark green caps.

Anyway, be aware of whats given to you. After all, its your health that matter.

forget to paste this info,

The Singapore River Hongbao 2007 will be held from the 16 Feb to 4 March. Below is the schedule of the firework displays for seven days:

16 Feb (Fri) - Opening Ceremony
9:15 to 9:30 p.m.
Duration of Fireworks : 3 mins

17 Feb (Sat) Eve of CNY
9:00 p.m.
Duration : 5- 8 mins

18 Feb (Sun) - 1st Day of CNY
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins

19 Feb (Mon) - 2nd Day of CNY
9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins

24 Feb (Sat)
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins

25 Feb (Sun)
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins

4 Mar (Sun) - 15th day of CNY
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins

Please let your family members, friends and visitors know about the firework displays.

i have told her, i pm u her contact no. u call her directly.
