(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Oh, forgot to add this: U can consider going to Guardian Pharmacy and buy this Seabands which u can wear around your wrists to relieve your morning sickness. What it does is that there is this button on the underside of the band that presses on your acupoint, thus relieving the nausea. Simply ask the pharmacist for them as they are stored as with the prescibed medications. They costs $12.95 a pair. Hope this helps!


Does the Seaband really help relieave MS? Looks a bit unbelieavable. If it does help MS, then maybe all preggy women should get 1? No need to suffer so much!!
It helps for me at least. I din know about this for my previous 2 pregnancies. When I read about it online, I just went to try my luck at the Guardian and bingo! They sell it locally and it has made a difference for this pregnancy. It is a widely used product internationally for MS and seasickness. I read that it works for most pple and I thot that I will give it a try since I am already in such misery. If 13 bucks can help to make my life a bit easier for a couple of weeks, it is worth it. I can't say it works for everybody but I think there is no harm in trying.
Hi Ladies,

saw mt bb heartbeat on sat. it is amazing. my baby is abt 8 weeks plus but i m in my 9 weeks liao. this week going into 10 wks.

Ladies hang in there, my MS is better liao , the urge of vomiting not that often.

Hi Ivy,
I got the packahe briefing from Mrs Lee liao. look quite reasonable.
just to add on, my MS is the really bad kind. Drink water, puke water kind. So the bands helped me in the sense that I dun feel nauseous all day long. I still feel that feeling of wanting to vomit at times. To put it in a better way, it lowers the 'degree' of nausea for me.
hi m&m,
how abt eating food follow by water later. everytime before u drink water, munch a small piece of biscuit or something?

This may help
Hi ladies

I started puking during the weekends and the feeling is really terrible. Now everyday feeling nauseous and puke at nite. The thought of food really puts me off now

how are the charges? email me at [email protected] to give me a sneak preview leh...hee...

you too daring liao lah, eat half a tub? I eat only the small cup type cos hubby's eyes will make sure that i dun over indulge.
Hi! I just found I am pregnant again with my second baby. 5 weeks so still can't see the heartbeat yet though so still a little nervous till I actually see it!

Eve: I know what you mean about clothes getting tight even so early. Me too, unlike my first pregancy when I could squeeze into all my normal clothes till 3 months I think.Dunno whether its just bloating
Hi hi

Deborah: ya, thk our skin 'loosen' after 1st birth. My skirt all move so high now :p
Thk have to go and dig out my maternity bottoms to wear already, sigh.... Thk last time, I only start wearing them after 3 mths.

I feel my nauseanous seems to be worse than last round, though i cant clearly remember it 4 yrs ago, maybe too long and i am old liao :p And this time it starts very early for me also, abt 4-5 wks. I guess 1st trimester is the worse, so pray hard it will pass soon.

This time i cannot puke out, only the feeling thru out the day. Btw, wearing the band got any side effects?
btw, anyone knows if it is safe to use the tigerbalm neck and shoulder rub? the instructions says to consult physician.
Hi Ladies,

*sign* me and my big mouth .... just when I tot my MS is leaving me .... it start soming back again over the weekend .... been getting the nauseous feeling and throw up again ..... *Arrrggghhh* .... and the past week ... I got on n off spotting ... already made appointment to see gynae this afternoon ..... *sign* 8(
hi Twinkle-starry,

thanks for your suggestion. Sadly that doesnt work for me either. I just hv to grit my teeth and pull thru to the next trimester... ganbatte! Jia you...
hi m&m,

at this stage , we will all ways and methods to make us feel better, like eat small meals, drink ginger tea etc...

as long something makes us feel better , we will be great. I drink the longgan/ginger/red date drink which Little nana recommend, it works for me while drinking it real hot.
Hi Ivy,

Haha, maybe my MS starts pretty late. I am down with bad MS since Week 8.

Worse still, i heard one of my colleagues, also pregnant (in her 20th week), say if we vomit very badly, most likely we will continue to vomit till delivery. So my colleague, even in her second trimester, was still vomiting like hell
hi all,

i managed to see my baby's heartbeat last friday. baby is now 0.5cm. based on LMP, i am now in wk 7 and EDD is 20 may. have yet to decide on gynae.

i am experiencing nausea (no puking, touch wood), indigestion, bloating, constipation and fatigue since last week.
GOOD afternoon ladies...

My MS is getting better now... managed to eat a big bowl of prawn noodles soup on sat. hahahaa... reali crave for tt. Hope tt no more "merlion act" I'm avoiding cooking pork cos it makes me reali feel ER XIN!!!! As for chicken is so far so good.. Btw any ladies like me gotta cook??? care to share ur experiences?


Dun think so leh... I would say quite individual.. cos some vomit will last till 1st trimester onli... dun scare the ladies la ;)
Hi little nana,

I cook for weekends but ever since I'm pregnant, I reduce cooking.. The MS caused me no appetite so.. no cooking..

Like yesterday, I was thinking of cooking chicken stew for dinner. However, got headache and fell asleep..end up DH went to pack duck rice for dinner.. I pity him, cos he like home-cooked meals...
hi anastasia,

welcome to the club!

hi taurus, do take care of yrself. btw, my gynae gave me 3 days MC (hooray!) she must have seen what a bad shape i'm in...went to see gynae on sat and saw my bb's heartbeat (it's such a wondrous feeling!) i got a picture of my bb and putting it in my pregnancy journal! so exciting!

btw, my EDD is adj to 21 May 06 and my gynae is more or less confirmed. She's Dr Eunice Chua from TMC.

Got farnie cravings nowadays...it's so diverse...from BBQ chicken wings to prawn noodles to kway chap to potato chips...sigh...but after i eat those food, i always puke like crazy...but u noe i have some crazy theory...since i'm gonna puke anyway, i might as well eat my fave food! at least it makes me feel betta for a while. hee. hubby says i'm a greedy mummy...gonna send me to Expressions after my delivery.

Yeah...i also heard about some cases whereby some people experience MS throughout the entire pregnancy. My mummy is one such case...so i'm really keeping my fingers crossed. Am trying to sleep and sleep the days away.
Hi all,

I am also MTB in May, my EDD is 11/5/2006. Glad to find that I am not the only one who is feeling so xinku with the nausea and bloatedness. But I will "ren" all these for the sake of the baby cos' it's a much awaited and prayed for pregnancy. I was very fortunate to be successful on my first cycle of Clomid in fact. To all the mums-to-be in May, hang in there, a few weeks more and we will enter into the second trimester and should feel better (I hope) :p
hi ino,

care to share how much is the package for Dr Eunice Chua? is there a limit to the no of visits and does the cost include all scans and usual medication eg. multivit and folic acid?
hi little nana,

I cook most days , i dislike the smell and taste of pork , mainly i cook chicken but i prefer fish . so everyday i cook fish and veg and/or soups.

Wow good leh.. at least is easy for u to TA BAO back for dinner.. haiz.. me jialat.. still gotta cook even i'm suffering frm MS... Not easy to TA BAO chinese food in London.. haiz... So i bot those UDON (w/o MSG) for my lunch.. Cos hubby went to work.


Wow.. it seems tt we are the same.. haha craving for hawker and junk food.. reali envy u ladies... can easily get LOR MEE, PRAWN NOODLES, CHAR KWAY TEOW... I've gotta REN... But will be gng back SG in JAN.. SURE EAT TILL SIAO.. hahaha...
twinkle starry..

Ya.. it seems tt we dun like the smell and taste of pork.. haha..wondering why is tt so.. Most funny thing is tt when i see PORK.. hahaha merlion act started to appear.. hahaha.. chicken is fine for me too.. any super nice receipe to share?? heheh me craving for Authentic SG food...

wow thnks!!! i'm very greedy leh anything... thinking of food.. reali make me drool.. hahaha erhh... come to think of it.. i reali miss all SG food.. hehehe.. reali greedy greedy for food
Hi ladies, can I join in this thread?

Thing is, I never tracked period nor intercourse dates, have absolutely no idea about ovulation...
, but tested positive on Clearblue (digital- is it reliable? Very newfangled gadget leh) on Oct 1.
2 wks b4 I tested negative on same gadget (it comes with disposable test strips, but digital reading is on same "holder").

From what I googled, I *think* it means I'm only 2-3wks along, too early for even vaginal scan so I'm delaying a trip to Gynae. No point going GP cos they use urine strip test only too.

I have no MS whatsoever. Last pregnancy (darling daughter is almost 1 yr liao!) also no MS, also tested very early- I recall that time gynae cldn't v-scan anything and asked me to go back 2 wks later.
Hi Medusa

Congrats.. Clearblue digital quite accurate leh... I do agree with u lor No point gng to gynae rite now.. Even if u go.. they'll do urine test which is equivalent to ur clearblue tes.. hehe (save cost) Personally i feels tt only go to gynae at 8wks.. where u can see ur bb's heartbeat and growth... Eg.. my sis went on her sixth wk, gynae said bb seems to be not growing, gave her jab, den she started to get worried.. I jus feel tt no point lor... go so early and get scared by GYNAE words.. hehehe tt's my personal feelings la..
anyhow jus to add on... in London, gynae or midwife will not see a preg ladies till they are 8 wks preg(counting form the LMP), normal pregnancy
Hi Nana,
thanks for the welcome
. Yah, each gynae trip quite ex- can buy things instead... but the waiting is torturous, heh.

I don't remember my LMD. :/
HI Medusa..

hehe.. jus wait lor... in the first place I tot i can visit a gynae or midwife in london easily.. haiz but when i called up for appointment.. midwife told me tt they will onli see a preg lady at 11 wks. i oso waited till 6wks.. den bleeding came so i gotta go hospital for checkup..
Hi little nana,

what is yr email address? i will sent u some local food receipe not sure whether u r managed to get the local spice in London?
Hi everyone,

I would like to join this new family. I'm a new MTB, 6 wk preggie. However based on LMP, I should be in 7 wk, so now can't determine my EDD. My gynae advised it's more accurate to determine in wk 8. Now, I feel tired very easily, on average, I need 9hrs of sleep

Hope to catch up with all of you soon.
Hi Little Nana

Good afternoon ! Yah, can imagine hunting for chinese food in London. I was there last May, one pack of fried noodle is hard to get. I grabbed one at Oxford Street (I think) cost 4pound (about S$12). Alternatively, you can ask your family to send some PrimaDeli premix (eg. Mee Siam, Hainanese Chicken Rice etc). I heard it is easy to prepare, can try it during weekend
Hi kennie...

hey!! R u here for vacation? haiz.. wat to do leh hard to find authentic SG FOOD. But recently found tt there's quite an authentic malaysian food at Dean St(IN SOHO) Food not bad, jus had my Prawn Noodles soup there.. reali drooling all the way haha... Can easily find PrimaDelic pack in Gerald st.. so no problem.. jus tt too much of MSG no good leh.. Worse thing is I've been craving for Bedok Bus interchange Lor MEE haiz... anyhow... will REN until i'm back in JAN for CNY..

Meanwhile u must take care!
Hi Little nana,

I send u liao the receipe . but no lor mee , i go back and ask my mum. But lor mee got pork which i cannot eat leh.
Hi Little Nana

I went there to join my hubby last year. It's a short trip, rest & relax, got a chance to spend whole day at British Museum. It's 2nd time to London, most of tourist attractions were covered during our honeymoon.

My hubby said that there is an authentic SG restaurant near Kensington Park. Alternatively, look for Qwek Leng Beng's hotel (I think it's called Royal Palace), there's a restaurant which serves authentic Malaysian food ... so you should be able to get CharKwayTeow there ... I asked him where to find Lor Mee, he said it's difficult becos of its unique tastes ...

TQ, tq.. so glad to find more delicious food in Ldo..Will look for website.. sure they'll provide the location..there's place called Oriental City(in Colindale) selling many Asian food.. jus can't find LOR MEE, nice hokkien prawns Mee... ARghhhh Worse their Hor Fun doesn't look like one.. But good thing is tt their Nasi Lemak quite decent.. haha. Another thing need to travel for 45mins jus for FOOD in oriental city.. Haiz... think my Lor MEE crave will last till JAN
Nana, please check check exact location or call them to confirm, don't want you to waste your trip there. Now, I feel like eating Lor Mee, my hubby is staring at me *grin* .. .haha!
no.. neber.. haha... as u know those chinese waitress and waiter are "GOOD" in service.. haha... but still gotta give tips.. haiz... If not dare not step into their cafe or resturant.. haha...
morn! sigh yesterday feeling bad so rested at hm, crave for johnson duck for dinner last night so hubby rush back to bring me there. food came and 1 mouth and i gave up eating. so poor thing. today i am 7 weeks and 2 days liao. MS seems to be more jia lat.

any mummies here feel cold? i tot they say preggy shld feel warm but i very scare of cold

i am 7 weeks 4 days. take care of urself.

By the way, do u gals take yogurt? i bought 2 from NTUC, not to sure if it is good for me? anyway i took half tub of ben and jerry ice cream last sun...yummy.

sometimes i have good appetite, sometimes i do not.tired.
