(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Hi ladies! I have a 2 year True Yoga membership which I paid in full to let go as I have no time to go now, busy with my new born baby. Got it during promotion so it's a good buy at around $100 a month, unlimited access to all True yoga clubs. The membership is suspended now, can be re-activated anytime. Price neg, interested, Email: [email protected] or 94388528

have been reding past posts, but didnt post anything here....

hmmmm.. seem like apr babies know to talk / communicate. but my girl is not. now besides saying papa, mummy, mama, gonggong, shushu.... others no no lor... so wonder shall me seek prof help?

Maybe you can bring your child to her pediatrician and let him access her frist. He would be in a better position to do that. Sometimes it just that different children progresses at different rates and it can be perfectly normal also. Don't worry to much about it first, go see the pd.
Enrichment Classes

Similar to Hunniepot, I also stopped sending Ruixiang to his shichida class last month. I think the class is good and Ruixiang likes it, but he does not adore it... and i think it's time to move on to something else for wider exposure. We might go back to shichida later when i think he's more suitable for it. Will have to see.

As for whether there's ROI, it's hard to gauge leh. But i think the ROi is definitely there for those parents who are conscientious in doing the home exercise with their children, and their children are also the type who can sit still in their seat and do the activities (Ruixiang can't). Some of them are quite impressive, i think!

Right now, Ruixiang is attending Seimpi school of music and he likes it. I think he's v interested in music. The key is to assess your child's interest and select the appropriate programme for him/ her I think.

After he starts half-day pre-nursery next year, i will only send him to non-academic enrichment classes, i.e. swimming, etc, cos my sis sends all her 3 kids there (to the same school) and they dun need further academic enrichment classes at all cos the school is v good and teaches phonics, reading, etc v well.
Hi gals, long time haven't been in here. How's things?

Aiyo my girl has been falling sick eversince going to childcare. Now coughing with alot of phelgm. Any thing I could give her to help her? Med doesn't seem to work v well.

RXmom, what a coincidence! My gal also just started her music class in seimpi. Does Ruixiang sit down during class and do what she says? My gal sometimes will juz wonder around and dun what the teacher says and wanna play with the keyboards.
hi babe,

Ruixiang has been with Seimpi for close to 2 months now.
he will occasionally wander off, but most of the time he will pay attention to the teacher. he likes the teacher quite a lot and looks forward to going to her class.
Hi, gals, how's everybody? Me's back too...

As usual, been busy spreeing and had my 3rd child this Feb. Thank God it's a gal after the 2boys.

Anybody game for zoo trips on weekdays? I am bringing my boy there more often ever since I signed up for their membership.

This mummy also more of a hands-on person than the literal type...
Any mummies interested in Mandeville's Baby Music class on Friday, 4 pm? It's an accompanied prog for 2-3 year olds. So far, there r 3 mummies, including myself, who r keen on this slot...they need minimum 8 to start the class. Pls call them up at 62501911 to let them know if u r interested. Thanks!

Hi ladies,

where is everyone???

I have found this website where the clothes are cheap and pretty. Anyone interested? May start a spree just for Apr 06 mommies.
Wow... looks like our thread seems to be moving really slow.

Well, you won't believe it.

Xuanting got hfmd on Monday and confirmed by school in the lunch hours after teachers checked again.

Over weekends, she did complain pain in her left side of the mouth and we checked pretty thorough for the ulcers or blisters but found nothing. The area that she was pointing is only swollen gums and we thought it may also be possible to be teething too. The molar tooth?

So, we monitored her pain and mouth and by Sunday night, we could see the molar coming out.

She was feeling so pain on Monday night. Haiz. What careless parents we are, you might think.

In case, your doc don't believe in giving antiviral medication, seek another doc.

My best friend told me her daughters too got this too and was given.

The first GP we saw didn't even give that!

So, seeked PD on the Monday evening.

We felt really stupid throughout this incident.

So, lesson learnt, if child complained pain in mouth or knee or sole, better bring to doc to confirm and keep giving her/him fluid, even if it is icy waters.
Anyway, school did check when she arrived on Monday and we told the teachers that she had been complaining of pain in her mouth... but during then even teachers (who are trained to spot HFMD) couldn't confirm then!

See how bad this situation may be?

You never know how your child got HFMD till some child got it and got unnoticed then other children got it till problem comes.
do let me knw if u starting the spree. i want to join.

evon, my girl at 10mths had just recovered from her hfmd. We have been wondering where she got it from. The moment I knw my son's cc had 1 case, i stopped bring him to sch, who knws, she's the one who got it instead of him. Had to separate the 2 of them. My hubby and i had to take turns to take care of her. Thankfully, my boss is very understanding even thou i had just joined the company for only 2 mths.

Before u bring ur girl back to sch, u must let ur doc certified that she's fit to be bk. U hv to ensure that the spots hv all come off even the tiniest. My doctor is very strict on this.
If the tiniest spot did not cm out, she wont even say that she has recovered.

Do take care and must stay strong. The initial phase is very tough. Ensure that she drinks more water even thou if she cant eat. if she cant drink plain water, add abit of ribena to it.
My daughter after 2 months at cc, though half the time sick and off from school, still kept saying she doesn't want to go to school and cry every morning she wakes up. So tiring...her cough is better but still cough..
Hey babe,

Could it be something about the cc? Cos 2 months is kinda long for her to still respond by crying...am concern that if she does this for too long, she will associate school with something unhappy/ unpleasant...
Hi mummies
not sure whether u all rem me a not cos I long long time didn't post here oredi.

Can update on your happenings? How's the little one (s) doing?
For me, I still only hv one..hee..unlike a few who oredi hv more than two (peifu!)..my boy is now happily attended to at a full day CC near my place..& everyday my dad will pick him & send him back to me..he's still with Shichida for close to 16mths oredi..progressing well.

My boy took abt 6 mths to get used to CC..so do persist..even till now, he does get a bit sensitive and will cry whenever he spotted me after I sent him to class.
Hi shylyn,

I only have one as well at this moment.. my girl will be going to full day CC somewhere near my place beginning next mth too.. find that she is more ready to attend school now than 9 mths ago when I first enrolled her in LV CC.

She is currently attending Julia Gabriel bilingual class and zoophonics class. Thought I better get her get used to school life since she is going to start CC soon. Will stop sending her for these 2 classes once she starts CC proper.

I stopped sending her to shichida after 12 mths but might consider sending her there again sometime soon
Hi Hunniepot
Really long time no chat! So..r u intending to hv another one? Hee..for me, not at this point..cos one is too much to handle..hehe..
Which CC will u b sending Amanda to? Occasionally i do pop by to read ur blog..Amanda is indeed very intelligent. What do she learn in Julia Gabriel & zoophonics class?? I hv tot of sending my boy to a music class as well but worried whether it will be over taxing for him since he's on 5 full day CC and once a week Shichida class..shall c how
Hi shylyn,

Thanks for the compliment
Im hoping to have another one soon but cant plan now cos I cant give birth within the next 1 yr (terrible sacrifice) cos of work commitment. When do you intend to have ur next one?

Amanda will be going to Mind Champs at TPY hub.. its pretty new... hope that things will turn out well this time. What she learnt at JG and zoophonics.. basically more of singing, phonics, puppetry etc.. but think these are prob what Ivec learns in CC too.. Actually, the zoophonics branch is JW is good as the teacher is really good, and has a superb command of English and can tell that she genuinely likes kids

I've a pair of tickets to the show "The Rainbow Fish"

Date: 20 Sep (Sat)
Time: 11am
Venue: Alliance Francaise Theatre
Duration: 55min
No. of tickets: $2
Standard price: $19 excluding $2 booking fee
Selling price: $36.20 including $2 booking fee (got it at a discount using OCBC card)
Seating: First row at the side

* Suitable for 2 yrs and abv

I've to give up because I've something on on that day.

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Let me know if you're interested. Free postage (including sistic receipt)
Hi Hunnie
Yep..I saw abt the new presch prog offered by Mindchamps & was even approached by the sales staff when i was at e World Book Fair at Suntec a while back. However, these centres (whom I'm keen on) are always located in the Eastern side :p very inconvienient for those staying in the West :p..anyway..do let us know how is Amanda's progress at Mindchamps..when is she starting with e prog?
My boy's CC does teaches music, movement, phonics etc..in fact, I attended the Meet the Parents' session last Sat & was pleased to learn that he is doing well in sch.
Hmm..after the PM's speech last night..at least we hv some more incentives to consider if we were to hv a 2nd one..heheh..but then again, I'm still hesistant abt having a 2nd one..cos giving incentives like this doesn't remove the time, energy and money required.
Hi ladies,

So long never post here. How's everyone?

Mooncake festival is coming. Has anyone tried any special mooncake?
Hunni, u sending your gal to mindchamps ah? I was thinking of sending mine too. However, they are full and have to be on waitlist.
Hi shylyn,

The reasons why Im sending her there cos it is the most convenient CC for me, just 2 bus stops away.. hopefully it turns out well.. she will be starting from next tuesday onwards.. at least I feel more assured now after getting her immersed in school life at JG and zoophonics, at least she enjoys school now and is not so scared of strangers


I signed Amanda up in May, got a comfirmed place this Sept.. its a new class.. where do you stay? Isnt it a little far for you?
hi nana! your boys are gorgeous~!~! and i kowtow to you once more! f-i-v-e babies! i oso heartpain for you on missing out on the new benefits :p
Hi nana,
You are fantastic man! How do you cope with 5 kids? Honestly I think 2 maids still not enough for your case, keke...

I'm already having trouble with 1, and what now with #2 on the way!!

You are the ultimate role model!

All the best!

I really admire you!!! Cannot imagine how I cope with 5 kids that are all below 3yrs old. Your monthly expenses must be very solid lor?
HI all,

How everybody? Rez the last week did nt want to eat and drink. High fever too. Luckily he is back to normal now.

Actually Just to pop by and let go the good news: I am expecting another APR baby. Hee hee

Guess I will have more thime to pop in in to chit chat aridi. Going to be SAHM again.
Hi petite,

Glad to see you back posting.
Congrats on your #2! I'm expecting my #2 in late Dec/early Jan.

Happy to see this thread coming alive again. Apr 06 mummies, continue to keep this thread alive ok?
Congratulation petite, tanwawas on your no. 2

Nana, really must salute you lah. I think I will go crazy if I got 5 babies. I might shop in Malaysia for diapers to cut cost if I am you.
Nana, 30pks of diapers plus dozens of milk powder is no joke, you need a football team and a small lorry to help u carry the stuff back home! It's a good money-saving strategy to buy them from Carrefour when there is promotion with the POSB Everyday card
I do that sometimes too.

There are a couple of Apr 06 mums who are expecting their #2, congrats to all!
Wow...Nana...peifu...peifu...Ur household is definitely full of tattering feet now.

Me gave birth in Feb 2008. My third child and finally a gal. Can close shop also.
Now no need to drool over the clothes that fellow spreeists bought.

Wawas, congrats.
Hi Amy,TWWs and petite



Curious again.. how do you bring all 5 kids out? Remember you were wondering how you were going to place 3 car seats in the car when you were expecting your twin girls.. and it is now 5 car seats?
Woww Woww.. Nana & Amy both of you are govt favs and probably u girls will be the spokewoman for singapore

congratulation to tww, petite and those silent reader mommies that are having #2.....

anyone gog to watch thomas the train this sat??

CONGRATS TO tanwawas & Amy too. HOW EVERYBODY??


nana (nana1977), I am aridi going crazy with 1 kid. Imagine I with 5 kids!!!
thks all for the well-wishes!

petite, were you at Robinson's Centrepoint children's section yesterday afternoon? I thought I saw someone familiar, and thought it might be you, but didn't say hi cos I scared later recognise the wrong person.
Hi mommies,

ha, thought I would asked this question here instead of the Sep 08 thread where mommies are bz updating their birth stories and prob have no time to answer my question :p btw, am going for c-sec on 12 Sep

I am getting a confinement nanny this time round, and I have conflicting advise on where the confinement nanny should sleep. Should the confinement nanny sleep with the baby, or should she sleep with me and my bb? And my hubby and Shawn will sleep in another room?

Some has advised that I sleep with bb and nanny, but some advised against that as I will not be able to rest well. It will also be a little funnie if the confinement nanny bring the bb to me, when my hubby and Shawn are sleeping..right? Will the baby's cries disturb their sleep?

Any advise? Thanks in advance!

My CL slept with Aiden, and once it's time for feeding, she will knock on my door. Usually u will hear the baby crying one lah, so u will also wake up automatically.

Since you employed the CL to let urself rest properly, u shd just leave the baby to the CL and rest whenever possible, except when it comes to pumping and/or latching.

As to whether the baby's cries will wake our #1 up, we shall see.....
Hi Mommies

Long time no post liao.

Seeing so many mommies expecting #2 or already had #2, make me so excited come in and wish all the Mommies Congrats.

Really take my hats off mann... I cant even rest well with 2 kids.

Congratulations to Su, twws, petite, fussiecat, babeship, Rach, Jasminetea, Chenoa (saw ur blog recently, then realised you actually had #2 early this year). WHO ELSE HUH??? Pai sei if I miss anyone else.

I think you should let #2 sleep with CL and rest well. As what twws mentioned, you can get the CL to knock your door or perhaps you can hear baby cry. For me, I am lazy mommy, I dint latch in the middle of nite, I just slept thru. My opinion is if you were to be On the ball, the CL may tend to relax and let you take over the task. I heard of such cases and end up, lots of unhappiness. You can always walk over to check in the middle nite if you miss your #2 etc.. But when #2 needs latching, CL can knock on your door. This is my opinion lor. Congrats again. Next week will be the BIG day.
Su, isaac sleeps with my CL and being 1st timer and not knowing what is what at all. i just let the CL do what she felt is right or best for me. In fact, my CL did a very good job in "training" isaac then. So when i took over the role from her was pretty easy then.

TWW - actually i cant hear isaac crying then lei hahahaa.. dont kw is it that he didnt cry or i'm a deep sleeper :p
jas, i'm those light sleeper, a little bit of sound then wake up already, especially if the noise comes from aiden.

hey, great to see the familiar names popping by to post - tiff, su, petite, jas, hunnie....
Hi ladies
hmm..mia for a week plus & the thread moves so quickly..glad to see it become alive again..however..sad to say, no one notice me :p

I showed ur blog to my hub, who shook his head..heheh..know why, cos to the both of us, one boy is oredi a handful...cant imagine having 5!!! The expenses, the time & effort..of cos, it definitely cant beat e joy & reward of having kids lah..but then again, cant imagine having another one in the near future!

Btw..congrats to Su, Petite & TWWs!!! Hee...how's the feeling of expecting again??
Congrats to all mummies who have had their 2nd and are expecting their 2nd one! I am hoping to have my second one soon too.. really missed holding a baby now that Amanda doesnt stay still for us to carry her and for us to play with her..


As for Mind Champs, Amanda started her first day there today. The ratio is 1 Tr to 4 toddlers. Overall everything seems ok, the place is new, the teachers seem pretty experienced. And Amanda seems happy there for today. But what I didnt really like about the place is that it is fully air conditioned and it can get really cold at times. Otherwise, it seems like a good place to place our tots

congrats to u nana and i really salute to you. Wonder how u cope with 5 kids. It's a pity that u missed out the new change.

congrats to all mummies who are expecting their #2.

Su, my CL slept with my 2 babies during the whole of 1st mth till feeding time. My sleep not so disturb. haha... after CL left, i shifted them to sleep with me in the same room. till now, my 2 babies are still sleeping with us and we sleep on the floor. So I m not so worry of them rolling out of the bed but i'm still keep waking up and check on them. haiz.. guess, its a habit already.

Momyam, i be bring my 2 babies to watch Thomas the train this sat, 6 sep at 1.30pm. i hope he can sit still and watch all the way :D
