(2006/04) April 2006 MTB


I'm sure you can do that too. Just have to get used to it. Luckily for me is that my bosses are quite supportive. They dun mind that I MIA for 15 mins on and off.

Hi ladies

I read that some of u using Nepia and i would like to try out this brand for my gal. But i could not find this brand in NTUC and those provision shops. May i noe where u guys bot this pampers?
Also how much is it?
NTUC got sell Nepia from M size onwards. M size cost $16.90. Seiyu also got sell, but not sure if more expensive.

Alternatively you can call 6226 2650 or email to [email protected] to order. Min 4 packs and can mix sizes.

Wow... the 5-in-1 jab quite potent huh... Xuanting got fever several hours after the jab... it went up to as high as 38.1degrees.. thank goodness it went down within 24h.

My Pd said some bbs may ve slight diahorrea for the rotavirus vaccine.. anyone has??
Jayden also didn't feel well after the jab although he didn't have fever.

The dr at the polyclinic didn't recommend me to let my bb take the rotavirus jab as it is still at the trial stage.
hey mommies,

what kind of thermometer are you all using? ear or normal type? K is going to have her 6-in-1 jab on tuesday, i figured i better get a thermometer to standby.
Hi mummies,

Is your baby's tummy big? I find that my girl's tummy is quite big. Is it because too much wind?

My girl also didn't feel well after the jab. Very cranky and sleep alot. Yesterday she was ok. But today her temperature a bit high. 37.6 deg. I let her drink lots of water and sponge her as and when to cool her down. Did your pd give you any fever med to stand by? Mine didn't give me anything. He said 3 mths too young for fever med.

My girl took the rotavirus vaccine too. So far no diarrhoea leh.
if you tap your bb's tummy lightly and there's this hollow sound, it's wind. But bb's tend to have bloated round tummy.

my PD gave paracetomol syrup. was told to feed one dose (5ml) immediately after reach home, and sub. dose only if got fever. My gal got a bit of fever (37.4deg.) at night, about 12hr after her 6-in-1 jab.

I usu. use the digital thermometer and placed under her armpit, reading is reliable. This thermometer was the cheapo one given free to every household during SARS. We also have the ear thermometer but not Braun, it's a cheaper one but sometimes I find it not accurate. I think if you wanna buy, get Braun. At my parent's place, we have the forehead thermometer (think is Terumo brand), also good. When I was a kid, my mum used the mercury thermometer on us, also put under armpit until we can hold it in our mouth.
I'm usually the Braun thermometer. My sis bought for me. I think it is $100 plus. Quite accurate.

My pd told me over 38 deg then consider fever. Your girl restless or not? My girl whole day like sian sian, no mood to play too.
Im using the braun thermometer too, got it as a gift from my cousin. Not bad, but have to make sure that baby stays still while taking temp, otherwise you will get varying degrees of temperature!
I am using Braun thermometer. Quite good.. as my gal doesn't like ppl to touch her head or make her to be stationary.

Yesterday her temperature is low but today her temperature is as high as 37.6 again! So giving her a bit of the medication.

My PD only allows me to give her 1.2ml of the syrup at every 6h le. This medication kind of made her sleepy. Haiz.

Anyway, the Yu Guo chinese physician got intro us the Bo Ying dan n so administered to Xuan ting a little bit... Kind of made her less phlegm too..

BTW, when ur bb is cranky or seems to be fussy or gassy, ve u tried to take ur bb's body temperature?????

I found Xuanting's body temperature goes below 36.5 and I think that would mean she's having stomachache?


Just like to check something personal. For those who underwent caesarian, have u all resumed intimacy with hubby already? I believe should be ok on the wound rite?

No leh, my bb's temp also goes below 36.5 degrees, dont think she has stomach ache?? I tried taking her temp when she was fidgeting, but scared might hurt her accidentally, so what I do now is latch her on and then take her temp, she will kwai kwai let me do anything to her when she id feeding hehe, cut nails also must latch on too, otherwise it is almost impossible to trim her nails without hurting her
Any of ur bb going thru 3 mth growth spurt? how is it like?

my gal now 5 days to 3 mths n suddenly like wan milk more often n nap shorter.

haha, tired looking after bb rite? U SAHM or working already?

Hmm, just to check mah.. maybe can set the mood when we on HK trip this weekend. I tell my hubby be careful, i dun wanna have one MIHK, if not i chiam liao.

My bb temperature normally around 36.8 degrees.
me came back from malaysia...and look after bb for 2 days...now she drink quite little after the 2nd month's jab. But now, she can sleep through 8 - 10 hrs @ night...gosh..good girl..!!!! but just worried she drink too little.

me too...resumed already...but will feel abit uncomfortable at first... cos scared of paint mah...
Re: BB temperature
Mayb bbs temperatures depends on more eng or more yang lor... She's k when I measured her body temperature.. ve managed to train her not to struggle when measuring.. juz tell her "mommy, checking ur body temperature now.. k?".. if she smiles, she's k for me to take. So quite okay.

Cutting nails wise, got to wait for her to zzz.

Re: Working
First day back 2 work.. Haiz. Miss Xuanting already.

Re: Intimacy for c section mums?
me too resumed.. but dunno where so tensed that I very pain till can cry. Hb got to b really gentle with me. Gynae said I'm k inside.. perhaps over tense somehow... dunno y. Only certain positions's k.. normal position cannot. Haiz.

I SAHM, even so, I have absolutely no mood! Think when you guys are alone with each other, sure can get back the intimacy
how much're u giving ur gal now? How often's bb asking?

Bb on TBM?

How's her sleep pattern?

Xuanting's now k of not eating much.. either becoz of stomach got air/gas.. Sleep wise, her daytime sleep is not frequent and are all very short. She got scared very easily in daytime.

Nowadays at nights, can suddenly cry a bit then sleep again.. Any of your bbs like that?

I normal position ok, other positions feels very incomfortable.. think frequency is about once every 2 weeks or at the most once a week...


I dont monitor or count how many times my baby wants to drink.. seems like her frequency increased during the past few days.. will feed her whenever she wants to drink.. my bb is almost 3 mths 2 weeks old liao...
re: thermometer
thanks for the info ladies, think i'll go buy one tomorrow after K's jab.

re: babies on TBM - night sleep pattern
mine is v funny, usually she wakes up abt every 4 hrs but sometimes she can sleep 6-7 hrs one stretch.

re: 3mth growth spurt
my bb is 1 wk short of 3 mths. i thought she was going thru her growth spurt last wk. she kept wanting milk often but only nursed a short while (like 5 mins) each time. she doesn't sleep much in the day nowadays, usually has a few short naps only.
My bb will sometimes cry in her sleep.. then continue to sleep again...

Hey.. any of your babies get choked on their own saliva?

Re: babies on TBM

My baby can normally sleep through the night... sleep at about 1 am and all the way till 8 plus am liao.. she normally sleeps thru the whole morning too... like now, she just woke up..
wow..some of ur babies v good..mine got good mood n bad mood ones. Some days sleep v well some days 6-7hrs wake up dun wan sleep.

Me on TBF now but going back work so have to slowly switch. Feeding like 2.5h instead of 3h. If give bottle I give about 130ml. Hiaz..today dunno wat happen to her. Wan her take afternoon nap she cry n cry..fall asleep put on bed then suddenly wake and cry big time. Twice happen and now finally coax her back to sleep. Dunno here she not comfortable.
no worries.. Xuanting oso like tat.. got very nasty moods n she still wakes up btw 1~6am for a feed.

Think ur bb same prob as mine lately too.. try swaddling her. See if helps or not.

Re: BB got choked on saliva
bb got choked a few times n would cough.. wonder if becoz a surge of saliva that she not used to it?
my bb is always blowing bubbles and choking on her saliva these days. my mom says i should start putting a bib on her cos she drools a lot too.
my gal no fussy after medication. she will sleep nicely. think a bit drowsy. I posted an error ... should be one dose 1ml not 5ml. 5ml is for adult ;P

today, she's weird. she dun wanna play, dun wanna sleep...also don't suckle as vigourously. put her down, she will be figgity...so keep carrying her and she don't make noise.
My bb also the same leh, always choke by his own saliva and will cough...

Any bb here stay to reject milk at about 2 1/2 months huh?? My boy dunno why start to reject milk, sometime drink only 80ml and stop liao and no matter how hard you push the teats into his mouth also dun want to drink leh. At night also the same, drink 50ml than stop.... he is not putting on lotsa of weight and i am scare that he did not drink enough.
RE: Sarong
My bb used to sleep in sarong whole day but since last week he prefer to sleep on the bed liao but only stomach on the bed and not the back. I sometime scare he might get suffocated. I tried to put him facing up but he tends to cry alot and 15 to 20 min will wake up liao. But if on the stomach, at least 1hr than wake up leh.
my gal oso like tat two weeks ago le.. dun drink milk milk finish. From 120ml cut down to 90ml.. then to 100ml.. but sometimes dun finish. She would keep pushing the teat out n then wail if we insist on giving her more milk.

So, what I did, was to carry her and burp her for ard 10~15 minutes then drink again.. most of time she will continue to drink till finished. You wanna try to see if it works?

Anyway, her weight percentile dropped from 97% to only 50% during the recent 3rd month checkup.
I did try to burp him and try to feed again but he still reject leh.... i so worry that he not putting on enough weight coz he already very skinny liao. I try all kind of teats liao but still reject leh. Nuk, Bfree, Nuby, Pigeon but all the same leh..... dun want means dun want. Headache liao.
hmmm.. wow.. quite headache huh. Got check with PD?

Is he pooing every day? Is his tongue inside very white? (Read tat tix will affect bb's appetite too)

My PD said so long Xuanting still pees... is fine. So mayb give a call to check.
He dun poo everyday one leh... one poo once every 2 to 3 days and than pees okay lor. His tongue is not white coz i clean it everyday, i think i have to check with my PD also liao... really headache leh.
Evon and miu66

Thanks! Thought theres something wrong with my baby when she kept choking on her saliva and keeps coughing too..


Hmm, is it safe to put the bib on baby all the time? Cos am afraid that the bib will turn upwards and hinders baby's breathing


How do you brush bb's tongue and how often? How will whitetish tongue affect appetite?

According to my pd, he said bb at 3 mths tend to reject milk. It is normal. Some bb will prefer water than milk at this period. As long as your bb pees and poos, it should be ok.
for mommies who give bb drinks S26 and Similac..
previously i ordered from this website b4 during the mother's day promotion... think the offer on the website so far is the best as compared to the ones I can get ard Sengkang.. and thus shared with you all.


So, if u sourcing .. can consider..

Actually .. I now then realise that ntuc is also online already.

I also put bib on my girl. It is very safe, so not to worry
And i even using big ones which can cover her whole top.

I clean my girl's tongue with wet handkerchief every morning during bathe. At first she didn't like it, but now she get used to it liao and will open her mouth without crying.
Thanks for telling me that.... just hope that he won't reject for long. Wasted alot of my milk liao.

Never heard of the stick before.... good anot huh???
Morning, mommies.

Phew.. another day of work.

dunno good or not.. but was told by my PD that chinese pharmacy ve n can try to clean her tongue during bath lo.. dun think she knows how to tell if it is thrush, i guess.
Anyway, got the gylcerine solution n place a bit on cloth n rub on Xuanting's tongue to cleanse the white white thing.. so far so good.

Re: Swimming
Wanted to bring BB to swim, but read somewhere dat chlorine not so good for bb's skin. so decided to wait until he is 6 months old.

Re: Working
I also started work yesterday. Evon - sama sama.

Re: Saliva
My BB plentiful of saliva. Just on sunday, i put him down to bed 1.5 hours after feed. He threw out his saliva and milk. Luckily went to check on him, cause everything was on his mouth and nose. Btw, he was sleeping on his stomache. *heng*

Btw, i heard dat some bb's start their teething process in 2 months. i was asking ard as my BB kept drooling.
me giving bb ERS's bao eng dan whenever she sticks her tongue out (only twice a day).. one tube very small can last 3~4 days.

She too pretty like it.
Nix was having thrush too... pd prescribe oral jel for him...use twice a day... he used to stick out his tongue alot.. my mum said cos his mouth is uncomfortable.. he seldom stick out his tongue liao.. but drool alot.. wet my my mum's bed alot.. keke.. he's learning flipping now.. will get angry if he cant flip over... and he always wanted to be on his tummy and trying to crawl...

for swimming, i wanna bring nix for swim when he reach 6 months.. cos he enjoys bathing..

had start to let Nix taste different stuff liao.. like, let him suckle on biscuit, fruit etc.. he always have a puzzle look on his face.. keke.. will start weaning soon
Ur description seems very same same for xuanting too.. always sticking out tongue. but not so now .. as not seen her since my mom be washing for her using that.

Can suckle on biscuit? Tot 3 to 4 months can only start off with boiled rice water.

Talking abt tix.. mayb we can share on the type of infant receipes.... my mom asking ... n i dunno anything except mayb buying heniz for xuanting to start with when she's 4months old.
hi mummies,
how we know bb is having thrush ? my boy stick out his tongue alot since wk 3 and i thought it is a habit. definitly he is not hungry.

His tongue is not white leh and i wash it w cloth every bath and also let him drink lots of water.

hmm.. i dunno the reason why baby stick out tongue, there's a thread talking abt it but dun seem to get advised there.. since XT not doing so many times now then dun get so worry lor... for nix, he like to suckle on its fingers or "bite" my mum or my hands... he drool the most during dinner time when he saw all the food on the table.. keke..

Chinese said can start with other food when baby's 4th months old... but pd said cos nix is pre-term, he is now only 3 months old instead 4.5 months.. hence have to wait till he reach around 6 months then can really start on weaning.. I will start with cereal first then brown rice.. hmm.. will get the Nestle cereal for him, which is for 6 months and above.. for heniz, hmmm.. i am not really for bottle food leh cos i scare the preservayive leh.. at least the cereal is dry form, i'm more at ease with it.. my mum wanna grind the brown rice into powder form, she doesn't wanna buy ready made one...

for biscuit and fruit, i give him one whole big piece so that he's unable to swallow it. but he get frustrasted when he cant get the food inside his mouth...
