(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Hey mummies,

just wanted to ask when you bring ur kid for chicken pox jab? Was contemplating when to bring my little one. She already got mmr jab liao ..think 2nd booster only in sept so is it safe to have the chicken pox jab now? So sorry hor asking silly question as always.



my gal also like balloons leh. she will actually want to sit on it and burst it. And she is not scared or frightened when it burst right under her buttor face when she purposely pinched it. Imagine that.... moreover she's a girl. Haiz.

there will also be times where she will put the balloon in her mouth and the balloon willl go "boing boing boing" up and down her face . so funny.

nowadays she also put everything into her mouth. From my handphone to her toys to our housekeys and everything that she has her nads on. One day dunno how many times her toys needs to be washed and cleaned. haiz.....
Think u can bring any time bah... Some mums gave 2 jabs at a time leh...

YJ's schedule for Chicken Pox jab next month i.e. 17th month. I think not letting YJ to take tis jab.
Cos I read from tis link say, "Anyone who has had chickenpox (or the chickenpox vaccine) as a child is at risk for developing shingles (in hokkien is zwa)later in life, and up to 20% do."

18th month - 2nd dose pneumococcal
19th month - 5 in 1 booster
20th month - MMR jab bah... Dr say nowadays less chance to kana so can wait...

wow i did not know also leh. My PD never mention anything. Come to think of it, my PD not very friendly type lor. Ask him about Sab's teeth when we went for MMR jab, he straightaway say "I am not concerned about that at this time" I was like (*(^&%^$##$@. Haiz. I pay for your consultation and this was what i get. So angry.

Now have to discuss with hubby as to whether to have that jab anot.

thanks alot, siewling
Dear Mummies..thanks for sharing the info! But by the time I read..it's too late le.. The kids reli kanna stomach flu and worse ting is..they passed it to everyone in the family including me! Was vomiting thru out the night on Friday.. Haiz.. Den my MIL oso sick so gotta take leave to look after both kids.. Reli tiring man.. Haiz.. In the end didn bring Cheryl for her MMR jab.. Gotta re-schedule again.. I tink I shall prepare some smecta etc on standby.. I totally forgot all abt those until u all reminded me.. Thanks thanks mummmies!
hi, I'm from Mar 06 thread. I'm looking for kids to form a new class at My Gym @ Woodlands Civic Centre, on Sundays, 4.00 to 4.50pm.

Currently, we have 4 kids and need at least 2 more as the minimum size is 6.

Cost is $300 for 8 sessions + one-time fee of $55. You could arrange separately with them for a trial class. For details, pls check the website www.mygym.com.sg

Anyone interested, pls pm me. Thanks.
Hi Mums
I jus read newspaper over the weekend, said abt we can use Baby Bonus for our bb vacination. Err... how to claim ah? 1st kid is it entitled?

Another question, current Primary and/ Secondary school still got FOC dental service mah?
think the baby bonus is refering to the one that government match up to urs when u put money in the bank CDA account one right? that one only hen u have 2nd child then got that le...think is 6k match dolar for dollar...not 2 sure though
pri school still provides free dental service but parents must sign consent forms to allow their kids to go to the school dental clinic.
u can let gal go to school dental clinic for normal scaling and polishing but if u want to extract or do filling, i recommend u to go for private dentist.reasons: my school nurse told me they still using amalgam (silver filling) not the white one for filling the hole on the tooth. (will be very ugly leh) then extraction, they dun put medication on the tooth "hole" that u have extracted unlike the private one.
school nurse also very fierce leh.

re: balloons
N duuno how to appreciate. he will grab it so hard that i scare tat it will burst anytime

re: scratch on face
N also like to scratch me when he is angry. my face got a lot of scars from his scratches. look like hua1 mao1 liao

re:MMR jab
i think i will postpone it.dun want to take risk
Hello mummies
Traffic is fantastic tonite despite leaving the house so late. Bet so many pple are on leave! Me can't take leave as there are tonnes of things to be done.

On Wednesday we had a big scare. Around lunch time, hb called me saying tat my dad called him, saying that Annika has sort of sprained her arm. We got a shock. My dad said that Annika tumbled in the lift, and wanting her to stand up, he just pulled her by her left arm, and thereafter, she let out a loud scream.

Then hb and I rush back to mum's hse, she looked so poor thing, as soon as we touch her left arm a little, she will start screaming. She refused to also pick up any sweets using her left hand.

No choice, we brought her to KKH A&E. The medic officer asked what happened, and after that, he merely bend her elbow and held on for about 10 seconds, and told us to wait 15mins to see if she wanna pick up any sweets with her left arm.

Quite miraculously, she recovered! The doc subsequently told us it's a Twisted Elbow. By twisting and folding her arm back, we are easing the strained veins. Kids so young should be be lift up with merely by their arms, as their joints are still fragile. So.. A lesson learnt for me.
oh dear, Annika mus have been frightened... poor gal... is her elbow on bandage? or do she need any medications? so 2dae u on leave to look after her ah...
OMG... a lesson for me to learn too and to share with my mum.... cos sm x we also tend to just pull j up.

nowadays thread v quiet
<font color="ff0000">BB_ber</font>
Annika didnt have a big fright, it's us parents and grandparents.. heee.. I guess it was really painful for her cos she seldom cries so badly, unless it's v painful. Even a big baluku on her forehead is nothing to her. She is not on any bandage.

<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
Yah, the reason why I post here is to alert all caregivers, parents and grandparents to be very careful, not to take things for granted. Though our kiddos can be walking, running about and seem so strong and full of energy, we should not overly exert them. I am also guilty of playing rough with her, pulling her arm while crossing the carpark, and telling her to "Cross the road quick quick, car is coming"....

I didnt blame my Dad cos no one expects that to happen too.

Yah, our thread is very quiet hor. Preggies, keep us posted of your checkups! Non-preggies, tell us about ur kiddos!
Amanda, bulma
ya loh.. the thread very quiet... tink everyone bz w the GSS...

Oh luckily annika is so brave... mus be a shock to all of u ah... i tink i will panic if tis kinda thing happen to my ger...
oooh must have been painful for anikka dear. yeah think its a lesson learnt for all of us. I also tend to lift ethan by his hand le so now think shd be more careful and hold his arm instead....

yeah no updates and quiet quiet maybe everyone went on leave holiday le...so bo lang around
my updates on my no 2:-
- 1.4kg as of last week so is ehhh thk wk 30 ah
- been very noti cos keep kicking and giving me a lot of problem
- recently tested as have blood infection so every week need to do blood test

my updates on jarren... think you can visit his blog to see his updates haha cos dunno what to update... he dun hv much development so far since his last achievment of able to walk handsfree on 26 April... till now, still 8 tooth .... mmm... nothing much lor
wat a relieve to know annika is alright! she is indeed very brave....

My MIL and some of my hb's family members came visit us these few days so me is bz entertaining them... think i'll be shack by sun.....
<font color="ff0000">Sale! Fox Baby</font>
The sale is good. I was at Fox Baby at Vivo City. The ones in the box were going at 50% off, whereas those on the racks were going at 20% off. Moreover, if you have DBS Card, u get another 15% off the bill, on top of the inital discount.

Bulomum / BB_Ger
Annika not brave lah. She also cried like mad. But kids being kids, they recover v fast.

i was there yesterday. but the sizes were either too big or too small for the boys.
sianz... gals always have better deals.
ssk - now come to think of it. my ger also have twisted elbow before! there was a time i jus took bus back to home from the doc... then wanna settle down she also cried and whine when we touch her elbow. whole arm limp limp like that. so quickly went to take bus again back to doc -_-.... similarly, after bending a few times, and she saw the doc's stickers. she recover liao...heng.
Hey Mummies..

tis morning bring Xinru to PD for MMR jab..hehe she cried... hehe... she see the PD take things behind her she keep see what she doing... :p
Hmmm PD say she is on the small size side so ask us not to worry abt her weight... She is 9kg and 76.5cm tall.. Both are at average...
Development wise, she talk to XR and she responded and she say everything is ok and and she developing fast n well as she can respond to what she is sayin and know how to react....
Other than tat nothing liao...
wah... reading ur post made me scare cos my mum likes to hold N by one arm also
blood infection? serious or not? nothing will happen right? must take care
just check with PD, MMR not link to autism leh so i think will let him take the following week
N running to me on fri pointing his mouth crying. i asked him pain pain ah he nodded. went to PD, noticed he bit on his own lips and had got 2 ulcers. quite big. poor boy crying even now and then when he touched his mouth but funny thihng is he eats as per normal leh. maybe cos he is greedy.
seriuosly, i dunno y N eats so much stil so skinny. yesterday PD weighed him, 9.9 kg only ah... he is 83cm tall leh. seow liao... how?
Hey mums
update on YJ... suddenly she got 5teeths cutting thru leh... think mus be bery uncomfortable... she will suddenly cry then stop n play... after awhile will cry again...
hmm 3 on top n 2 molar below
hehe, i'm guilty of not going online the last wk coz it's hols!

etelle, thx for updating the table for us this entire yr.

xr had her mmr jab on mon, and since then we've been boiling barley for her to prevent any fever and so far so good. She also had her usual checkup there at the polyclinic, and ht & wt both around 90th percentile(79.5 and 10.7), and her head circumference is off the charts...haha. So had to see the doc who said it's ok, as long as she doesnt cry unusually and the top fontanelle is not bulging out (means brain growing faster than the skull). Asked her abt the 2 soft spots, and she said it's just the soft bone, normal. So everything's going well for her. She's currently got 2 lower teeth coming out...finally!

as for number 2, at the last scan, was extremely busy doing somersaults in the sac, but everything ok. going for the DS scan in 2 wks time.
what DS test are u opting for ah? me gng for triple test on the 9th june le....the NT test measuring of neck fold one done le...
Hi Siewlng,

when elvin teeth erput also alot one. He has 7 teeth cut through at 1x. Now he has 15 teeth liao. But some still but fully out is like half thr size. There is molar also.. Must be painful
oh no...so traumatic - for both mummy & baby!
but am glad to hear tt she's bounced back on her feet - kids are so resilient! hope her mummy's ok as well...

hi mummies
hvnt postd in a while cuz i'v bn bz try'g to read sm of the archived pgs to familiarise myself with u guys

can't say i'v read very much tho (cuz there are a thousand pgs i think!)...but i'v seen a coupla pics.
my sugg'n is cld we mummies post either a pic of ourselves & our kiddo(s) or a link to an album/blog?
i know stells (A BIG THNK U BY THE WAY) has stop'd updating the list, but if sm'1 can add this weblink to photos, tt'll be so useful. its jus nice to put a face to the name...
i know as a newbie i might prob'ly be ask'g for smthg tt u mums hv already done, so maybe sm1 cld show me where to look in teh archives, tt wld be so helpful

p/s tried to upload a pic here but cldnt

cld sm mummy pls advise how i can resize my photo?
msg error sez tt my file exceeds 50 kilobytes. TIA!
Heeee... traumatic it was.. but she is back to her bouncy self. No worries!

Hey, we all post our photos in www.ringo.com. You can find afew of us who are hardworking in posting photos every other day, whereas some will post once in a while. Nevertheless, if u wanna put a face to the name, this is the website you should go to! Quick quick create an account for yourself, and start posting your picts! U can search via email address or name if I am not wrong. Go try out, then we can guide you from here.

Aiyo... YJ also fell on Sat nite... haha! She was too tired but refused to sleep, so blur blur walk buay wen, then fell while walking... right onto her face n kana 2 blue-black on her face... (hehe! I bery bad, got to control my laff, cos she like drunkend!)
koli: how did Noel fall till arms got bruise?? hit again some things ah???

siewlng: u so terrible leh... hehe still laugh :p
how's YJ?? ok a not???
aiyo bochap,
u really very bad hor.... but i imagine liao oso think it's quite funny, kekeke.
Hope YJ is better?

ya, how did noel fell? seems like a hard fall, he ok bo?

FK oso kena a small bruise on his cheek somewhere below his right eye.'cos he climbed onto my gal's water bed, loss his bal and knocked into my head, quite painful to me but he didn't cry much, he si bah?
Amanda, Violet and Bulomum
Yj ok lah, after cry a bit, stand up laff n play liao lah! oni blue-black loh... at her forehead n cheek... didn't bring her outside no worry abt beh sui lah... hehe!

No discount liao lah, till 31May nia!
sore eyes must wash and apply medicine faithfully then can recover.

N walking in my mum's room, slipped, hit her bed, then hit the yao lan metal then hit the floor. head bruised, hand badly bruised.
haiz... he still cannot walk stable leh dunnno y?
any mummies, bb walk for 1 month liao still not stable not?
N can walk for 1 month but still like drunkard.

can still laugh ah. i cry together with him ah. bery sad. first time fall so badly since he started walking
see the way u describe oso feel heartache....
He only started to walk for 1 mth is still learning, may not be very stable yet, may still fall here and there. Some more this this is slipped, pure accident that is difficult to avoid.
Hope his bruises heal fast
Aiyo N has a great fall ah... n u alot of mu ai mah hehe! I still bery little or non haha!

YJ fall still ok lah, not major on... jus her "usual" fall... haha!
I am used to it liao.

Don't worry too much abt N still drunkard walk lah! YJ also mah, can walk for abt 2-3months liao still can fall. Jus got to let them practise fall "smartly" loh aka soft landing.
hihi... j had diarrhoe on sunday but now ok... brought him to kkh A&E on sun nite and so many pple .. stayed there til about 1am.... then he slept abt 2am then 4+am wk up cry again... then 7+am wk up again... so tiring so i was on urgent leave yesterday. Doc said he has tummy infection but i fl it looks more lk teething to me cos gum abit swollen. Nevetheless, i still give him the medi prescribed and he was ok as of yesterday le BUT still refused to drink milk... he got drink but less than normal... he will drink only about 80ml then wont ask for food or milk at all.

after reading the thread, scare he also 1 shot many teeth out lk yj and elvin haha must b v painful for them.

koli, i had blood infection so it caused irritable uterus and threatened premature labor about 2wks ago... now everything under controlled and i m constantly on 4 hourly ventolin. and every wk gotto go and do blood test cos the test result still has not gone down to cleared result. stil show infection. dunno how come infection lei? haizzz... "dai ji liao liao" but nvm lah... got u gals around to cheer me up.... u all b more diligent to post so that i can read as and when and help me forget about the unhappy stuff haha

sat went carrefour to grab pampers for j... v cheap 76pcs a box only $29.90... mummies who are using pampers for your darling, please go and grab too hahaha i m not sure if other superstores ha sthe same offer or not cos i happen to be at carrefour

<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
Poor you! Blood infection sounds serious. But I am sure you are in good hands. Jarren poor thing.. *hugs* Hope he is alrite by now.

<font color="ff0000">Walking drunkard</font>
Annika is always like tat. She has fallen down twice, hit someting, bit her tongue and bleed very badly. But she is a brave girl. She cried abit then was okay. I am so thankful she is such a tough girl.
