(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

ZJ oso no handsome vote... my hb should 'si xin' liao... he must resign to fate his boi not handsome liao... but funny looking... hahahahahahahah.....

hi Etelle

Congrates for Ethan.... handsome baby

Can you also update Corinne's stats at 6 month old

Weight 9kg
Height 67cm

Yah, my hb plays with him more. I'm more of a take care of his needs mummy lor. When he's in discomfort then he comes to me. But when wanna play, it's Daddy.

Let her practise sitting lor. Yesterday, Caeden lost his balance while sitting and knocked his head during his chinese lesson. Now have a bruise on his head. Poor thing.
Halo mummies, me from Mar MTB thread, need advise from mummies who are still breastfeeding.
My bb likes to "bite" me recently when i latch her leh. it happens when she has satisfied her hunger, then she will start to close her lips tight tight or sometimes even chew n gnaw at my nipple....it's soooo painful and i can't even insert my finger in to unlatch, pull out also v pain boy. She can still stare at me eyes big big and smile. i think she's having a lot of fun ler.

How ah? anyone can advise how to "train" her???
Hi Val,
Thanks! But hor where got so much time to sun till dry leh

Hi Ng,
a.... although I TBF but hor din latch bb directly 'cos he will hv nipple confusion so couldn't help u with that.
But fm your description it seems like she is sucking for comfort.
My son is allergic to cow's milk. Before we discovered tat, he also had rashes on his face and body. When the pd told us to change our formula, we were in shock, cos both me and hubby got no such allergy. But once we switch to soya milk, viola! Immediately became better, like magic! Now he got clear skin.

Hey every baby boy is handsome to certain extend one la... maybe not as handsome as Ethan lor... heehee! At least ZJ can win most funny expression baby contest right?! My son neither here nor there.. can only be 'leaves' to compliment the 'flowers'.
<font color="ff0000">Gene</font>
Oic. The PD didnt say anything about her being allergic to cow's milk, only said that babies below 6MO are very prone to eczema.

Anyway, these few days, I keeping wiping down with Lactacyd + water, seems to have improved. Really must be really kut lut in doing so.. haha. Also, I m trying out Aloe vera products on her too, hoping to see some improvements before taking the next step.

Thanks to Mashy for your concern too.
oh dear, Caeden has a bump. But it's quite normal lah, my son has lots of them when he was young too.
My PD actually says Cetaphil is better than Lactacyd. 'Cos Feng Kai oso a bit of red patches when he was like 2-3mths old and when I told the PD I used Pactacyd she told me to change to Cetaphil.
After 1 wash with Cetaphil his rash cleared. Maybe he did not kena till very serious in the 1st place la, but at least after 1 wash it cleared lor.

<font color="ff0000">Congratulations!</font> So, how are you going to reward Leng Zai Ethan? ;p

<font color="0077aa">Teething Gel</font>
Ian has been very cranky recently, and I suspect its bcoz he's teething. My friend suggested that I buy him the teething gel. Anyone used it? Which brand is better ah?

<font color="0077aa">Brown Rice</font>
This Eu Yan Sang brown rice that u gals have been talking abt... Is it used to replace cereal? Or is it considered solid?
So, if I start feeding him porridge, then I alternate? E.g. Morning porridge, afternoon brown rice? Will that be too much solid for him for now? Thanks for advice.
hi elsie, sunshinekid, venus, mashy and all else
thanks. haha reward ethan ah buy him a toy?? i bringing him to watch fireworks from hotel on friday leh ha ha big big reward for him le..
Hi Mummies
Just alittle amendment to the theme due to some "england" problem. The theme should be

" Prettiest Baby Girl" instead of "Most Pretty Baby Girl".

Mimi thanks for the correction.

* So far i have received amanda, husna and mimi's submission of photos.
Hi mummies,
Anyone using NESTLE brown rice/ NESTLE NAN 2 for 6 mths onwards(1 opened, 4 unopened, all 400g).. My ger rejecting NESTLE products so i hav to give them away.. Please let me noe if anyone interested.. Thanks..
Mummies... need some advice...

1. how many feed of solid are u all givin to ur bb now huh?? i am only givin her 1 feed leh...
2. i tinkin of giving her the sishen brown rice.. should tat be consider 1 feed or to mix w the cereal tat i am givin now?
3. I wanna make puree for her now.. then how much should i give in a feed?? can i give carrot now?
4. for vegetable puree, what type of vegetable to use and how to make the vegetable puree? if steam it till very soft, the nutrient will be gone??
1. I give 2x solid a day
2. I bought the sishen brown rice but so far didnt give my boy. usually i cook porridge. that is only for back up when i lazy or not free to cook porridge then i give that brown rice. i use it to replace the rice cereal. now i no longer give rice cereal.
3. usually i make veg and potato puree to mix into his porridge. I put 10 tspn each feed :p then the porridge v tasty haha i didnt give carrot cos i heard that best not to give carrot for bb cos may jaundice or also dunno not good for what. so intend to give only when he rch 1YO

i also mk apple puree as desserts for bb. I will feed him the deseerts about 1.5 hrs after his dinner.
4. i use spinach... the smaller leave type. i usually boil the potato first then when potatoes is almost ready, i put the veg in to "sa" only then i will tk out and put potato and veg into blender to blend.
Yesterday saw my auntie n i show him Keagan's rashes n she told me it's not eczema it's fungus infections. Luckily i still have the cream tht PD prescribe to me now Keagan's skin getting better already. Heng ah i got ask my auntie or else i still think it's eczema.
1. since Jarren how many months u started giving 2 feeds huh?
2. so jarren is on milk and porridge only lor... 10 tspn... like a lot leh.. hehe then is just pure porridge with the puree lor... hehe like very tasty leh... din add any other tiao wei liao rite? oh then i better dun give carrot also... for the porridge water, u usin ikan bilis ah? then after the porridge no milk liao huh? or what the interval like?? hehe got a rough guideline?? like the interval like tat....
4. spinach huh.. hmm ok... i tink spinach more nutrients.... should try.. hehe

i dun quite like Heniz Puree leh.. dun look very good to me.. like got preseveratives like tat.. hehe :p think make myself better.... :p
Amanda keagan's fungus infection looks exactly like eczema patchy patchy n when u feel it it's very rough like rashes but when the infection dries up it got a scaly looking patches n look like skin peeling off n very dry. For eczema i'm not very sure leh.
ilim!! Yo yo...eczema not patchy one la...! Keagan one maybe same as Chloe think its hive is it??
Hee...me kaypoh kaypoh here.

Sorry to intrude ah...Anyway I'm from Jan05 MTB!
I bought the Nestle Brown Rice for my gal to try before. She is ok with it leh. Can I hve the Nestle Brown Rice from you?

Ya...that is fungus infection. Nicholas oso got it the last time. YOu juz need to apply the cream 3 times a day and oso apply for another 2-3 days even if it heals. If not, the infection will come back again. Juz ensure that you dry him thoroughly to prevent the fungus infection.

YOu make the ikan bilis powder already? Anyway I did not give porridge to Nicole yet. I try for 2 times but she dun wan to swallow leh. I added the threadfin fish and pumpkin. Mayb nxt time I add potato n c she wan to eat.
I bot Frisocrem for Jayden. Wow...he loves it. I make 3 tablespoon with 100ml of water for him. He finishes all and cry for more....

Belvia also wanted. I make 4 tablespoon for her too. Then I scoop some from Belvia's bowl and gave to Jayden, she cried.... Aiyo.... 2 children fighting for rice cereal....

I ask my mum to give Jayden 5 tablespoon from tomorrow....hehehehe.... since he can eat.... Will start him with lunch first.

Slowly then I make puree for him.
I got Nestle Rice Cereal, unopen... anyone want?
My HB bought it, but I dun wan to give, jus wan to stick to Heniz Step2 cereal.

YJ now eat wheat cereal in morning with bottled puree. I bought all brands, like Heniz, Gerber n Harvest. 4 dumex scoops.
Lunch n dinner, she eat porridge. Total half of our rice bowl.
She drink milk in between. Each time about 80-100ml. I realise, she everytime like hungry around 3pm, maybe is her tea-break time, still thinking what should I give her. Have tried biscuit. She like the Baby Bites biscuits.
For porridge, I throw in either potatoe, spinach, pumpkin or carrot in to boil. So far, have not given her ikan bilis boiled water to cook the porridge. Scare her skin allegry.

YJ's skin recovered liao leh. Think it happened after she six month.
1. i started him on 2 feeds about 2 weeks ago.
2. i din add any other tiao wei liao. e porridge i no add any soup base. just boil with potatoes so soup base is potato ah haha I din use ikan bilis cos someone in forum mention cough cant tk fish so i stopped fish liao.. after the porridge no milk liao for him.. it's replace 1 milk feed for him mah then about 2-3 hours later then i give milk depends on how much porridge he taken. sm x he no finish all then he will cry for milk about 2hrs time. if he finished all porridge then will be 3-4 hours then he will ask for milk. i will give him water about 30 mins after his porridge

heinz step 2 is that banana cereal ah? i thk i only saw banana one lei then fl funi to give banana cereal hehe so no buy... bought the sishen brown rice wanna try but til now not yet try.. cos stil prefer give fresh porridge and "liao" hehe

i make a bit of the ikan bilis powder to try then e rest no do lor cos HEY!!!! i think it was u who told me cough dun let bb eat fish izzit? haha
gals...i saw my gal 1st teeth liao. but its v funny leh. its not the incisors leh. its at the lower gum at the side, those fangs(pointed one) and 1 only. and the position dun seems right leh. it grow from the side of the gum and not on top of the gum. it look like those "te ko gay" like those teeth where not enough space to grow and grow at the side gum....i also have te ko gay but not from bb lor. v v funny leh...
ilim: it's patchy patchy one ah...cause i realise Xinru those fold ard her wrist is red red one leh... normal a not huh?? should not be any rash or what rite...

siewlng: after YJ's solid, how long after she will wan her milk huh?? actually hor, is cereal filling a not?? cause she is takin 4 dumex scoop in school then few hrs later she wan milk liao..u mean u put all those things to cook the porridge then after u cook got give YJ eat?? i tink hor i failure in this leh.. haizz dunno what to do leh.....

Experience mummies pls guide me!!!!! :p
Hi mummies,

now elvin only took his milk 3x a day. he like to take brown rice and porridge..I give him healthy time brown rice and today bought the eu ren seng brown rice. Wat to let him try later.

Elvin have 4 teeth now. The 2 top on on the process of growing. Can see them cut through liao.
JH also on 3x milk a day or sumtime another 1x milk in middle of nite. n she on 3x cereal a day.

see my posting on Jh teeth growing...v weird leh.
<font color="ff0000">ilim</font>
Hey, you seen Annika's face and arms and legs right? So you think is it eczema or fungal infection? Hers is also dry and scaly and looks like peeling. How does eczema look like?

Anyway, I am using Aloe Vera pdts on her, seems getting better. Will have to monitor further.

<font color="ff0000">Siewlng</font>
So good that YJ is getting better.
3x cereal + 3 x milk!!...wow....how many teaspoon for each feed cereal?
Mine only 1x cereal per day. today is the most - 4 teaspoon+ abt 1 tablespoon of honeydew juice. Milk she also didnt drink so much now.
hi hipee,
morn 2 similac scoops of cereal with 1/2 scoops of FM and add 1 tablespoon of puree.
noon 1.5 similac scoops of cereal with 1/2 scoops of FM and add 1 tablespoon of puree.
evening same as noon.

i either alternate or mix different types of cereal. 3types of cereals i using...brown rice, oat and barley.

haiz....she ate quite a lot but leh still v v small size. must be too active liao. every where i bring her to, ppl sure comments to me tat...ur dd v v active hor. taxis driver also say so. even the garung guni man come to collect newspaper also say so. even i bring her garden walk walk, passerby also comment so.
everytime i see other bb so guai guai i so envy....heehee...
etelle n ethan
congrats! enjoy at the hotel
we did
xr just stayed in my arms n stared at the fireworks, totally mesmerized. both hb n i agree it was $$ well spent, gd bonding time. now it's back home n to sch tomor! so tempted to go again, but that['s too extravagant liao.
oh...your girl almost 1 mth older than mine. so maybe mine by then also same amt.
Now mine only cereal 11.30am, 4 teaspoon with half teaspoon FM. the rest of time is milk.

mine also v active. she took her first crawl today. last few days she kept liftg her body up. Only her palm and feet are on ground.( even knees is off ground).

Happy that your girl is active. babies ma...active so learn faster lor.

I finally make my girl sleep. she scream a lot past few days b4 sleep. like unwillingly to sleep like dat. siong ah!!!
hahaha ur thread boring so u hop in huh hehehe... Wat happen to Chloe when did she got hives so long never see Jennifer liao so dunno wat happen leh. Anyway can trouble u to describe how eczema looks like to the mummies here, i dunno how to describe leh hehehe....Anyway hor u got give Claira frisocrem my aunt passing me some u wan??? N Keagan cmf is fungus infection not hives.

Xin Ru might be having rashes lor hehehe i dunno leh see wat my friend MGTeo says abt eczema lah. She more exp cos her ger very prone to eczema.

Annika's rash dun look like it's fungus infection leh since aloe vera helps u apply few more days n see how lor. Anyway hor if it's fungus infection it wll get worst by applying aloe vera gel cos aloe got moisture mah.
<font color="ff0000">BROADWAY BENG</font>
Today's my hb's bd so I bought tickets to the show. It's really funny, now extended to 20-Aug. Show starts at 8pm on wkdays and lasts aout 1:15hr. If got time can go watch, good show to help us relax.....

<font color="0000ff">DIM SUM DOLLIES</font>
Coming back in early Nov, anyone interested to go watch? Let me know b/f I book tickets on 02-Sep.
Hi smiley,
elvin everyday drink abt 3x of 120 or 150ml of milk + 1 scoop of rice cereal and he will have 3x or 4x of solid. The solid is either healthy times brown rice or porridge. If take healthy time brown rice is abt 3.5 tablespoon mix with hot water. If is porridge is abt 4 scope of the soup spoon.

i think elvin one also the fungus lei. It like wat u describe. THe pd give us a cream to apply. After apply it get better but will come back lei.
you also a theatre fan? Last time I went for dim sum dollies, laugh until stomachache
Now got xr, feel so reluctant to go out coz must leave her at home, missed cabaret partly because of her (other reason is coz hb not the theatre kind, more movie person)...but will be going for forbidden city in sept with my sis
Who's in broadway beng? I'm a big hossan leong fan, so will prob go for dim sum dollies if time permits since early nov is o=level period.
xr been cranky of late...takes a long time for her to zzz, and now she a bit comfort suckling before she can zzz, just now had to stop my work amd let her suckly coz she was complaining nonstop and refusing to sleep. hope it';s just a phase.
not really la... 'cos last time no time to go watch. After work is always home to my gal.
Now I got maid (&amp; my mum stays over) then can afford the time to go mah.
But I still can't bear to leave the 2 kids at home and go enjoy myself so often la, so I can understand how u feel oso

My gal waited for us to be home then willing to go sleep. Cried when my mum asked her to go sleep first. See her like that oso din scold her for sleeping late, she jus misses us lor.

Sebastian Tan stars in broadway beng. I missed dim sum dollies previously so this time must go.
I oso wanted to watch cabaret but by the time I wanted to get tickets too late liao.
like tat elvin will get constipated or not???
i find JH poo more hard nowadays as eat solid more now. she drink abt 170-180ml of milk each time.

recently my boy also vvvvvvvvvvv cranky at nite when gg to sleep... then sleep every few hours will wake up cough and cry LOUDLY.. faint.. so deprive of sleep.

i m interested in the dim sum dolly... will chk w hb if he wanna go hehe i missed the last one .. haizzz
