(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Hi Claire,

If u opt for c-sec epi in Mt.A, ur hubby is allowed to go into O.T provided tat ur gynae giv e green light. As for c-sec GA, then he is not allowed.

My gynae didn't allow HB to go with me in the OT as my HB is so worried that his face looks like he wants to cry..but he really was in distress as he was with me throughout labour and he knows that i'm in pain. I guess it depends if ur gynae allows that ur HB can go with u.
Goodluck to all mummies who has yet to pop out.

Hi Etelle,
Do u plan to use TBM or 50-50? I'm on 50-50 BM and FM as my milk is not enough for my bb, I tried that papaya fish soup and fenugreek but still not enough milk..my bb pediatrician said it's ok..dun stress myself if really cannot..how about u?
you very steady and very brave leh going through it all without epi...hee hee

i forgotten the method to latch and i veyr scared Ethan will use me as a pacifier and also after so long he has been used to the bottle teats dun want to risk my nipple being "eaten" hee hee :p so will still try to pump and pump and see how lor....so if pump already for 5 minutes and can see drops of colostrum does that mean milk and can carry on pumping?? okie will do the hot towel massage....THANKS!
My boi hardly opens his eyes leh. Most of the time he is sleeping......

I heard abt block milk ducts. How to get it clear? I thk my BM is gg down leh..... because my breasts feel soft liao and shrink back to normal size. Yesterday only manage to pump out 30ml nia..... Maybe I didn't drink enough water? I was having stomach upset so didn't eat or drink much. Maybe that's the reason?
hi ladies, went 4 the appt on sat but they gynae never performed any VE on me leh..merely said the head is engaged now. thinking how long i still need to wait though still 2 weeks to go..
tried to walk around but extreme sharp pain experienced near the cervix yest...
wonders who is going to deliver tomorrow..valentine's day..hoho
hi mummies,

i having show for 2 days liao... but my contraction still weak. This morning i wake up my discharge charge to light green colour.I just call doc, he say maybe my cevix opening liao... will be seeing him tomorrow. If cevix opening n still got show he will induce for me...
Hope my baby give me more contraction today , so i no need to induce...
hi gals, I'm from the march thread. Jus reading ur experiences made me more aware what's going on. Wonder anyway how u can chk if u got tear down there and if the wound has healed? Also, if u express breastmilk every 2-3 hrs, do u have to sterilise the kit after every use?

i think my bb would nt be coming out so soon.. I think it s genetic.. coz my mum gave birth to my first sister at 40 weeks.. and then my first sister gave birth to my first niece also at 40 weeks.. and i think it s both induced.. i m praying that i would nt be induce coz induced birth more pain right??

one more thing, in my admission letter states that my edd is 26 feb not 22 feb.. i think that s following my LMP not from fetal scan.. so i think that s more accurate.. that means more waiting..
Hi Lim, my gynae told me if got show must immediately go hospital?

Feza, ur edd is same as my edd ( based on my conceived date), but if based on last menstruation it's 27feb.
hope my baby wont be like me...i was over-due by 1 month n the doc din induce for my mum. i was a breech baby too..with buttock out first..but the doc then was real skilful as i was delivered via vaginal birth
if no tear or episotomy, do they still need to stitch below? did u do the Perineal Massage to prevent tear?

really ah? If wanna go and get the ducts cleared, do we have to make appt? where to see her? Parentcraft room?

My breasts pain pain becoz of bleb.
No matter how i tried to clear it, keep staying put. Like needle poke...
<font color="ff0000">Hippee</font>

No tear and my doc didn't perform a cut, ie, episiotomy on me, hence no stitches required. My frens all didnt believe my vaginal is so stretched that my baby can come out naturally.. Then they all teased me and said.. Wah, you must hve been babydancing so much that your down there is very used already. :p

My doctor, Dr Paul Tseng, is someone who does not believe in episiotomy, unless really necessary. To him, a tear naturally is better as it heals faster. But of course this is a case-by-case basis lah. He did massage my perineum (sp?) continuously while I was pushing, can feel his hands.

<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
What is bleb ah? I have heard of friends going either to see Mrs Wong of TMC or Sister Kang at Mt. A. Both are very good LC. I heard my friend said Mrs Wong charges $50 per session. You gals need more info? I can ask my friend. Mine is still okay. I have been latching baby on most of the time and Day 4, I started expressing out after the feed, starting with once a day. On Day 4, I got 80ml after one of those feeds. I think for 2nd pregnancy, milk comes in alot faster.

<font color="ff0000">Lim</font>
You get ready lor. I think you may be having a Valentine's day baby!
Though contractions are weak, your body is getting ready to deliver baby out.

<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
Not steady lah, pain like hell. My hb thought I was going mad as I was shaking my head left and right, really like those pple in the ER you see on TV. And at one point of time, my fingernails were running on his arms.

<font color="ff0000">Apple</font>
Ya Lor, I m a February mummy. Before I del, I called Celyn, and told her I am due in Feb. She said okay, she will rush out for me. Then only yesterday, I received the pillow. I think the pillow helps man! For 2 nites, baby kept on crying. But last nite, I put the pillow on her, and surprisingly, her cries are not those sharp wailing, only "Ee Ee Ee". Better lor.
wat is bleb?

wat u mean clear ducts? they will massage to clear all the blocked milk ducts izzit? u find out more inform liao share w us hor

so good, yr gal so routine in her feeding. mine not routine yet...

mashy, u alway let yr boy latch stil will hv blocked ducts? how come? by the way nowadays u also express right? how much can u express each x ah?

i sterilise my breast pump after every pump. i dun pump every 2-3 hrs. i only pump 3x a day. once morn, once pm, once nite... some day only pump 2x (once morn, once nite)

got show dun nd go hospital imm mah. unless u hv show + waterbag burst/regular contraction/fresh blood bleeding

u mean the sngness below? i on off stil hv but ok lah nowadays... can sit stand everything normal liao

lochia - i til now stil on off hv a bit lei esp after pump milk lei

must drink a lot of fluid (soup, water, etc) to hv milk i think. dat's wat kkh nurse told me.

i also all EBM. i totally dun let bb latch one... my milk only come in after 1 wk and v low only can express 20-30ml fr both breasts lk initially. now can pump abt 100ml fr both breasts and morn time can pump 150-180ml

can see drops of colostrum, u can carry on pumping

breast engorge - must massage with warm towel else if it keeps engorge u will b v painful one lei

i got let bb drink water in-btw feed when he cry. it's ok to let bb drink water esp if our bb also drking FM cos FM is more heaty

my boy is half EBM and half FM. wat FM u gv huh? i last wk just change from similac to dumex mamil gold. i realise similac a lot of bubbles and mayb heaty. my boy drink liao a lot of "pimples" lk dat. ya. dun stress yrself over not enuf BM. give FM also the same one lah

so fast increasing to 125ml ah... i starting to thk i not feeding my boy enuf looking at u and siewlng hehe both also giving 120-125ml. somemore, both yr bbies are younger than my boy lei. i only last wkend start to give my boy 100ml each feed. he is drinking about every abt 2-4 hourly.
Help to find out more from your friend leh... on clearing blocked milk duct.

Yes, we need to call to make appointment, need to pay also.

Milk duct block ah, can feel a lump one.
bulma, my gynae din give very clear instructions...told me look out for 3 signs;
got show, regular contraction per 10 mins interval with backache, waterbag burst.
if got any of this sign must go immediately..

Bleb is a white spot on the nipple. It's caused by the milk going under the skin at the nipple and it caused a needle poking kind of pain.

Sigh, my milk supply is really low now. Only pump 20-50ml each time. Sad right? I see your 170ml I very envious. I think my boy is not doing his job. When he takes the bottle, he can take half hour to finish 90ml leh. Slow eater. Now i'm trying to increase my supply. Gettting an electric pump to see if it works. Sianz.... It was fine first 2 weeks. Wonder what happened? I think it could be due to my direct latch only during first 2 weeks (no expressing) and my boy didn't drink as much milk as the breasts make the first 2 weeks, then cause the milk supply to decrease. Now wanna increase also difficult.
dun envy me lah... u must envy those who can provide total EBM to their bb ....

i read jan thread, wow .. they can express 190ml - 300ml meh so "li hai". i one day only total express 300+ml... they 1 x 300ml meh... salute them

then u listen to yr gyn. mayb he has diff tots hehe good luck to u .. hope u will hv a smooth and short labor
<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>

don't despair! Now what you can do is to try latch and then pump out after each feed. How about trying to get medicine from your gynae to increase breast milk? I got my GP to write me a precription and I bought it from the pharmacy the last time. Also, can try Fenugreek tabs, purchased from GNC. Or another supplement called Nettle, but I don't know which is better. Momsinmind also sells a milk tea. You may want to try.
<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>

Can one, becos those pple oredi establish their supply, u see. I could do 450ml at nite for my son, but tats after some months. If we want gd results, just have to work v hard.

i also same problem. very low supply. wonder if becos i dont eat enough cos trying to lose my 10kg to fit back my pre-pregnancy clothes at the same time.

Sunshinekid, does Fenugreek make you increase appetite?
gals who have given birth, can I ask if you breastfeed still during malay massage? Will be very oily and bb dun like it? When can we start the massage? If got herbal bind, means cannot bath ah? Sorry me very sotong. First time mummy

can breastfeed. just clean your nipples and breasts well before feeding.

i started massage 4th day after birth. but if c-section, the lady will only do a week after.

you can bathe before the bind so more hygienic since you'll be wearing it the whole day.
cannot cut down your intake now ah, else milk supply will drop.
do it on 2nd month onwards lah, when supply is established
kkh nurse tell me to hv milk supply must drink a lot alot fluid.... any thing from water to soup, etc

can BF after massage, my massage lady no massage my breasts one so stil can massage. usually i bath b4 massage and leave the bind on til nx morn. i natural, i start massage 1 wk after deliver

ya u dun give up lah i rmbr b4 deliver, u e most determined to BF mah... jia you jia you jia you...
Thk my milk supply also gg down liao...... My hb still tease me say I lao ya.... no milk....

Will ask my mum to cook the fish bone soup agn.....

But I will not force myself lah..... If really don't hv, bo bian lor...... I am giving my boi drinking 80ml of FM per feed which can last 4hrs. As I can only supply 30 - 50ml of BM each time, will let him rest for 1-2hrs before giving him FM agn. Sometimes not enough BM also can get the feeding goes haywire leh....

BTW, 80ml of FM is equivalent to how many ml of BM huh?

Bulma, yr boi still drink so little FM? U hv to increase his intake.
so how much shd i gv him now? pls advise... i dunno mah... tot 100ml a lot liao lei... i stil worry i over-fed him. i see my SIL's bb gal now 8 months stil only drink 140ml only.. my boy only 1 mth old lei
Yr SIL's gal drinking 140ml because she is also eating solid food right? My girl also drinking 140 - 160ml each feed because she is eating solid food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. These milk feedings are given in between her meals as supplements.

Yr boi should be drinking 120ml now. But don't increase suddenly, he may not be able to take it. How much FM u gave him each time? How long does it last till the next feed?
U can massage yr breast with hot towel. Then use your fingers to slowly massage yr breast. Massage from yr outer breast towards yr nipple. After that squeeze yr nipple to see whether any leaks, if hv that means sign of milk coming. U can try to pump 5mins on each breast after massaging. The flow will be better if yr body temperature goes up.

After pumping, although may not be much. Don't throw away, u can dip on Ethan's lip to let him take some. That's what I do when my supply is only a few drops.
Re blocked milk ducts
You gals have been talking abt Mrs Wong from TMC, can we still go to her if we dun deliver there? In case got milk ducts prob, can find her....hehe

How often you let bb latch on? Must let him latch on every 2-3 hrs, if not, pump out. Dun give up, try for a few weeks, if really cannot then you know you have tried your very best. Jia you!

I went for gynae checkup on the c-section wound. Gynae dun allow me to do massage at all. He says its no good for the wound. How? Shall I listen to him? Anybody got opinion on tat?
Me also had the same discharge as u, went to c gyn 2day n told her abt tht n my contractions, she din wan to do VE for me n told me tht bb will come out b this wk.
Anyway, all the best to u.
Me also had the same discharge as u, went to c gyn 2day n told her abt tht n my contractions, she din wan to do VE for me n told me tht bb will come out b this wk.
Anyway, all the best to u.

My friend intro me this lady Katijah, she says she is really gd. her charges r $350 for 7 sessions plus 2 massage for bb n a free girdle. I have already book her.
Hi gals ,

Dun noe will 'sheng' 2molo a not...'valentine baby' hehe
hope everything smooth smooth , easy easy.... haha
Make appt with doc 2molo at 230pm, doc will check my cevix open n ready for bb to come out a not... Last Friday check dilated 1cm... hope tomorrow got more... n hope contraction fast come. Bcos my doc say i got 'show' but no contraction also problemssssss...

"SHOW' mean blood stain...

at last yr turn has come.. mine huh still waiting and waiting.. but it s alright after my last gynae check up i have set my mind at ease when the gynae say that mine is not gonna be so soon.. i mean at least i dun have to keep pondering and pondering on when she gonna come out.. dun worry and all the best..


thanks you and yr hubby for sending the diapers all the way to woodlands for me.. one thing, how many packs do you think i should bring to my in laws.. i was thinking just bring one.. then if not enough then i will ask hubby to bring more.. but how many diapers does a bb use on average per day??
Need to once a while let Ethan latch on to simulate lah... Bulma also did tat. Else the milk flow will not be much leh.

Depends on FM or BM feeds. If BM, will wee n poo more... cos more diluted... But hor, this theory don't seem to work for my girl. She wee alot but poo once a day.

I used up 1 pack of Pamper NB in 1 week. 36 pieces per pack. Bulma used up 1 pack of Mamy Poko in 1 week, I think is 50plus per pack.

Also depend hor hygenic u wan loh... I bochap her when she wee, only change diaper 2-3 times in 1 afternoon.

I also not delivered at TMC. Can call up n make appointment one lah.

Maybe can start trying to pump out 1 side when feeding at the other side of the breast. Then latch the other side n pump. N let Caeden drink immediately after pump out, he may not be able to finish oh. It helps to simulate more milk. Some sort of cheating your body to produce more milk than required. N also save time. I am trying now this method now. See how it goes!
My boi always falls asleep when latch him on so I only pump out. Did not let him latch on. I will try to pump out twice a day.

Wow! Yr bb used so much diapers. The pampers that I brought back from hospital last me for 1 and 1/2 wk.
Ethan has been admitted to hospital today due to jaundice at level of 15.6 . Pd suggested admitting him to swiftly bring down the level. So.....wednesday then bb cane come back.
My cl feeling the strain just after 1 week. Said she just did 1 b4 this, so very tired. She say want to consider do 2 weeks for me only and I am the active type, so she says I seems alright to her so can manage on my own liao. I nearly freak out! Anybody got good cl to recommend, esp those finishing confinement soon?
how can your CL like that one? I mean then how u gng to find another one? Can get your mum or mil to stand in to help??? I mean even though it's like 2 wks but then still need rest mah.

Ethan will get well soon ..... Don't worry &amp; take care .

Aiyo , why is CL like that ... u need rest mah... will inform u if got lobang on CL
tt's quite irresponsible of your cl. maybe can ask her if she has a replacement just in case u can't find another one in time?

today my last day at work til ml ends. clearing up as much as possible so the relief teacher wont be so siong
rest tomorrow (going to cut hair again, scared confinement time cannot tahan long hair) then thurs go in and shen liao

read earlier got a breech bb given birth naturally? the doc must be really skillful, but my doc going to do c sec.
your bb is in breech position? I think it depends on how skilfull and how confident the gynae is right? But then ah trust the professional since we have chosen them
LIke my case, alot of people said i would probably be going through c section but my gynae did not tell me that. He said we'll see and on the day itself he let me go thorugh natural assisted delivery. But i am thankful to him that i can naturally deliver...c section sounds painful also...actually same same lah.

Your Cl is quite irresponsible. Any reason why she suddenly decided to shorten her service? When is her last day then?
