(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

I guess different gynae have different opinions, my gynae is esp worried about weight in this case...
But i share his concerns also, afraid bb too big i might have diff. pushing her out... esp. when this is my first bb. Oh yes, bb sure fattens up real fast towards the later weeks. I hope i can give birth before EDD, really dread the idea of having to induce.

summer: wow... u still got strength to do shoppin ah... hehe now i walk even slower then a old woman... my mom keep tellin me not to just sit at home when on ML... if not later very hard to shen.. so i walk at home everyday.. hehe....

MTAN: normally VE done on which week huh... my gynae no do anything one leh... basically just scan baby and take measurement.. then tell me if got pain or bleedin just call him.. no more liao.... hmmm dunno ok a not... haizz

etelle: u got take breakfast a not.. hehe and what u doin now? me msn downloadin complete soon liao.. then after i sweep the floor i log on ya.. hehe :p

Bam: hehe same here... everyone popped or poppin soon so feel like ours very slow.. hehe :p
Ya, i so much wanted to go shopping just before i give birth... i think i will make it this weekend. I still can walk normally leh. Hey, i can join you gals on MSN when i start my ML next week.
Hi Summer

It's true that bigger babies are harder to pushm just like my first gal at 3.7+ kg.

I had early contractions a week ago and was hospitalised for a day, was at 36 weeks 3 days and my gynae advised me not to deliver too even though contractions were coming and put me on ventolin.
it is best to have a full term baby, accoridng to my gynae and friends. For the sake of our babies, endure for now and when it's time, the baby will be out, and full terms means up to 42 weeks.

I still bring my 2 year old gal go shopping on my own, albeit a bit slow in walking and catching up with her.
Amanda: Ya lor, time seems to pass so slowly as we are nearing the end of our journey. Guess we are tired of this stage & hope to move on to the next stage earlier.....to see & hold our bb....8>
Hi Amanda

Me also confused when to do VE. Just that gynae did it for me yesterday as I complained to him I feel very uncomfortable at that area.

My gynae just said he want me to do a CTG scan during next Tue.
come on in and update forum and chat in msn lah i always online one if i dun go out hee hee :p which i don't ha ha :p

i also have the clean hosue kinda feeling but then dun think it's nesting effect leh hee hee :p

my baby has been engaged since 27 weeks and i am coming 39 wks liaoz but no sign of shen le wonder why? Tomorrow go gynae ask him hee hee to give me some gauge of when ha ha :p 42 weeks dun want lah ha ha ha :p 40 wks more than enough liaoz hee hee or earlier better lah dun want 42 weeks leh ha ha but then i know God is always on time never late. So definitely before my due 11 Feb baby be out

u still want to shop for what stuff? bb stuff or ur stuff? I am almost done with all the shopping liaoz...except for some storage containers....hee hee :p okie join us in MSN soonz ah hopefully all the mamas still around ha ha
i did the CTG scan liaoz but never ask about whether normal or not. I just know i was strapped for 20 mins and then have to monitor bb heartbeat then when bb mvoe i have to press a button hee hee :p VE ah...Mmmm doing VE will know dilation mah...so ur gynae said u not yet ah????

as long as bb come out now after CNY eve is considered doggie year already leh....why have to wait until feb 4th. But for buddhist think if born on the year of the ti gong is better right? ti gong kia....yah which means u want on the 4th yah chu 6 it is the date for the ti gon kia...u buddhist?
Etelle: 4 Feb is hubby's bd....hahaha & according to those geomancers....the actual change of animal signs i.e from rooster to dog takes place on 4 Feb, 7.25am. Read that from Sin Ming newspaper & tat day is 7th (ren ri).....everyone's bd....easy to remember also...hahaha.
This mummy can't even remember her own lunar bd.....hope tat bb's bd is easier to remember.
Yup...me is buddhist but not very devoted kind, just go temple & pray only.
Hi Etelle

Ya my gynae said no dilation yet. So we have the same edd, see who will pop out first,ha ha. My gynae want the baby to come out on edd or before cos I have gestational diabetes. It is not good for the baby to come after edd.
<center><font size="+2">February 2006 Babies!!!</font></center>

<center><table border=1><tr><td><font size="-2"><center>S/N</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Mummy's Name</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Mummy's Age</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>EDD</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>BB Gender</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Weeks Left!!!</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Hospital</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Gynae</center></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Ah ger</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>(0.1)</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>gingerale</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>2-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>0.0 </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Jappooh</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>5-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>0.4 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr John Tee </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>steph</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>9-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>1.0 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Judy Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>marcia</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>10-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>1.1 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Kenneth Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>Wendy Ter</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>10-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>1.1 </TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Etelle</TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD>11-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>1.3 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr HK Ho </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>Keitong</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>11-Feb-06</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>1.3 </TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>MTAN</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>11-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>1.3 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>et</TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD>12-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>1.4 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Everest</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>12-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>1.4 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr HK Ho </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Jasjas</TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD>14-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>1.7 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Grace Goh</TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD>15-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>1.9 </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Bamwicca</TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD>16-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>2.0 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr HK Ho </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Sunshinekid</TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD>16-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>2.0 </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tseng </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>fan</TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD>17-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>2.1 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Christohper Chong </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>jasminesym</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>17-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>2.1 </TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr SC Chew </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>Lenny</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>17-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>2.1 </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr WH Kee </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Amanda</TD><TD><center>25</center></TD><TD>18-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>2.3 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Adrain </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Penny</TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD>21-Feb-06</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>2.7 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>feza</TD><TD><center>24</center></TD><TD>22-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>2.9 </TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr Ben Neo </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>Yong Jin Foong</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>22-Feb-06</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>2.9 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>Claire</TD><TD><center>25</center></TD><TD>24-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>3.1 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Chen Lin Han </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>niko76</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>24-Feb-06</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>3.1 </TD><TD>GHL</TD><TD>Dr Mary Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>hipee</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>28-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>3.7 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></center>

<center><font size="+2">February 2006 Babies - We are born!!!</font></center>

<center><table border=1><tr><td><font size="-2"><center>S/N</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Mummy's Name</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Mummy's Age</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>EDD</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Birthdate</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>BB Gender</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>BB Name</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Age / Days</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Wt @ Birth</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Hospital</center></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>mashy brainz</TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD>1-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>Caeden</TD><TD>32.0 </TD><TD>2.8 kg</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Bulma</TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD>12-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jarren Lo Yi Jie</font></TD><TD>21.0 </TD><TD>2.77 kg</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Ah_may</TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD>21-Feb-06</TD><TD>13-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boys</font></center></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>20.0 </TD><TD><font size="-1">1.9 kg &amp; 2.3 kg</font></TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Ivory</TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD>23-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>Zeng Zi Jie</TD><TD>10.0 </TD><TD>2.96 kg</TD><TD>GHL </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>Sally Cinnamon</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>12-Feb-06</TD><TD>23-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>Sally</TD><TD>10.0 </TD><TD>2.5 kg</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>siewlng</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>10-Feb-06</TD><TD>23-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>Xie Yu Jie</TD><TD>10.0 </TD><TD>2.77 kg</TD><TD>ESH </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>smiley</TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD>3-Feb-06</TD><TD>24-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>9.0 </TD><TD>2.45 kg</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Ling79</TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD>5-Feb-06</TD><TD>25-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>8.0 </TD><TD>2.63 kg</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Venus Teoh</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>2-Feb-06</TD><TD>26-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>Corrine Ong</TD><TD>7.0 </TD><TD>3.32 kg</TD><TD>GHL </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>vonvon78</TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD>7-Feb-06</TD><TD>26-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>Marcus Kang</TD><TD>7.0 </TD><TD>2.65 kg</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>I have a bb ger</TD><TD><center>21</center></TD><TD>8-Feb-06</TD><TD>29-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>Shayna</TD><TD>4.0 </TD><TD>3.2 kg</TD><TD>MT E </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>babycutie</TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD>23-Feb-06</TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>1.0 </TD><TD>2.81 kg</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></center>
Bam: ya lor... like very long liao.. so wanna see the baby soon.. :p

summer: we waitin for u to join us next week huh.. hehe

MTAN: i also got tell him but like nothin done leh.. haizz

etelle: cause 4 Feb is 'ren' ri... i also hopin my gal will come out on tat day.. if not then on the 9th or 15th day of tis month... (lunar calendar)

My wife when for checkup day before CNY ,bb weight 2.6kg at week 35 4day.EDD is 28 feb.is a boy.doc say still need to wait 2-3 week.

hi bulma,
now seldom people use 'tai feng gai' very messy need to boil long time.u can buy the ready pack tonic to bath is more easy.
hi Bamwicca,

u r rite,actual dog yr start on 7th on CNY,i heard that too..

if bb boy born on 15th CNY is very good but if bb girl born on 15th CNY will bad life'ko ming',this is what i heard from some old people.
ready made tonic is wat? What is it call????

ren ri ah is it the same as what i said about the ti gong kia???

ur girl so cute leh ha ha ha....make us all envy envy only hee hee :p
thanks for updating

ur girl really adorable...and this pic bigger, can see her more clearly

just now went for class was ok, but by the 3rd class, my voice was almost gone liao. Hopefully will be ok, hate the feeling of a sore throat.
Professor: For this year, it falls on 7th. Think the actual changing differs every year. But the report did says it usually happens on either 3rd or 4th Feb. Huh, got such things ah...didn't know that it's good for boys &amp; bad for girls to be born on 15th leh.

Etelle: I dunno when bai ti gong leh...hahahahah...so dunno if it's the same. I'm not familiar with these chinese customs.
Hi Ivory, THanks for update. I am 30yrs old. My bb is a girl and my doc is Dr Gordon Tan.

Just saw my gynae this morning. He didn't mention anything abt induce delivery again so I didn't ask him. Wanted to go natural and let the bb decide when she wants to come out. Forgot to ask abt her wtg though. I lost some wtg and my gynae thought I was busy visiting during CNY. I practically slept through the holiday as I was so tired. In fact ,still very tired. And I got 2 days mc to rest at home.
My bb not engaged yet. BTW, what is VE? When will be gynae start performing that? My gynae just scan the baby and check the plancenta. Maybe becos bb not engagaed, so no need to do VE. And what is CTG for? Does everyone have to do it? My gynae just ask me to monitor my baby activities closely and if it appears to be less, then call him.

Hi Penny, Amanda and Clarie, our EDD quite close to each other and delivering in Mt A. How heavy is your bb now? Have you started packing your bags?
siewlng: ur girl so cute leh... hehe... she like very 'jiao gay' like tat.... hehe like like to talk alot one... so cute and lovely...

keropi:i already packed mine liao.. only left toothbrush and toothpaste haven put in.. then others all in liao le.. hehe cause i see so many poppin so i packed all on new year eve le... hehe...
my bb weight at 1 day before 37 week is about 2.8kg.. not much of a increase... then tis sat goin see gynae see how heavy liao.. cause lately keep having pain there... then walk also hard.. haizz
i actualli opted for TMC eventualli.. hehe cause tat time admited then find there not bad so eventuali opt there lor...

ivory:thanks for the prompt update.. so how's baby doin?? by the way, me wil be poppin in TMC liao.. not Mt A.. so if u happen to update anything help me change k... xie xie ni...
Keropi: VE is to check if yr cervix has dilated anot. Heard from others that it hurt. CTG is to monitor bb's heartbeat to check if there's abnormities. Btw, you like the Sanrio frog Keroppi?
Hi Etelle,

4th of Feb is ren ri and 6th Feb is ti gong. They are not the same. The hokkien take ti gong day as a very important day as during old time it the day they escape from traitors i think so. They hide in the sugar cane plantation and that save the whole village life. Therefore if these few days u pass by those family with sugar cane tehn they are hokkien family.

My due is 5th Feb so i ask baby to come out on the 6th Feb so he will be blessed loh. Thats why i request to induce in 5th Feb nite if this few day i didnt give birth. Hope that induce on 5th Feb nite baby can be out on 6th Feb and be a ti gong kai.. Hee..Hee..
Hi i am new here. My EDD is 27Feb 2006, will be expecting a gal and i am delivering at TMC.
Been having cramp on the lower abd, is this normal? cos by end of this week i will be 37th week
Hi Amanda,
i also packed my bag liao.
I also packed in mat pads. Heard that they use the tie-string type, which I had never used before. so I bought the ones from Mothercare. BTW, mothercare having sale. It's normal price is $6/pack, now only $3/pack. very worth it. i got 2 packs. Thinking that after that, I can use the normal night/heavyflow pads.

Hi Bamwicca,
Yes. I love keropi! I've got a collection of the keropi stuff. Hehe! Too bad, they don't have keropi range for bb items. Otherwise, I'll get everything!
Thanks for the info. So have you done the VE or CTG yet?

Hi Vs,
I have occasional cramps too but I think it's ok. Prob, your body just practising for the real thing.
Keropi: Gynae didn't do VE but I did the CTG scan. So far it's still ok.
I love Keroppi too! Got a whole load of Keroppi things on display in my hse plus soft toys which I lugged back from HK....hehehehhe. Now got to stop buying cause no space to display already.
Hi girls
i got this lower abodmina pressure whole day leh.....and whole tummy hardened like whole day also...normal or not? Tomorrow going to gynae liaoz wonder if will shun bian shen or not. let's see what gynae says then....

pls find out for me k. Thanks

oooh i heard form Amanda also 4th feb is ren ri...then 6th feb is the ti gong ri...so u want your child to come out on the big auspiscious day ah hee hee induce then surely can hee hee :p

what i heard from them is Dr Ho will not do VE on his patients unless they ahve surpassed their due date....so it's a good thing for us....they said VE is a painful experience...

etelle:eek:k i try my best .my sister also use that.jz buy from chinese medical shop 'yao chai den'.

Bamwicca:as for VE i think the gynae wil insert their hand to exem.
Etelle: Maybe you will be popping soon. Remember to ask Dr Ho. I didn't ask anything during my last visit and he (as usual) didn't say anything. You doing the CTG scan tomorrow hor? I really hope not to pass my due date and dun need to do VE. Just in case you really go &amp; pop, I wish you Good Luck and have a short &amp; smooth delivery.
same here, it's like bb want to drop like that..dunno if it's normal.i will also go to gynae tomolo..he will do a VE again like last week.I dun want to go through it again, but he said it is necessary..good thing is that he's very gentle..so only a bit pain
other than that do u hv any increase in discharge? evrytime i go to the loo, i always pray that i see a show..but so far i dun hv

ur bb very cute cute..time passed by so fast..ur bb also grow so fast

ur gynae agreed on your chosen date? i dunno if my gynae will agree to induce me, i will request tomolo. I really cannot tahan my PUPP(body itch), that's the reason i cannot sleep..
i did my CTG last visit liaoz. So tomorrow's visit would be a normal one...hee hee me popping soonz ah i also don't know leh...sigh....

you and me the same leh go toilet check for show ha ha ha :p so funni we cnanot wait to deliver. But there's a time for it so be patient
OSCAR has given to a baby boy 3.2 kg. She said she undergone C-section cuz bb got stuck. She said it was terrible. WIll fill us in....Until now let's pray that everything's fine.
You also have PUPPP? I also kena....extremely itchy. Are you being treated? I recommend oatmeal bath very soothing and moisturizing for the skin. Also take piriton for anti-itch so you can sleep at nite. I got it before cny didn't know what it was and suffered unnecessarily. My rash scars are really bad but it is under control after I went to see my gynae. PUPPP won't go away until we deliver.

For herbal bath, there are ready satchel called Daifonah you can purchase from chinese medical shop.
how to know if it's contraction for labor?
starting to worry now cos i have different pain/pressure on the lower abd these few days..sometimes it feels like menstrual cramp, sometimes it's sharp pain, n sometimes extremely pressure down thr.
my tummy is always hard also, got to wait till this sat then can ask gynae..think better start packing also for hospital. But TMC provided a very short lists of items to bring, i suppose they provide most of the things for baby?
My sis suggests 'die die' cannot use epidural,

same like you.. i too dunno how contraction for labour feels like.. maybe when time comes we will definitely know..

i have this tingly pain at my V area but my spotting seems to have stop.. like whole day no discharge..
hi again! thanks for the well wishes. hmm etelle says i should post my story to encourage those not taking epidural. here goes.

not asleep cos watching soccer match with husband. felt a lot of discharge. went to check, noticed streaks of blood. called doctor. no pain so doctor just said to see him at the clinic in the morning.

felt contractions. around 7-10mins apart. felt like menses cramp. was afraid it was false labour so tolerated the pain.

contractions seem like less than 5mins apart. BUAY TAHAN called doctor again and was told to proceed to TMC.

reached TMC and wheelchaired to delivery ward. very buay tahan liao. water bag burst but i thought i peed.

my baby Sarah was out. vacuum assisted.

my labour was quite a rush. there wasnt even time for me to be given the pill that supposed to clear bowel. made a mistake by waiting too long.

we delivered same day but it seems you get around much faster than me. i'm past a week already but stll feel pain leh.
btw, the pain buay tahan but still managed to tahan w/o epidural.

Vs, TMC provided most stuff ya. i gave birth 3 weeks early so havent bought all my stuff. ended up got my sis in law to help me buy avent breast pump cos after delivery, the TMC nurse asked me to pump. no milk but think need to stimulate.
Hi Professor,
Wow... didn't know boys born on 15th CNY is very good. I think I read somewhere PM Lee also born on this day.

Also, based on what Banwicca and Professor are saying, I guess it means doggie babies will start from LiChun? Does anyone know if ChunFen is an auspicious day for baby boys to be born on?
long time no hear from you. Have you delivered? When's ur edd? How's everythign been for you????

Everest/ Marcia
what's this pupp thing? whole body itchy????
Hi gals,

Back from my gynae chkup..2moro gng to induce due to low aminotic fluid. Most likely will deliver at nite, c how fast i dilate...

Very excited now...hehe :p
Will update u gals again.

Maybe u oso kenna induce 2moro...hehehe
Anyway, we hv to deliver after all, jus earlier or later lor..
Dont worry, urs will come soon. Take care
haha yeah maybe tomorrow i go gynae he said you shall deliver today or i cannot even make it to his clinic and i am ready for delivery. ANything is possible right? Hee Hee i am just so excited for you that u can finally see ur girl liaoz...hee hee
Hi Marcia,
during my check up my gynae say that latest is to induce baby on next wed or thur. SO i ask can be Mon anot then he say if i wan baby to born on mon then ask me to induce on sun nite. Sun is my due date liao so he let me choose the induce date.

Yesterday i have alot of discharge. I forget to ask gynae is it normal anot.

Hi Etelle,
look like u wan your boy to be out early hor. For me i all along wat my boy to come out on his due cos i will finish my part time course by then.

Tmr i going for my last presentation for my part time course so after that i can relax and go give birth liao. Today i am still rushing for my tmr presentation. Haa..Haa

Ya i hope baby come out on 6th Feb on the ti gong ri. Cos buddist believe that child born on taht day will be well like after loh..
Hi jas,
wish u have a smooth delivery tmr.

Tmr will be my last day of work liao. Need to clear my things. My hubby say why work until like that. He say where got ppl work and study until going to give birth one. no rest for me at all. I say have lar sat i rest then sun go give birth loh..haa..ha..

Anyone work till near edd?
Hi Etelle,

I also seeing doc tomorrow.... Cannot tahan liao..very tried... Hope doc say i can induce tomorrow...

Hi Girls,
If you girls got PUPPP try to cool urself drinks a lot of water n all chilli and heaty stuffs got to stop. Take LI it really help... I have PUPPP 27 weeks... It's really very very itchy I cannot sleep, very hot, sweat and really cannot tahan. See a lot of doc also cannot... in the end, go c chinese doc she just advise me on foods intake and apply baby oil. And i recover 1 week later...

Inform me if you all got gathering... I dun mind to join too

Can add me into your MSN [email protected]
I always online .... bcos really quite boring at home just waiting for baby to arrive....
